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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. Laehval tTemarr -> RES Talon Mission Briefing 51208.16 - The Talon has discovered t’Vatrix’s RAC, but the Enarrain was not aboard. Instead, they found two explosive devices on the shuttle, which they must disable before beaming off or die a horrible, fiery death. Talon waits patiently for them to succeed, though has moved off to a safe distance... just in case. Elsewhere on the ship, the rescued Maenak t’Ksa is recovering from her emotional trauma and has become withdrawn -- even from her mate-to-be. Laehval tTemarr -> Any questions? KhreRiovtRex -> My apologies all, feeling rather ill and going to try to get through this. Sorry I'm running a bit late. KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM Demi t'Shia -> @ ::on RAC with the t'liss-less others:: Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira, digesting the away team's last comm with a bit of concern:: Lerak trPexil -> @ I need to get back to the panel to see the mess they left. taehjae -> :: in main Dheno awaiting word on her dishern and her mission:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::looking over the ISD report of the away team mission as he enters the lift:: Oira, fhaen. Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Pexil makes his way to the panel to get a better look inside :: Hmm. :: looks all over :: Hmmm.. Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Thinks of where the innards of the panel may lead :: I'm guessing we won't have time to feel anything if this goes off. M_K_tKsa -> ::curled up in the window-well in her room, staring out at the stars zipping by...normally would make her sick, but when io is na focused on the stars themselves, it's na so bad:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Seated in the command chair on the bridge, wearing a perpetual frown.:: Of course the RAC would be trapped. A very good thing we did not tractor it aboard first. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::near Lerak:: Shall I pray to my creator now? Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods in agreement:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::steps out onto the Oira, tucking the ISD under his arm and looking about to get orientated, still na completely used to space travel, but is getting better at it:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: to t'Shia :: Whatever element au prefer. Lerak trPexil -> @ The other 'device' is a backup to this one. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::opens her eyes:: Which device? They are both bombs>? Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie.. odd that a normal Rihan device would be built to exacting specifications rather than rely on a backup unit. Kheinsa Maec -> A RAC booby trapped you say? ::raises a brow at Laehval's comment:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to the Kheinsa as he arrives on the Oira.:: Ie, unfortunately. Our away team is attempting to disable a trap left on the Enarrain's RAC. Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Looks at the other device now :: The layout is identical... :: glances to N'Dak :: Demi t'Shia -> @ Do you think they are timed with each other? If you disarm one, the other goes? Perhaps I should work on the other in the exact time? Demi t'Shia -> @ ::looks at N'Dak"" Lerak trPexil -> @ Au would have made a good engineer.. Ie, we'd have to time our actions. Kheinsa Maec -> Oh? Would it na be more prudent to just return them aboard the ship and leave the trap alone? Demi t'Shia -> @ Cross training, minimally, but required at War College. ::goes to the other device:: I will remove the cover of this io, just like au have of that io. Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Feels close to the devices many-button panel :: This feels warm.. probably emitting some sort of radiation... great.. KhreRiovtRex -> Bombs> ::looking rather ominous:: Demi t'Shia -> @ This bomb looks ominous. Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie, someone wanted to leave no trace. Koga S'Bien -> @::rubs chin, still monitoring comms and the surrounding space for any other surprises:: Laehval tTemarr -> In this case, na. We're afraid that transport might trigger the device. ::Slaps the @ out of Koga.:: Lerak trPexil -> @ I don't get it. Were they targeting anyone in particular? Demi t'Shia -> @ ::removed the plate to the same point that lerak has:: I am ready. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::turns to tTemarr:: Should we raise shields to prevent any damage to the Talon if....... Koga S'Bien -> (D'oh! lol) Demi t'Shia -> @ Such is not for me to answer, until this investigation is complete. M_K_tKsa -> ::A feeling of utter detachment from life aboard the ship and those around her prevails in her psyche, unsure if she had truly re-entered life aboard Talon or if this was another io of t'Prin's cruel tricks, the poor downtrodden maenak attempts to sort out her feelings while attempting to root out conspiracy theories that might land her in t'Prin's clutches yet again:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Looks her in the eye :: Well, I need to figure out what to try. My limited intelligence training went over some of these types of devices. taehjae -> :: checking dheno patrol reports:: Lerak trPexil -> @ Do au see any indication of a timer? I do na. Kheinsa Maec -> ::frowns:: How long have they been over there? M_K_tKsa -> ((Not the woe and despair comment I wanted to do, but it'll work )) Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien has moved us to a safe distance. I would rather have the ability to beam them out quickly than worry with the shields. Judging from the size of that RAC and its propulsion, coupled with the explosives they likely used, would probably only create an explosion large enough to destroy the ship and na much else. ::Doing calculations in her head. You could take the Rihan out of engineering, but you could never take the engineering out of the Rihan. She tilted her head at Maec.:: Na long and too long. Demi t'Shia -> @ Ie, it's under the grey tubing. The timer display is not completely soldered to the frame; it may be possible to gently pull the timer out to work with it. Lerak trPexil -> @ Na.. that will hasten its remaining time. If au can get to the input panel we need to open up the disarm access. :: looks closely :: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::grumbles:: I disagree. ::does not like this guy playing with her life:: This is more of a security matter than it is an engineering matter. ::forcefully:: Gently pull it out from under the grey tube. Demi t'Shia -> @ Ie, it WILL hasten,, and we will have to work quicker Lerak trPexil -> @ Au wish me to pull the timer display out? I have forgotten my rank for a moment. Demi t'Shia -> @ Ready to pull? ::has her hand on the timer, ready to slide it out as far as it will go:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> As au say Llhei... ::goes back to monitoring the situation:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::sighs:: My family will hate your house forever. What is YOUR order. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::very sarcastically:: Rekkhai. Laehval tTemarr -> How fares t'Ksa? ::Giving Maec her attention to keep from gritting her teeth about the away team.:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ((Ok, not quite THAT sarcastically)) Koga S'Bien -> ::eager to hear about t Kheinsa Maec -> She is physically recovering well enough. ::he paused then shook his head:: Na quite herself yet though. Koga S'Bien -> Ksa as well: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> :: in the meanwhile, has prepared a message to tight beam relay back to tr'Vatrix pending the outcome of the retrieval of this ship:: Koga S'Bien -> That's a shame. But I'm sure she'll recover. Demi t'Shia -> @+t'Aehjae+ Daise, there is some question as to whether or not to pull the timer out from under the grey tubing, a typical Tal Shiar insentury device, in my opinion. But the Daise Engineer feels different. taehjae -> +tShia+ Explain the device. Laehval tTemarr -> I still wish to speak with her. As soon as this business is over... ::Waves a hand at the screen showing the RAC.:: ... I mean to pay her a visit. Demi t'Shia -> @+t'Aeh+ ::gives her a strong description of the device:: That is what I see, Rekkhai. Laehval tTemarr -> Whether she likes it or na. ::Thinking back to her own recovery.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (WB Pex!) taehjae -> +tShia+ IE It sounds as if pulling it out slightly will show a connection underneath that can be cut to deactivate the device. Au said a Grey tube corrrect? Kheinsa Maec -> I have allowed her to return to her quarters with the instructions that I will check on her welfare later. ::quietly:: Do na expect a warm welcome, lhhei. I am na sure she has it in her at the moment. Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ Ie, it is grey tube covering the timer, and hardly looks like it has been connected to the plating. ::glances over at N'Dak, then to Lerak:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Eyed t'Shia for a moment, wishing he had the skill to put her on her... :: There is more to disarming this than removing the timer. taehjae -> +tShia+ IE Pull it out slowly and see if there is a red and green connecting wires under it. KhreRiovtRex -> ( Praise the Elements for spell check.....last week's log, I believe that there were 5 different versions of the word Incendiary ..... lol) Demi t'Shia -> (Wheee, thanks for the correct spelling!) Demi t'Shia -> @ ::to Lerak:: ie, there is... but this will give us more time, so it does not run out of time. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Clears her throat, glancing back to Maec.:: I would na expect anything less. I know all too well how difficult it can be to rejoin society when au want the exact opposite. taehjae -> +PExil+ PExil have au seen the green and red wires under the timer? Demi t'Shia -> @+t'A+ When the timer is disconnected from the Incendiary device, there should be a speed up in time lapse, then if we clip the wires...in the correct order, should stop the timer. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::glances at Pexil, hoping he or t'A knows the correct order:: taehjae -> +tShia+ IE Laehval tTemarr -> (( FYI - One way or another, that device is getting disarmed by the end of this sim. )) taehjae -> ((::prays the dice are on her side when she says the order::)) KhreRiovtRex -> ( I have one way already in an ACTION statement!) taehjae -> (( ::cringes::)) Demi t'Shia -> (::cringes::) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) KhreRiovtRex -> (charades!! 1 word...sound like....room) taehjae -> +Pexil, tShia+ Both of au should pull the device out together and then clip the green and then the Red wire. taehjae -> (Pass) Demi t'Shia -> (lerak, we were promised an ACTION by the end of the sim, and the device will be disarmed by then) Kheinsa Maec -> I'm na entirely sure that she wants to be separate, but that she still unsure of her surroundings. It's as if -- ::frowns, stopping, na sure the Oira is the best place to have this conversation::...well, I want to speak to the prisioner to get more background first. Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ Ack, Rekkhai. ::to Lerak:: Au do the count? Laehval tTemarr -> (( Sim or die, man. Sim or die. )) KhreRiovtRex -> (trust us, you don't want to know what she does to scorpions.....) Demi t'Shia -> @ ::watches N'DAK do the countdown:: Demi t'Shia -> NDAK) 3, 2, 1 (in Rihan of course) Cut now! Demi t'Shia -> @ ::reaches in and pulls it out, and just as N'Dak makes the countdown, has her snipers ready, reaches in and almost cuts the rest first,, but is able to read the green, and as N'Dak counts again, does the Green to make sure she's doing it on his Cut now orders:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::CLOSES EYES :: :::hoping Lerak was able to do it on time as well:: Demi t'Shia -> ((::grrss at Lerak's connection::)) KhreRiovtRex -> (omg, you doing a vasectomy over there?_ Demi t'Shia -> ((Hope you were clipping while your back was turned)) Demi t'Shia -> ((Anyone else in here? Or just me and t'Rex?)) taehjae -> ((I here)) Laehval tTemarr -> (( We're waiting to see if you explode. )) Demi t'Shia -> ((me too ::pouts::) Kheinsa Maec -> ((cue the dramatic music swell)) Lerak trPexil -> (what are we doing again. I'm missing most of the text) KhreRiovtRex -> (we'll see....answer this math question...... Demi t'Shia -> ((Just clip em, Lerak, green then red,.... before they kill us)) Demi t'Shia -> ((And say it was timed with me LOL)) Koga S'Bien -> (at least the ship is far enough away to escape harm from the explosion and to have a great view of the explosion :D ) KhreRiovtRex -> (You have 4 apples, you eat one, and give one to your friend..... What is the mass of the Sun? ) Kheinsa Maec -> ((Are we talking about 9 am Mass or 11 am mass?)) Demi t'Shia -> (3.1314265523?)) Demi t'Shia -> (Some bad tasting pie?) Laehval tTemarr -> (( Are they African swallows or European swallows? )) taehjae -> ((LOL Meac)) KhreRiovtRex -> lol Koga S'Bien -> (1.9891x 10^30 kg) Demi t'Shia -> ((Which door do we go into, Fred?)) Kheinsa Maec -> ((Trust the Canadian to have the kilograms in there)) KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: Koga does not explode on the oira Koga S'Bien -> (Yay!) KhreRiovtRex -> lol KhreRiovtRex -> ( Incoming real Action from tTemarr) taehjae -> ::hoping they did it correctly:: taehjae -> +tShia, PExil+ What is going on... Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> With Lerak, Demi, and Issaha cutting wires all at the same time... Demi t'Shia -> @::hands slightly sweating now, two clipped wires in hger hands, looking at the timer, wondering if they should remove the rest of the parts now... Laehval tTemarr -> (( Lerak / Demi - give us a number from 1 -10 )) Demi t'Shia -> @ 3 Lerak trPexil -> 8 Demi t'Shia -> @ ((P;p; it's gonna blow ::whines::)) Kheinsa Maec -> I'm na entirely sure that she wants to be separate, but that she still unsure of her surroundings. It's as if -- ::frowns, stopping, na sure the Oira is the best place to have this conversation::...well, I want to speak to the prisoner to get more background first. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> I can arrange that for au KhreRiovtRex -> (Can we pick a 1 for NDak?) Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> The wires are snipped and the timer starts counting down, though stops just before reaching 0:00. Take a breath, Talon doesn't have to pick up little pieces of you through this sector. taehjae -> +tShia+ demi report Demi t'Shia -> @ ::sweat dripping from her brow:: Ok... +t'A+ We are... ::pants:: still here, rekkhai. KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: As NDak cuts his wire, he not only gets the wire, but his finger, knicking it pretty good and drawing a bead of green blood from it's tip Kheinsa Maec -> ((Oh elements!)) taehjae -> ::sighs a sigh of relief:: Koga S'Bien -> (Poor Ndak) Laehval tTemarr -> She does na trust us. That much is true. Or perhaps she has been through so much that she can na believe she has been rescued. Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'a+ I think daise N'Dak had some very sharp nippers, but the Incendiary device did not blow up. taehjae -> +tShia, Pexil, Ndak+ Thank the elements, Kheinsa Maec -> Do au blame her? KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Sorry to interrupt, but as they've defused the device, can we bring the ship aboard to examine it more? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: stands there with a headache :: taehjae -> +tShia+ I wish a full report when I return.. good job. KhreRiovtRex -> 2 MINUTE WARNING Demi t'Shia -> @+t'A+ Of course, Rekkhai. ::cuts com:: I suppose that I nearly tinkled down my pants she does not wish to have reported. taehjae -> ((LOL)) Demi t'Shia -> @ ::pretty much talking to herself, but just unhappy:: let's detach these things, and have them inspected aboard Talon. There may be more clues inside them. If that is ok with you Daise tr'Pexil? Lerak trPexil -> @ I only have a headache from all of this. KhreRiovtRex -> (Wait....did you just say that to the guys?) Kheinsa Maec -> ((TMI)) Demi t'Shia -> ((@ Just outloud, they may have heard it. My Daise did NOT hear it, I cut the comm)) KhreRiovtRex -> (What Rihan would say 'tinkled.....oh wait....our crew has.....) Lerak trPexil -> @ I'm not sure how much of this we can detach. I Demi t'Shia -> (nearly tinkled) Koga S'Bien -> (ahh) Lerak trPexil -> @ I would na bring this RAC onboard Demi t'Shia -> @ The explosive is removable, the timer... wires, this tube. The plate backing isn't necessary, unless aus has markings? KhreRiovtRex -> (you guys going to tell the oria that you've disarmed this, or was that a private conversation with tAejhae only?) Kheinsa Maec -> ::the suspense of knowing whether or na the crew will blow themselves up is getting to him.....is this normal?:: Demi t'Shia -> (Oh, t'A, do you wanna tell them or are we going to wear out our one t'Liss? LOL Demi t'Shia -> ) Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Goes up to the cockpit and hails the Talon :: taehjae -> +Oira+ tAehjae to Oira The device has been deactivated Koga S'Bien -> +t'Aehjae+ Acknowledged... good work. Koga S'Bien -> They've disarmed the bombs on the RAC KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Hann'yyo trSBien taehjae -> +Oira+ It was na I it was the team aboard the RAC. They should be contacting au any moment KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Laehval:: Once I see the Khiensa to the th'ann, I'd like to go examine the device for any clues? Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Understood.. Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ tr'Pexil to Talon Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ GO ahead, we read au. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::finishes removing the applicable parts on hers, and then goes to Lerak's device and begins working on that one:: Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ Both explosive devices have been disarmed and the shuttle is under our control. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor.:: Ie. S'Bien beam the team back to the Talon and tractor the RAC into the bay. Koga S'Bien -> +trPexil+ ::nods at Leahval:: Understood... stand by. We are going to beam au back to the Talon and tractor the RAC into the bay. Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ That being said. I do na fully trust this craft for being returned in the bay. Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ That is your call however. Koga S'Bien -> ::holds off on tractoring the RAC:: +Pexil+ How so? KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +trPexil+ Did au disarm it or na? Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ I do na know what else may have been done to this RAC. I can have it follow the Talon at a safe distance. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::both devices in her hands now, goes up near the cockpit, and shows to Lerak and N'Dak:: Ready to go home>? Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie :: to t'Shia :: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> + trPexil+ did your team do a complete scan or only stop at the obvious devices? Kheinsa Maec -> By the way, did the away team mention any children on board the Tal Shiar ship? I do na find mention of them in their log. Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ As complete as our scans will allow. Laehval tTemarr -> Children? ::She glanced to Maec.:: Na, I read nothing of children. Why would a Tal Shiar vessel have children aboard? Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ My t'Liss is active, we are nearly ready to return. We have disconnected the Incendiary devices, and are prepared to return them to the ship for investigation. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +trPexil+ There if au have scanned the ship and disarmed the devices, are au saying that au did na do a good enough job of scanning to bring the ship back? Kheinsa Maec -> Morgana...err..t'Ksa inquired about them. I'm na sure. ::frowning:: taehjae -> +tShia+ Very well follow the orders of the Oira KhreRiovtRex -> (if it's disarmed, you can fly the ship back to the Talon) Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ Beam the others and the devices over. I will pilot the RAC in myself. Pexil out. KhreRiovtRex -> (ie...it's 12:18.....get the ship back onboard! lol) Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Starts the short trip into the bay :: M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs, goes and crawls into the bed in her quarters, if indeed these are her quarters:: KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Demi t'Shia -> @::PAUSED:: taehjae -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> Ugh.....thanks all for taking care of things...and Laeh for running that, I have the attention span of a carrot at the moment Laehval tTemarr -> Bunny> ::Looking hungry. Nibble. Nibble.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Night all, I need to go lay down Koga S'Bien -> Good night everyone Laehval tTemarr -> Good sim, all. When we pick up next week, the RAC will be on board the Talon and the Away Team back to their normal departments. M_K_tKsa -> Muhahaha
  2. RES Talon Mission Briefing 051208.09 The Talon is closing in on the readings that have registered as the Khre'Riov's ship. AT this point, the crew does not know if they will find her there alive or yy'a. The trajectories of the other ships should be watched as well in case they should loop around behind them for some sort of sneak attack. Hopefully, the th'ann t'Mahren can shed some light upon what the other ship's mission was, or at least who some of the captors were. A few hours have passed BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tr'Shalor> ::turns to Issasha:: Any update on those readings you had us following? Kheinsa Maec -> ::semi-conscious in a chair next to t'Ksa's biobed, trying to take a cat nap while he could:: Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting on course, hoping to find the Khre'Riov's ship:: NDak -> ::Looking over the data and continuing to be uneasy:: tr'Shalor> ::narrows eyes at receiving na authen:: Au are mute now? M_K_tKsa -> ::has awaken with a start, trying to remember where she is:: Demi t'Shia -> ::in Dheno, doing rounds, paperwork, and generally making sure that nothing is out of place in case her daise comes up for an inspection or anyone else that outranks her, which is just about everyio, comes in with questions or orders:: tr'Shalor> ::turns to tr'SBien instead:: Perhaps au can give me an answer? Laehval tTemarr -> ::On the bridge, she sat drumming her fingers on the armrest of the command chair, anxious now that they were closing in on t'Rexan's ship.:: Koga S'Bien -> We're still on course to the last readings of the Khre'Riov's ship. No updates so far... Lerak trPexil -> :: Remaining on the oria, watching power flows and maintaining sensor integrity :: tr'Shalor> ::nods at Koga:: Hann'yyo, what do au estimate our time to intercept to be? tr'Shalor> ::turns to look at tr'Shalor> "the Engineer", as tr’Vatrix called her.....hard to believe this io so recently slated for yy'a, now commanded such a powerful ship Kheinsa Maec -> ::sitting up, hearing the startled gasp, wiping his eyes for a moment before remembering himself where *he* is:: NDak -> We should be able to get more accurate internal scans of the vessel soon. t'Mahren> ::in the holding cell, singing an old Lloann'na song she picked up a lifetime ago:: Koga S'Bien -> At our current speed, I would estimate our intercept to be about 3 hours. M_K_tKsa -> ::sitting up after a moment, hugging her arms to her chest:: t'Mahren> ::even as she lays back on the bunk, the back of her hand to her forehead, staring up at the ceiling:: KhreRiovtRex -> (translated to.....30 minutes) Koga S'Bien -> (Yes, make that 30 minutes ) Kheinsa Maec -> Are au menkha? ::takes a moment to move his stiff muscles and get out of his chair, when he does, he sits on the biobed next to her:: Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, increase our speed. I want that ship aboard this one immediately. ::She clutched the console.:: Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai... ::Increases their speed:: Revised ETA at our new speed is 30 minutes. Demi t'Shia -> Is something wrong? NDak -> ::He frowned. He did not have much faith in finding the Khre'Riov alive aboard the ship.:: M_K_tKsa -> :;quietly:: I'm menkha. A bit hungry. Koga S'Bien -> ::isn't sure what they'll find over there as well:: Laehval tTemarr -> Make it ten. ::Tightly. With too much energy to remain seated, she rose and turned to Issaha.:: I want readings on that vessel as soon as we are within range. tr'Pexil, how are we on boosting the sensor array? NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. Koga S'Bien -> Ten it is, rekkhai. ::increases acceleration:: Hold together now... Kheinsa Maec -> I'll send some io to bring us some food. ::he was watching her carefully:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Hears the order to increase speed...and the sensors array :: Increasing resolution as we go. Up by 20%.. should be up to 40 by the time we arrive. tr'Shalor> Llhei, shall I have dheno prepare to htiej over to the ship if she does na authen? NDak -> ::Hoping they're not lighting themselves up like a Lloann'na Christmas Tree with all of the power usage while cloaked.:: M_K_tKsa -> Na. ::pauses for a moment:: Na, can we leave for a bit. I....I want...I need to just walk a bit. Lerak trPexil -> :: tr'Pexil pooled resources and sensors from multiple sources: backups, astrogation.. short of getting shuttles out there :: NDak -> ::He wasn't entirely certain he was ready to join the most likely yy'a Khre'Riov in Vorta Vor:: t'Mahren> ::continues to sing, her inflection a little odd, as she doesn't quite remember the words:: Demi t'Shia -> :;figures if this prisoner will chat, she'll give it a try, since her daise has not ordered not to chat:: Is there anything au require, t'Mahren? KhreRiovtRex -> (Oh Elements....hoping that ain't true!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to tr'Shalor.:: Ie. If she is na aboard, we need to make certain that na io has tampered with the ship before bringing it back on board. Kheinsa Maec -> :::is na entirely sure if that is the wisest idea, rather torn between treating t'Ksa as a patient and treating her as his fiancée:: t'Mahren> ::stops singing, turning her head to look at t'Shia, who is standing outside the forcefield:: Only that tr'Shalor verify my information with Galae so that I may find more comfortable surroundings. NDak -> ::Looks at his read outs:: We should be entering range within a few moments. Lerak trPexil -> N'Dak. Sensors should be getting nearly as much passively as they are able. Let me know where and what au need more of. Demi t'Shia -> I can make that inquiry for au. what is that au sing? ::not really interested, but plays the part of befriending, in order to try and gather more information for the investigation:: NDak -> ::nods to Pexil:: t'Mahren> An old Lloann'na song. tr'Shalor> +com+ t'Shia, report to the htiej room, I will also be sending NDak and trPexil over with au to investigate the Khre'Riov's ship once we arrive Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Talon comes within range of t'Rexan's ship. Sensors do not pick up any lifesigns. The ship is under power and hasn't been damaged. M_K_tKsa -> Fhaen? ::she sighed:: Where am I likely to go on this ship anyway? It's na like I can run away. NDak -> ::Frowns at both:: Koga S'Bien -> We're in range. ::drops the Talon out of warp:: Lerak trPexil -> I wonder if life signs are being masked. :: to N'Dak :: NDak -> ::He didn't particularly like the idea of going into a dangerous situation with either of the notoriously troublesome officers, but what was he going to say.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::frowns as we;;"" t'Mahren> ::goes back to singing, voice warbling a bit at the extremely low notes:: Koga S'Bien -> well:: t'Mahren> Hmm... Perhaps I should have warmed up first... NDak -> ::Frowns deeper:: I am detect na life signs aboard. Demi t'Shia -> I have not spent hardly any time studying the lloann'na. it sounds so upbeat... not like our stern and solid music. NDak -> Nor any signs that the ship has been damaged. Power levels appear to be normal. tr'Shalor> ::has na problem sending any of these officers into a potentially dangerous situation:: Demi t'Shia -> Do au require food or drink? Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, put it on the main viewer. I want to have a look. Also, scan for any other vessels in this area. t'Mahren> I had a... friend...once. Taught me a great deal about the Lloann'na. ::nods in her direction:: You might should answer that, dear. Demi t'Shia -> ::considers how she's going to approach "the" subject about t'Ksa while still making nice:: NDak -> ::Pexil:: If they planned to use it as a trap, I would think that they would use more... subtle approaches. Lerak trPexil -> Odd. We should be able to get a high resolution scan since the ship since it's not moving a great deal relative to us. Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye.. ::puts the ship on the main viewer and begins scanning for other vessels:: NDak -> A landing party would na do too much in terms of overwhelming the Talon. NDak -> ::Pexil:: Except for that whole cloaking device thing keeping us from using our primary sensor array, ie. Kheinsa Maec -> ::he paused before answering with a nod:: All right, ::he stood and helped t'ksa also to stand: Let's go down to the mess hall then. tr'Shalor > ::tries the com button again:: +t'Shia+ are au unable to respond? Au are required hrrau the hteij room at this siuren Koga S'Bien -> ::scanning for energy signatures and such in case they are cloaked as well:: NDak -> At any rate, I suppose we will find out soon enough, ie? KhreRiovtRex -> (ie, you're needed in the transporter room now) Lerak trPexil -> It has peaked our interest... and decloaking would tip our hand. NDak -> ::Stands motioning for one of his disherens to take over at the science console:: Demi t'Shia -> ::smirks at the Tal shiar officer, and steps away, wasn't about to have any conversations within earshot:: +tr'Shalor+ t'Shia here. Sorry, was attempting to get information from a prisoner. How can I assist, Rekkhai? (((::digs through dictionary to translate the rest of that sentence, something about being somewhere this minute?:::))) Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Let's go. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns to Lerak.:: tr'Pexil, au know the RAC systems better than anyone on board. Make certain au examine everything for anything suspicious. Demi t'Shia -> ::hands off the Dheno area to one of the underlings, and heads quickly to the transporter room:: +tr'Shalor:: Am in route there, immediately, Rekkhai. ::almost sprinting:: M_K_tKsa -> ::stiffens at being touched, trying to hide it but failing miserably as she shuffles out of the room with tr'Aieme:: NDak -> ::He headed for the lift and held the door for Pexil:: trShalor> +t'Shia+ Acknowledged. Lerak trPexil -> Ie. :: Stands up and heads out of the oria, into the lift... :: Hteij tr'Shalor> Do au wish to investigate it first, or should we at least put a tractor beam upon it? Demi t'Shia -> ::exits the TL and finishes her sprint to get to the door of the transporter, and enters to meet up with whomever is there:: Koga S'Bien -> ::finds this all rather curious, keeping his eyes on the sensors:: Lerak trPexil -> :: After some moment of silence and checking of scanning devices, the door opens right in front of the hteij door : Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters... :: Kheinsa Maec -> :;after a brief walk, an order of food and settling at a table, he finally asks:: We need to talk about what happened, Morgana. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Dalis> ::enters medical, checking the charts and is surprised to see one marked for the Daise Maenak after all this time, most of the crew having assumed she was yy'a:: Llhei?:: looks around but does na see her. t'Mahren> ::still singing, counting the flaws in the brig ceiling:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Checks his sidearm :: Are we ready? NDak -> ::Through the magic of TV, he was quickly in the h'tejj room with a science multicorder stapped to one hip, and an ie'yakk to the other, with a science kit slung around his shoulder:: Demi t'Shia -> :;does similar check:: Ie, we are. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Dalis> ::looking at the chart, but looking around the room not seeing the woman:: Can she really be alive? Laehval tTemarr -> Na, na tractor. I do na want to put that stress on either ship. S'Bien, keep pace with the RAC and continue to scan, though keep us at a safe distance should it explode. Maintain a constant lock on our away team. tr'Shalor> ::heads back down to the br'tehh to speak with t'Mahren a bit more:: Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to N'Dak, and tr'Pexil, making sure all of her gear is in her belt securely:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Acknowledged... Lerak trPexil -> :: Where his ie'yakk would be was a type of engineering device, vaguely knife-like :: M_K_tKsa -> ::shakes her head a little, her hand shaking while she picks up her eating utensiles:: Na yet, fhaen. Koga S'Bien -> ::checks their distance from the ship, satisfied they're a safe distance away, toggles a button on his console, bringing up another screen with the AT's bio signs:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Steps on the hteij pad :: Demi t'Shia -> ::follows them to the pad:: Lerak trPexil -> We shall be beamed to a location on the RAC where we are least likely to be cornered, the passenger cabin. Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods to both N'Dak and t'Shia :: NDak -> ::Steps onto the pad:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::watching her hide her face a bit by looking down at her food, watching also the tremors in her body:: Laehval tTemarr -> Hteij Operator> ::Waits the three away team members are set and then transports them to the RAC.:: Demi t'Shia -> ::shimmers then @unshimmers:: Koga S'Bien -> ::monitors the AT:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::quickly scans the area, weapon in hand, for anything dangerous, or people around, quickly taking cover as to not be seen:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Gets his disruptor out. Can hear its quick power up :: t'Mahren> ::tilts her head to one side, noting that one of the flaws looks like the pictures she's seen of a horse:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::trying another tact:: When did your hands start shaking? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Gets to one side of the cabin space :: tr'Shalor> :: enters the br'tehh:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Settles in her chair again, one foot bouncing.:: Any signs of other ships in the area, S'Bien? NDak -> @ ::Opens his multicorder and begins scanning:: Koga S'Bien -> No signs thus far, rekkhai. We're safe. NDak -> @ ::He felt it highly unlikely they'd run into a person as a trap. More likely, though, the ship would be some sort of walking death trap with a timer set to go off.:: NDak -> @ No life signs on scanners. Demi t'Shia -> @Na visual. Do au wish me to take point, or cover the rear, Rekkhai? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Listening for others in the RAC, heads to a panel toward the rear of the craft :: M_K_tKsa -> I don't know. ::quietly:: I think...I think when we made the choice to leave. @ ACTION: No sign of t'Rexan other than a t'Liss that had been crushed under the heel of a boot t'Mahren> ::begins the second verse, voice a little stronger, as she's now warmed up:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: nods to NDak :: Seems.. :: looks down :: NDak -> @ ::Frowns:: Lerak trPexil -> @ A t'Liss. NDak -> @ ::bends to scan it more closely:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::steps over to where Lerak is looking and inspects it as NDak picks it up:: NDak -> @ Non functional. Looks like it has been crushed. NDak -> @ We should be able to cross-reference it to check to see if it's hers. Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie, look for the nano signature. NDak -> @ ::Also scanning the area around the t'Liss for signs that perhaps she'd been vaporized:: Lerak trPexil -> @ I will inspect the aft engineering section before we head to the cockpit Kheinsa Maec -> Why did you decide then to leave? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Scans the aft door, then opens it. :: Koga S'Bien -> ::moves his eyes between the different screens on his console:: Lerak trPexil -> @ I shall return. :: steps through :: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::as Lerak opens the door, quickly takes aim, then relaxes after not seeing any movement:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Inhales sharply and rises again, moving to the engineering console on the ship to verify the sensor readings that were coming from the AT's uplinked scans.:: @ ACTION: Pexil may or may not notice that a panel is slightly out of place. .... Pexil...odd or even. Demi t'Shia -> @::mutters something:: Feels like déjà vu, Lerak off on his own again. Lerak trPexil -> (odd) NDak -> @ ::Looks over to t'Shia:: Perhaps au should go with him then, ie? @ ACTION> By either a stroke of luck, or that he really knows how that panel should fit, being an engineer of course, Pexil notices that part of the call unit is not quite fitted the way it should be Demi t'Shia -> @ Au would be my first priority, Rekkhai, due to aus rank. M_K_tKsa -> ::shrugs a little:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Holds up a closed fist :: Hold a second. Something is not right. Remain there. :: stoops down to see the panel at his eye level :: NDak -> @ ::Issaha continued to scan the area around where they'd found the t'Liss, before looking over with lifted brow and letting the remark pass. Meanwhile, he waited for the Talon's etrehh link to respond to his query on the t'Liss:: tr'Shalor> :: So, are you just going to sit there mindlessly humming Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Raises his scanner to the malfitting call unit :: Lerak trPexil -> @ Hmm. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::moves closer to the door to listen to Lerak:: t'Mahren> ::turning, looking at tr'Shalor:: Well, it would seem I have very few options for amusement. Unless, of course, you were to verify my story. Lerak trPexil -> @ This shows evidence of tampering, or someone does not know what they are doing. :: Looks even closer :: M_K_tKsa -> ::trying to calm herself enough to eat without looking so spastic:: Kheinsa Maec -> I don't remember the shakes before. M_K_tKsa -> I hide them well. NDak -> @ ::Not really paying attention to Pexil as he confirmed that the t'Liss belonged to the Khre'Riov:: Demi t'Shia -> @::glances at N'Dak after Lerak's comment, then back at Lerak in the doorway:: Is it a trap? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Carefully peels the panel off from its lackluster fitting :: Lerak trPexil -> @ I do na know... @ ACTION> Pexil finds his face about 2 inches from a large explosive device NDak -> @ ::Opening his kit, he took out a small container and put the t'Liss into it,perhaps a further investigation would yeild results:: Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Bounceback from N'Dak's scans verify that it is, indeed, t'Rexan's comm badge, though it was recently re-registered to a t'Vatrix, whoever that might be. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::glances around for a way to put up cover for them to be behind while they inspect it:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: The panel is opened enough to see an explosive device lodged behind the main circuitry of the panel :: Demi t'Shia -> @::pulls over a metal wall plating:: can you work from behind this, for safety...er... what's that? tr'Shalor> I already told you, we've been under cloak, and unable to contact the Daise'Khre'Riov without putting his bondmate into further danger. I've already told au I've prepared a communications packet which will go out once we have a chance to send it NDak -> @ ::Blissfully unaware that tr'Pexil was inches away from no doubt killing them all:: Lerak trPexil -> @ Na!!! Remain where ay are t'Shia. NDak -> @::Until he heard that:: Lerak trPexil -> (au rather than ay) Demi t'Shia -> @ Daise! ::to N'Dak:: There is... something a device, Lerak has found! NDak -> @::Turning to look, he closed his eyes for a moment.:: @ ACTION> t'Shia, while removing the other wall plate, exposes yet another explosive device, set to go off if the first one found here defused without the proper code Lerak trPexil -> @ What I believe is an explosive device.. far more power than it would take to destroy this ship any anyone in it. Kheinsa Maec -> ::reaches over and places a hand on t'Ksa's shaking on:: Na io will harm au here. Au know this. Lerak trPexil -> @ Place the wall plate down slowly t'Shia... KhreRiovtRex -> (DUM dum DUM!!) Demi t'Shia -> @ ::very slowly moving the wall plate into the indicated placement:: Done.. Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, comm the team. Is there any sign of the Enarrain? ::She didn't want to say -body-, but it was on her mind as well.:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: motions the party to keep quiet :: NDak -> @ ::Wondering just which diety on which world he'd annoyed. Perhaps it was the Gods of that one planet who's temple shrine maidens he'd ... no no he'd attoned for that by now hadn't he?:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::motions to the other exposure:: And... ::mouths and points:: this one? ACTION: Pexil will know that once they beamed on, these activated and to leave, they will have to deactive them, or beaming will trigger then, blasting thier atoms as they lose cohesiveness Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Sees the other explosive, meant to vaporize any remaining vapors of your previous self :: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::points to her t'Liss:: ::mouths and makes motions about turning them off, for fear of them setting off the devices:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Between security, engineering and science, ya'll should be good with this! -> t'Mahren> Then I'm likely to be here, humming, singing -- whichever -- until we break communications silence. Koga S'Bien -> +N'Dak+ This is Talon to the Away Team. Did au find any signs of the Ennarrain, or any other relevant progress? M_K_tKsa -> :freezes at the contact:: I know that. I just...I just need time. Demi t'Shia -> @ ::gasps as N'Dak's badge goes off, holding her breath, and closing her eyes:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: moves over to N'Dak's t'liss. Removes it and crushes it to the gound :: NDak -> @ ::Looks at Pexil:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::removes her own t'Liss, hands it to Pexil:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: nods in the negative :: NDak -> @ What the hell did you do that for. Koga S'Bien -> @::raises a brow, blissfully unaware of the impending doom on the Khre'Riov's ship:: Na response. I'll try again.. ::tries contact them again:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Gets out his disruptor and points it at N'Dak, then makes the zip your lips sigh with two fingers over his lips :: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: reholsters his weapon :: Koga S'Bien -> (no @) NDak -> @ Um, if those things were triggered by sonic waves, we'd already be dead. tr'Shalor> That or if au are who au say au are, and wish any chance of leniency from the Daise'Khre'Riov, au might want to assist a bit hrrau finding his bondmate, since it is au fault she is out here in the first place NDak -> @ Likewise, if they were triggered by t'Liss signals, we'd also be dead. Demi t'Shia -> @ True, perhaps we keep them now. ::puts hers back on:: Kheinsa Maec -> ((Eh, they're only triggered by the GM's will)) Lerak trPexil -> @ Trigger word or phrase. KhreRiovtRex -> (or dice, I did give Pexil a fair 50/50 before_ NDak -> @ ::Blinks at him:: And just why in Elements name would they go to the trouble of that? Lerak trPexil -> (I've been trying to mail t'Rex 'good' die for months) t'Mahren> I've given au all the information I have on your prey. What au do with it is aur affair. Lerak trPexil -> @ It's what I would do. :: softly :: NDak -> @ Let's be real here, why would you come up with something as stupid as a bomb that triggers on a name, when you could just set the damned thin... ::blinks:: Koga S'Bien -> +General Comm+ Talon to Away Team... what's going on over there? KhreRiovtRex -> (Does NDak put back on his crushed one?) NDak -> @ ::As his t'Liss was broken, he looked to Pexil to respond:: KhreRiovtRex -> (We're sorry, we'd answer, but we've crushed our combadges) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Jaw set when no one answers.:: NDak -> (( or did he break his too? )) KhreRiovtRex -> (There is still the communications panel on the ship Demi t'Shia -> @ +Talon+ We are a little distracted, as there are incendiary devices (bombs, or detonation equipment) located in this area. Lerak trPexil -> @ :: curses, and rips his off and well. steps on it :: Kheinsa Maec -> I know au need time. But we need more information so that we can successfully retrieve the Khre'Riov. NDak -> @ ::Looks at Pexil and shakes his head:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::hides her t'Liss, so they have SOME communications:: tr'Shalor> Au have given me some information, na much to be sure. But names, I want more specific names Lerak trPexil -> @ :: grits his teeth, needs some whitener :: M_K_tKsa -> ::raises her head then::Why? What has she to do with this? Demi t'Shia -> @ ::tucking it inside her shirt, so neither can get to it, without the threat of losing a hand:: Koga S'Bien -> "Incendiary devices"? I don't like the sound of that. Lerak trPexil -> @ If I hear that thing go off... :: to t'Shia :: NDak -> @ ::Looks at Pexil:: Demi t'Shia -> @ ::had slipped it into vibrate mode:: No worries. KhreRiovtRex -> (waiting to see if someone hops up on the dashboard and starts kicking the communications board!) NDak -> @ What part of "if they were triggered by t'Liss... Demi t'Shia -> @ What else do you want the bridge to know, Daise N'Dak? Lerak trPexil -> @ :: turns and goes to the panel where the.. KhreRiovtRex -> (wait, t'Shia's is vibrating in her pocket?) Demi t'Shia -> ((It's in my shirt, t'Rex ::grin::)) KhreRiovtRex -> ( I never said pants!! I said pocket!) KhreRiovtRex -> (Before we go where nobody should go....... KhreRiovtRex -> Pause sim KhreRiovtRex -> Pause sim KhreRiovtRex -> Pause sim Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> pause is.. NDak -> II Kheinsa Maec -> ::paused:: Kheinsa Maec -> Oooooooooooh my M_K_tKsa -> Oh Elements! Koga S'Bien -> Oooh.. a love a good dissention in the evening. :D Demi t'Shia -> You know that nice pocket all women have... it's tucked nicely in there. ::smile:: KhreRiovtRex -> Uhm....we'll cut that from the chat M_K_tKsa -> Let's not go there Lerak trPexil -> Soon on STSF: Wanted: One Romulan scientist, engineer and security.. KhreRiovtRex -> So, for next time if you guys want to log your defusing attempt that's cool, or you can pick it up here and moving..not along or wait for nice dice rolls Lerak trPexil -> Will log with own one-sided dice KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, it's late, get out of here... KhreRiovtRex -> Laeh, you have anything for them? Laehval tTemarr -> Nope. Have a good night, all, and see you next week. KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed then!
  3. More like a man that's going to be rooming with Corizon in NZ if that attitude prevails.
  4. RES Talon Mission Briefing 051208.09 The Talon is closing in on the readings that have registered as the Khre'Riov's ship. AT this point, the crew does not know if they will find her there alive or yy'a. The trajectories of the other ships should be watched as well in case they should loop around behind them for some sort of sneak attack. Hopefully, the th'ann t'Mahren can shed some light upon what the other ship's mission was, or at least who some of the captors were.
  5. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51208.02 The Talon now searches to find the Khre’Riov, whom they’ve had na word from before the boarding action of the away team to rescue t’Ksa. More information is sought from t’Merha about na only herself, but her actions against t’Ksa. And speaking of t’Ksa, something must be done to convince her of her rescue. KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM Kheinsa Maec -> ::dealing with his crazy girlfriend:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Making his way to a lift :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Still piloting on course to the Khre'Riov's ship's last position:: Demi t'Shia -> :;in Dheno, having turned in all reports and left the decusions and further extrapolations to the Daise's of the ship:: Lerak trPexil -> Oria. :: the lift begins to move :: NDak -> ::Analyzing sensor data on the Khre'Riov's transport. With the cloak up, they could na get accurate reading as to the status of the ship beyond being able to confirm that it existed and that it was continue to broadcast on a specific frequency. He was also cross-checking it against the data he'd compiled rhae the three ships spotted leaving the Tal'Shiar vessel.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift stops, Pexil hobbles off. Well, it felt like to him as a hobble :: KhreRiovtRex -> (Uhm...you guys left off last week just about to start a debriefing with t'Temarr...did you all sneak out?) Laehval tTemarr -> (( We were waiting for t'Shia to join us, actually. )) KhreRiovtRex -> (then again, I should have reminded you all in the briefing...so there you have it...back in the room) Koga S'Bien -> ::Magic edited to the meeting with Laehval:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Not you, Koga. You were driving! )) M_K_tKsa -> ::after listening to the Kheinsa's words - she freezes for a moment, then starts to sob uncontrollably, struggling against the restraining field:: Demi t'Shia -> ((Oops, sorry, always figure we move on past things at the end... ::moves me quickly to the door, entering the room for the meeting::)) Laehval tTemarr -> (( We're gonna crash! )) Koga S'Bien -> (lol! Sorry) Koga S'Bien -> ::Still driving the ship! No worries, it's all menkha!) Koga S'Bien -> :: tr'Shalor> ::is na happy with the latest turn of events:: Koga S'Bien -> ship* Kheinsa Maec -> ::glancing at tr'Paine a moment, hesitating:: Lerak trPexil -> :: In the debriefing :: NDak -> ::He frowned and exhaled. The calculations he was running would take some time to complete themselves and they were still over a day away from the Khre'Riov's vessel.:: Koga, I am going to get something warm to drink. Would au like anything? Demi t'Shia -> ::in the debriefing room now, seated quietly:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Staring at the wall, staring at t'Shia... he was a bit spaced out. Not enough sleep in his diet :: M_K_tKsa -> tr'Paine> Perhaps we should na have awaken her so soon. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns her attention to Demi.:: I'd like to hear your recount of the mission, specifically what went wrong. ::Steeples her fingers on the desk.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks up at t'Shia, waiting for her response. Kheinsa Maec -> ::decides to deactivate the restraining field:: Na, it's for the best. NDak -> ::He shrugged assuming Koga must be deep into driving the ship and tapped a command locking out his console so no one messed with what he'd be working on, before heading off the oira via a lift.:: Officer's Mess. Demi t'Shia -> ::keeping her hands from shaking, while holding the ISD that contains propulsion readings:: Id, Rekkhai. :;clears throat and starts to read her report, nearly word for word, but with passion and conviction of what happened, and the information she wrote and found out about the propulsion readings:: M_K_tKsa -> ::feeling the restraining field dissipate, curls up in a ball on the biobed, hiding her face with her hands:: Demi t'Shia -> ::continues:: In closing, I find that become enlightened when 2 other ships launched, and had readings on those signatures off of the ship that Koga got t'Ksa off o9f. tr'Paine> Rekkhai, are au sure that is wise? Kheinsa Maec -> It's menkha. :;casts a glance over his shoulder:: Au can go now. Demi t'Shia -> ::flips through her digital pages one more to make sure that she didn't miss any details:: We may be able to match one of the other 2 that launched. This could be important to our findings. Demi t'Shia -> ::puts ISD down, and waits for the others to report:: tr'Shalor> ::having finished his talk with t'Mahren and leaves the br'tehh to make him report. NDak -> ::The lift stopped several times to collect and/or distribute other crewmembers; but Issaha was lost in thought and barely noticed when the lift finally arrived at deck ##. He trundled out and headed for the officer's mess.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::continuing on course, looking for any signs of the KhreRiov's ship, deeply engrossed in his work:: tr'Shalor> ::wonders if t'Temarr would mind his joining the meeting, and heads that way:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Having listened quietly to t'Shia -- patiently, even -- Laehval nodded slowly.:: So au believe that au can match the sensor readings to those ships if we come across them again? NDak -> ::He'd barely slept over the last week or two, and it was finally starting to catch up with him. Trundling along, he passed by several junior officer's he'd once been fairly close with and he noted that they kept their distance. He was a senior officer now, of course. Or perhaps he'd forgotten to bathe? He really didn't care at this point.:: Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to t'Tmarr:: If the other departments have clear readings, these propulsion signatures are clearly defined, and can be matched, which will identify those we need to seek. tr'Paine> As au wish. ::frowning, glancing at the Daise'Maenak who is acting so out of sorts to the acting Daise'Maenak whom he's na sure knows what he's doing as a Kheinsa:: Tr’Shalor-> ::heads towards the briefing room, hoping he hasnt' missed too much of the senior staff meeting"" Koga S'Bien -> ::Haven't had much chance to sleep as well, and really wish he'd asked NDak to get him a coffee or something with caffeine:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::sits on the edge of the biobed, laying a hand gently on t'Ksa's shoulder:: M_K_tKsa -> ::flinches from the contact, shying away:: Leave me. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie. Very well. I want au to coordinate with science and helm to integrate your findings to our sensors to help us track those other ships. ::Holds up a hand.:: However, first I want to hear your personal feelings on the away mission. Not the facts -- your opinion. How do you think the mission went? How do you think that tr'Pexil performed? Was it necessary for him to remain on that other ship while au beamed over? Lerak trPexil -> :: listening :: NDak -> ::Entering the mess he headed straight for the replicators and tapped in a code for a very strong brew of what passed for Romulan coffee. After a brief delay, a sliver mug materialized. He took it and put it to his lips, testing it for a moment, before heading back out of the mostly empty mess. It was mid-shift and almost no one was taking a coffee break now.:: tr’Shalor-> ::quietly enters and takes a seat off to the side to listen:: Kheinsa Maec -> Morgana, fhaen, all is menkha now, Au are safe. Demi t'Shia -> ::suddenly terror stricken, having being requested to audit another crewmember's performance, thinks long and hard, worried to say the wrong thing, and clearly being an underling to all that are around:: M_K_tKsa -> I said leave. ::through gulps of air between sobs:: Lerak trPexil -> The truth t'Shia. :: Pexil said plainly:: Demi t'Shia -> Rekkhai, the team's performance was adequate for the success of the mission. ::eyes Lerak, wondering what that was supposed to mean:: NDak -> ::Heading out, he considered if he should stop by medical and see if they could give him something for his recurrent headaches, or perhaps something just to put him down when he attempted to sleep, but elements he wasn't sure he wanted to go anywhere near maeneken, least of all because of the sneaking suspicion he had that they thought he was unable to handle his duties.:: tr'Shalor> ::notes as the dheno officer hesitates, and worries about this io, where she to do that in battle, someone would be yy'a by now:: Laehval tTemarr -> Only adequate? ::Eyebrow raise as she drums her fingers on the chair.:: That is all au have to say on the matter? NDak -> ::He sighed and headed that way, despite his misgivings.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: Koga's long range sensors ping that it's found something that was along the lines of NDak's search parameters and chimes on Koga's board Koga S'Bien -> ::Looks at his console:: Eureka! Demi t'Shia -> If an officer puts aus life on the line for others, their success is considered adequate, according to the War Manual that I studied under. Excess reverie and glory should not be granted for doing io's duty. Kheinsa Maec -> I'm na leaving. Fhaen, talk to me. Koga S'Bien -> +Laeh+ Sorry to interrupt, rekkhai, but I found something on long range which quite similar to NDak's search parameters. I was planning on changing course to investigate? NDak -> ::He entered the lift and opened his mouth to order it to medical, but at the last moment changed his mind and ordered it to the Oira instead. He had survived worse than a few sleepless nights and a headache.:: NDak -> Oira/ Laehval tTemarr -> ::She eyes Demi for a moment, then held up her hand as the comm chimed in.:: +Koga+ Have N'Dak verify the readings before au do so. I do na wish to waste time chasing stray objects in space. tr'Shalor> ::shifts ever so slightly to turn towards tTemarr to see what she will do:: Koga S'Bien -> +Laeh+ Aye aye M_K_tKsa -> ::with all that has gone on, all the fear and apprehension she's kept bottled up, she can na seem to stop crying now and it's embarrassing her greatly to be doing so, even if it is in front of her good friend:: Koga S'Bien -> ::collates his findings, and feeds the sensor info to the science console:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gave Demi another long look, then glanced to Lerak.:: And au? Did the dheno do their duty? What is your opinion of their performance? Did they abandon au when they should have stayed to fight? NDak -> ::Exits onto the Oira, coffee-like-beverage in hand:: tr’Shalor -> ::looks to t'Temarr:: Would au like for me to attend to the oira so au may complete au mission Llhei? Koga S'Bien -> ::glances back:: Ahh, NDak. We found something on long range scanners that match your search parameters. Laehval wants au to verify the readings before proceeding. Kheinsa Maec -> ::gently rubs her back, staying by her side while she sobs, knowing it's better out than in:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced to tr'Shalor and nodded, waving a hand toward the door to dismiss him. Her attention focused on Lerak again.:: Lerak trPexil -> Na, they did not abandon me. I told them to beam over when the forcefield dropped/ NDak -> :Nodding over his mug, he headed back to the science console:: Menkha. tr'Shalor> ::stands, and quietly exits the meeting trying na to disrupt. He was used to quietly moving around from his time serving the Daise'Khre'Riov and his many meetings. Lerak trPexil -> Dheno proved vital given our mislocation. NDak -> Hopefully it is na a dead end or worse a trap. Koga S'Bien -> I hope so too. NDak -> ::Unlocking the console, he reviewed the information sent to him by S'Bein and began running a series of validation checks to authenticate the readings:: Lerak trPexil -> I knew the access tunnels... The time was short. Three officers in single file in those tunnels could have been a problem. tr'Shalor> :: walks down the corridor, still a bit vexxed over the entire t'Mahren issue. The woman was way too smug, feeling that her authin to just 'ask tr'Vatrix' would solve all her troubles:: Lerak trPexil -> I meant no disrespect to t'Aehjae or t'Shia. Their safe return was my concern. tr'Shalor> ::thinking that even if the woman had a change of heart later when she knew her target’s 'connections', the fact remained that she was an accomplice to the original kidnapping in the first place. There would have to be consequences....:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leaning back in her chair, she nodded again.:: Ie. That's enough. I will read the rest in your reports. Is there anything else that either of au wish to add that au did na put in the report? tr'Shalor> ::waits for the lift to open and then enters:: Oira Demi t'Shia -> ::form and convicted response:: Na, Rekkhai. Lerak trPexil -> Nothing from me Rekkhai. M_K_tKsa -> ::eventually falls asleep without added sedative just from sheer mental and physical exhaustion at this point:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She flicked her hand in dismissal.:: Very well. Au are dismissed. t'Shia, make certain au present your findings to science to aid in tracking the vessels from the Tal Shiar. Io of them is tracking the Enarrain's ship. Any additional information on the vessel that au might have will be invaluable. Demi t'Shia -> ((that was "firm" not form. ;LOL)) tr'Shalor> ::exits the lift as it opens onto the oria, and looks to find tr'Seiben and tr'Ndak:: Status report NDak -> ::He took a sip from the mug, and looked back down to the results:: Demi t'Shia -> Ie, Rekkhai! Right away. KhreRiovtRex -> (Be Firm now t'Shia!) Demi t'Shia -> :;stands with ISD in hand, and heads out to the Oira, firmly:: NDak -> ::Though he looked up as tr'Shalor entered and gave him a respectful nod::::He wanted to ask him about their prisoners, but he knew that now was na the time.:: Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Pexil, Science could use additional power to the sensor array during our search. If we could gain another percentage or two of efficiency from them, it would be helpful. NDak -> ::Putting his mug down, he cleared his throat:: We are continuing to track the Khre'Riov's transport, but at this range and under cloak, it is difficult to get accurate readings beyond confirming that it is there. Lerak trPexil -> :: heads out, turns to speak to t'Temarr :: Understood. tr'Shalor> ::steps over to see what they've found:: Show me NDak -> I am currently authenticating a reading picked up be Koga matching the vessels that we saw leaving the Tal'Shiar vessel. Kheinsa Maec -> ::moves to a seat next to the biobed and settles in, with an ISD. He reads through the medical report of the injuries trying to get a sense of what t'Ksa went through:: NDak -> ::Nods, and pulls up the data on a monitor for tr'Shalor to see:: NDak -> As au can see, the third vessel we saw leaving from the Tal'Shiar vessel maintained a very close course with her vessel before breaking off. Demi t'Shia -> ::steps over to NDak, and waits to be acknowledged:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to the nearest engineering console :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Still continues on course:: Kheinsa Maec -> These burns are appalling. ::frowning:: tr'Shalor> Where is her ship now? NDak -> It even directly overlapped here, here and here... ::pauses before bringing up a zoomed in version:: Here. NDak -> Roughly a day's travel infront of us. KhreRiovtRex -> ( tr'Gilas> ::brandishes his tazer and spins it back into its holster) Demi t'Shia -> ::holding out ISD, notes a break in N'Dak's conversation:: Rekkhai, I have information on the propulsion signatures that were picked up on the ship that Koga transported t'Ksa off of. They should match one of the two ships in the area, which should give us more information for our investigation. M_K_tKsa -> ((Don't worry, I think that NPC will get his just desserts)) NDak -> Here is the last overlap with the Tal'Shiar vessel... which is where the reading breaks off. tr'Shalor> tr'Sieben, increase speed, I want us there sooner if she is being followed. A day will na do. A lot, can happen hrrau a day NDak -> Most likely they went into cloak. Koga S'Bien -> Aye rekkhai... ::increases power to the AQS field for more speed:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Allocating more power to sensors :: Koga S'Bien -> Max cruising speed. NDak -> ::Just low enough for only tr'Shalor to hear:: It is possible that she is no longer aboard the vessel... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Sitting in the conference room by herself, she glanced toward the window, watching the stars stream past.:: tr'Shalor> Elements, she had best have na come to harm, or the Daise'Khre'Riov will have all of our hides NDak -> ::Still very quietly:: It seems odd that they would simply break off and cloak after this ::points:: overlap. NDak -> We had not yet begun our pursuit. Demi t'Shia -> ::clears throat and repeats to N'Dak:: Rekkhai, this is the propulsion signature... t'Temarr requested au have it immediately. Demi t'Shia -> ::hpes she doesn't have to shoot NDak again to get his attention:: NDak -> ::Turns hearing the D'heno:: Ahh, hann'yyo. M_K_tKsa -> ::is in a dreamless sleep at the moment...rest before her nightmares begin anew:: NDak -> ::Taking the ISD:: Mehnka work. tr'Shalor> Indeed... ::na voicing his fear of the situation just yet, though fairly certain what the outcome would be when they caught up to her ship:: Demi t'Shia -> :;leaves the ISD report with him, spins on her heels, and smiles on the inside, then leaves to the TL, returning back to Dheno:: NDak -> This will help us tremendously in locating the vessels. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Finally rises from her chair and heads out onto the Oira, pausing for a moment to watch the others as they work.:: NDak -> ::Glances back to tr'Shalor:: We won't be able to get more accurate internal scans of the vessel until we're closer or we decloak. Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching the harmonics of the additional power on the sensors :: tr'Shalor> ::Turns to t'Temarr:: Llhei....we have picked up a reading and have increased speed to try to reach the KhreRiov's ship more expediently, in hopes that nothing untoward has happened to herKhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIMKhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIMKhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIMKhreRiovtRex -> Ok, starting to pull things together, great work all, and nobody got shot at the briefing...another plus! Does anyone have any questions before we call it a night? We'll pick up a few hours later, with the Talon almost to the Khre'Riov's ship location and with that said. Crew Dismissed.
  6. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51207.26 The Talon has retrieved its officers from the crippled Tal Shiar vessel, and have re-cloaked to hide their location once the other ship repaired it’s disabled systems. t’Ksa has been rescued and taken to the medical bay. However, due to her treatment upon the Tal Shiar vessel, Ksa now believes that her former friends and crew are actually hallucinations or some other trickery brought on by t’Prin, tr’Kayton, tr’Gilas, Brain and Pain. Laehval and Maec have sedated her to keep her calm. Meanwhile, tr’Shalor has had the dheno take her Tal Shiar captor to the br’tehh for further questioning, while the rest of the away team readies their reports to present to t’Temarr. Elsewhere, t’Vatrix’s ship has been intercepted by io of the three ships that had been observed launching from the Othan ship. KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::arriving back to the oira after the maenaks finished patching up his posterior:: NDak -> ::Back on the Oira as well:: tr'Shalor> ::heads back down to the br'tehh to speak with the th'ann.... tAehjae -> :: working on the report for tTemarr:: Demi t'Shia -> ::in ((wow, it's been too long, I have to go look up the name of security.. oh yeah, duh!)) the Dheno, doing her own part of the report:: M_K_tKsa -> ::in medical, sedated and laying on a biobed:: Koga S'Bien -> ( :D ) tAehjae -> ::looks up:: Demi? Hows your report coming? tAehjae -> :: finishing up her own:: NDak -> ::Frowning as he went over the sensors logs:: Demi t'Shia -> ::glances from her little console in the hallway at t'A in her comfy office in Dheno:: Well, Rekkhai, almost finished. I didn't have much to contribute, but what I added I fact-checked. Laehval tTemarr -> ::With Maec, Laehval studied Ksa with a frown.:: Kheinsa, I think that au have the best chance of bringing her out of her hysterical state and convincing her that she is among friends. I will want to speak with her once she is awake, provided that she isn't a danger to herself or others. tAehjae -> Ie, All reports are important. Do na feel as aus would be na so. tr'Shalor> ::enters the br'tehh and walks over to the cell containing the woman they captured:: Demi t'Shia -> ::completes hers, and sends to t'A's console:: My report is finished for au. Tory Knight -> Willow> ::laying back on the lone bunk, hands tucked under her head, eyes closed:: tr'Shalor> Eviess t'Mahren, it is time we had a discussion. If that is indeed, au name tAehjae -> very well Hannyyo, I will send them in. Lerak trPexil -> :: Sitting on a bed in the medbay, in pain and filling out a report, while events are reasonably clear in his mind :: Willow> ::opens her eyes, cutting them toward tr'Shalor:: I'm certainly not going anywhere. tAehjae -> While I do that go check on the prisoner. Demi t'Shia -> Ie, Rekkhai. ::turns and goes to the cell area:: NDak -> ::He was concerned for t'Ksa, but perhaps less than his brother would have been. While he did na dislike her, he had na real personal relationship with her, and his mind was elsewhere -- the fate of the Khre'Riov it seemed now lay with the elements.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::checks back into his console:: tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ tAehjae to tTemarr, Kheinsa Maec -> I hope so. ::looking at the scan:: From the looks of these wounds, she's been under a tremendous amount of stress. ::frowning:: It's na wonder she was in hysterics when she was brought aboard. Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ Ie? tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ Do au wish the reports given to au in person or sent to aus console. Koga S'Bien -> ::still concerned with t'Ksa as well:: M_K_tKsa -> ::is na in the most restful of sleeps, even sedated the woman is fidgeting and fighting:: tr'Shalor> Au do realize, that though au had a change of heart and decided to bring her back, au did originally abduct her. Demi t'Shia -> ::checks console across from prison cell, then turns around:: Eviess t'Mahren! ::getting attention:: Tory Knight -> Willow> ::nods:: Ie. Though, had I known who she was, I would not have contracted for the assignment. tAehjae -> :: begins filing their reports:: tr'Shalor > ::turns to see t'Shia yelling and narrows his eyes:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::looking at the burn patterns:: (q) Looks like they used some sort of stunning or submission device on her. The bruises are older. Willow> ::doesn't move, glancing in the general direction of the shout:: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ I wish to debrief au in person, along with tr'Pexil. I will meet au in the conference room on the Oira. tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ Ie rekkhai Au wish it now or shall I await au to summance me)) Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil's injuries being tended to, someone he'd not seen there before :: Oww. :: winces as the regenerator is applied :: Demi t'Shia -> ((::reverses calling out any names, just looks into the prison cells:: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ I will call for au when I return to the Oira. In the meanwhile, please file the report. t'Temarr out. NDak -> ::Glances to S'Bein:: The longer the Khre'Riov is out of contact, the more concerned for her safety I am... Lerak trPexil -> :: One question bugged Pexil: Why did they not beam directly into engineering? Why the mess hall? :: Kheinsa Maec -> ::regretfully activates a restraining device to keep t'Ksa from hurting herself:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns to Lerak.:: I need to speak with au. As soon as the maenaks are finished patching au up, come to the Oira. Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Should not be long. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods at N'Dak:: I know.. I feel the same. I can't say I like this. tAehjae -> :: files the reports as ordered:: tAehjae -> ::stands to go check on her Dheno :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Writing out the events on his ISD. Would be faster if not for his bumb hand that attempted a punch on the Tal Shair :: Demi t'Shia -> Rekkhai ::to t'Shalor:: Is there anything I can get au? is there a problem with the prisoner>? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods, throws Ksa another glance, and then heads for the corridor and lift. A few minutes later, she exited onto the bridge, striding to the central seat. Glancing between Issaha and Koga, she lifted a brow.:: Do we have sensor readings on t'Rexan's ship? tAehjae -> :: proceeds to the Brig cells:; Laehval tTemarr -> ( t'Rexan = t'Vatrix ) tr'Shalor> Na, I only came down to see if she would present some answers to where we might search for the Khre’Riov Laehval tTemarr -> ( t'Rexrix) Lerak trPexil -> :: The maenaks were nearly finished. Pexil's nose was placed in a type of healing cast so the bones could completely set. On the whole Lerak felt beat up all over. He got up to leave. :: NDak -> ::Frowns:: I have not been able to pin-point it. Willow> ::sits up, swinging legs to the floor, brow arching:: Search for the KhreRiov? Kheinsa Maec -> ::pulls up a stool and sits down next to t'Ksa, watching her:: (q)What did they do to you? NDak -> I have created prediction models based upon last known sensor readings. trShalor> I see au did na come to harm while on the away team? tAehjae -> :: gets to the brig and to Demi:: Is there a problem? ::looks up seeing tr’Shalor:: NDak -> ::Puts them up on the tactical display on the MVS:: tr’Shalor-> ::turns to t'Aehjae:: Dheno convention Lerak trPexil -> :: Walks (or hobbles) out of the med bay :: Demi t'Shia -> Na, Rekkhai. ::turns to t'A:: No daise, just checking on the prisoner. NDak -> Though with ships that small, it could be like finding, as the Llloann'na say a needle rhae the hay stack. tr'Shalor> I take it au have presented au reports to t'Temarr? NDak -> ::Considers:: Though I wonder.. Willow> ::smirks, lowering her head to look at her knees as they sort themselves out:: tAehjae -> :: to tr’Shalor:: just files them Rekkhai and awaiting to be called to speak with her. We will leave au to aus work, if we are na needed Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters a lift, slowly :: Or-oww-ia. :: the lift did not understand, chirping in disgust :: NDak -> ::Tips his head considering for a long moment before shaking his head:: Na I do na think it would work. And we would have to decloak anyway to even attempt it. Lerak trPexil -> :: Steadies himself :: Oria. :: the lift moved :: tr'Shalor> We are still hrrau danger of the Othan ship finding us and sending our location to others hrrau their fleet. We need to make sure our security measures are ready Laehval tTemarr -> ::Takes a look at the predicted paths.:: She would na have adjusted course unless she was being pursued. S'Bien, set a course along her last known heading and use N'Dak's possibilities to search the area. We know what signal she is using to broadcast. ::Turning to Issaha.:: Work with engineering to track it down. Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift stopped at the oria, it's halt there jarred Pexil all over. He walked out :: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ t'Temarr to t'Aehjae. Report to the oira. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai... I have the course set to the Khre'Riov's last known whereabouts. tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai ::nods:: Demi au are with me. tr'Shalor> ::nods to them:: tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ Ie Rekkhai One my way. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil made his way to the oria, walking like an old Rihan :: Demi t'Shia -> :;nods to tr'Shalor out of respect, then turns to follow t'Aehjae closely:: Koga S'Bien -> ::presses buttons to engage:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::lifts one of the stray strands of hair out of t'Ksa's face, then sighs:: tr'Paine, let's try to wake her. tr'Shalor> ::does na wish to give up the earlier information that she 'may' and 'only "MAY' be an agent for Galae and blow a cover is she indeed has io, in front of the others:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Spotting Pexil, she indicated that he should hobble his way into the conference room.:: tAehjae -> Demi Check on the Dheno protocol and make sure things are ready. I have to go speak with tTemarr. Lerak trPexil -> :: Nodding, or nobbling toward the conference room :: Demi t'Shia -> Of course, Rekkhai. ::goes to a console and looks things up:: tAehjae -> :: walking out of the brig area:: trShalor will call I am sure if e is need of help. tr'Paine>::nods, walking off to retrieve the hypospray needed to awaken the maenak:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil took a chair that looked the most comfortable, which meant none in particular :: tr'Shalor> ::sees them turns back to t'Mahren:: tAehjae -> :: makes her way to the lift:: Oira! NDak -> ::he sent a note down to engineering to give him more power to the sensor arrays and began working on tracking her signal:: tr'shalor> Just in case au are an agent, and for some reason we do na turn au to cinder, assumed we should na do our interview in front of too many others just yet. Kheinsa Maec -> (q)Don't worry lhhei. Au are safe now. t'Mahren> ::looks up at tr'Shalor:: ::nods once:: A reasonable precaution. Koga S'Bien -> ::increases power to sensors and continues on course:: Demi t'Shia -> ::verifies that all areas of the ship are being continually covered, and protocol's are being followed by all of t'Aehjae's staff are in their places, as she ordered:: tr'Shalor> Hna'h, are au ready to have a discussion? If so, we can move to the debriefing room where au may be a bit more....comfortable Lerak trPexil -> :: Meanwhile in engineering, the engineer in charge received an order for more power for sensors. Clean power. :: tAehjae -> :: exits the lift on the OIra, looking for tTemarr:: Koga S'Bien -> In there. :: gestures to where the meeting is:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil reread his report to see if anything seemed wrong :: tr'Paine>::returns with the hypospray:: Kheinsa? :: hesitates before handing it over:: Are you sure? t'Mahren> ::nods toward the security field:: That...makes this aur party. Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, inform me if au find any sign of the Enarrain's vessel. ::She paused near Issaha on her way to the conference room.:: Talon's sensors picked up ships leaving the Tal’Shiar vessel. Any io of them could have been pursuing the Enarrain. Keep an eye out for warp trails that correspond to your predicted paths. tAehjae -> Hannyyo ::moves to where tTemarr is located:: Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye. Will do.. Kheinsa Maec -> Ie, we need to start somewhere. ::taking the hypospray, also hesitantly, really does na want to see the Daise'maenak in pain, but with that stubborn unbalance Khre'Riov's life at stake, he did na see there was a choice:: tr'Shalor> :: reaches over and drops the field:: but keeps a hand near his ie'yakk. Over there....third door. There is food there as well. tAehjae -> :: nods and follows tTemarr into the conference room:: NDak -> ::Nods:: Lerak trPexil -> :: For some reason Pexil felt embarrassed for getting himself so beat up. His sense of how the operation went left a cloudy feeling in the pit of his stomach :: t'Mahren> ::stands, nods once, then makes her way to the third door, conscious of his armed status:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::brushes t'Ksa's hair aside:: Oh, elements, here we go. ::deep breath, then depresses the switch to infuse medication into the Daise'Maenak's blood stream:: NDak -> ::He began overlaying the possible paths of the Khre'Riov's vessel with the predicted paths of the smaller ships they detected from the Tal'Shiar vessel:: tr’Shalor-> +t'Shia+ Na something that needs to be done immediately, but when au get a chance, check with Koga to see if he had any readings on the ship that he intercepted that had t’Ksa and the th'ann if au would. hann'yyo Koga S'Bien -> ::keeps an eye on the sensors:: tr'Shalor> ::enters the small room behind her and seals the door as well, taking a seat at one end of the table, motioning for her to sit at the other end, where the plate of hot h'lai is sitting Laehval tTemarr -> ::Moving into the conference room, she took a seat at the head of the table and clasped her hands together over her stomach.:: t'Aehjae, I would like to hear from au first. What happened? M_K_tKsa -> ::mutters softly, trying to open her heavy eyelids:: tAehjae -> :: stands at attention at the doorway awaiting tTemarr to speak:: Demi t'Shia -> +tr'Shalor+ ::almost close enough to just speak, but COM's anyway:: Ie, Rekkhai. Right away. Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::takes the seat indicated, stomach involuntarily rumbling at the smell of the warmed food:: tAehjae -> We became noticed Rekkhai , trying to get to their engineering section as planned. Demi t'Shia -> ::finishes protocol check for t'A, and goes right to tr'Shalor's orders:: Demi t'Shia -> +Koga+ The XO has requested I contact you, and see if au have readings on the ship that intercepted t’Ksa, and th'ann. M_K_tKsa -> ::not completely conscious yet, but feeling the restraints and starts to struggle:: tAehjae -> We were able to set some of the charges:: ::looks to Pexil and back to tTemarr:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gestured to one of the seats.:: There are several chairs, t'Aehjae. Pick one. Au are giving me a pain in the neck. tr'Shalor> We are na savages like the Kll'inghannsu, au may eat. I assure au there is na poison. I will take a bite as well if au do na believe me NDak -> ::Issaha perked up as the increased power to the sensors began yeilding results:: S'Bein... Alter course. Heading mark 511.2. Koga S'Bien -> +Demi+ ::taps at his console:: I don't have a reading sadly. I will continue to monitor for it though. tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai, :: moves to a chair as sits:: Demi t'Shia -> +Koga+ Hanny'yo, if au get one, contact me. Koga S'Bien -> ::glances over:: Mark 511.2, acknowledged. Koga S'Bien -> +Demi+ Roger that. Kheinsa Maec -> Easy now, lhhei. Easy. tAehjae -> HOw are au Feeling Pexil? NDak -> +Laeh+ N'Dak to Laehval... Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::placing the napkin in her lap:: Na need. Such risk is part of...my line of work. Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Ie? tr'Shalor> ::nods:: it is that line of work, I wish to hear more of. Where were au taking t'Ksa, and what was done to her rhae that ship. She is rather beside herself and has had to be sedated tAehjae -> :: goes silent awaiting for her to complete her com:: M_K_tKsa -> ::opening her eyes, struggling more earnestly against the restraining field:: Let me go. ::hoarse growl:: Demi t'Shia -> ::takes a walk through dheno, checking cells, making sure things are like they are supposed to be, and everything is still secure:: NDak -> +Laeh+ Sorry to interrupt, but I believe I have located the Khre'Riov's vessel. We have altered course to intercept. At this range I cannot get any more detailed scans of it though without dropping cloak. Kheinsa Maec -> Na, yet, t'Ksa. Just relax. We're na going to hurt au. Ssshhh...::glancing over to tr'Paine:: tr'Paine>::scowling, thinking the Kheinsa made a terrible mistake waking the Daise'Maenak so soon:: Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Maintain cloak. Continue to follow the sensor readings and close the distance. t'Mahren> I am sorry... t'Prin was particularly harsh on her, and her associates were...eager. NDak -> +Laeh+ Though it is some distance away. Demi t'Shia -> ::returns to console and starts some of her own research:: NDak -> ::S'Bein:: Looks like she was almost a full day's travel ahead of us. tr'Shalor> t'Prin? This was the leader of au vessel? tAehjae -> :: perks up hearing they may have found t’Vatrix’s vessel:: I hope it is her vessel Rekkhai tr'Shalor> Othan, Tal Shiar or of both allegiance? Laehval tTemarr -> As do I. ::She glanced back to the two with her.:: Continue. Au were detected once au beamed over. Then? t'Mahren> ::nods:: Tal’Shiar. Though we were to rendezvous with an Othan ship in this sector. Demi t'Shia -> ::checks into the ship that Koga transported t'Ksa off of, and Koga's ship transporter logs, but getting locked up by his security:: +Koga+ Can I get permissions released to review au ships transporter logs and other stuff? maybe I can help with research. Koga S'Bien -> I see. Better increase our speed then, eh? Koga S'Bien -> +Demi+ Sure.. ::taps:: The logs should be available to au now tAehjae -> We continued to keep a distance from them and complete aur mission but we were cut off. We did na expect their dheno team to be that ready to intercept us. tr'Shalor> I have seen holoimages from the tKsa bonding. Were au or were au na io of those hrrau her quarters? And ::even though he knew otherwise:: Were au the io that tried to yy'a Enarrain NDak? Demi t'Shia -> +Koga+ Hannyyo! Koga S'Bien -> ::increases speed in an effort to close the gap faster:: Hopefully that'll close things up a bit as we do have the speed advantage ACTION> Issaha's sensors pick up the ion trails from the smaller ships leaving the Tal’Shiar vessel. One belonged to the ship that t'Ksa had escaped in. Another struck off toward another sector of space. The third paralleled t'Rexan's last known course, often overlapping. Demi t'Shia -> ::goes into the logs that she just got permission for, and does some cross references with propulsion readings for that ship, checking back and forth between things, making the computer check all signatures with a tight search against each other:: t'Mahren> My... associate... and I took t'Ksa from her quarters. ::grimaces at mention of N'Dak:: And, while I may have wished his demise, my associate and I were far too busy to concern ourselves with that...veruul. M_K_tKsa -> :::fighting with the restraints, wanting to have nothing to do with the t'Prin illusion::Let me go! I will na do what want if au treat me this way. ::starts cursing loud enough and with enough venom behind it to make even the strongest Rihannsu blanch:: tAehjae -> We continued to fight to keep their attention on us so the others could locate Ksa and retrieve her. Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Pexil, what happened with the charges? Why did au remain behind? tr'Shalor> Do au know who it was that attacked him then? ::na telling her what he knew already:: tr'Shalor> And are au willing to divulge that information... Kheinsa Maec -> :;and cursing long enough to make tr'Aieme worried that even the Oira crew could hear her:: Sssshh...It's okay. Na io is going to harm au. t'Mahren> Alas, I do not. Lerak trPexil -> The force field I erected around our section of their engineering department limited our placement of many of the charges. tr'Shalor> :: doubts her answer, and knows na to trust her as much now Lerak trPexil -> This also prevented beam out. In order to get the most out safely. I ordered everyone else to return to the Talon. Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at his sensors:: That's an interesting overlap.. Lerak trPexil -> The field went down, they beamed out and I proceeded through their crawlways. trShalor> Can au tell me more of this t'Prin? What was her purpose of abducting tKsa? Lerak trPexil -> I had to get far enough away to not get caught in the blast. NDak -> ::Frowns:: Ie. Demi t'Shia -> ::starts to become enlightened when 2 other ships launched, and has readings on those signatures. quickly marks up her findings and calls this information into her Daise:: +t'A:: Rekkhai, when you complete, I have important information about the propulsion readings of that ship that Koga got t'Ksa off of. NDak -> She most likely had company. Lerak trPexil -> That's when this :: points to self :: happened. Koga S'Bien -> Quie a lot of it.. M_K_tKsa -> ::screams loudly, planning on making this rather embarrassing and troublesome for t'Prin:: Lerak trPexil -> There was nothing to gain my having others remain behind. I know my way around crawlways better than most. t'Mahren> She was under orders to gain knowledge of the nanogenes that t'Ksa employed in treatment of Khre’Riov t'Rexan -- excuse me, t'Vatrix. Koga S'Bien -> One of those ships match the signatures of the ship t'Ksa was in too. tAehjae -> :: hears her com looking to tTemarr:: Shall I have her report here Rekkhai NDak -> ::Lifts a brow:: tr'Paine> Rekkhai...her heart rate. ::motioning to the console:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Overhearing t'Aehjae's comm, she nodded.:: Ie. I want to hear what she has to say. ::Glancing to Lerak, she studied his lingering wounds.:: Au engaged in hand-to-hand? Lerak trPexil -> (gah, replace my with by) Koga S'Bien -> ::sends the info over to Demi in regards to t'Ksa's ship:: NDak -> ::He tapped in a series of commands and created distinct digital markers on the tactical readout so they could track all of the information:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::leaning down near her ear, trying to calm the woman, whispering a few words in her ear:: tAehjae -> +Demi+ Please bring the information Au have to the conference room just off of the Oira, t’Temarr wishes to hear what au have First hand. tAehjae out, Lerak trPexil -> Ie. I had already blasted on Tal’Shiar's head completely off, so I was feeling confident I could handle others. NDak -> ::He mused, for a brief second, that it looked like a drawing his nephew had shown him before he left for the mission, before returning his thoughts:: Lerak trPexil -> (blasted a...) tr'Shalor> So au took her, on her bonding day, to tall au what she already had told everyone, that she didnt' know any more. That they were an alien device... M_K_tKsa -> ::freezes after a few moments, stops struggling, listening to what's being whispered into her ear:: Lerak trPexil -> A dheno officer's fist met my face. I missed my punch. He would have killed me if not for the beam out. trShalor> And why na the Khre’Riov herself if au wanted to find out more? t'Mahren> I took her, on her bonding day, for a reason I did not discover until we were aboard a Tal’Shiar vessel headed for Othan space. Lerak trPexil -> Whomever was manning the transporter I owe... Demi t'Shia -> +t'A+ Ie, Rekkhai. On my way! t'Mahren> The Khre’Riov was apparently considered a more... difficult target. tAehjae -> ::Listens to Pexil:: Demi t'Shia -> ::knees slightly shake, having never been in that room off the Oira, but immediately goes into professional Dheno mode, along with bringing her report and information about the propulsion readings:: M_K_tKsa -> ::cries out in anguish this time, the flood gates of her frustrations and fears breaking loose as the Daise'Maenak realizes that this na dream, na illusion created to torture the woman into submission: :tr'Shalor> That was for certain, she was my charge. However I am currently failing her and the Daise Khre’Riov upon the orders of the Fvillah... KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::tAehjae -> ::Paused::Demi t'Shia -> ::paused::Lerak trPexil -> :: paused : :KhreRiovtRex -> Hmmm, now to see if au will actually want to rescue me or let them have me! lo lM_K_tKsa -> Do we get to vote on that? KhreRiovtRex -> Good job everyone, got some good information to help you find her tonight KhreRiovtRex -> we can send you back tksa. I’m sure trKayton is missing au dearly KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, any questions?and if you have any during the week, don't hesitate to ask either myself or tTemarr KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, anything from au? Laehval tTemarr -> Nope! Have a good night, all. See you next week. KhreRiovtRex -> Crew dismissed! KhreRiovtRex -> Night all, see au next week
  7. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51207.26 The Talon has retrieved its officers from the crippled Tal Shiar vessel, and have re-cloaked to hide their location once the other ship repaired it’s disabled systems. t’Ksa has been rescued and taken to the medical bay. However, due to her treatment upon the Tal Shiar vessel, Ksa now believes that her former friends and crew are actually hallucinations or some other trickery brought on by t’Prin, tr’Kayton, tr’Gilas, Brain and Pain. Laehval and Maec have sedated her to keep her calm. Meanwhile, tr’Shalor has had the dheno take her Tal Shiar captor to the br’tehh for further questioning, while the rest of the away team readies their reports to present to t’Temarr. Elsewhere, t’Vatrix’s ship has been intercepted by io of the three ships that had been observed launching from the Othan ship.
  8. She had been traveling for about a day now, but had kept her signal broadcasting her identity in hopes of drawing out t’Ksa’s captors. It had been a long time to sit by herself and think. As much as she had once thought she would miss space, she now found that she missed her new home and family more. She so wanted to contact Var’lon just to hear his voice, and to see him holding their son, but she had also told him it would be best if she didn’t contact him often, so others did na accuse her of trying to influence his decisions at Galae Headquarters. He had told her he hadn’t cared what they thought, that he expected her to contact him occasionally to let him know she was ok, but they hadn’t spoken for almost a month now. L’haiy had na intention of hurting him, so had refrained; as much as she wanted to at least send him a message, she knew she could na. That she had na heard from him either meant io of a few things. Either he had taken her suggestion that they make a clean cut while she was rhae this mission, that he was busy at Galae trying to solve who had done this to them or that something dire had occurred. She knew his strength, and trusted his dheno staff, so assumed that the latter was the least of her worries. She was jolted out of her reverie by the communications unit Talon’s frequency suddenly broadcasting that the Talon had engaged another ship, hopefully the very ship they had been hunting. Raptly listening as her ship continued onward, she found herself letting out a sigh of relief when she heard Koga report that they had actually recovered t’Ksa. Could it really have been that easy? The crew’s navigational and astrometrics acumen were clearly more than sufficient to have determined the other ship’s course based upon the readings they had occasionally picked up. Could this really be over? She would na have to go through with this veruulish plan after all, and could hna turn the Talon back towards home to make her report to the Daise’Khre’Riov and the Fvillah, hrrau that order as she grinned to herself. Turning her attention to the navigational controls, she noticed a ship quickly coming up upon her, and she reached to activate the shields and make a run towards the Talon. Too late! She saw the telltale swirl of red light around her as she felt herself taken by the beam of the hteij, suddenly finding herself on the other small scout ship. “Aefvahd Khre’Riov, au are hna’h my th’ann. We had received word, that we could expect au to travel as thus. Do na make any sudden moves. Take a seat and the Arrain will bind au wrists; we do an wish au to try escaping or sabotaging the ship when we sleep. “ “I demand that au release me and return me to my own ship,” t’Vatrix glared at the young man hrrau the Tal Shiar uniform, yet it bore the symbol of the Othan fleet as well. “I see au do na even know who au rightly serve. Is it the Othan Galae, or the bootlicking Tal’Shiar from ch’Rihan.” They had received word? Someone hrrau the Fvillah’s circle was indeed involved. But who? “I’d advise au to hold au tongue, or au may find auself lacking it. Besides, it is said au are only a clone anyway, perhaps au could have a new one grown as well to replace it too,” tr’Gilas stated, clearly believing that he did na make an empty threat, as he stood there playing with his kaleh. “They know where I am, Talon will be upon au hrrau na time,” she responded. Deep down, remembering the fate of another she had known, and had read of hrrau the Dumok’azen mission report that tr’Vatrix had let her read, she worried that this had been the io that t’Rahks had run into as well. “I think na, we are sending au ship onward rhae its path, they will follow it looking for au, only to find that you had already been spirited away, and by then, we shall have eluded them, and be rhae our way to our true destination,” tr’Gilas continued. “Just as the Arrain will search au to be certain that au do na harbor any tracking devices upon au person. It will go easier rhae au, if au tell us now, so that we don’t have to do…… a more thorough search.” tr’Gilas turned to the Arrain, “Send that ship upon its way, continuing its broadcast, then attend to the Khre’Riov.” “Ie, Rekkhai,” responded the Arrain.
  9. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51207.20 The Away Team has erected a field around themselves and secondary engineering station, while they try to avoid the effects of the gasses affecting members of the Tal Shiar ship. Koga has beamed t’Ksa and Willow to his RAC and has landed on the Talon, where dheno were waiting. Laehval is headed to medical to see t’ksa, and t'Rexan is otherwise occupied. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::powering the RAC's engines down, having already lowered the exit ramp:: tr'Shalor> ::looks to the dheno, bring that io:: points to Willow, to the br'tehh with us:: Koga S'Bien -> Welcome back to the Talon rekkhai... I'm glad au are still in io piece. tr'Shalor> ::turns to Koga..take t'Ksa to medical M_K_tKsa -> (q)I don't know this io. ::trying to back up the ramp away from the dheno, na recognizing tr'Shalor:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods at tr’Shalor:: Ie, rekkhai. tr'Shalor> ::looks back at t’Ksa, but is more concerned about Willow at the siuren:: tr'Seiben...get her down to medical, we can question her later ::motions for Willow to walk with the dheno:: Koga S'Bien -> (q) This way, please. ::leads her out of the RAC:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::Ah, the rumor mill, listening to it has him pacing near the door:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: +Medical+ Please prepare for incoming. Willow> ::arching a brow, smirking, then follows instructions:: tr'Shalor> ::reaches up to t'Liss:: +t'Temarr+ They have indeed returned au Daise Maenak. I have sent tr'Seiben to escort her to the medical bay M_K_tKsa -> Na. ::pulls away from Koga, unsettled by io who is giving the individuals she knows, or things she knows orders:: tAehjae -> #+Talon+ tAehjae to Talon transport away team back to Talon and have Dheno present Lerak trPexil -> # :: The gas was not as effective as he was hoping. In fact the gas made Pexil laugh. Sure he'd not laughed in a really long time, but this was not, he he, the same. (giggles) :: Demi t'Shia -> #::with t'A, ready for transport:: Lerak trPexil -> # t'Aehjae, I can...fix it.. I need to alter the permutations of the field. Lerak trPexil -> # If au need to return do so. I can manage here. Koga S'Bien -> ::follows t'Ksa and keeps a close eye, but does nothing to intercept for the moment as t'Ksa does still outrank him:: tr'Shalor> I don’t have time for this, I need to watch this. Koga, if she does na go with au. Put her in restraints and take her there Laehval tTemarr -> +tr'Shalor+ Very well. I will join here there. And the other individual with her? Kheinsa Maec -> +S'Bien+ Understood. Talon OPS> +t'Aehjae+ We cannot transport you until the field around your position is disabled. tr’Shalor -> +tTemarr+ A woman, dressed hrrau Tal Shiar garb. They claim she helped t’Ksa escape. I mean to take her to the br'tehh, and question her Lerak trPexil -> # :: His ISD connection to an engineering system still operated, though the virus slowed down his access as well :: tAehjae -> #+Pexil+ get au charges set and get out. Willow> ::hovering nearby, leaning against a bulkhead, arms folded across her chest:: M_K_tKsa -> ::takes her a moment to recognize the voice over S'Bien's com and then really takes a leap:: Na, na it can na be. It's another io of her..her...her games. ::yelling at the ceiling:: I am NA falling for this again, lhhei. ::stomps her foot and refuses to move:: tr'Shalor> ::nods at the dheno to continue to the lift:: If au would follow him:: nodding to Willow:: Willow> If you're sure he knows where he's going. I'd hate to get lost. M_K_tKsa -> ::na only is she hearing Laehval's voice, now Maec's:: Koga S'Bien -> I'm afraid I have my orders. M_K_tKsa -> I'm na going anywhere with AU. ::shouts:: And this little game is over. I am na playing any more. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Manipulates the field to create a difference in air pressure, moving air to one end of the field, and the gas out of the area they were in. Lerak trPexil -> # t'A, I think I, he.. the gas should be clearing up, he, a bit :: a light breeze blows in one direction :: Lerak trPexil -> # I believe I can eject their engine core. Laehval tTemarr -> +tr'Shalor+ Keep me informed. I will speak with her as well once you have uncovered her identity. ::She rose from the command chair and waved for one of the senior officers to take the bridge before heading quickly for the lift.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::moves in closer to take t'Ksa to the maenak bay:: Willow> ::following along, though she isn't yet convinced of their capabilities:: tr'Shalor> I will na brook any attitude from au. Au will come, or I'll have au put hrrau restraints and carried Kheinsa Maec -> ::exhales, on pins and needles wanting to know who or what they brought back and trying to be patient:: M_K_tKsa -> :::quick steps away from Koga:: Stay away from me. Lerak trPexil -> # t'a, the charges are set, but We could not get in ideal locations. tr'Shalor> The lift, if au would...::points for her to enter:: Willow> ::saunters in, standing to the back of the lift, eyes twinkling with amusement:: Koga S'Bien -> Sorry, I have my orders. Make it easy on aurself. All your questions will be answered/ Koga S'Bien -> ::looks to a random Dheno officer standing nearby for some assistance:: M_K_tKsa -> Au stay away from me. ::backing away from him, then side steps away from the dheno:: Au stay away from me, all of au. Lerak trPexil -> # I'm bypassing the command level ejection routines. What's your status t'Aehjae? # ACTION> The control panels in Lerak's section began to fluctuate as the Tal Shiar engineers try to lock him out of their computer. tAehjae -> #+ Pexil + We are ready to transport Au need to finish quickly Lerak trPexil -> # :: Looks up to see some systems getting a little testy :: Attempting to eject the core now... overriding primary lockouts.. # ACTION> As the gas in the AT's protective field begins to dissipate, the AT begins to feel a bit less happy and bit more hungover. tr'Shalor> ::ready to wipe that smug look from her face if she continues:: Br'tehh Koga S'Bien -> It has to be that way, eh? ::Grabs t'Ksa and hoists her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes:: M_K_tKsa -> ::starts kicking, hard, anything within reach:: LET ME GO! ACTION:: Lift begins to move to the correct designation Willow> ::maintains a serene, if somewhat amused expression, wondering how Morgana is faring among her own peeps:: Koga S'Bien -> ::quickly heads out of the door to the maenak bay as quickly as he can:: Kheinsa Maec -> ((Not very well, apparently)) Koga S'Bien -> ::he and the Dheno help haul t'Ksa out of the RAC bay:: M_K_tKsa -> ::na making it easy on Koga, about as squirmy and wiggly as it gets, trying to get loose from Koga:: Willow> ::gaze dusts over tr'Shalor's form, taking in the cut and style of his uniform:: tr'Shalor> ::as the lift stops, he directs the woman to head to the left towards the main br'tehh for processing:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: His view bobs in all directions :: Lerak trPexil -> # I'll not be able to tell if the core ejected. Trying to create an imbalance in the power flow.. tAehjae -> #:; starts to become sluggish:: The air is changing.. Lerak trPexil -> # :: He was glad the charges he set would likely work. Sad that he was too close to them :: Demi t'Shia -> #Maybe has to do with what Lerak has changed. Lerak trPexil -> # Where's t'Shia? :: typing commands on less and less cooperative systems :: tAehjae -> # Maybe... Au try contacting the Talon Willow> ::nods as she steps forward through the lift, and into the corridor to the brig:: Koga S'Bien -> ::feeling lucky he was built like a tank, and tightens his grip on her:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::As the lift halts, Laehval strode out and quickly moved down the corridor, entering the medical bay. She paused just inside, searching for Maec and t'Ksa.:: Willow> Protective Services. Aren't you a long way from home? Or your charge is... Koga S'Bien -> ::still though... it could be easier:: M_K_tKsa -> ::a bit more a little freaked out, uses her chompers to bite him as hard as she can through that uniform:: Willow> After all, it's hardly safe sailing in Othan space for anyone who warrants such protection. Kheinsa Maec -> ((Nomnom)) Koga S'Bien -> Ow... ::slowly rounds a corridor and enters a turbolift:: Koga S'Bien -> (Tastes like chicken!) ACTION: As t'Ksa bites Koga (dice roll) - t'Ksa bites him on the upper gluteus maximus, but he doesn't drop her Demi t'Shia -> #Lerak+ Right here with t'A. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Finds a command to turn up the lights to their most intense level :: Access a waste extraction system and places it in a level one diagnostic check :: M_K_tKsa -> ::pounds on him with her fists, then attempts to bite him again - heck, if you're scared what would you do?:: Laehval tTemarr -> Daise. ::Spots Maec and moves to meet him.:: tr'Shalor> ::takes her by the arm and pulls her into an interrogation room, shutting the door behind the two of them:: Koga S'Bien -> Owww..... ::wills the lift to hurry:: +Etrehh+ Increase lift speed by 20% Kheinsa Maec -> Daise'Erei'Riov. ::he nodded:: What news? tr'Shalor> Au have just arrived, and I find that I already tire of au mouth..... Willow> ::taken and shoved, expression still not quite what one would consider appropriate for her circumstance:: Willow> ::nods:: Yes, I've been told that before. Koga S'Bien -> ::exits the lift and slowly rounds the bend to the maenak bay, visibly sighs as he enters:: tr'Shalor> As for my charge.....that is na of au concern Lerak trPexil -> # :: disables the Tal Shair oira main viewer :: tAehjae -> # Maybe... Au try contacting the Talon tr'Shalor> Sit... Willow> That would depend on the identity of your charge. # ACTION> t'Aehjae and t'Shia notice that though the protective field, the Tal Shiar crew are working to disable the field emitters. M_K_tKsa -> LET me GO! ::tries to scratch him, squirming as hard as she can, hoping he'll drop her so she can get away:: Willow> ::moves to a chair and lowers herself into it:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Maec:: Here's aur patient... careful, she's angry. ACTION: tKsa only scratches the back of his uniform Laehval tTemarr -> They have na brought her in here yet? ::Turns as Koga enters the medical bay with Ksa.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::finally does let her down, and quickly steps back:: Lerak trPexil -> # The field protecting us is cutting off our communication. Demi t'Shia -> # +Talon+ THis is Dheno, ready for transport.. ::glances around:: Rekkhai, something is wrong Lerak trPexil -> # :: Pexil causes a coolant line to burst in the bowels of the ship :: ACTION:t'Ksa lands on her shoulder, just barely able to tuck her head and is now on her back Koga S'Bien -> I'm not going to like the repercussions of this, but I was told by tr'Shalor to bring her here for treatment. Koga S'Bien -> :;to Laeh and Maec:: M_K_tKsa -> ::dropped on the floor, laying on her back staring at the ceiling:: Ow. tAehjae -> #+Pexil+ Aur protection will na be here much longer they seem to be disable the field emitters, we need to go. Lerak trPexil -> # t'A and t'Shia : I need to lower the field to get a signal out and let them beam au over. # ACTION> t'Shia gets a crackled response from the Talon as comms can't penetrate the modified field Pexil created. KhreRiovtRex -> (au might want a tetnus shot Koga after she bit you in the......glutueus maximus!) Koga S'Bien -> (good thing I'm in the maenak bay!) Kheinsa Maec -> t'Ksa ::bending over, extremely relieved that she's alive:: Koga S'Bien -> ::instinctively rubs his glute:: Might need to have that checked on. M_K_tKsa -> NA! :: screams, shuffling backwards at seeing tr'Aieme...the man gets space sick, he would *na* be on a star ship:: tr'Shalor> ::pulls a chair up as well:: Let us start, with who au are. Willow> ::shakes her head:: First, your clearances. Lerak trPexil -> # :: to them again :: I can set a timer to drop the field and remotely detonate the charges, but I have to stay behind to get far enough away. When the field goes down emergency beam out. Demi t'Shia -> #Talon+ ::repeats:: Breaking up, This is Dheno, ready for Transport now! Lerak trPexil -> # :: I'm going to head to the access shaft again, they will have a bit of trouble tracking me :: Demi t'Shia -> # Rekkhai, I fear we'll have io chance to get out of here. Leaving him behind could leave him in danger. tAehjae -> # They will break through any time ..... Now would be good. Lerak trPexil -> # t'Aehjae The field will go down in one minute. Beam out! :: Pexil shouts while halfway in an access door. Demi t'Shia -> #::thinks 'wow, I have come full circle, from serving him up to saving his fanny:: Kheinsa Maec -> Morgana, shhhh...::holds up his hands:: It's me. It's okay. Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Working down in engineering, suddenly feels a disturbance in the force. Almost like... a particular set of butt cheeks were crying out for her attention. Willow> It's a bit like the tales of old magic -- there is power in real names, and I need to know you're trustworthy. tr'Shalor> I am na fahd to answer to the likes of au. I have na problem leaving au hrrau a cell, while I concentrate on finding the leader of au ship Koga S'Bien -> (q) If I knew it was going to be that hard, I'd have worn some battle gear. M_K_tKsa -> ::looking wildly around the room, spots Laehval next and then really freaks out:: Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. :: tripping over herself to stand up:: # ACTION> Engineers start cutting through the field emitters with plasma torches. The field begins to sizzle and pop. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Keeps the door just a bit open to make sure t'A and t'S get beamed out :: Lerak trPexil -> # Ten seconds! Demi t'Shia -> #TALON+ ::alerts them to the 10 sec timer:: tr'Shalor> Au kidnap the Daise Maenak, and then question if I am trustworthy. Koga S'Bien -> ::takes out his ISD and lets tr'Shalor know via text that t'Ksa was safely in the maenak bay:: Willow> Then here I will sit until either your charge returns. Or we can handle this like civilized Rihannsu, and you can answer me. I assure you, I have no intention of escaping. At the moment. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Moves forward toward t'Ksa, a slight furrow between her brows.:: Daise'Erei'Riov t'Ksa, I suggest au calm yourself. You are safe now. Kheinsa Maec -> Sssshhh...it's okay. ::glancing at tr'Paine:: Quick, get me a hypospray. Koga S'Bien -> ::walks over to one of the nurses to check on his wound... yes, it's every bit as awkward as one would think it would be:: tr'shalor> If au knew anything, the uniform would be enough to justify any trust from myself. I am detached to the Daise'Khre'Riov's office and that if his bondmate. I serve her fahd rhae this ship tr'Shalor> And as au are my captive, I will have au name as well. Willow> See? That was not hard, hm? And, quite honestly, that makes perfect sense, since this would be the Talon, would it not? Lerak trPexil -> # Three... two.... one... tAehjae -> # :: moves as fast as she can hoping for the beamout in time before they are caught:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: The field drops, exposing t'A and t'S, but allowing beamout :: Demi t'Shia -> # ::immediately behind t'A:: tAehjae -> # The field is gone take cover! M_K_tKsa -> ::oh yeah, like that's going to happen any time soon:: Na.....this is io of her games again. I am na playing io of her games. And I don't care what she wants; I am na going to fix it again. :: putting a biobed between herself and the specters of crew who should na be there:: Kheinsa Maec -> Calm down t'Ksa, fhaen. Everything is all right. Au are safe. # ACTION> Ie'yyak fire streams over their head. # ACTION> As soon as the protective field drops, t'Aehjae and t'Shia are beamed aboard the Talon, arriving in the transporter room. Lerak trPexil -> # :: After seeing them shimmer away Pexil closes the access tunnel door and seals it behind him :: Lerak trPexil -> # Alright Pex.. go go go... Lerak trPexil -> # :: Makes haste to get away from the engineering section as fast as he can, skinning his knees in the process :: Demi t'Shia -> #::beamed out just after starting to take cover:: tr'Shalor> I do na have time to waste upon au games. Au know it is, but I must return and assist rhae the search for her Willow> ::nods:: I suspected, but did need confirmation. tr’Shalor -> Now....au name? Willow> t'Ksa... she is being taken care of, yes? ::a slight flicker of concern across her features:: tr'Shalor> Of course she is, na thanks to au and au crew abducting her tr'Shalor> Now....au name. Willow> ::purses lips, nods, accepting her role, albeit unwitting:: When you speak to the Daise'Khre'Riov, you might mention the name Eviess t'Mahren. M_K_tKsa -> ::playing a weird game of keep away from Maec, Laehval and the dheno staff trying to contain her, eyes what should be her office and wonders if it's a good enough approximation to make it easy for her to escape these visions:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::motioning tr'Paine to approach t'Ksa from behind:: Demi t'Shia -> ::on Talon, having been recently beamed:: Wheww.. that was TOO close! Laehval tTemarr -> OPS> +Laehval+ Rekkhai, the away team has beamed back, though one member still remains on the Tal Shiar vessel. tAehjae -> :: looks around:: Where is Pexil? Koga S'Bien -> ::winces as the nurse waves a device over his posterior:: A bit too close for comfort there, eh? Lerak trPexil -> # Pexil met up to a junction going up, down and on :: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Checks how far away he needs to be to be clear of the blast... he's not far enough now :: Lerak trPexil -> :: #His heart was racing at the sound of the Tal Shiar he could hear outside of the access tunnels :: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Takes the ladder up :: Demi t'Shia -> Lemme ask the Oira. +Oira+ Can you lock on Pexil and get him over here? tAehjae -> We need to beam him back as well. M_K_tKsa -> ::casts a look behind and spots tr'Paine:: Eep! ::ducks under the biobed and tries to make a run for it between people:: Koga S'Bien -> Nurse> Just a bit of extra precaution. Au never know what she might have contracted over there. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Distracted by Morgana's hysteria, she taps her comm.:: +t'Aehjae+ What happened over there? Why is Lerak still on that ship? ::Jumps as t’Ksa suddenly darts away. Tries to put herself between the wayward doctor and the door.:: Koga S'Bien -> Nurse> Now hold still while I apply this hypo. ::grabs a hypo to protect against anything that might have resulted... sticks the hypo in quickly and forcefully into Koga's hide:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Moves around a plasma field meant for the cloak :: # ACTION> Disruptor fire blasts the area where Pexil just was as the dhenos gain on his position. Kheinsa Maec -> ::tries to snag Morgana by the back of her uniform jacket but is na quick enough for the effort:: tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ He was na transported with us. He was setting the charges at the core Lerak trPexil -> # :: Tries to activate the detonator, but it can't cut through the plasma that is close by :: Ducks and curses :: Koga S'Bien -> Auuugh!!! M_K_tKsa -> ::tries to fake to the right and dash to the left to get by Laehval:: tr'Shalor> t'Mahren. Very well, I will mention it to him next time we speak, but I do na know for certain when that will be Tory Knight -> (( Be glad it wasn't the thermometer... )) Koga S'Bien -> (true!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Arms out, flapping wide, dancing from side to side as she tries to anticipate her movements. Makes a grab for her.:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: crawls down another access tunnel heading away from the engineering section and away from that plasma line :: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Gets a bit further away and hits the detonator CLICK :: tAehjae -> :: yells at the transporter operator:: Try transporting him now! Willow> ::nods:: You will want to inform him that I have been recovered from the Tal Shiar ship, with t'Ksa. Koga S'Bien -> ::sees t'Ksa try to escape, pulls up his pants and runs over to block her path:: M_K_tKsa -> Na! ::tries to bat the fake-Laehval away from her:: Let me go! Kheinsa Maec -> Calm down, lhhei. Fhaen. Just take a deep breath. Na io here is going to hurt au. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Grabs Morgana tightly, pinning down her arms and hugging her.:: Morgana! ::Tries to shake some sense into her.:: tr'Shalor> Perhaps au would care to make a statement while it's fresh hrrau au mind? Willow> Statement? ::shakes her head:: I think not. Especially not until you've spoken with tr'Vatrix. tr'Shalor> Very well, then au will enjoy the hospitality of our br'tehh, for quite some time...... Willow> ::shrugs, leaning back in her chair:: Check the Galae archives. Check with your principal. You know where I will be. # ACTION> Pexil's sensors show more Tal Shiar crew ahead and others gaining on him from behind. He was quickly being surrounded. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Can hear dhenos gaining on him :: Their own transporters.. wait, I disabled those.. Lerak trPexil -> #::Did not hear a detonation. Were the things on a timer?:: I'll go bac... :: watches the crawlway behind him collapse.. How he could go back if only a few centimeters tall :: # ACTION> Part of the crawlway behind Pexil due to all the sudden weight passing through collapses M_K_tKsa -> NA! ::Screams, and tries to twist away:: Kheinsa Maec -> Hold her still if au can, lhhei. ::trying to manuever in with a hypospray near t'Ksa's neck:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Yeah.. it's not a pleasant experience:: Laehval tTemarr -> Kheinsa! Sedate her! ::Tries her best to hold on, though wary of those teeth. Doesn't want to get bitten.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::bends over, trying to get at Laehval's arms to bit, only to present Maec with a perfect shot of her neck:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::depresses the hypo quickly:: Koga S'Bien -> ::helps restrain t;Ksa:: # ACTION> Second time is a charm. Pexil's signal gets through and the back half of the Tal Shiar ship erupts into small, controlled explosions, meant to disable without rupturing the hull. Lerak trPexil -> #:: Draws his disruptor.. tries the detonator again. Thinks of where the nearest escape pod would be.. crawls and thinks, thinks and crawls :: Hears a distant rumble behind him, smiles :: Demi t'Shia -> ((Whoot, whoot Pex, you go!)) Koga S'Bien -> (ooh! Fireworks!) Lerak trPexil -> # :: Then frowns as he hears more dheno ahead. Perhaps if he imagined them all as t'Shia it would help :: Lerak trPexil -> # :: The ship continues to rumble a bit.. only a dry dock could repair the ship now :: tAehjae -> Demi Au take the transporter controls and try Demi t'Shia -> Ie, Rekkhai. ::moves to the transporter controls, frowning at the schlump that was running them, tries to catch pexil:: tAehjae -> lock on his t'liss M_K_tKsa -> ::slumps forward, tangled up in her own feet:: Koga S'Bien -> I'll help place her onto a biobed. :picks up t'ksa off the floor:: Kheinsa Maec -> Careful there. ::frowning, getting a good look at the unconscious maenak:: Koga S'Bien -> ::carefully picks her up and sets her down gently onto a biobed:: Kheinsa Maec -> (q)She didn't get these wounds in transit, did she? Koga S'Bien -> (q) She might have. Let's just say she wasn't exactly too happy I brought her here. M_K_tKsa -> ::unconscious, lulls her head like a rag doll as she's laid on the biobed:: # ACTION> A dheno officer tackles Pexil from behind, driving him to the ground. The deck beneath them shudders from the stress as one of the explosions weakened the support structure. Demi t'Shia -> Locking Rekkhai! ::clearly stressed, working the controls to Transport tr'Pexil!:: tr'Shalor> I know my duty. And if au claim to be of Galae,au had best remember how one treats those of rank, and especially the acting XO Willow> I'll work on that. A lifetime infiltrating the Tal Shiar can... alter perceptions. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Has the wind beneath his wings clipped :: Demi t'Shia -> ::Pulls the Levers of the Transport controls, locked on tr'Pexil's t'Liss, he should be transported to Talon now:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Sighs and gazes at t’Ksa as Maec attends her, crossing her arms over her chest.:: Do an assessment of her physical condition. I want to know what has happened to her over there. tAehjae -> Are au able to get a secure lock? Kheinsa Maec -> ::frowning, peels away a bit of the dirty uniform jacket:: Na, these wounds...Some of these look to be rather fresh, like these burns here. But the bruises are weeks old. Koga S'Bien -> Unless au mean on the other ship. Ie... I recall she was being treated by the Tal'Shiar operative that I beamed to the RAC with her. Kheinsa Maec -> ::nods a little:: Of course, Lhhei. Lerak trPexil -> # :: The structure buckles and twists... perhaps the explosives were mismarked :: # Tal Shiar> ::Grabs Pexil by the uniform and punched him in the face.:: Lerak trPexil -> # (this seems vaguely familiar ) Lerak trPexil -> # :: A decent amount of blood and one tooth go flying :: Kheinsa Maec -> What do au mean she was being treated? What happened in the RAC? Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ Report. What has transpired? tr'Shalor> Directs that the woman be placed into a holding cell Demi t'Shia -> ((We've locked on Pex numerous times, and no response)) KhreRiovtRex -> (right, lots of interference! - ask the dice_ tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ We have repeatedly attempted to transport Pexil with na result. Unable to get a good lock Koga S'Bien -> I found her and a Tal'Shiar operative in an escape pod from the Tal'Shiar ship. When I beamed them aboard, the Tal'Shiar operative was treating her. She is currently being questioned by tr'Shalor, I would believe. Lerak trPexil -> (I need a 7 on a single D6) Kheinsa Maec -> What sort of treatment? Willow> ::is led into a holding cell, making herself as comfortable as possible, as she's likely in for a long-ish stay:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Attempts a punch back, swings... :: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ If he set off the charges, there will be quite a bit of interference. Keep trying. tr'Shalor> ::waits to make sure she it safely locked in, then goes to see Laehval Kheinsa Maec -> ::moves over to the diagnostic panel of the biobed to start a scan:: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ Get him back here! tAehjae -> +Pexil+ Pexil au need to get away from aus point now ... aus charges are blocking us. Koga S'Bien -> My medical knowledge is admittedly limited, but I think treatment for her injuries to her upper body area. She was using a basic med-kit. tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ working on it rekkhai Willow> ::lays down on the somewhat uncomfortable bunk, but is glad for the solitude... it has been a long while since she slept fully and peacefully:: tAehjae -> ::nods to Demi to keep trying:: Laehval tTemarr -> # Tal Shiar> ::Head rocks back from Pexil's punch and returns with one of his own. The deck plating shudders again and suddenly, the two of them are falling through the floor to the level below.:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: hears someone on the t'liss, but can't respond, getting the beat down :: Kheinsa Maec -> (q)Contusions, bruises, burns. ::brushes back a strand of hair from t'Ksa's face:: I don't suppose au would allow me to speak to the...ah...prisoner if that is what she is? Kheinsa Maec -> ::glancing at Laehval:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Sees the deck coming up on him SMACK! :: Demi t'Shia -> ::tries for the umteenth time:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Feels his nose bent to one side :: tAehjae -> ::to herself:: work work.... Lerak trPexil -> # :: Green in his eyes :: Koga S'Bien -> Au would have to ask tr'Shalor that. I should have asked her myself, but in the state t'Ksa was in, I knew my priority was getting her back to the Talon as quickly as possible. ACTION> Demi's efforts pay off. With Pexil's change in altitude, moving him further from the interference, the transporter is able to lock onto his signal. He materializes on the transporter padd. M_K_tKsa -> ((Gonna be joining me in medical I see. )) Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to kick the dheno... ends up kicking the side of the transporter pad :: tr'Shalor> ::enters medical and looks for t'Temarr. Rekkhai, I have detained the woman hrrau the br'tehh, and will be questioning tomorrow Kheinsa Maec -> ((Careful, you break it, you buy it)) Lerak trPexil -> (( Nonsense, I'm going to the ball no matter how I look :: toothless grin :: )) tAehjae -> Pexil Stand down.. au are safe Demi t'Shia -> :;watches Pex show up on the TR Pad, kicking at the air:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to Maec.:: Ie, I intend to have a talk with her when tr'Shalor is finished. I think it would be beneficial for her to speak with a kheinsa. ::Knowing that Maec was a crafty one.:: Kheinsa Maec -> I want to know what sort of *treatment* she was giving t'Ksa. tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ Pexil is aboard all ateam accounted for. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil looked as if he'd been mawed by a herd of targs :: coughs up more blood and another tooth :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Breathes a sigh of relief.:: <vs> Oh, elements... tr'Shalor> ::walks over:: I think this whole crew needs to see him PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM
  10. Lerak trPexil -> I'll need to as the good doctor a question about her log and how it pertains to last week's sim. Laehval tTemarr -> I'd like to know that as well. Just read it. Lerak trPexil -> Thought we boarded the ship she was on to rescue, then her log seems to show she and a friend left in an escape pod. Lerak trPexil -> Or we are all captured now :) M_K_tKsa -> Jolan tru Tory Knight -> ((Test?)) M_K_tKsa -> ((No, no test tonight.)) KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru Lerak trPexil -> Greetings KhreRiovtRex -> Ie Pexil. That is exactly what happened. Au went aboard to Disable the ship, but while au were doing that, they were making their exit, unbeknownst to au, while they were unaware of au boarding the ship, but they were expecting something like that….. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51207.12 The Talon's boarding parties have just begun to beam onto the ship that they've spent weeks in pursuit of, hoping that it indeed, is the one they believe has taken the Daise'maenak Morgana t'Ksa. Following intermittent distress signals from a pendant that she had worn, along with sightings along the way, the Talon headed towards Othan space hoping to cut it off, as it appeared to be taking a circuitous route to its destination. As the boarding parties hteij over to the ship in an attempt to take down its propulsion and communications, tr'Seiben is standing by with an armored RAC scanning for the woman's biosignature, in hopes of beaming her off that ship in all the confusion, and returning her to the safety of the Talon. Boarding parties have been instructed na to destroy the ship, in the event that they have masked t'Ksa's signature and she's difficult to find in time, or if she is na even there and they need to question the command staff of this vessel. Meanwhile, tr'Gilas's ship is about to overtake the Khre’Riov’s ship as she leads a path away from Talon. KhreRiovtRex -> (seeing as we're missing our boarding party......Pexil, you're it....NDak, we'll have you join Pexil on the Tal Shiar ship) Lerak trPexil -> (Oh my....) KhreRiovtRex -> (You've just been pinned down in a firefight in the corridor and the team has kicked in a wall panel to try to crawl away, good luck, may the dice be with you) KhreRiovtRex -> (AT, remember your mission was to distract by disrupting propulsion and communications) BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Koga S'Bien -> %::Scanning the vessel, looking for t'Ksa's biosigns:: M_K_tKsa -> @::in a wee little escape pod, hoping that she didn't just sign her death warrant:: # ACTION: Tal Shiar crew continues to fire at the Talon boarding party Lerak trPexil -> # :: The wall panel would have been easy to remove under normal circumstances, but these were not normal.. :: NDak -> # ::Using a container of some sort as cover, while checking the power reading on his disrupter, his brain couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this.:: # ACTION: TS guards continue to pin down the boarding team Koga S'Bien -> % ::again, not finding much on the ship. Scans around the ship for other vessels in the area:: M_K_tKsa -> @::sits on her hands, trying to calm the shaking:: NDak -> # ::He raised his hand above the crate he was using to shield his body and fired blindly towards the TS crew pinning them down.:: Koga S'Bien -> %Might get hairy if another ship pops in unannounced. Lerak trPexil -> # :: to any dheno :: Cover me while I get this panel off! :: BLAST above his head :: I can't get enough access from a replicator. Demi t'Shia -> # ::disruptor ready and in hand, setting on high, the only appropriate setting:: Ready tr'Pexil, go. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Motions to t'Shia to get closer :: NDak -> # ::He looked over to Pexil and t'Shia:: If you're going to do something, now might be good. ::Firing from his position towards the TS officers:: @ Willow> ::at the commands, checking sensor readings:: M_K_tKsa -> @Is this wise, being stuck in a small vessel with me? @ Willow> ::eyes narrow as she sees a few blips on her screens:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::on Talon, trying to keep himself busy in Medical:: Demi t'Shia -> $ ::moves closer, and runs cover fire for tr'Pexil while he works on the cover:: Koga S'Bien -> %::Fine tunes his scanners to better detect anything in the area:: Koga S'Bien -> % ::Meanwhile though, he continues a comprehensive search on the ship for t'Ksa's biosigns:: Koga S'Bien -> % ::moves the RAC a little ways forward to get a better position to scan:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Any resistance the panel had now was gone, Pexil fell back. The panel on his chest. He threw it to the side. :: Lerak trPexil -> # ::to t'Shia :: Let's go! :: pointing to the new opening :: Demi t'Shia -> # Go N'Dak, I'll take up the rear... ::motions, and keeps cover fire for them:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Enters the access tunnel first :: # TS 2> ::fires at tr'Shia:: NDak -> # ::Moves quickly towards the tunnel, firing off a few rounds at the TS officers before sliding into the tunnel:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Crawls a few meters ahead, sees N'Dak leap into the tube :: t'Shia? % ACTION> Koga's sensors detect several escape pods leaving the Tal Shiar vessel, spinning off in different directions. Koga S'Bien -> % ::Sensor beeps:: Escape pods! ::Scans the pods, hoping he'd get lucky:: M_K_tKsa -> @::trying to keep "Brain" talking, still na trusting her:: Demi t'Shia -> #::trying to head into the tunnel, but the fire is realy getting strong, cannot move yet:: #ACTION:: N'Dak's shot hits TS 2 who is disrupted and disappears Demi t'Shia -> # Go Ahead t'A.. Rekkhai, into the tunnel!! I have your cover fire! Koga S'Bien -> % Unlikely... but maybe... tAehjae -> ((Jolan Tru Sorry just walked in the door)) KhreRiovtRex -> (% Koga, you just need to see tDitsy for that!) Laehval tTemarr -> ( HeYO ) Demi t'Shia -> ((Hop into the tunnel behind NDak and tr'Pex)) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) Koga S'Bien -> (zing!) # TS continue to fire at the end of the corridor Lerak trPexil -> # :: Now the happy band of Talonites entered an engineer's world: tight, cramped spaces :: tAehjae -> #::nods to Demi and follows the others inside taking shots when she can and not hitting her commrads:::: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Reaches a fork in the access tunnel :: NDak -> # We have a giant starship, ::he said as he moved through the crawlway:: Why in Elements name do the access tunnels have to less than a meter wide. Demi t'Shia -> # ::waiting for a pause in the shooting now, so she can be the final one to enter the Jefferies tube/tunnel... but it just doesn't seem to come:: M_K_tKsa -> @::feeling rather claustrophobic, especially since she can't seem to control her hands:: # ACTION> The tunnel leads into the ship's crawl spaces. Interior scans show Engineering lies two sections over and down one level. KhreRiovtRex -> (and dont' forget your spoon) Lerak trPexil -> (sorry) Tory Knight -> (( There is no spoon...)) Demi t'Shia -> # ::pokes head up, like a mole, then back down a few times, taking pot shots at the TS:: % ACTION> Koga's scans show that only one of the escape pods have lifesigns. The others are likely carrying droids. Koga S'Bien -> % Menka! ::zeroes in ton the lone escape pod with lifesigns, tries matching it with t'Ksa's:: Come on Elements... # Action> Alarm klaxon's go off on the TS ship tAehjae -> # I agree .. They could be a bit bigger to make it easier. tAehjae -> # ::curses:: We need to hurry Demi t'Shia -> # ::finally starts a long shot, doesn't let up, pops up and takes off hauling it into the Jeffries, leaping over one of the shots into the tube, diving into everyone's laps:: Lerak trPexil -> # This way :: Points to the right :: # t'Prin> ::pacing the bridge, glowering appropriately:: Demi t'Shia -> #::gets up and tries to seal the tube:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Misses t'Shia's leap :: #t'Kayton> ::popping her head onto the bridge:: Lhhei. We have intrudors. ::sounding all out of breath:: KhreRiovtRex -> # Guards race to their stations, and trying to determine where those in the crawlway will come out KhreRiovtRex -> (Oh!! Elements...could it be the io!) Lerak trPexil -> # :: Going a bit ahead of everyone :: tAehjae -> #Pexil quick we have to get there before they find us. Koga S'Bien -> (OMG! Could it? Could it?! ) Lerak trPexil -> # :: voice a bit further away :: Two sections over then down a level. # t'Prin> ::..and plotting more than a few deaths:: NDak -> # :He trudged along in the middle of the pack.:: Au better be sure. KhreRiovtRex -> (Good thing it's the other NDak, hate to snag his cape in this narrow crawlway!) NDak -> (( I know, right? )) KhreRiovtRex -> (woe and despair) M_K_tKsa -> @::starts fumbling with her belt, really really wants to.....I don't know.......stand up.......walk around....... do something to calm down. % ACTION> Of the two lifesigns on the pod, one does, indeed, appear to be t'Ksa's readings. KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::sees the other ship closing upon her own ship:: Koga S'Bien -> % ::perks up at the match:: Demi t'Shia -> #::finishes sealing the hatch, and hurries to catch up:: # t'Prin> Elements! Someone get me a competent crew... #t'Kayton> Our forces are attempting to hold them back but.... Lerak trPexil -> # :: Crawls as fast as he can, a decent clip as he's done this more than a few times :: # t'Prin>... But failing miserably. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Pexil comes to an access ladder going down :: #t'Kayton>I wouldn't say *that* exactly. tAehjae -> #:: following Ndak and Pexil:: TS > # Guards figuring they are in the passageways, crawl into a position ahead of them to meet them Koga S'Bien -> % ::sends a quick message to the Talon that he has a match:: # t'Prin> ::looking to the tech officer, attempting to sort out their computer issues:: Get us back online. #t'Kayton> Back online? ::taken aback by that comment:: tAehjae -> # ::turns to look for Demi seeing her appraoching:: Hurry whan au get to the ladder go down one level. :: Demi t'Shia -> #::finally right behind everyone:: Demi t'Shia -> # Ie, Rekkhai! ::pant, hurry, climb:: # t'Prin> ::looking to t'Kayton:: Where are our security teams? Deployed? Koga S'Bien -> % +Pod+ This is Talon RAC to escape pod. I'm going to beam au both to the RAC. Standby... Lerak trPexil -> # :: Gets to the ladder than looks down :: This will place us along the floor at the far end of engineering. :: holds up a hand, closed fist :: NDak -> #::Already suspect about this entire campaign, they could have had the decency to check the schematics and beam in a lot closer to the engineering room -- then he remebered who had plotted this whole enterprise and wondered if his brother had been so wise to spare the two.:: Koga S'Bien -> %::Energizes:: tr'Shalor> +tr'Seiben+ isolate that pod and protect it until au are certain, then tractor it back if possible. If it will take too long, then beam her back M_K_tKsa -> ((I think Koga energized the wrong button)) Lerak trPexil -> # Let me go down alone at first KhreRiovtRex -> (Candian's have connection issues!) # t'Prin> ::feeling very much like Scar in The Lion King -- surrounded by idiots:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Canadians too) M_K_tKsa -> ((Wrong button Koga?)) Koga S'Bien -> (Yeah, wrong tab) Tory Knight -> (( But I'm Stateside tonight!)) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) tAehjae -> #Pexil with those klaxons going off we may have company.. Use caution Lerak trPexil -> # Understood. Koga S'Bien -> %::energizes t'Ksa and co. over:: NDak -> # Of course we're going to have company! Four of us beamed onto a Tal Shiar ship and made a dive for the nearest tubes. We're lucky they haven't just flooded them with plasma or something horrible. KhreRiovtRex -> (How many were you beaming?) Lerak trPexil -> # :: Arrives at a panel with a tiny display. Places an optical coupler to the side of the panel, after a few moments... :: They have beefed up security, KhreRiovtRex -> ((rolls dice) Koga S'Bien -> (two I believe) NDak -> # ::He'd become something of a nihilist these days:: tAehjae -> # Au too Ndak if anything happens to Au aus brother will yy’a me for sure, if he survives. Koga S'Bien -> %::or so he hopes:: M_K_tKsa -> %:: surprised to suddenly found herself on yet another ship, backs herself up into the wall, grabbing the bulkhead for support and trying to get over this disorientation:: Demi t'Shia -> # ::whispering:: Perhaps we should split up, causing them more grief trying to find us? NDak -> # The sentiment is appreciated, though unwarranted. Lerak trPexil -> # :: opens his multicorder :: We have na been spotted, yet. % ACTION: Koga beams aboard 2, one of which is an angry looking woman with a disruptor tAehjae -> # The yet is what I am worried about Lerak trPexil -> # I wonder if I can get in to engineering by myself... my uniform probably would give me away. Koga S'Bien -> % A friend of aurs? NDak -> # Au think? tAehjae -> #Ndak au stay with Pexil Demi and I will move over to the other side to cover au if anyoi comes in Demi t'Shia -> #Ie, rekkhai. # ACTION> Talon Away Team sensors show four enemies ahead and three behind. Those ahead lay in the most direct path to main engineering. Another route led to a secondary engineering level and seemed undefended. For now. Willow-> % ::glaring at Koga, hand on her disruptor:: KhreRiovtRex -> # A few more good shots and the boarding team takes out 3 more TS officers, while the Talon loses 2 of there extra crewmen to TS weapons fire tAehjae -> #I just hope the other dheno keep them busy until we get this complete. M_K_tKsa -> %In all honesty. I do na know. Where am I this time? Etre S'Bien...what...::sinking into a chair unwillingly, feeling dizzy:: Koga S'Bien -> % Au are on board one of the Talon's RACs. We were sent in to rescue au. We are now going to return back to the Talon. ::Looks at Tory:: If there aren't any objections. ::Sets a course back to the ship, and engages:: % Willow> ::her hip turned away from Koga, watching him warily:: NDak -> # ::Looks at his own multicorder:: The path in front of us is blocked by their D'heno. Or what I would assume are people with ie'yakk waiting to yy'a us. Demi t'Shia -> #::shooting into the tube, bravely disrupting some TS's wondering if her Rihannsu career is over forever:: Lerak trPexil -> # Hold on. There is another possible route. :: climbs out and back with the group :: NDak -> # Pexil, take the next left. Lerak trPexil -> # I see it.. :: takes next left :: tr'Shalor> +com+ trSeiben, report Lerak trPexil -> # :: Crawling :: This will drop us at an auxilary control junction on the other side of the enginering section. Demi t'Shia -> #::follows t'A:: tAehjae -> ((how many ways into engineering 2? 3? 4?)) Demi t'Shia -> ((I think 3 were mentioned, forward, backward, and the way we were about to head)) Koga S'Bien -> % +tr'Shalor+ S'Bien to Talon, I have secured t'Ksa and one other. Returning to ship tr'Shalor> +com+ Fhaen explain....io other? trShalor> +com+ Io of our crew with her? %Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Shalor+ tKsa and another person was found in an escape pod from the other ship. As of yet, I do na know her identity but she is not part of our crew. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Does some more crawling, then arrives at the other crawlway access point :: # ACTION: Ahead of Pexil, an entry grate lifts and an officer lifts his head into the crawlway KhreRiovtRex -> turning to see the others..... Lerak trPexil -> # :: gets out his disruptor and fires in the officer's direction :: tAehjae -> # :leads Demi towards the other access point:: NDak -> # Oh boy. KhreRiovtRex -> #Pexil in an unsporting move, shoots the guys head off before he even got a chance to turn around and see what was coming his way tAehjae -> # ::hears the shot ring out through the tubes:: I hope that was us firing Demi t'Shia -> (Go Pex!) % Willow> ::hesitates briefly, eyeballing Koga, then turns to check on Morgana:: NDak -> # Ie. Pexil just head shotted some io. Lerak trPexil -> # Uggh... No wonder I don't use these things. His guts are probably blocking our way. NDak -> # Hopefully it was na Morgana making her escape. Koga S'Bien -> %::increases speed, in an effort to return to the Talon as soon as possible figuring t'Ksa needs to be looked at by maenak staff:: +tr'Shalor+ I am returning to the ship shortly. I would appreciate maenak and dheno staff on hand in the RAC bay to meet us there. Laehval tTemarr -> # ACTION> Other than the disrupted officer, there were no other dheno officers in secondary engineering. KhreRiovtRex -> (ACTION: tA's shot ricchocets widlly through the tube, almost shooting NDak and Pexil from behind:: Lerak trPexil -> # If that is the case au my shot my head off. Tory Knight -> % Willow> We've gotten this far... No losing it on me now. Demi t'Shia -> #::quicklyl trying to duck the fire that is ricchoceting!:: NDak -> # I would hate to have to come io this way for ... Elements! Would you be more careful with that thing! Lerak trPexil -> # :: Feels something warm at his backside, then a bright light as the blast came to rest :: NDak -> # Au know these walls are insulated, ie? KhreRiovtRex -> (Come into the light........) Tory Knight -> % Willow> ::looking about for the emergency medical kit, finding it behind a panel:: KhreRiovtRex -> (starts calling Pexil CarolAnn) Lerak trPexil -> (mmm, mmm toasty) M_K_tKsa -> %::appears at the door of the refresher:: Au are lucky I did na lose it in front of au on the floor. ::carefully picking her way back to a seat, sitting on her hands to hide the shakes:: NDak -> # ::Exits the tube behind Pexil:: tAehjae -> (( Demi and I are heading around the other way ... ) Kheinsa Maec -> ::looking through some mundane paperwork:: Koga S'Bien -> % ::focusing on getting them to the Talon ASAP:: Are au okay, rekkhai? ::to tKsa:: We will be arriving at the Talon momentarily. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Exits the tube, past what was once an officer :: # ACTION> Pexil and NDak exit onto an empty room:: % Willow> ::pulling out the diagnostic tool, which her first aid training taught her to use:: tr'Slahor> +com+ Koga...repeat, who was with her? Do you have them secured? NDak -> #Oh good. No one home. ::Pulls out his multicorder:: Their should be a control panel that way... ::points:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Swings his disruptor around, determined to cut :: +tr'Slahor+ We have not spotted her yet. % Willow> ::noting the adrenaline levels, as well as elevated heart rate, synaptic rate... :: # Action> Dice say 3 more round a corner and start firing at t’Aehjae, t’Shia and their 3 guards tAehjae -> # OK Demi they should be in the auxiliary by now lets Go... ::starts to look through the cover before opening it:; # Action> Ouch...all three guards bite it...... % Willow> ::pursing her lips, glancing at the hypos available in the kit; doesn't want to take a chance on dugging her again:: M_K_tKsa -> %Maybe in a few years I will be 'okay'. % Willow> I'm afraid you're going to have to 'suck it up' as the lloann'na say. tAehjae -> # :: returns fire:: Demi t'Shia -> # Ie, Rekkhai. ::does as t'A orders:: NDak -> # ::Does one of those annoyed looks and instantly looks for cover, returning firing at the TS guards:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Reaches the panel :: Ah, this has greater access. tAehjae -> #That was close.. Au OK ::looks around to the other guards:: # ACTION> One TS guard goes down, but more come in and are close to capturing the Talon dheno officers Lerak trPexil -> # :: Places an optical coupler on the panel :: Demi t'Shia -> # ::Wishes science would develop a disruptor-silencer:: tAehjae -> # Take cover!! FIRE!! ::fires trying to gain the upper hand:: Demi t'Shia -> #::head down, but quickly returns fire:: Lerak trPexil -> # Copying the encryption.. getting the isd to work on it.. Koga S'Bien -> %::aligns the RAC with Talon:: +tr'Shalor+ RAC requesting docking clearance. Ie, affirmative, t'Ksa is secured. There is another woman with her right now. ::to Willow:: Don't mean to be rude, but how do au know t'Ksa? M_K_tKsa -> %She kidnapped me...then decided to rescue me. ::scowls a bit:: % Willow> Rude? I'm standing here in a Tal Shiar uniform, a weapon on my hip, you're ignoring me, and now you're afraid you'll be rude? % Willow> Are you certain you're Galae? M_K_tKsa -> %Are au asking me or him? ::smirks:: % Willow> ::glaring:: Koga S'Bien -> % They don't let me out on these types of missions, admittedly. I'm just the driver. ::shrugs:: tr'Shalor-> +com+ Boarding team, be quick with au mission, we have secured tKsa and will have her aboard hrrau a fwe siuren NDak -> #::to the Talon D'heno, as he fired off several quick shots:: Did au two not bring anything stronger than au ie'yakk pistols? tAehjae -> #+Pexil+ Pexil Ndak We are under fire on the other side of Engineering Complete aus task quickly.. Lerak trPexil -> # I'm in... Trying to access the environmental controls in engineering. NDak -> ((disregard my last bit, thought you two were with us)) NDak -> #::Glances to his Multicorder, then to Pexil, while keeping a disruptor trained on the entrance to the room he and Pexil were in:: Laehval tTemarr -> # ACTION> Pexil's hacking shows that the Tal Shiar computer is currently dealing with a virus that is making all of the systems sluggish. He was able to circumvent it, however, to tap into the control systems he needed. ACTION: Stray shot whizzes over NDak's head as a guard comes in Lerak trPexil -> # N'Dak. We are cut off, but if I release a 'knock out' gas it will get t'Shia and t'Aehjae as well. NDak -> #::Grumbles as a shot wizzes by his head, and he shot directly at the TS officer who entered the room.:: Koga S'Bien -> %::takes the hint, and quickly completes docking procedures without another word:: tAehjae -> # ::continues to fire :: +Pexil tell me whan au are ready!! Koga S'Bien -> %Hold on, I'm lining us up for docking. ::alligning with Talon's docking bay:: M_K_tKsa -> %Koga, I swear to au, I'm going to send au *back* to the Academy to clean rooms again if au keep this up. % Willow> Hardly an excuse. Out here, such incompetence will get you killed. M_K_tKsa -> %::closes her eyes, trying to will slow her nerves down:: Koga S'Bien -> ::touches down and powers down engines:: ACTION: # NDak hits the one that came in KhreRiovtRex -> (Pexil...did you bring tanks of gas with you?) NDak -> # Well, I suggest whatever you're going to do, Rehhkai au do it quickly. Lerak trPexil -> (the ship's environmental, I resume rom ships can knock out people) % ACTION> Koga docks skillfully and sets down without incident. As soon as the RAC opens to the bay, those inside are met by several units of Talon dhenos, weapons trained on all three of them. Koga S'Bien -> ::opens the exit hatch:: M_K_tKsa -> Are we there yet? ::opens her eyes:: Oh look, more guns. tr'Shalor > +tr'Seiben+ I repeat..what do you mean another is with her and no t one of ours!? Willow> Hm. And that one is bigger than mine is... M_K_tKsa -> ::feeling a bit punchy:: Shoot him first, fhaen. # ACTION More guards advance upon Pexil's and NDak's position tAehjae -> # :: motions to her dheno team to swing around to block the TS guards and their Dheno teams,,, cut off their access:: Lerak trPexil -> # +t'A+ Get to the middle of that section. I'm erecting a force field between. :: ducks :: tAehjae -> # ALL Move in!! ::pulls Demi in with her:: NDak -> # :Taking as steady of shots as he could, he fired into the incoming throng of oncoming TS officers.:: tr'Shalor -> + com+ t'Aehjae...prepare to finish disabling that ship, we have tKsa, prepare to beam back Demi t'Shia -> #::feeling like it's lightening up:: Daise, we seem to be clearning them out here. tAehjae -> #+trShalor+ IE Rekkhai NDak -> # ::He was rather glad, at the moment, that Destorie had forced him to do additional training with his ie'yakk or this would be even harrier than it was already.:: tAehjae -> #+Pexil Ndak+ Complete aus task the Talon has tKsa, and prepare to beam out Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Shalor+ She is a Tal'Shiar operative and part of the team that kidnapped t'Ksa. She apparently had a change of heart and must have helped her onto the escape pod I found her in. M_K_tKsa -> You got all that from my snarky comment? Willow> ::arching a brow:: They're *your* crew. ::glancing to Morgana:: M_K_tKsa -> You think I claim them? tr'Shalor> ::turns to tTemmar:: Rekkhai, Permission to go see who this other is, to make sure it's na a Tal Shiar officer come to disable us? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor.:: Take her into custody and hold her in the brig. I want to speak with her as well. tr'Shalor> ::nods at tTemmar:: At once Llhei. Willow> ::shrugs a shoulder:: They *did* rescue you. Lerak trPexil -> # +t'A+ Understood. :: initiates the gas to where he has access :: tAehjae -> # ::has all her dheno with her and Demi:: +Talon+ waiting on conformation of Pexil’s completion to beam up NDak -> # ::Continuing to give Pexil as much cover fire as he could:: Demi t'Shia -> #::ready to disrupt anyone's day that approaches while they wait to beam out:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Gets out disruptor :: I think the gas is having an effect in some locations # ACTION> Not all the gasses he wanted were there, so the mix turned out to be laughing gas instead tAehjae -> #+Pexil+ Pexil com the Talon when au are ready... Standing by # ACTION -> Guards start to giggle and fire towards each other Lerak trPexil -> # The gas appears to be, ha, coming in, he he, here. tAehjae -> ((LOL)) tr'Shalor> ::heads down to the RAC bay to take this woman into custody:: NDak -> # ::Wondering just how they had not blown their own ship up by now with io like Pexil in engineering:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Fires a disruptor, hitting another officer :: That's the funniest... he he ha, thing :: giggles :: I've ever seen, ACTION> Pexil is laughing so hard, that he can't contact Talon and will need some help tAehjae -> # +Pexil+ Pexil Ndak Status!!! ACTION> Pexil accidentally hits one of his own extra crewman in a fit of giggles Koga S'Bien -> (Nice!) M_K_tKsa -> ::standing rather shakily, using the bulkhead for support:: trShalor> ::enters the RAC bay with several guards:: Sees the other woman there in the TS uniform. :: Drop the weapon, guards take her into custody Koga S'Bien -> ::walks out of the RAC:: Willow> ::passes over weapon and surrenders to competent security:: Lerak trPexil -> # +t'A+ We are having a gas down here.. How did you get into my little t'Liss? Did you get smaller? Lerak trPexil -> # Oh no... Laehval I got some explainin' to do.. he he NDak -> # ::Having been holding his breath, he smacked Pexil on the head with the butt of his disruptor and tapped his t'Liss:: +N'Dak to Talon, beam us out of here. And have a medical team ready... tAehjae -> #+Talon+ tA to Talon Transport # Dheno team back to talon.. have Dheno stand by please PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ::paused;: Lerak trPexil -> :: paused :: How badly did Pexil hit the crewman? Demi t'Shia -> ::paused, giggles, paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Question being, would you confess to doing it? I'd say no KhreRiovtRex -> lol KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, great job all, shot some TS which is always a good thing M_K_tKsa -> You're using a distruptor, so it's always bad KhreRiovtRex -> got tKsa back alive, that's even better Koga S'Bien -> Yay KhreRiovtRex -> so we'll pick up here next week NDak -> Disruptors have like two settings Pex... Lerak trPexil -> Perhaps it grazed.. or vaporized NDak -> Crispy and Extra Cirspy. Lerak trPexil -> Goner and gone NDak -> There's no Original Recipe. tAehjae -> LOL KhreRiovtRex -> Disruptor, no stun, and graze will disrupt your cells just the same as a hit KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, do you have anything for tonight? Laehval tTemarr -> Nope, nothing from me. Prepare for more death next week. KhreRiovtRex -> awesome... NDak -> At least I got to hit Pexil in the head with my gun. Lerak trPexil -> Waiting to do that were ya? NDak -> You're lucky I didn't have an oar. Lerak trPexil -> :: touches his knot on his head :: KhreRiovtRex -> ok, so don’t' shoot each other and we'll shoot some more TS next week, or ...t’Prin may shoot you KhreRiovtRex -> depends on the dice Lerak trPexil -> :: and face :: tAehjae -> My Luck the dice will find me Koga S'Bien -> Night folks! NDak -> Night guys! KhreRiovtRex -> Crew dismissed Laehval tTemarr -> Night all. See you next week.
  11. Kheinsa Maec -> So e'lev, we could just gab away without the others.. M_K_tKsa -> Eh, if only it were so. But you let me get kidnapped, and I'll soon be y'ya. So what's the point? Kheinsa Maec -> Negative Nelly. M_K_tKsa -> I resemble that remark ::pouts:: RES Talon Mission Briefing 5120605 The crew of the Talon prepares to attempt boarding the ship that they've been pursuing, hoping that they will be able to waylay it long enough, that they may be able to make an attempt to extract Morgana t'Ksa, if she is indeed aboard, and all of this had na been a ruse, using her recall device as a decoy. t'Temarr has ordered teams to board the other ship, hitting engineering and disable their propulsion and communications systems. Meanwhile, t'Vatrix has gone off as a decoy, and is now being pursued herself by another. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tr'Shalor> ::calls down to the Hteij room to see if the teams have started to form up for the boarding action:: tAehjae -> :: decides to go down to make sure all her team are there as ordered.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::waiting nearby in an RAC, keeping track of sensors:: M_K_tKsa -> @::in the refresher of the vessel, going to completely stir crazy and looking for her own way out:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Checking his gadgets and items on his person :: tr'Shalor> +tr'Pexil, t'Aehjae, t'Shia+ Report rhae team readiness, and acknowledge standby status of au teams once they have assembled Lerak trPexil -> +tr'Shalor+ Engineers are doing last minute checks. tr'Shalor> +tr'Pexil+ Ssuej'fiv..... M_K_tKsa -> t'Kayton>::watching the oria, sulking about, was hoping by getting the veruul in trouble she'd be in better standing with t'Prin, but it did na seem to work:: tr'Shalor> +Dheno+ I've received na response..what is au team's readiness? tAehjae -> :: steps into the Hteij and looks for her teams:: +trShalor+ I am missin Oi. tr'Shalor> +tAehjae+ See that au find them immediately, and be sure to put them rhae report as well.....Au need to command more discipline from au staff @ Willow> ::in her temporary quarters, terminal open across her desk as she rewires it for secured communications:: M_K_tKsa -> @::pounds on the wall in frustration, then tries to collect herself as she exits the refresher, her fist smarting for her efforts:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods to the other engineers :: Ready? Lerak trPexil -> :: Others nod :: Lerak trPexil -> +tr'Shalor+ Engineering reporting as ready. tAehjae -> +trShalor+ Ie I plan on doing just that. tAehjae -> :: decides to remain to take her missing counterparts place:: @ Willow> ::boots it back up and picks up her messages:: M_K_tKsa -> @::sitting back down on her laboratory stool, wiping her eyes and tries to look interested in what she's doing:: @ Willow> ::scrolling through, nods once, then shuts everything down:: ACTION> t'Temarr has stepped hrrau t'Rexan's chambers to take a look at some maps away from the noise rhae the oira tAehjae -> +trShalor+ Dheno team is ready @ Willow> ::closes the case on her terminal, removing her encryption key and slipping it into a hidden pocket in her uniform:: @ Willow> ::glances over her quarters one last time, then heads for the corridor:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::pacing in his office, waiting for some sort of news:: tr'Shalor> ::sends report to t'Temarr:: @ Willow> ::striding down the corridor toward the lift, steps in and orders it to the laboratory level:: @ Willow> ::heading for the lab where Morgana is being held, subtly checking for passers-by as she makes her way down:: M_K_tKsa -> @::winces as she turns in her seat to obtain another sample, the latest beating she's endured really causing her problems:: @ Willow> ::approaches the two guards posted, noting the clear hallway:: @ Willow> ::the guards go to attention as she steps toward the door...the doors part:: @ Willow> ::hands smooth over her silver braid as she passes through the door:: KhreRiovtRex -> $ :: continuing on her decoy route:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes some deep breaths :: tAehjae -> ::going over last minute instructions with the dheno team:: tr'Shalor> ::continues tracking expected course noted from the signal and the launch of the small fighter trShalor> +Boarding teams+ Readiness call....are all teams prepared to beam over upon orders? Lerak trPexil -> :: Feels more like a cyborg with all of the devices in pocket along his uniform :: @ Willow> ::withdraws two long needles just in the doorframe, and, simultaneously, stabs the two guards at the base of the skull, hitting the soft tissues and the spinal cord:: @ Willow> ::pauses as the two guards crumple, turns, dragging first one, then the other into the lab:: @ Willow> ::dusting her hands off, looks up at Morgana:: Anything you can't leave behind? tAehjae -> +trShalor+ Ie rekkhai Dheno team is ready Kheinsa Maec -> ::runs a hand through his hair, sitting heavily in his seat:: tr'Shalor> +tr'Pexil+ Status ready? Lerak trPexil -> +tr'Shalor+ "Ready" M_K_tKsa -> @::raises her head when the doors open, then stands when she sees Willow's up to something:: What? What are you... ::confused a bit:: @ Willow> I'm getting out of here. You're welcome to stay, of course. I know how much you've come to appreciate Pain. @ Willow> ::smirks at Morgana:: M_K_tKsa -> @::is na about to look a gift horse in the mouth, turns to the experiement on the table, with io fluid movement smashes the nanobot with a glass beaker, then grinds the end the beaker int o the mess:: I'm menkha. I have everything I require. tr'Shalor> ::presses button for shipwide com:: +COM+ Quii boarding teams, man hteij platforms to activate upon my command.... tr'Shalor> +com+ All stations Condition Red... Lerak trPexil -> :: gets on the platform :: tr'Shalor> +com+ Prepare for battle stations once we decloak beam over our teams, and raise shields after all have beamed tAehjae -> :: steps up on the platform with her team:: @ Willow> Good. Because we don't have time to dally. @ Willow> ::heading toward the door, watching as they part:: M_K_tKsa -> @::walks over to the door, while she does na trust Brain completely, she's willing to give it a try - worse case she could tell t'Prin that the woman coerced her - beside she's as good as y'ya if she stayed anywaya:: So what are we waiting for then? Tea time? Koga S'Bien -> ::readies systems and potentially helm functions:: tr'Shalor> +com+ Hteij room, all teams ready to hteij, remember au orders, disable propulsion and communications. tr'Shalor> +com+ Hteij H'na! @ Willow> ::heads down the hall into one of the other labs, one she knows is deserted right now because the shift officer is...busy...with his junior officer:: @ Willow> ::tapping a few commands into the console he carelessly left logged in...:: @ Willow> ::sees the command line execute, then smirks:: @ Willow> ::heads back out of the lab, and down the corridor:: @ Willow> ::mentally with the count: 60 seconds...:: tr'Shalor> +com+ trSeiben, launch RAC and try to pick up any communication that au may have involving our missing crew member.. Kheinsa Maec -> ::would go to the Oira, but afraid he'd be kicked off within a few moments of his arrival:: @ Willow> ::walking with purpose to the lift:: M_K_tKsa -> @I hope au have an idea of what are au doing. ::following along:: @ Willow> I do... Let's just hope that our backup gets with the plan. @ Willow> ::allowing Morgana to enter the lift first:: tAehjae -> #::is transported over on command:: #ACTION> As transport could na be exactly determined by location #ACTION> Due to the other ship's cloak, however it's estimated locaiton was used from tr'Gilas's exit upon his ship....teams beam into the mess hall instead of engineering @ Willow> ::steps in after her, keying an entry into the control pad, just to the left of the door:: M_K_tKsa -> @I hope au are na counting on Talon being that back up. ::holding onto the wall for support:: @ Willow> ::looks up as the lift grinds to a halt, then stops all together:: tAehjae -> # we are in the Mess hall All Dheno move to engineering!! KhreRiovtRex -> Hteij Operator> +Oira+ We are reading a successful hteij onto the other ship M_K_tKsa -> @Was it supposed to do that? ::raises both brows:: @ Willow> ::mischievous gleam in her eyes:: Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way, it was well past time to go. @ Willow> ::kneels behind her, opening an access panel:: @ Willow> Into the elevator shaft, maenak. tr'Shalor> Ssuej'afiv...... shields up . Powering up weapons Koga S'Bien -> +Htejj+ Acknowledged. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Curses under his breath :: It's a few decks down tAehjae -> # ;; moves with her team attempting to make their way to Engineering:: # ACTION> A few guards spot tAehjae's team and begin to fire towards them tAehjae -> $Lets go Pexil before we are caught. KhreRiovtRex -> (oopsie, too late!) tAehjae -> # To late... FIRE!! ::starts firing on the other ships guards:: Koga S'Bien -> ::keeps track of shield and weapon power levels:: M_K_tKsa -> @I spend my life escaping through ships via very small crawl spaces ::shaking her head as she goes in first, gulps at the height they are at as she swings herself over to the ladder:: Up or down? @ Willow> Down. Two levels, then left. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Hits the ground :: tAehjae -> # :: takes refuge behind a wall:: Once we aur clear we will move on. M_K_tKsa -> @::deep breath, starts climbing downward, watching the access doors as she goes:: (q)Na like the cliffs at home, that's for sure. M_K_tKsa -> @::reaches the desired level and then hooks her arm through the rungs of the ladder, then io leg as she reaches over to unlatch the access panel:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Retreats with t'Aehjae. Gets out his disruptor, takes aim at... :: tAehjae -> #::firing at the other guards:: KhreRiovtRex -> Action> Tuards have t'Aehjae's team pinned down for the momrnt KhreRiovtRex -> (Pun intended!) KhreRiovtRex -> (Guards) Lerak trPexil -> # :: looks :: Getting to engineering will be difficult... we need to get to the door. tAehjae -> #::ducks back behind the wall just barely missing getting hit: @ Willow> ::glancing down, watching t'Ksa unlock the panel:: M_K_tKsa -> @::pushes the pannel aside, then carefully crawls into the new crawl space, waiting for Brain to join her:: @ Willow> ::makes her way into the aux shaft, closing the panel behind her, and keying a security code:: M_K_tKsa -> @Any sudden drops I should be aware of? tAehjae -> #Na with them there we can, they have it blocked Kheinsa Maec -> ::tries to make himself concentrate on work:: tr'Shalor> ::decides to give them a message and fires a warning shot across where their bow should be @ Willow> ::nods in the direction away from the panel:: ::shakes her head:: You'll turn right before it drops off. Then take the hatch immediately on the left:: Lerak trPexil -> # Plus they will strengthen up their defenses. :: fires :: M_K_tKsa -> ((Careful guys, she's got the dice out)) tAehjae -> ((tAs in trouble I can feel it)) KhreRiovtRex -> (one save made..one save....failed....depending what you do, it could be very bad for someone.....) tAehjae -> # ;;looks around for a crawl space hatch:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: flips out a scanning ISD :: I believe more are coming. If I can get to that access panel for the replicator I may be able to gain access to other systems. tAehjae -> #Dheno team keep them going do na stop.. M_K_tKsa -> @Are au sure about this? I mean....::starts crawling carefully through the crawl space::... And why are au helping me? @ Willow> ::nods:: I've been working this for weeks... everything down to the timing of their chief science officer's tryst with his second. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +t'Aehjae+ Status report? Have au made au way to engineering? When do au expect to take down their communications? tAehjae -> # Au better hurry. Lerak trPexil -> # :: Moves toward the panel as best he can :: tAehjae -> +trShalor+ We are pinned down just outside of the mess hall. Guard have us blocked of Pexil is trying to gain access into their system @ Willow> ::pauses:: As for why... let's just say that my allegiances have never been to t'Prin. M_K_tKsa -> @And did au account for an injured maenak in this plan? @ Willow> ::nods:: I did...though I do admit your injuries are a bit more severe than my calculations. But there was an alternate route, should I had to resort to carrying you. tr'Shalor> +tr’Seiben+ Have au started sensor scans looking for tKsa? Koga S'Bien -> +Tr'Shalor+ Ie, I have. I'm still trying to pin-point her location. M_K_tKsa -> @Elements forbid. ::rolls her eyes, finding she's reached a juncture in the crawl space:: Left, ie? @ Right, then the access hatch on the left. tr'Shalor> +tAehjae+ If they have au pinned down, have au tried going through an access crawlway instead? Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at his sensor readings:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Gets to the access panel, but having to dodge stray disruptor fire. Ducks :: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Removes the panel and connects this ISD's optical line :: tAehjae -> #+trShalor+ attepmting to get to it, now. Its a few more meters up:: Demi t'Shia -># ::with t'Aehjae somewhere, following orders:: M_K_tKsa -> @Hann'yyo. ::crawling on until she finds the appropriate hatch:: Locked, lhhei. Now what? @ ::purses lips:: May I? @ Willow> ::shifts so that she can slip past Morgana:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Starting to access the ship's systems, first copying the security protocols to his isd to safely crack them :: tAehjae -> # Dheno team move forward to the access panel. Shia Au decided to come to the front of the pack where the fun is? M_K_tKsa -> @By all means. ::moving out the way, trying to calm her nerves, her hands now shaking with them:: Demi t'Shia -> # Something like that Daise.. how else can I be of help hiding back there, like a coward. Rekkhai, I've got to find that crawlway to engineering somehow. tAehjae -> #We have to get to that access panel. ::ducks another round just missing her:: Stay Down!! Lerak trPexil -> # :: hears disruptor fire around him :: This will take a minute to crack the encryption... Koga S'Bien -> ::Increases power to sensors, but finding it tough-going given the situation:: # ACTION: INTRUDER KLAXONS SOUND AND MORE OFFICERS ARRIVE TO PIN DOWN THESE INTRUDERS.....THOSE LOYAL TO THE CLONE @ Willow> ::moving past, pulling off a panel and pulling an isolinear card from a slot:: @ Willow> ::breaks it against the edge of the panelframe, then slides part of it back in:: @ Willow> ::taps a few numbers into the control panel:: @ Willow> ::the light turns green:: Ah. Much better. M_K_tKsa -> @::jumps when she hears the warning klaxons:: Did au arrange this as well? tAehjae -> #:: making it to the access panel:: tShia Get it open ::fires at the guards:::;!! @ Willow> ::glancing up, as she opens the hatch:: I was rather hoping for the distraction, ie. @ Willow> ::climbing out, then pauses, waiting to assist Morgana:: Lerak trPexil -> # :: Time passes :: I have access. Not as much as I'd like. #ACTION> t'Aehjae takes down 2 guards Demi t'Shia -> # ::taking cover, but also trying to rip open the access panel with various little tools she has with her, including a disruptor:: tAehjae -> # Make it quick.. PEXIL remin behind do what au can to deactivate the communications! Demi t'Shia -> # ::rip rip, tear, rip, bang, klang:: M_K_tKsa -> @::trying na to groan as she comes out of the crawl space and stands up:: Now where? tAehjae -> # ::sees the two fall and continues the firing:: Lerak trPexil -> # Understood. I'm trying to reroute a surge of power through the communications relay. Demi t'Shia -> # ::Violent kick, kick on the crawlway cover, finallly getting it pulled back away from the wall:: Open!! It's Open Rekkhai! tr'Shalor> +trPexil+ Do NA let them raise sheilds or cloak @ Willow> ::nods to indicate the door at the end of the hall:: @ Willow> Your shuttle awaits, madam. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM
  12. The Talon's boarding parties have just begun to beam onto the ship that they've spent weeks in pursuit of, hoping that it indeed, is the one they believe has taken the Daise'maenak Morgana t'Ksa. Following intermittent distress signals from a pendant that she had worn, along with sightings along the way, the Talon headed towards Othan space hoping to cut it off, as it appeared to be taking a circuitous route to it's destination. As the boarding parties hteij over to the ship in an attempt to take down it's propulsion and communications, tr'Seiben is standing by with an armored RAC scanning for the woman's biosignature, in hopes of beaming her off that ship in all the confusion, and returning her to the safety of the Talon. Boarding parties have been instructed na to destroy the ship, in the event that they have masked t'Ksa's signature and she's difficult to find in time, or if she is na even there and they need to question the command staff of this vessel. Meanwhile, tr'Gilas's ship is about to overtake the Khre'Riov's ship, as she's traveling along, plain as day waiting for someone to come and snatch her up, per the Fvillah's orders.
  13. Au also t'Marhen!
  14. Awesome log!! I enjoyed seeing where au were going with this......!!
  15. RES Talon Mission Briefing 5120605 The crew of the Talon prepares to attempt boarding the ship that they've been pursuing, hoping that they will be able to waylay it long enough, that they may be able to make an attempt to extract Morgana t'Ksa, if she is indeed aboard, and all of this had na been a ruse, using her recall device as a decoy. t'Temarr has ordered teams to board the other ship, hitting engineering and disable their propulsion and communications systems. Meanwhile, t'Vatrix has went off as a decoy, and is now being pursued herself by another.
  16. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.28 After the Talon had picked up the distress beacon from t'Ksa's necklace once again, and has been able to more or less pinpoint the quadrant that the signal was coming from. t'Vatrix has taken her small ship, and has launched upon the mission given to her directly by the Fvillah's orders, one that she, her bondmate, her personal arms man, and even t'Temarr disagreed with her embarking upon, but she was sworn to follow through to protect her family. The Talon, after her departure, has remained cloaked, and is advancing upon the position of the other ship, and has begun making plans for a possible boarding party to attempt to rescue the Daise Maenak from those that had taken her. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::Heading towards Othan space hrrau the small fighter:: tAehjae -> Demi?? NDak -> ::On the bridge, looking over the scanners, keeping t'Rexan's small fighter on his sensors:: Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Pexil decided his string of deeps breaths were no longer effective :: t'San, maintain a clean power signal to the forward sensors. tAehjae -> :: talking with her dheno staff about what and how everything will go when the Dheno team goes after tKSa.:: Lerak trPexil -> (not sure what my @ was for) Demi t'Shia -> ::listening to her Daise about this:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::getting the RAC ready for the boarding mission; finishing up pre-flight checks:: NDak -> ::This most certainly could and would na end well, for anyone io. Just whose bright idea had it been to use the Khre'Riov as bait anyway, he wondered.:: Koga S'Bien -> (ach, not sure what mine was for either heh) tAehjae -> Demi. If we have to break up into 2 teams unless said different from tTemarr I want au to lead the second team. Laehval tTemarr -> ::On the bridge, Laehval sat in the command seat, reviewing their plans for boarding the other ship, hoping that someone came up with something brilliant.:: Demi t'Shia -> I'm honored, Rekkhai. ::puffs chest out only minimally:: NDak -> ::Yet he had enough sense not to voice such concerns outloud:: Lerak trPexil -> :: tr'Arak to tr'Pexil :: The cloak is functioning properly, no leakage. Lerak trPexil -> Good, maintain stations everyone. tAehjae -> I wish for au to show au can take my place if something happenes to me.. what better way to show that than for au to lead a team. Koga S'Bien -> ::checking cloak device, shields and other important systems:: tr'Shalor> ::steps over to t'Temarr still holding the ISD t'Vatrix had given him before her departure:: Demi t'Shia -> ::glances around at the others,wondering if they will challenge this 2nd position that's been given her:: tAehjae -> :: to all of the dheno teams:: I Want all teams in the transporter room in 20 minutes. tAehjae -> Demi. I wish au to come with me. Demi t'Shia -> ::nods and stands up:: Ie Rekkhai! # ACTION: Aboard the Othan/TS ship, tr'Gilas still is arguing a bit with t'Prin who wants him removed from the Oira, he wanting to go after t'Vatrix, she wanting to keep heading towards Othan space until tr'Gilas mentions the signal he had picked up, seemingly coming from their own ship tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ tAehjae to tTemarr. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances up at tr'Shalor, holding hand out for the ISD.:: +t'Aehjae+ t'Temarr here. # ACTION: t'Prin in anger, and suspecting that tKsa has managed to have hidden some type of device, decides to cloak the ship tAehjae -> +Temarr+ Rekkhai I wish to speak to au about the plans to extract tKsa when we get the chance. NDak -> ::Frowna, taps at his console:: tr'Shalor> ::hands her the ISD:: She asked me to give you this once she departed tAehjae -> Demi Come with me to my office NDak -> ::Laeh:: The ship we were tracking has disappeared from the scanners. They have likely cloaked. Demi t'Shia -> ::follows t'A:: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ Ie, I expected au would. I am on the Oira. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Ops> ::piloting the Talon on a steady course and peace up on the oira:: tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ Ie Rekkhai I am bringing oi of my Dheno officers with me. She will head the second team. Meet au in a few moments. tAehjae -> Lets go Demi. ::enters a nearby lift:: Demi t'Shia -> ::enters lift behind t'A:: tAehjae -> Have au met aur new second in command? Demi t'Shia -> ::shakes head negatively:: Na, Rekkhai. I wasnw't aware we were assigned one by RSE Command. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to Issaha.:: Is there any indication that they know we are here? NDak -> ::Shakes his head:: There weren't any movements that would suggest it, or change in power or speed. tAehjae -> I am na sure if she is permanent or na but She is a great officer. I respect her. tr'Shalor> ::wonders how well it will go over with this woman if he has to follow through with t'Vatrix's orders and play the part of acting XO if the other needs to take the lead role Demi t'Shia -> Do au know her from another ship? Laehval tTemarr -> Then likely their Enarrain's intuition. Perhaps t'Vatrix's shuttle sparked an internal debate. ::Glances back to the ISD from tr'Shalor, reading through the orders.:: tAehjae -> Na from this ship, She was our Daise Engineer. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. Demi t'Shia -> ::raises her ridge brow:: Really? A promotion from within, is that accepted by the ship? Demi t'Shia -> ::trying to remember if she met the DaiseEngineer, but has met so mahy people, doesn't remember:: tAehjae -> Ie Demi t'Shia -> ::nods:: Good, I am eager to meet her as well then. tAehjae -> ::steps out of the lift onto the Oira:: Demi t'Shia -> ::following t'A, right on her heels:: tAehjae -> :: walks around to be in front of tTemarr and comes to attention:: tAehjae -> Rekkhai tr'Shalor> ::turns to t'Temarr:: Shall I take tactical for au, as au have command? Demi t'Shia -> ::immediately at attention as well, to the back, and slightly to the side of t'A:: Lerak trPexil -> :: The waiting tried Pexil's patience. All systems good. All engineers on hightened alert. :: tAehjae -> ::nods her respect to trShalor :: Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, tr'Shalor. I think au would be most useful there for now. ::Turns her attention to t'Aehjae and t'Shia.:: What do au have for me, t'Aehjae? Demi t'Shia -> ::remains at attention:: tr'Shalor> :: nods and moves to the station:: tAehjae -> Rekkhai Aur teams are ready to extract tKsa from the ship. I have 2 teams ready to act. tShia here will lead team 2 NDak -> ::tr'Shalor:: I am transferring the same readings we have to your monitors, it should improve au resolution. tr'Shalor> :: used to being on Teronix or with tr'Vatrix, now having to trust these unknown officers, just on the word of t'Vatrix:: tr'Shalor> :: looks over to the science officer, and nods to him:: Hann'yyo... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glancing at Demi, she waved away her rigid posture.:: Stand easy, t'Shia. ::Nodding to t'Aehjae, she glanced between the two dheno.:: And what will be the responsibilities of each team be? Demi t'Shia -> ::slightly at ease:: Hannyy'yo, Rekkhai. tr'Shalor> :: looks back over at the science officer, noting the same facial features of the former Enarrain he had meet before at the Vatrix compound:: Thinks to self that this must be the younger sibling Demi t'Shia -> ::thinks through, while her Daise speaks first, "securely extract our target, neutralize any incoming":: tAehjae -> The first team will go in and clear a path to tKsa the second will head in to extract her while team Oi keeps the areas boundaries secure NDak -> ::Looks back to his readings:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval frowned.:: And what about providing protection for Engineering? I did na expect us to extract t'Ksa by using physical means. They have the greater numbers. tr'Shalor> ::looks over at the dheno, wondering why the change of plan from the briefing:: Laehval tTemarr -> In my briefing, I specifically outlined that I was sending a boarding party to disable the other vessel in order to give us time to extract Ksa. We might decide on a secondary extraction with your dheno officers, but our first course of action is to beam her out if at all possible. NDak -> ::Lifting his brows at the conversation a few feet away from him:: tr'Shalor> Still nothing showing on sensors to give away their position. They have either continued on course, only having cloaked for their own needs, or they have stopped, to see if they can deterine if t'Vatrix's ship came from another nearby Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil stepped down from the main engineering console, another engineer took over :: tAehjae -> Ie Rekkhai I have a third team that would tackle engineering first to draw attention there, NDak -> ::Amazed out how patient Laehval was being, wondering if Destorie would have snapped at her yet, while keeping an eye on the sensors:: Koga S'Bien -> ::wipes his hands with a rag, after giving the RAC a thorough going over:: Looks good. Laehval tTemarr -> Engineering is our primary objective. ::She tapped the ISD against her leg.:: We must disable that ship to ensure that it does na escape. Then, we will locate t'Ksa and extract her. Au do realize that brute force is na likely to work in this situation? They have the greater numbers and a better knowledge of their ship. NDak -> ::tr'Shalor:: I am trying to analyze possible courses for the vessel... could you take a look at it as well? Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil entered another room and gathered up anything he would need :: tr'Shalor> :: Half tempted to go and lead part of the attack himself, but had promised his charge he would care for her ship and watch over the crew instead:: tr'Shalor> ::turns to NDak :: Fhaen, transfer to my console so that I may view it tAehjae -> :: lowers her head momentarily, the raises it again:: Ie Rekkhai I stand corrected. We will have a dheno team work with engineerin to know what to take out to stop the vessle in its tracks, I will place my plans on the secondary plan sheet NDak -> ::Nods and sends the information to his console:: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Temarr+ Pexil to Temarr. I am on my way. Lerak trPexil -> t'Ditsy, if au can hear me, au have engineering. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil exits main engineering, enters the lift :: Oria. NDak -> I have asked the et'reh to plot possible course, but I am sure au tactical experience will help elminate some of them. tr'Shalor> :looking over the data:: Laehval tTemarr -> +Pexil+ What? What do au mean? Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> * tr'Shalor> So, we're assuming that they either cloaked because they expected someone following them and a long range vessel to carry t'Vatrix's ship... Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift doors open to the oria. Pexil enters :: tr'Shalor> or they jsut either out of habit or precaution , cloaked to keep a low profile.... NDak -> ::Shalor:: They did na make any movements before the sudden cloak.... tAehjae -> tTemarr with au permission I wish to have tShia head that team. I beleive she deserves a chance to prove herself to au. tr'Shalor> As we've not run into them yet, I'm assuming that it is the latter, and that they have stayed upon the original course. tr'Shalor> I agree, so let's set aside these other three options, and extrapolate current course and speed from our last known data set:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to t'Aehjae and glanced to the lift as Pexil entered.:: As soon as we locate this ship again, I want all team members ready to beam over. ::Her gaze swung to t'Shia.:: Do au believe yourself ready to lead such a team, t'Shia? Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil stood a couple of meters away, eyeing t'Shia :: Demi t'Shia -> ::puffs out chest:: I do, Rekkhai! ::firm military like response:: NDak -> ::Runs his hand over the console:: Ie, making the changes h'nah. Demi t'Shia -> ::now back at an attention like stance:: tAehjae -> ::smiles at her dhenos reaction. :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Eyes t'Shia for another moment and then nods.:: Very well. Au will lead the secondary team as t'Aehjae dictates. #TSO tr'Gilas> Furious that t'Prin moved the ship back to it's original course, sends a transmission to his uncle, informing him of t'Vatrix being in the quadrant and his plan to take her himself and bring her to him.... Laehval tTemarr -> If there is nothing else, I suggest au both get your teams ready for departure. tAehjae -> ie rekkhai Lerak trPexil -> :: He had not thought of which team he'd be on if it came to that :: Demi t'Shia -> Honored, Rekkhai. Hannyyo tr'Shalor> Rekkhai.....I am picking up a signal from these coordinates, we may be able to get a fix on their location....Science, do au confirm? tAehjae -> :: to PExil :: I am going to have a Dheno team meet with aus engineers to be able to exicute this tAehjae -> ::nods to tTemarr.:: tAehjae -> tShia au are with me. Demi t'Shia -> ::nods and takes a step closer to t'A:: # tr'Gilas> As the shields are down to allow the cloak to work, he overides the dheno controls, and launches his small ship towards t'Vatrix's ship Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: They have ran simulations and are making their way to the transporters now. tr'Shalor> I have picked up a small ship, at these same coordinates...Extrapolating data as to location of the ship they pursue tAehjae -> ::walking with Pexil and Demi:: Demi I am going to heave the others meet au in the transporter room. Be safe, tAehjae -> Pexil can aus team give my Dheno team a quick rundown of what will go down? NDak -> ::Lifts a brow:: Ie, I have it too. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Hearing tr'Shalor and Issaha, she stood up abruptly.:: That is it! +All Teams+ Prepare for immediate departure! tr’Shalor-> t'Temarr, we have a fix on the ship at it's current location..... Koga S'Bien -> ::making final preps for departure:: tr'Shalor> But it may move or stop at any time due to that other ship's exit....we must be swift.... tAehjae -> :: hearing tTemarr as the doors to the lift close:: Demi quickly get to the transporter room Lerak trPexil -> :: Hears the all teams :: At this juncture, just watch our backs while we disable the ships propulsion and communication systems. tAehjae -> +Dheno team+ Dheno team 3 move to the transporter room NOW! Demi t'Shia -> ::moving with t'A, as ordered, hurrying to the TR:: NDak -> ::He had a bad feeling about this:: tr'Shalor> Science, keep an eye on readings, see if they decloak and raise sheilds due to that other ship Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to Lerak.:: Do na disappoint me, tr'Pexil. NDak -> ::Nod:: Ie. Laehval tTemarr -> (( Stop jinxing us, Han! )) tr’Shalor> ::turns to t'Temarr:: Hteij control says that the teams are na ready for transport yet, tey are still waiting on some of them.. Lerak trPexil -> I'll na come back at all if it fails. Don't worry. tr'Shalor> :: frowns as Teronix would na be having this problem:: KhreRiovtRex -> (wb) Demi t'Shia -> ((grrr)) KhreRiovtRex -> TWO MINUTE WARNING tAehjae -> ((WB Demi)) KhreRiovtRex -> TWO MINUTE WARNING Demi t'Shia -> ::enroute to TR room:: tAehjae -> :: Dheno team arrives in the transporter room:: Demi t'Shia -> ::arrives in TR:: NDak -> ::Keeping an eye on the sensors, he hoped the sinking feeling in his gut was wrong:: Lerak trPexil -> :: In the Transporter room. Sees the other engineers :: Au know what to do. tr'Shalor> Issasha, na new readings rhae that ship? NDak -> ::Shakes his head:: Na yet... tr'Shalor> Htiej room says au boarding crews are there and ready to proceed on au order Llhei NDak -> Strange don't au think? tr'Shalor> Or incompetence.... tAehjae -> :: enters the TR with Demi:: Be safe. Everyoi watch each others backs. NDak -> ::Tips his head:: Well they did let us track them this far... Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Aehjae :: One team gets propulsion, the other communications. Demi t'Shia -> ::grunts with her team, acknowledging t'A's order:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor.:: Beam them over as soon as they are ready. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Demi t'Shia -> ::paused:: NDak -> II tAehjae -> ::paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> Oh Elements..I hope I actually beam them onto a ship and not into cold cold space Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> Ok...so here's the dealio for next week....... NDak -> ...that wouldn't be all bad... KhreRiovtRex -> tTemarr, will be off having a well deserved vacation and not even thinking about us Laehval tTemarr -> Nope. Not a jot. KhreRiovtRex -> and as it's the day following a holiday, not sure how many others will or will not be h ere...so..... Laehval tTemarr -> Well, maybe a little. Like if you got beamed into the cold black of space or if they killed you when you beamed over immediately... both likely at this point. KhreRiovtRex -> we will either beam you, or not beam you next week depending ho is KhreRiovtRex -> who is or isnt' here KhreRiovtRex -> so...sorry, there will no time between sims this week KhreRiovtRex -> Well, maybe a few minutes if you really want to write that log where you're thinking you are kissing your butt goodbye Lerak trPexil -> Any way I could make sure your beamover is successful t'Vatrix? NDak -> lol KhreRiovtRex -> Anyone know now that they won't be there next week? NDak -> I won't. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix is already in a ship KhreRiovtRex -> Alrighty then...that's all I have. Laehval? Laehval tTemarr -> Nope! Everybody the frell out. The janitors are waiting to clean up after us. Have a good night, all, and a great holiday for those of you not in Canada. NDak -> They get theirs a few days early! Koga S'Bien -> We have a holiday coming up too! Canada Day is this Sunday! tAehjae -> night all and happy holidays NDak -> Oh... thats right... NDak -> It is Sunday. tAehjae -> to both countrie Koga S'Bien -> Should be here... KhreRiovtRex -> Eh! Koga S'Bien -> Might not be sober come Sunday, but I should be there as well KhreRiovtRex -> omg, get out of here, and go to bed you people! Laehval tTemarr -> Night all. See you in a couple of weeks. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight folks! Laehval tTemarr -> ::gets ready to boot:: KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed Lerak trPexil -> Night tAehjae -> night all Demi t'Shia -> Night
  17. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.28 After the Talon had picked up the distress beacon from t'Ksa's necklace once again, and has been able to more or less pinpoint the quadrant that the signal was coming from. t'Vatrix has taken her small ship, and has launched upon the mission given to her directly by the Fvillah's orders, one that she, her bondmate, her personal armsman, and even t'Temarr disagreed with her embarking upon, but she was sworn to follow through to protect her family. The Talon, after her departure, has remained cloaked, and is advancing upon the position of the other ship, and has begun making plans for a possible boarding party to attempt to rescue the Daise Maenak from those that had taken her.
  18. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.21 The Talon moves towards the latest signal which they just picked up, virtually where science and Ops had predicted we might be able to intercept them based upon the earlier readings. The Khre'Riov, following orders sent directly from the Fvillah, has launched her personal vessel and is serving as bait to turn that signal back towards the Talon, and thus try to force t'Ksa's captors to make an error, that will result in their failure. Meanwhile, on the Tal Shiar vessel, t'Ksa and Willow are seeming to have some sort of mutual connection and are perhaps planning on trying to leave the ship. TSO tr'Gilas, against all that t'Prin would order, had taken it upon himself to turn the ship while he had the oira, and head towards the Khre'Riov's signal. Reposted under correct SN
  19. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.21 The Talon moves towards the latest signal which they just picked up, virtually where science and Ops had predicted we might be able to intercept them based upon the earlier readings. The Khre'Riov, following orders sent directly from the Fvillah, has launched her personal vessel and is serving as bait to turn that signal back towards the Talon, and thus try to force t'Ksa's captors to make an error, that will result in their failure. Meanwhile, on the Tal Shiar vessel, t'Ksa and Willow seem to have some sort of mutual connection and are perhaps planning on trying to leave the ship. TSO tr'Gilas, against all that t'Prin would order, had taken it upon himself to turn the ship while he had the oira, and head towards the Khre'Riov's signal. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM @TSO tr'Gilas> :: entirely focused upon that new signal they've picked up, that had identified itself as t'Rexan, his uncle will pay dearly to have the 'Clone' in custody:: @t'Kayton> ::entering the oira, scowling so deeply her face may soon crack:: @ t'Prin> ::seated in her quarters, lights turned down, aside from those at her desk, reading over the reports she is forced to submit to those at a higher pay grade than her own:: @TSO tr'Gilas> Increase speed towards that signal...let me know when it's visible on long range sensors:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Sets up cardboard Issasha N'Dak and R'Mor) Koga S'Bien -> ::looking at his sensor readings:: KhreRiovtRex -> (feel free to abuse them as au wish!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::On the bridge, Laehval kept an eye on the sensor readings, waiting for some sign that the bait had been taken and that the Enarrain was in danger.:: Koga S'Bien -> ((::Draws a mustache on cardboard N'Dak::)) KhreRiovtRex -> (Handlebar or FuManchu?) Lerak trPexil -> :: Down in engineering, Pexil sits at the main console, watching systems all over Talon :: Koga S'Bien -> ::bringing up shields, and engine power on standby:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Somebody pin a cape on it too) Koga S'Bien -> (Hmmm... full on Fu Man Chu to complete the caped look) Laehval tTemarr -> (Like pin the tail on the donkey?) tAehjae -> :: in Engineering making sure that area is contained incase of boarding KhreRiovtRex -> (I was thinking the same) KhreRiovtRex -> (with a soul patch?) tAehjae -> :: wondering what’s going on:: +Demi+ tAehjae, to tShia M_K_tKsa -> @::all full of woe and despair, as she senses a dark shadow falling upon her fading youth, knowing that if she does not find a way out of her predicament soon her life's flame will be snuffed out far too soon:: KhreRiovtRex -> (brought a tear to my eye....almost) KhreRiovtRex -> (you know what that needed.....? at the end....a 'thus-ly' @ Willow> ::prowling the corridors, trying to think:: KhreRiovtRex -> (I’m sorry, I think t'Ksa just plain wins for the night, with that woe and despair) @ Willow> ::necklace in her pocket, triggers it on, then off, as one might a retractable ballpoint pen:: KhreRiovtRex -> # ::heading away from the Talon to try to keep it from immediate notice:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Checking cloak status and watches the Khre'Riov 's shuttle get farther and farther away on sensors:: Demi t'Shia -> ::still on the Oira, making sure things are secure, standing near the TL doors, so she has her eyes on everyone: Lerak trPexil -> t'Aehjae...are there any engineering issues in your department I should be aware of. Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aehjae+ Ie, Daise. The Oira is quiet, for a change. Koga S'Bien -> ::will enjoy said quiet for as long as he can:: tAehjae -> :: turns to Pexil:: Na everything is fine for now. tAehjae -> +Demi+ tShia, t’Vatrix? @t'Kayton>::casts a glance at the verrul who has turned the ship, but does not dare challenge him - instead chooses to use her weasel-like powers for evil and turns to snitch on him in order to win favor with t'Prin, rings the chime to her private quarters:: @ t'Prin> ::is not pleased with the progress -- or lack thereof -- that she has to report:: @ Willow> ::thinking, "Elements! How the @#$% do we get out of this mess...?:: M_K_tKsa -> @Oh Elements ::she sighed:: KhreRiovtRex -> # Oh Elements.....I can't believe I'm actually doing this veruulish thing. Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Oh, Elements! The Talon received another ping from Ksa's signal, bringing them a bit closer to her actual location. KhreRiovtRex -> $ Varlon> :: Rhae ch'Rihan, wondering why he's not heard from his bondmate for some time now:: “Oh Elements.... I told her to contact me.....what is she up to now?” @ t'Prin> ::...while also knowing that she cannot push t'Ksa too hard too quickly:: @ t'Prin> ::looks up, furrowing her brow:: Enter. @ Willow> ::pauses, fingers brushing the necklace in her pocket... as a plan comes together:: @t'Kayton>::slipping in like a snake slithering in the grass, inching up upon its prey:: Jolan tru, lhhei. @ Willow> ::a slow, wicked gleam lights her eyes:: (::and she chomps a cigar:: )) @ t'Prin> ::nods, stiffly... still not thrilled with this particular individual, given past behavior:: Jolan tru. What can I do for au? Koga S'Bien -> ::receives said ping:: We're closing in on the signal. We are definitely in the right track Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aej+ They are closing in on the signal, Daise. And Khre'Riov t'Rexan is na on the ship at this time. tAehjae -> ::curses:: Very well t’Aehjae out. Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Very well. :: hearing t'Aehjae's curse :: Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aej+ It is believed that Laehval knows it, evidently, it seems that someone prepared it. Demi t'Shia -> (( I feel like a newbie again guys! Forgive me if I'm translating IM's and things wrong )) KhreRiovtRex -> (you are doing just fine!) tAehjae -> +Demi+ Hann’yyo, :;grumbling:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval nodded, fingers tapping out a sequence on her console to bring up a map of the various pinged singles they'd tracked. A pattern was beginning to form of how the ship she was on was moving.:: KhreRiovtRex -> # ::knows Var'lon would be angry for her actually following this order without consulting him first. He had told her he wanted to have backup first, but she knew it would be better for Var'lon, na to press the Fvillah further than she already had. She would play the bait, and do her part to try and rescue t'Ksa:: Demi t'Shia -> ::senses her Daise's distaste for the news, but cannot fix anything that was reported, so stands alert on the oira:: tAehjae -> :: closes the com:: ya I know who prepared it. I was hoping she would take a dheno with her for protection. Koga S'Bien -> ::Keeps on course, watching for more pings on sensors:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil nodded to one of the twins down from the flight deck. She smiled at him like she always did. Was it something she wanted, or was a bit of lunch stuck in Pexil's teeth? :: tAehjae -> Pexil What are your dheno proceedures incase of being boarded? Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil smiled back, grateful for the interruption :: What? Demi t'Shia -> ((::votes for the lunch:: LOL)) KhreRiovtRex -> ((That....or perhaps you can prepare to board them!) tAehjae -> What are your dheno proceedures incase of being boarded? Lerak trPexil -> t'A: Lock down the control systems and shield the quantum singularity drive tAehjae -> Who’s in charge of the lockdown and how many have the access codes for such an event? @t'Kayton>::playing innocent, as if t'Prin knew about the course change all along:: It appears that things are progressing on the Oira. Although tr'Gilas's course correction will be taking us the scenic route. @ t'Prin> ::arching a brow in an almost Vulcan-like manner -- not that anyone would admit that:: Course correction? @TSO tr'Gilas> Where is that ship!? I want to intercept it with all speed @t'Kayton> Ie. ::all innocent like:: To intercept some ship? @t'Kayton>::would rock back and forth on her heels:: @ t'Prin> Another ship? What *other* *ship*? ::narrowing eyes:: @t'Kayton> Ie, another ship. ::shrugs:: A small io. Did au na order the pursuit? @ Willow> ::checking the deck she's on, heads down the corridor and then to the left:: @ Willow> ::pausing before a door to private quarters, ringing chime:: Lerak trPexil -> t'A: All access via utility access crawlways is magnetically sealed. Lerak trPexil -> Generally myself or one of six trusted Daise on duty. Demi t'Shia -> ::decides to stretch her feet, and takes a slow pace around the oira, probably sending the hairs up on people's necks as she slithers behind them and looks over their shoulders:: Lerak trPexil -> Codes are rotated every 8 hours. tAehjae -> Ahh good .. then au are following the newest protical that was sent out. Hannyyo Koga S'Bien -> ::with the amount of people pacing around the oira, he wondered how long it would take for the deck plating to wear out:: Koga S'Bien -> ::or the number of people who have paced the oira:: Lerak trPexil -> t'A I am halfway through my shift here. tAehjae -> ::nods:: I will let au return to aus duties then @ Willow> ::rings chime again:: @ t'Prin> Obviously not. :: standing, heading out of her quarters:: @ Willow> ::no answer, so she surreptitiously overrides the security code:: @t'Kayton>::following, twisting her fingers behind her back:: KhreRiovtRex -> # ::piloting deeper into Othan space:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Frowning, she leaned back in her chair and turned her attention to Koga.:: S'Bien, send a ship wide message to all department heads. I want everyone up here for a briefing immediately. Lerak trPexil -> Na a problem. Koga S'Bien -> Ie, rekkhai. Demi t'Shia -> ::eventually returns to a post right at the TL doors, waiting for the Daise's that are now to head this way:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches t'Aehjae seemingly drift away to her duties. He's sure she'd be right back....watching....waiting :: @TSO tr'Gilas> I want that ship.... ::thinking he'll probably get his own ship once he turns over both the Maenak 'and' the Clone @ Willow> ::with a quick glance, steps into the quarters with nonchalance:: @ t'Prin> ::in the lift, seething, in a quiet, restrained way...:: @ t'Prin> ::imagining all the ways she could make him pay for his disobedience:: t’Ksa > @::chews on her lower lip, limping across the lab to gain access to more tools:: Quit. ::gives the guard the evil eye:: I have na taken anything in all these weeks, au know this. Koga S'Bien -> ::presses the comm button:: +All Departments+ Will all department heads please head to the briefing room (i.e. meeting venue ) immediately... hany'yyo. Lerak trPexil -> What?... :: waves to the twin :: Early shift change. :: whispers into her ear after she steps up to the main console. Then nods :: Laehval tTemarr -> Inform t'Aehjae that I want t'Shia here as well and send for someone to replace au, S'Bien. We all have much to discuss. KhreRiovtRex -> # ::lets out a long-drawn out sigh that held the weight of the universe to her, as she weighed out the unlikely scenario that should would escape the ensuing folly and be repatriated with her family:: Lerak trPexil -> :: heads out of engineering :: Might as well arrive together t'Aehjae. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Ie, of course... tAehjae -> :: calls a dheno office to replace her at her post and then heads for the OIra:: tAehjae -> agreed Pexil Koga S'Bien -> :+t'A+ t'Aehjae, can au please bring t'Shia along as well? Thanks. ::presses a button to summon Erein tr'Ops to replace him:: tAehjae -> +Koga+ tAehjae to Koga she is on the Oira Demi t'Shia -> ::glances at S'Bien, as if looking through him as well:: Koga S'Bien -> ::glances back to Demi:: Oh, so she is. Sorry, I didn't know au were there. Very sneaky Dheno. ::smiles:: @ t'Prin> ::...and her imagination is very, *very* creative:: @ Willow> ::looking around the quarters:: @ Willow> ::readjusts her gloves, moving about the quarters, looking at pictures and other personal objects around:: @ Willow> ::there are few, but what there are tell her a great deal about the occupant:: @ t'Prin> ::the doors part and she steps out onto the oira:: @TSO tr'Gilas> ::grins evilly as he remembers using the pain device upon the Maenak......he would have to use it some more, to extract the information he desired evidently:: @t'Kayton>::imaging just how great it will be na longer being in the dog house:: @TSO tr'Gilas> ::watching the viewscreen, and not really hearing t'Prin come in:: Lerak trPexil -> I hope someone does land a well placed shot to our briefing room... One of the twins is watching engineering. I say one because they often dress exactly alike just to raz me. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Catches sight of t'Shia.:: Very sneaky. Demi t'Shia -> ::slight smile at Koga:: Of course... Rihan Dheno training is good that way. Lerak trPexil -> :: passes by a cardboard version of R'Mor. Even in wood particulate form she still gave him a dirty look :: Koga S'Bien -> ::gets up as trOps exits the lift and heads to the console:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gesturing for them to follow, she rose from her chair and left one of the peons in charge, striding for the briefing room to wait for the others.:: tAehjae -> ::nods:: That is a way of things for twins... to see how many they can confuse. Koga S'Bien -> ::Follows the others:: @ t'Prin> ::narrowing her eyes at the back of Gilas' head:: Status report. ::remaining in place, a faint smile touching her lips, her eyes calculating:: @t'Kayton>::does na want to spoil the moment, hides from tr'Gilas's eyesight:: @ Willow> ::satisfied with her assessment, pauses in the center of the room, glancing about:: @TSO tr'Gilas> ::Fvadt! :: Turns to greet t'Prin:: Llhei.....what has awoken au at this time of night? It seems that luck...is with us. The 'Clone' has been reported hrrau this sector and we've moved to capture her, to present to my uncle Lerak trPexil -> I think they just get to me... :: after a bit of magic walking Pexil arrives at the briefing room :: tAehjae -> ::enters the lift waiting for Pexil:: breifing room Lerak trPexil -> :: or arrives in the lift going to the briefing room. At any rate both of them would arrive shortly :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Standing at the head of the table, gaze following those that filed in, waiting patiently for everyone to be seated.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Cardboard N'Dak's cloak was not pinned on very well, and has fallen to the floor) Koga S'Bien -> ::takes a seat at the table:: Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> And for the sake of time, everyone is in the briefing room. Now, sit down. tAehjae -> :: exits the lift and walks to the briefing room:: I know several sets of twins that love to do that... Koga S'Bien -> ::treads over NDaks cardboard cut out not seeing him on the floor:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Nice Action statement!) tAehjae -> Switch out for each other @ t'Prin> ::smile widens, but does not reach her eyes as she saunters to where he stands:: I was not yet asleep. M_K_tKsa -> @::weaves her way carefully back to her seat, sitting down before she looses her balence all together:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Feeling compelled to sit down, feeling like someone or something is insisting :: Maec>::is assumed that he's there, but his Mum is busy torturing two other characters tonight:: tAehjae -> ::sits next to her dheno officer:: Demi t'Shia -> ::sitting next to t'Aejhae now, waiting for the meeting to begin, has her ISD out, preparing it for this meeting:: Laehval tTemarr -> First, so that you are all aware of the situation, we have tracked t'Ksa's signal to this sector of space and are currently following a cloaked ship that we assume she is on. Per orders, the Enarrain has departed the ship on her shuttle and is na making any attempt to hide in hopes that they will take the bait and decloak to capture her. Lerak trPexil -> :: Sits. Pexil scanned the faces of all there.. without t'Vatrix the room felt less stressful. Probably was the lack of a blade thrusted in his direction:: KhreRiovtRex -> # ::knows if she does survive this, Var'lon might yy'a her for going against his wishes and listening to that veruul Fvillah. But she had to do it, to protect her bondmate and son. She would not endanger them over obeying this order. Ie, she had done so in the past, if she did na believe the orders prudent, but with her family on the line, she had to surrender and obey. @ t'Prin> ::holding his gaze with her own as she approaches:: My duties frequently keep me up into the early hours. Many others to whom I am responsible, requesting information, reports. M_K_tKsa -> @::wonders when Pain will discover the portage in his boots today:: KhreRiovtRex -> (are you carrying them around a dam?) M_K_tKsa -> ((okay, oatmeal)) @ t'Prin> ::eyes still cold, smile growing as chilly as her gaze:: KhreRiovtRex -> (or damning them for being Pain's?) M_K_tKsa -> ((damning them for all eternity)) @ Willow> ::moving to the dresser, and finding a small, removable panel:: @ Willow> ::wry grin:: Oh, brilliant. @TSO tr'Gilas> We will be indeed fortunate...we have locked onto her signal and are quickly closing upon the signal tAehjae -> ::sighs and curses to herself again because a dheno was na there to keep her safe:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Doesn't like it either, but what're ya gonna do?:: Laehval tTemarr -> Secondly, if the enemy ship does decloak, we must be prepared to engage them in battle. To do that, we must ensure that they will na be able to cloak and abscond with both our Enarrain and our Maenak. I intend to form a boarding party that will beam into their engineering section to disable several key systems. Laehval tTemarr -> Questions so far? tAehjae -> Na rehhkai Lerak trPexil -> :: raises hand :: Koga S'Bien -> ::shakes head:: Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Pexil. Lerak trPexil -> I volunteer for the engineering detail. And also another consideration Demi t'Shia -> ::just remains quiet, being the peon in this room:: Lerak trPexil -> We could have another cloaked vessel flanking the other ship. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She quirked a brow.:: That would be an interesting strategy and might be useful to us, ie. Lerak trPexil -> :: Signals the other twin, whoever she is, to prep a shuttle :: tAehjae -> :: looks over to Demi:: How are au piloting skills? Demi t'Shia -> They are adequate, of course, Rekkhai. @ t'Prin> You're not hearing me. This operation is not mine -- not yours. We have others to whom report. And now, I will have to report that we have lost time, as you have opted to send our ship on a wild neirrh chase? @TSO tr'Gilas> He only just had given up the chance to capture her....too many guards.That she is here, tells us she's either deparate to find her friend, or her crew has abandoned her yet again @ t'Prin> And your UNCLE is not the man to whom I am responsible. There are those above AUR UNCLE concerned here. ::moving to close the gap between them:: @ t'Prin> AUR UNCLE will not have us killed for failure on this mission, for chasing after what is so very obviously a *decoy*. @TSO tr'Gilas> My Uncle..is the only reason au little faction, has any currency.....au know as well as I, should he call in his debts, he'll own about a quarter of ch'Rihan @TSO tr'Gilas> ::pauses: Decoy? How can au assume that? Au know as well as I, she wanted to find this Maenak... @TSO tr'Gilas> Look at the time she put in at the s'Rdoz, trying to figure out where she had gone... @ t'Prin> Look at the footprint, you veruul. A shuttle, not capable of long distance travel. TWO MINUTE WARNING TWO MINUTE WARNING KhreRiovtRex -> (Which, in football terms on TV, means about 10) Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, I want au to pilot that shuttle. The rest of you will be on the boarding party. tr'Pexil, au are to take several of your most talented engineers to disable their ship. t'Aehjae, I want au, t'Shia, and a large dheno force there to protect our engineers. Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to t'Temarr:: tAehjae -> :: nods:: Ie Rehhkai Lerak trPexil -> :: Pixel thinks to ask Laehval to be on the boarding party :: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Very well, rekkhai. Do au want me to go with them, or stay nearby to pick up the boarding party? @ t'Prin> ::looking at him, as though waiting for the lights to go on, and wondering if he'll actually figure it out:: @M_K_tKsa -> ::Avast, whoa 'n dispair be fallin' on t'Ksa's fair brow, as she feels th' dark shadow crawlin' across her fadin' fast. For if the lass does nary find a way out, 'n before they sail for distant shores, th' flame 'o her life gunna be snuffed out, for'ver:: @ Willow> ::looks to the other items in the stash, grin slipping lopsided:: @ Willow> ::flips on the necklace, placing it in the stash, toward the back:: @TSO tr'Gilas> But...perhaps she just launched and split off from the main ship.......:: stops, feeling he might lose this arguement:: Damned woman....how he hated t'Prin, he should have had his men take her out when he could @ Willow> ::closes the compartment, then makes to leave, checking to ensure that all has been returned to place:: M_K_tKsa -> @::thusly she plots most sinisterly, for there will be no parlance granted the Doc:: M_K_tKsa -> ((parlay)) @TSO tr'Gilas> :: to self:: Fvadt...... Tory Knight -> (( I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means -- NO.)) @ t'Prin> ::looks to helm:: Back to our original course...::looks to tr'Gilas, eyes narrowed:: before we are much more delayed. @TSO tr'Gilas> We are this close, we should at least grab her still.....it will give us bargaining room @TSO tr'Gilas> She is so close....au must! If our benefactor knew how closeau were to actually capturing her...just to toss it away!!! @ t'Prin> We have a rendezvous. We don't have time for your personal edification. @TSO tr'Gilas> Well, we'll see what my Uncle has to say when we arrive and he finds out au have turned down his main prize.... Koga S'Bien -> ::stay in the shuttle that is:: KhreRiovtRex -> (yea!! drop them off and leave....menkha plan to preserve ou own skin! Koga S'Bien -> (ROFL.. bolt to Risa!) KhreRiovtRex -> (ok...last chance to say it for tonight......) Laehval tTemarr -> If the Elements favor us, we will be able to cripple them to keep them here long enough to find their lifesigns and beam them aboard. S'Bien, au willl pilot the ship and remain there to transport our party away. Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: As au wish. Lerak trPexil -> :: looks around for a good last thing to say :: KhreRiovtRex -> (verily!) KhreRiovtRex -> PREPARE TO PAUSE KhreRiovtRex -> 10 KhreRiovtRex -> 9 KhreRiovtRex -> 8 KhreRiovtRex -> 7 KhreRiovtRex -> 6 tAehjae -> sorry Demi maybe next time AU can pilot. Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to t'A:: Au are not missing anything, daise. KhreRiovtRex -> 5 Tory Knight -> @ t'Prin> The prize is the nanogenes... the clone is only secondary. KhreRiovtRex -> 4 M_K_tKsa -> ((Forsooth!)) Lerak trPexil -> :: feels like he's in the middle of a countdown... :: Lerak trPexil -> :: to their deaths :: @ t'Prin> Now -- off the oira. @t'Prin> Before I have au *removed*. @TSO tr'Gilas> But SHE'S THE ONE WITH THE NANOGENES! Na the Maenak... @ t'Prin> ::glaring, signalling for security:: @TSO tr'Gilas> ::glares yy'a at t'Prin....indignat at her treatment of the nephew of one of the most powerful deihu ... Demi t'Shia -> ((Who stopped the clock! LOL)) KhreRiovtRex -> 3 KhreRiovtRex -> 2 @TSO tr'Gilas> Fine....::turns and stalks out...but making his own plans for 'the Clone':: KhreRiovtRex -> 1 Demi t'Shia -> ::pre-paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> HAPPY NEW YEAR~ Demi t'Shia -> ::paused:: tAehjae -> :paused:: Koga S'Bien -> I mean.. ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches the Klingon head drop marking a new year. KhreRiovtRex -> (Thank au all for letting us run over a little to get to an end point.... KhreRiovtRex -> Nice Pexil.... M_K_tKsa -> Arrrrgh KhreRiovtRex -> Ok...any questions or comments before we finish up here? KhreRiovtRex -> Remember, if my XO does not like your question...you may incur her wrath Laehval tTemarr -> ::stab:: KhreRiovtRex -> Nice Laehval tTemarr -> ::twist:: KhreRiovtRex -> she'll do it too! tAehjae -> ::raises hand:: Tory Knight -> Laeh always does well with sharp pointy objects. Tory Knight -> She was a stand-in for Buffy. Laehval tTemarr -> Stick 'em with the pointy end. tAehjae -> Time between sims? M_K_tKsa -> Can I put more oatmeal in Butch's clothing? Tory Knight -> It's supposed to help with the itch. KhreRiovtRex -> (OMG! Newbie ensign question) Koga S'Bien -> Heh Lerak trPexil -> As much time as it takes Koga S'Bien -> 13:37 M_K_tKsa -> Sorry guys, I won't be here next week, but I will be simming with you in my heart :) tAehjae -> :::snickers:: Lerak trPexil -> One year? KhreRiovtRex -> 3:21 to Yuma Laehval tTemarr -> 0.0003 milliseconds, or the Canadian equivalent. Lerak trPexil -> I'm out of here. Got to try to tell these twins apart.. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight! KhreRiovtRex -> Alrighty!! Those that have to go....Dismissed tAehjae -> good night all Demi t'Shia -> G'night everyone M_K_tKsa -> g'night all :) Laehval tTemarr -> Night!
  20. M_K_tKsa -> t'Shia. Nice to see you. Lerak trPexil -> jolan tru Demi t'Shia -> Hann'yyo. and Jolan tru. KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru Laehval tTemarr -> Hmmm... strange syntax errors from stsf.net. The chat room is bugging out. Koga S'Bien -> Yeah, it took me awhile to get in. Demi t'Shia -> It must be my presence. ::grin:: KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan tru and Aefvahd to t'Shia, who will be rejoining us now that the school year is over Koga S'Bien -> Welcome back Laehval tTemarr -> Let the hazing begin. KhreRiovtRex -> There was a java update this week, that may be the issue Demi t'Shia -> Technically, my final paper is due midnight tomorrow.. so no heavy partying until then. M_K_tKsa -> Welcome :) Demi t'Shia -> Hannyyo RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.14 The Talon anticipates that they have closed in upon their prey, and are under cloak, hoping that t'Ksa's captors will decide to travel without cloak, now that they are getting close to what we suspect is their home space. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tAehjae -> ((sorry PC troubles)) Demi t'Shia -> (::picks up cardboard resemblance, folds it up carefully and puts away, taking her X: :) Koga S'Bien -> ::keeping an eye on sensors for t'Ksa's ship:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::returns to the oira:: Demi t'Shia -> ::trying to find t'Aehjae, and see what her Daise is up to:: NDak -> :Rhae the science labs:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::not sure if she's more angry or troubled at the siuren:: tAehjae -> ::walking back towards main Dheno after completing her orders from tRexan:: Lerak trPexil -> :: At the main console in engineering, watching all systems :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::sits back hrrau the center seat, and pulls up her console:: KhreRiovtRex -> Anything on sensors yet? Kheinsa Maec -> ::taking a moment in the mess hall to drink som tea and write up his latest and greatest observation report:: Koga S'Bien -> Nothing on sensors yet, rekkhai. Demi t'Shia -> ::sees t'A walking towards Main Dheno, and scoots in behind her:: Daise! How is it going? I'm reporting in, what can I do for ya, Rekkhai? KhreRiovtRex -> I'm tired of this waiting game, we're beginning to approach the edge of Othan controlled space, and they've not shown themselves yet Laehval tTemarr -> ::Seated in her usual spot on the bridge, Laehval reviewed the most recent departmental reports, searching for anything that might cause them issues. She paid particular attention to those coming from engineering. KhreRiovtRex -> ::sees the acknowledgement on screen from t’Aehjae, and keys in a response thanking her for the preparation:: tAehjae -> ::: jumps slightly placing her hand on her weapon as she turns then releases it again seeing her dishern:: Do na scare me like that! M_K_tKsa -> @::decides to test the limits of how far she can go on the ship, playing innocent to boot:: tAehjae -> Au almost got shot. tAehjae -> Lets return to main Dheno we will go over thins there. KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval au have the oira, I need to attend to something important ....I will contact au shortly Demi t'Shia -> Ie, great! ::steps in lind behind t'A, happy to be reporting to the Daise again:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands again, only having sat down just a moment ago, and reenters the lift, turning before she leaves:: Keep an eye rhae au boy tr'Pexil....I am na sure I trust that io much of late... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Lifts a brow at t'Rex, curious but not about to ask and risk her wrath.:: Ie, rekkhai. @ Willow> ::wandering the ship, also seeing where her limits are, the necklace and pendant in her pocket:: @ ACTION: TS ship actively scanning and entering Othan controlled space NDak -> ::Monitoring the area of space around them, he continued to run various programs that parsed through the now large amount of data they'd collected to determine if there was anything they'd missed, and also to be a watch for anything new that appeared.:: Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye... Demi t'Shia -> ((Shame Pex, have you been getting in trouble while I've been gone?)) Lerak trPexil -> :: Engineers off and on came up to the console for Pexil's approval on various repairs and statues :: Kheinsa Maec -> ::scribbles a little, then ships his tea:: Koga S'Bien -> ::still containing looking at his sensors for any hits:: tAehjae -> :: enters main Dheno and moves to her office:: Lerak trPexil -> (( I''ve just been in various levels of trouble )) Demi t'Shia -> :;right on t'A's heels:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::takes lift down to the hangerbay:: tAehjae -> :: sits at her desk and nod to the io oppisite for Demi:: have a seat KhreRiovtRex -> ::steps from lift and contacts tr'Shalor to meet her in the bay:: Demi t'Shia -> ::slips into a chair:: NDak -> ::Folds his arms and leans back into his chair.:: Klaen have you finished your analysis of the last round of data? ::He said to his disheren sitting a few feet behind him.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::goes over to inspect the preparations tAehjae has made for her:: M_K_tKsa -> @::mentally counting off the corridors, corners, lifts and guards:: @ Willow> ::fingers fiddling with the item in her pocket, hands shoved deep down, expression neutral, as though she were a babe in the woods:: @TSO tr'Gilas> ::still really angry that he was unable to obtain anything that would make his uncle the Deihu happy just yet, but would keep working on a way to beat out this t'Prin:: NDak -> Klaen> ::Nods and wheels his way over:: Ie. Though I am afraid there's nothing new to report. tAehjae -> From what I am being told we are about to close in on what may possibly be the vessel that took tKsa. We will have to be ready incase we do find the ship. If we board I want only a small dheno team to keep things quiet... KhreRiovtRex -> (willow...odd or even) Demi t'Shia -> Of course, Rekkhai. ::excited now:: how many of us? Disruptor rifels or just dissruptor pistols NDak -> ::Nods:: Vhri'mehnka. I want au to begin a new set scans. I have the data already set aside, rhae the et'rehh. NDak -> Klaen> ::Inwardly sighs, but nods:: Of course, rehkkai. May I ask if there's anything new in particular I should be looking for? @ ACTION: As Willow fingers the device, being used to it being in her pocket, she triggers the signal KhreRiovtRex -> before she realizes it NDak -> ::Considers for a moment.:: Na. @ ACTION> TSO tr'Gilas picks up some sort of signal originating nearby. tAehjae -> I am na sure a of yet. Each have ther advantage and disadvantage. as far a number Im an thinking just us 2 unless tRexan says otherwise. It will na be just us Dheno but I would think others as well. Nothing is in stone This is just my thoughts @ TSO tr'Gilas> ::picks it up, but is unable to pinpoint it before it stops:: M_K_tKsa -> @::swallows hard as she enters a lift, trying to feign that she's gotten all turned around is actually quite easy when...you've become all turned around:: @TSO tr'Gilas> Did anyone else pick that up? I want that signal pinpointed hnah if au did NDak -> ::Blinks at his sensor reading:: +Oira+ N'Dak to the Oira... Koga S'Bien -> +NDak+ Oira here, go ahead? Demi t'Shia -> Ie, Rekkhai. I am ready when au wish... I can have our weapons ready as soon as au want to head out. NDak -> Klaen> ::Lifts an eyebrow:: Rehkkai? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Tilts head at the comm, gaze swiveling to Koga.:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::pushes the tea mug away:: Koga S'Bien -> ::gives her a look back, rubs chin:: tAehjae -> Au have any thoughts on this? NDak -> +Oira+ I am not completely certain, but I believe, for a brief moment, the signal we're tracking was active again. Koga S'Bien -> +N'Dak+ Ie, that's what I'm getting to. I'm thinking we'd better act quick on this one. Koga S'Bien -> too Demi t'Shia -> Do au think we will need to be yya'ing them? How much resistance do au think we will have? NDak -> Klae> ::Doesn't need to be told to begin running the triangulation program, and quickly activates it:: NDak -> Klaen>* t’Rexan/t'Vatrix> ::gives tr'Shalor the ISD with orders to give to Laehval, direct from the Fvillah with her orders upon it:: Do tell her, that I would appreciate if, if I am taken, if they could perhaps retrieve me, before I meet my demise, though, I doubt that will be the case...... tAehjae -> I have na idea. I know nothing of this group. I’m sure that if there is a boarding party we will be informed more. Koga S'Bien -> I'm getting the signal again. I have the source plotted on the navigational computers. Ready to engage on aur mark. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leans forward.:: +t'Rexan+ Rekkhai, science has just picked up a momentary reading from the signal we have been tracking. NDak -> ::Also starting the same program:: +Oira+ I am attempting to localize the signal, h'nah. Also running the authentication program. KhreRiovtRex -> ::entes her ship and begins to power it up::: tr'Shalor, see to the bay doors, I'm closing the hatch hnah... Lerak trPexil -> :: Watched the large console in front of him for...normalcy. He found it. Pexil also found a calm in the hussle of engineering :: Koga S'Bien -> +NDak+ Hany'yyo. NDak -> ::Glances over to Klaen:: I am going to the Oira ... as soon... KhreRiovtRex -> +Laehval+ Hann'yyo...excellent work. Fhaen patch it through to me here. tr'Shalor is bringing au an ISd with the latest orders from the Fvillah, I hope we are able to retrieve t'Ksa soon M_K_tKsa -> @::steps out onto a new floor once the lift opens, definitely not recognizing where she is this time and frowns:: NDak -> Klaen> I already began the sequence, I will keep an open link with au. KhreRiovtRex -> +Laehval+ Do they think they can pinpoint the ship yet? NDak -> ::Nods and heads out of the lab:: tAehjae -> What is aus preference of weapon, Rifle or Pistol? Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil searched for a good reason he was na yy'a... :: NDak -> Klaen> ::Finishes the authentication sequence of the program, and finds it is an authentic signal, while waiting for the triangulation program to finish:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Forwards the readings to t'Rexan's ship.:: +t'Rex+ They are working on it as we speak. Koga S'Bien -> ::working with Science to try to get a more exact location:: NDak -> ::Enters a lift and sends it to the Oira:: @ Willow> ::rounding a corner, spotting who she thinks is Morgana:: @ Willow> ::furrowing her brow, wondering where her guard is, and how she got down here:: M_K_tKsa -> @Oh Elements ::looking from one end to the other of a t-section to the corridor:: @ Willow> ::wry grin as she approaches:: Lost? NDak -> ::Since lifts travel at the speed of the plot, it quickly dropped him off on the Oira and he headed towards his console at the back of the room.:: NDak -> ::Laeh, looking at the data being fed up from his disheren:: It is an authentic signal. KhreRiovtRex -> ::reading over the readings t'Temarr has sent to her:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gives Issaha a nod.:: And the triangulation? Do we have it pinpointed? KhreRiovtRex -> +t'Temarr+ Hann'yyo for the information...keep the ship cloaked for now, I will be taking my ship out, and as we previously discussed the Fvillah's plan to use me as bait, let us see if his veruulish plan may actually work... NDak -> We're triangulating now. But the duration was very brief -- a few seconds at most. I am na sure we can give you as exact of a location as we would like, but I believe we can narrow it down within a few light years -- based upon where we thought they would be. KhreRiovtRex -> +Oira+ Open hangerbay doors.... tAehjae -> What is aus preference of weapon, Rifle or Pistol? Koga S'Bien -> +KhreRiov+ Ie. Opening bay doors. ::Does so:: tAehjae -> :: Demi:: Laehval tTemarr -> It will be enough. ::She swallowed upon hearing t'Rexan's comm, standing and shifting to the central command chair. Her fingers gripped the armrests tightly.:: +t'Rexan+ We will see au soon. NDak -> ::Brings up a display on the MVS:: H'nah... ::feeding in the data:: Here is the projected course we believed they were on... and ... ::typing:: Here is the general area that signal came from. M_K_tKsa -> @::swings around:: Oh, hmm, well...::flushed:: Ie. I....I'm not sure....well....::scratches the back of her head:: @ Willow> ...and you've managed to lose your entourage. @ Willow> Impressive. @ Willow> (/Vader) KhreRiovtRex -> (snark!) NDak -> ::tr'Obvious:: It appears to be almost within the Othan itself.. KhreRiovtRex -> ::notes from the coordinates that they were pulling up on the etrehh...that they were actually na too far off of the estimated path. It might very well be possible, to pull this off......and maybe even live:: Demi t'Shia -> I prefer the bigger fire power, Daise, of course. tAehjae -> I prefer the Pistol myself. I like the handling of it over the rifle. Lerak trPexil -> :: In operations he hated the wait. It caused the mind to drift...get lazy. And the daydreams. Suddenly in the reflection in the console was that of t Lerak trPexil -> :: ... t'Vatrix, knife in hand. Pexil jumped back..:: Ahh! :: landing in his seat :: Demi t'Shia -> I want to know that someone has evaporated if I have to take them out.. without hesitation. ::gritty grin, and that's not grit in the teeth, but an expression with my lips:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Another engineer :: Are au alright? :: Pexil looked at him then looked back at the reflection... she was gone.. :: Laehval tTemarr -> Engineering as a whole> ::Thinks Lerak is off his rocker.:: tAehjae -> Hold a moment... Demi t'Shia -> ::nods and listens:: Lerak trPexil -> Pexil> I'm... I'm fine. Just a lot of hours getting the Talon ready. tAehjae -> +Oria+ tAehjae to Oria NDak -> ::Laeh:: Here... ::feeding in the data from the program:: this should put it within a very small area. M_K_tKsa -> @Oh, them. Well, ie, I suppose I did. I didn't do it on purpose though. :;scowls, still na sure which sandbox Willow was playing in and felt it prudent to.....well......lie a bit:: @ Willow> ::gleam to her eyes:: Hm. How unfortunate. And now you're quite lost, are you? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Reviews the data and nods.:: S'Bien, au have this information as well, ie? Take us in closer. Maintain cloak. Koga S'Bien -> +T'A+ Oira here. Go ahead? Koga S'Bien -> ::nods at t'Temarr:: Aye aye... I'm taking us in. ::looks at the information and takes the ship in closer:: tAehjae -> +Oria+ Any luck in finding tKsa as of yet? NDak -> ::He couldn't help but be excited, this was the break they'd been waiting for:: KhreRiovtRex -> +Laehval+ I have your readings...keep the ship cloaked for now, let us see if I can draw them out...there's sure to be at least io greedy veruul on that hsip Lerak trPexil -> :: Was he sweating? He couldn't tell. Pexil looked at the cloak status.. :: Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Not yet. Hopefully this new source proves effective KhreRiovtRex -> +Laehval+ Let's just try to retrieve both she and I, before au blow them up, if that's possible. If na, then do what au must, but be careful, it will surely upset trMaec KhreRiovtRex -> :::signals tr’Shalor to open the doors:: NDak -> ::Wait, did he hear that right?:: tAehjae -> +Oira+ Ie Koga, Dheno is ready for a boarding party if it is needed. KhreRiovtRex -> ::Launching ship:: NDak -> ::He knew better than to say anything, rhae the Oira, but was she really about to do this?:: M_K_tKsa -> @Ie, perhaps au could point me in the right direction? @ Willow> Perhaps. Or perhaps we can be lost together. ::wry grin:: It's not my ship. M_K_tKsa -> @::both brows raised:: You're lost too? Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Acknowledged. I'll let t'Temarr know your department's readiness. tAehjae -> +KOga+ IE Hannyyo Koga S'Bien -> Dheno reports ready for a potential boarding party if the need arises. tAehjae -> ::turns back to Demi:: Now we wait. Lerak trPexil -> :: He needed to speak with Laehval and soon, but there would be no time for that now... perhaps ever. Ugh, he could not think straight :: Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Rexan+ Ie, we will do our best. Losing anyone is unacceptable. ::She glanced to the others on the bridge.:: In case au have na surmised, t'Rexan is acting as bait to draw the other ship from their cloak. Do na let anything happen to her. ::She stood, needing to pace out her nervous energy.:: Demi t'Shia -> Of course. ::heavy sigh:: NDak -> ::If Laehval was worried, they should all be worried:: tr'Shalor> ::after shutting shuttlebay doors, heads toward the oira, to pass the ISD over to t'Temmar with the Fvillah's orders to t'Vatrix Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor as he brings her the orders, frowning as she read them over.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::piloting the ship away from Talon's location in an erratic and sweeping course, yet moving closer to where they had picked up the ping @ Willow> According to the ship schematics, that way should be the cargo bay, and that way the shuttles... ::pointing in the various directions:: But I'm afraid there have been modifications to the design since I was...in service. @TSO tr'Gilas> :: unsure if the signal they picked up came from a nearby ship, a stray bit of noise hrrau space, or if someone rhae the ship had......suddenly frowns::: The Maenak...I bet this was her doing...but, just in case, all stop, scan for other ships. Someone....go find her, and bring her to the oira NDak -> Ie. ::He spoke first:: Monitoring for signs of movement towards her shuttle. Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, have all departments standing by, ready for a possible attack. ::Her jaw worked as she clenched it, scowling at the ISD.:: Koga S'Bien -> Ie, of course rekkhai. Koga S'Bien -> +All Departments+ Attention, please. All departments are to standby and prepare for a possible attack. M_K_tKsa -> @::her eyes flicked down the corridor, so maybe she'd gotten somewhere after all:: Ah, I see. Well, this isn't the way to the lab then, is it. @ Willow> No, I'm afraid not. M_K_tKsa -> @Perhaps you should direct me there, oh tour guide of the Tal Shiar M_K_tKsa -> @I do not want to make our hosts unhappy @ Willow> I suppose we could be out for a turn on deck... ::nods in the direction of the lifts:: We should, perhaps, find our way to another portion of the ship. Koga S'Bien -> ...Thank you. tAehjae -> ::hears the com:: Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Engineering standing by. Lerak trPexil -> (( gold leader standing by )) Laehval tTemarr -> (( Red five standing by )) KhreRiovtRex -> (Johnny Five is Alive!) Demi t'Shia -> ((::smirks: :)) Demi t'Shia -> (( Did I get booted on purpose? *whine* )) Laehval tTemarr -> (( No, but I can if you like. :D )) KhreRiovtRex -> ((Cause she’s just dying to try it out!)) Demi t'Shia -> ((Na, I'm good)) tAehjae -> Well there’s our call. This time Au go to the Oira and I will head to main Engineering in case we are boarded. Inform me of any information that arises. KhreRiovtRex -> ((Note, while we've been sectors apart, they are not 10 feet from us yet, but perhaps a few hours travel, yet close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades….all things considering) Demi t'Shia -> ::stands quickly:: ie, Rekkhai! ::grabs disruptor rifle, flicks it on, hearing that familiar hummm beneath her hands, and heads towards the oria, via lift, etc:: Koga S'Bien -> Departments are reporting in their ready status. Lerak trPexil -> :: To those in main engineering :: Everyone look alive. Lerak trPexil -> :: Those words made him laugh, and several around the main console gave Pexil a strange look :: Demi t'Shia -> ::exits the TL onto the Oira, weapon in both hands, ready:: tAehjae -> :: smiles at her eagernes and grabd her own pistol and moves towards main Engineering:: Koga S'Bien -> ::watches Demi enter the oira:: Well, I gues Dheno is ready. Demi t'Shia -> Ie, S'Bien. M_K_tKsa -> @::nods, moving toward the lift, still unease about Willow's presence:: @ Willow> ::heading down toward the lift, making sure to act as though she belongs there:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::piloting towards the signal, and begins to scan, sending out a recorded message asking t'Ksa to respond if she is able :: Koga S'Bien -> Menkha KhreRiovtRex -> ::whispers to self:: This is so stupid, I'm as good as yy'a h'nah. TWO MINUTE WARNING TWO MINUTE WARNING tAehjae -> :: enters Main Engineering:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Sees t'Aehjae and nods :: tAehjae -> :: watches all of the rushing around.. walks up to trPexil:: I will be watching over this area this time until I am called to do something else. KhreRiovtRex -> ::pulls up a holoimage of her family for perhaps a final time:: Well, it was fun....but, au have au life, and I have but a few more siuren of mine..... Lerak trPexil -> Good of au to help. We are engineers not sharp shooters. Koga S'Bien -> (Load the harp cannons!) Laehval tTemarr -> (( You have to have wings to operate the harp cannon. )) Koga S'Bien -> ((::Drinks some Red Bull: :)) Lerak trPexil -> ((I shall get a harp player for main engineering )) # ACTION:: Sends out another of the automated recordings trying to contact t'Ksa tAehjae -> :: nods and steps out of the way so they can work:: KhreRiovtRex contact....heading 344.2....... Rihannsu RAC vessel......message calling for t'Ksa...our thann... .Lerak trPexil -> :: Now Pixel because even more nervous :: @tr'Gilas> On audio:: listens.:: It is the clone! tr'Tronius will reward us well if we take her too....bring the ship about.....and head for that RAC... @ Com officer::Sir..shouldn't we clear that with t'Prin first? M_K_tKsa -> @Ah, here we go. The lab level, ie? @ tr'Gilas> Elements on that bothersome woman....she can parade her maenak..I plan to capture and present the clone herself... .KhreRiovtRex -> (Prepare to pause cause that was a 7 minute - 2 minute warning) Koga S'Bien -> (heh) PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Laehval tTemarr -> Night all. See you next week.
  21. Cool...glad it helped!
  22. Jolan Tru WxMurray, Several of us have had this issue due to a minor java upgrade lately. Even I had to call in Webbie on this one, as even though I cleared my browser caches, there was still a file hiding in the actual java cache. Go to Java through control panels and clear it's cache and reinstall and you should be up and running again in no time. Webbie is a genius!
  23. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.14 The Talon anticipates that they have closed in upon their prey, and are under cloak, hoping that t'Ksa's captors will decide to travel without cloak, now that they are getting close to what we suspect is their home space.
  24. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.07 The Talon has just entered the Markomen System and has engaged our cloaking device in hopes of not giving away our position until we wish to either do so, or until we find a more secluded location from which to drop shields and do a more thorough scan. It is our hope based upon the earlier signals which we intercepted that we have closed ground on the ship which has taken Morgana t'Ksa, and that we might find away to retrieve her. As we are getting closer to Othan patrolled regions of the Empire, we do na expect to find as much help as we should, based upon the ship's reception at Dumok'azen, and the impression that the former acting CO had left upon them. If rumor is to be believed, the Othans may be planning on staging a coup with their leadership taking control of the more remote sectors, or even the entire Empire......based upon who au listened to. The Khre'riov has her orders and means to see to them. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> ::Still meaning to go have that chat with tr'Pexil:: Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting the ship through the area, while keeping an eye on the cloaking device:: NDak -> ::In the astrometric lab, going through navigational charts of the Markomen system.:: tAehjae -> :: walks over to tRexans personal shuttle and begins to ready it for 2 weeks travel as ordered.:: M_K_tKsa -> @::sitting on her bunk quietly, trying na to fret about...well...about prisoner stuff:: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Temarr......have science look through the maps of this sector and find us likely locations where we can quietly put in or give the cloak a chance to recover NDak -> ::He reached for a cup of what passed for Romulan coffee and continued filtering through various versions of the same map:: KhreRiovtRex -> I have a matter, which I need to attend to Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval nodded as she glanced up from her reports.:: Ie, Rekkhai. @Tal Shiar Officer> ::still thinking he'd like to be the one rewarded for getting the information from the tKsa woman and tired of waiting on t'Prin's lackeys and their taking their time, decides to go down and pay ehr a brief.....visit:: tAehjae -> :: goes to the supply bay and begin gathering the supplies to stock the shuttle:: NDak -> ::He had assumed they'd want a full report of the sector and had been working on it for several hours.:: Kheinsa Maec -> ::na completely accustomed to both a ship this size and space-travel itself, has to double check the ethrehh directions a few times to ensure that he is in the right location least he barge in on some unspecting soul:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands from center seat and walks over to the lift:: ::enters:: Engineering deck Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ t'Temarr to N'Dak. Kheinsa Maec -> ::Oh who is he kidding, every soul on this ship is expecting a visit from the Kheinsa:: @Tal Shiar Officer>:: as the night shift is on, na many will note his passing at the siuren: @ TSO> :: reaches where she is being held, and punches in the code to enter, hoping to find her asleep:: @TSO> ::enters and quickly crosses over to tKsa:: Au are na working fast enough! NDak -> +Laeh+ N'Dak here, Kheinsa Maec -> ::entering the astrometrics lab, and taking a brief view of his surroundings:: Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ The Enarrain requests that we find several locations where we might drop our cloak undetected to further scan these systems. tAehjae -> :: carefully pick the supplies for t’Rexan and begins carrying them back to the shuttle:: @ TSO> If au do na tell me the secrets of the nanogenes by the end of the week, I will yy'a all of the children, and then auself will follow. And if that does na motivate au, there is always au family..... M_K_tKsa -> @::slids her eyes up to the TSO officer, a brow raised much as if she was a teacher in his Academy:: I am na working fast enough, au say? M_K_tKsa -> @::oh yeah, he's not the brightest bulb in the box, is he?:: Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at the navigational charts for the region:: Koga S'Bien -> ::continues on course:: NDak -> ::He thought he heard the doors open, but was intent on the maps, as well as focusing on Laehval:: +Laeh+ Ie, rekkhai. I have already begun a full assessment of the system. I will send au several candidate locations as soon as possible. Any particular qualities the Enarrain prefers? Lerak trPexil -> :: Performing a check of the forced quantum singularity, caught gazing into it's brightness :: @ TSO> Au have na given us the results that were requested. Perhaps, we should make an example of your family to help motivate au. Which would au prefer we yy'a? The Sister? Au Father? The Mother...? M_K_tKsa -> @Au do realize that I would be *in* the lab as we speak, if au's caretakers did na insist that I get a rest hour approximately every twelve cycles? @ TSO> Just keep in mind, our patience runs thin....Perhaps we should yy'a them all to teach au au place in the scheme of things? @ TSO> ::backhands her across the face:: Do na...take an attitude with me. M_K_tKsa -> @Oh yeah, kill my family. That will motivate me to help au. ::deadpan:: M_K_tKsa -> @::wipes her mouth, shakes her head:: It is a shame, really. ::sighs:: @ TSO> If au insist..... @ TSO> Perhaps, we'll start with the sister....Lannisal, is it na? Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Only that we remain undetected so as not to give away our presence here. I leave it in your hands. NDak -> +Laeh+ Understood. NDak -> ::Expecting to see io of his disheren, he turned to give them a command to aide him in his new task when he saw the face of the Kheinsa.:: Kheinsa Maec -> Jolan tru. :;when N' NDak -> ::Blinking a few times, he recovered himself quickly before said or emoted any further reaction:: Jolan tru. Something I can help au with, Kheinsa? KhreRiovtRex -> ::exits the lift and heads towards engineering Kheinsa Maec -> ::when N'Dak's attention has finally been caught:: Oh nothing specific. Just came to visit. How is the search going? NDak -> ::A likely story, he thought as he turned back to the read outs.:: As well as can be expected, which is to say that we are still trying to find the ... how did that Lloann'na I met on Qo'Nos put it? Ah ie, find the needle rhae the haystack. M_K_tKsa -> @Au have na strategy, do au? Did au's Major na give au lessons in how to make friends and influence people. M_K_tKsa -> @Well, perhaps na make friends. But I'm sure she attempted to give au lessons on how to influence people. @ TSO> ::piulls out a pain device, much like a taser, and shoves it into her shoulder:: Au may be able to take that attitude with the veruul's that have been watching over au, but that ends fahd. Au will learn respect as well. ::zaps her one but good:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::enters Engineering and asks for the Daise Engineer:: NDak -> ::Motions:: H'nah, we also must find a place for us to safely decloak so that we are na found by the Othan, the Tal'Shiar or any of other myriad of people involved with this who for io reason or the other have reason to distrust or dislike us. Lerak trPexil -> :: Another engineer points to a figure standing next to the AQS :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leaning back in her chair, she turned her attention briefly to Koga.:: S'Bien, anything unusual showing on passive sensors? Kheinsa Maec -> Hmm. ::looking over the figures that the scientist is studying but na making much sense of it all:: Kheinsa Maec -> But au do have ideas on how to eliminate the less likely spots they could be hiding in this haystack, ie? NDak -> ::Begins running a script to find suitable locations for a stop over:: tAehjae -> :: after putting the supplies away on the shuttle returns to supply for another load: @TSO> ::watches her slump in pain:: Remember, the end of the week. Au had best have something for me M_K_tKsa -> @::pain courses through her body, and she twitches and backs away from him like a wounded animal:: @TSO> Trust me, it will go much worse for au, once we arrive at aur destination, it will go much worse for au, if au do na have an authen for our benefactor. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. We are currently working on triangulating the signal and running simulations for possible courses that a ship headed towards the Othan would take. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil is engrossed in his readings and the glow of the opened containment door :: NDak -> ::frowns:: But it is still more conjecture than I would prefer. NDak -> The sensor logs from the last outpost have been very helpful though, giving us another point of reference. Kheinsa Maec -> That is at least something, ie? NDak -> Ie. ::Off-handily as he put in another set of inputs.:: And au, how are au doing? Lerak trPexil -> :: Relays readings from his integrity scanner to the ISD :: M_K_tKsa -> @::has na intention of reporting to this verrul, if anything intends to use his little attempt at persuasion to play into her own manipulations:: @ TSO> Who knows....if au perform au job, perhaps I'll see that au are spared. I could use a new house servant to keep my sheets warm at night... Au have until the end of the week..::turns and exits:: Koga S'Bien -> (Back) Koga S'Bien -> (sorry, nature called lol). KhreRiovtRex -> (wb Canada 1) KhreRiovtRex -> ::was directed towards Pexil by another officer:: Laehval tTemarr -> (Next time, just wear an adult diaper.) Koga S'Bien -> (rofl. I'll keep that mind) KhreRiovtRex -> (empty Mason jar) Laehval tTemarr -> ( Mountain Dew bottle ) Lerak trPexil -> ( I could use a Mt. Dew... drinks ) Koga S'Bien -> (want one of mine? :P ) KhreRiovtRex -> ( No!) M_K_tKsa -> @Idiot. ::waiting until after he leaves before muttering and shaking her head:: Koga S'Bien -> ::checks sensors:: No sir, nothing on sensors thus far. Kheinsa Maec -> Still feeling as a fish out of water, ::looking about the room:: I'm amazed at the size of this vessul at times. How long does it take for this to become second nature to a new crewmember? Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes a deep breath as his scans are nearly complete. :: Laehval tTemarr -> And how are our power levels reading with the drain from the cloak? NDak -> ::Smirks, despite himself:: I have been rhae this vessel for nearly five years h'nah and I am still sometimes lost. NDak -> The key of course is to always act like au knew au were in the wrong place. Kheinsa Maec -> As if au meant to be there in the first place? NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. KhreRiovtRex -> ::steps up behind him:: Daise Engineer....a word with au....h'nah NDak -> It has always worked for me. NDak -> ::Turns from his seat, considering the Kheinsa for a moment:: Perhaps acting the fool is easier for io like myself than it would be for au. tAehjae -> :: takes the next load to the shuttle and begins stowing it:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Jumps :: Oh, jolan tru. Did na see au. :: turns and extends his hand toward the engineer's office :: NDak -> Much higher expectations of au I suspect -- or perhaps a more serious demeanor. KhreRiovtRex -> ::Does na wait and strides directly there:: Koga S'Bien -> ::checks:: Power levels are looking good. However, if we don't decloak somewhere within a few hours, then cloaking power may start to drain off significantly. Lerak trPexil -> :: follows behind, entering the office :: M_K_tKsa -> @::getting up and pacing, mulling over the last sequence of events - while his threats against her family were empty at the moment, threats against the children were na so easily dismissed, leaving t'Ksa wondering what t'Prin was playing at by all of this...or if she was aware of her own officer's attempt to question her:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::examining the contents of the office while waiting for the door to shut:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Offers her the seat directly in front of the desk, Pexil makes his way around to the other side :: Care for something to drink? Kheinsa Maec -> Au do na have high expectations on au as a Galae officer? KhreRiovtRex -> ::pulls her kaleh and walks over towards him:: Why don’t' we start with why I should na yy'a au right now? NDak -> ::He smirked and turned back to his work.:: I forget that au have very little knowledge of this crew, and likely even less of the particular dynamics of my house. KhreRiovtRex -> Au have about io siuren to explain to me, why au decided to try to implicate me in the attempt upon NDak at the S'Rdoz Lerak trPexil -> Perhaps au should. I'm sure I deserve as much. Laehval tTemarr -> We will decloak before that happens or adjust other systems to compensate to prevent it from happening. ::She glanced at her control panel and tapped to access the readings herself, taking an interest in the health of Talon's systems for some strange reason.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::goes to backhand him, then realizes she's holding the blade and stops short:: Kheinsa Maec -> Perhaps au could enlighten me? Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Of course. I'm sure tr'Pexil and his team can work their magic KhreRiovtRex -> Au had better start explaining auself. Did au do it, and presume to place the blame upon me? Lerak trPexil -> :: looks up, does na move :: KhreRiovtRex -> Or were au working with someone else to assist with the taking of tKsa? NDak -> I am the youngest son of a proud house. Known for being more of a womanizer and fool than perhaps anything else. My elder siblings got all the ambition, or so the story goes. Lerak trPexil -> I was na placing blame. The investigator asked who was mad at N'Dak. M_K_tKsa -> @::between t'Kayton and this new io, perhaps there was something else in play?:: ::sitting back down and scooting against the wall away from the door, she stared blankly into space as she thought:: tAehjae -> :: goes back for her last load:: KhreRiovtRex -> He asked, and I quote, "who do au think had the most reason to do this to NDak?"….. and au gave my name. NDak -> There were quite a few rumors that the only reason I had been assigned as Daise'Science Officer rhae the Talon to begin with, had been because of my brother’s position. Kheinsa Maec -> So au do na believe in au's own merits? Lerak trPexil -> I had nothing to do with the abduction of t'Ksa, and have spent a great deal of my waking and sleeping time pouring over sensor logs. KhreRiovtRex -> Guilt perhaps? Lerak trPexil -> No guilt. I had nothing to do with her abduction. NDak -> ::He turned towards the Kheinsa:: If I did na, I would na be here. Nor would be able to call myself a Son of the House of N'Dak. Lerak trPexil -> To be frank I do na know N'Dak's family or friend structure, to say nothing of his foes. NDak -> (( He has ... friends? )) NDak -> (( This is news to me. )) Lerak trPexil -> (frienemies) Lerak trPexil -> (I thought we were pals... :( ) KhreRiovtRex -> (BFF's!) Lerak trPexil -> (We got the rings and everything) NDak -> (( As a reminder, you did rat him out to t'Rexan. )) Kheinsa Maec -> Then why do au sell auself as the fool then? NDak -> It suits my purpose. Kheinsa Maec -> Ah, I see. ::nods:: KhreRiovtRex -> Yet, au felt, after I'd been away for a year, that the first person to blame for his attack, was myself? How did au come to this conclusion? it seems to me, that au were the io that sent me a communication complaining about him Lerak trPexil -> I will be the first to admit interrogations are a... weak spot for me. I did na test well in giving or receiving. NDak -> As I said, it can be useful. NDak -> Of course it has drawbacks as well. Au know, when io need to actually be taken seriously. KhreRiovtRex -> The Daise Khre'Riov wanted to be done with au as soon as he was told of au accusation. I was able to convince him to keep au on, to provide some source of continuity tAehjae -> :: completes gathering the supplies and returns to the shuttle to stow it:: KhreRiovtRex -> However, au need only make io more mistep, and au career.....is over Lerak trPexil -> Very well. Kheinsa Maec -> True. So how do au draw that line between jester and counsel? ACTION> Sensors show an unexpected ion storm sweeping through the sector, directly in Talon's path. NDak -> ::Turns back to his work:: I am still working on that. Lerak trPexil -> I have no quarel with au. I am sorry I mentioned au so blatantly when it is now clear au had about as much to do with it as I. Koga S'Bien -> ::rubs his chin, looking at the map he was reading:: (m) That's not good. I was hoping it was going to miss us. NDak -> To be honest, this will be the first time I have been on a mission without the looming shadow of my brother, and even then, his absence casts a shadow of its own, na? NDak -> ::Frowns at the readings on his sensors:: Io moment... Lerak trPexil -> May I ask N'Dak's condition? NDak -> +Laeh+ Science to the Oira... Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Ie? Koga S'Bien -> ::Speaks up:: Rekkhai, it seems that a freak ion storm is headed directly for us. It just popped up on sensors. NDak -> +Laeh+ Sensors are detecting an ion storm sweeping through the system. I suggest we take care to avoid it. Sending au the readings h'nah. Lerak trPexil -> :: Something flashes on his display :: KhreRiovtRex -> I honestly do na know, nor do I care. What I do have a problem with, is having a Daise that I can na trust... NDak -> +Laeh+ There is a nearby system we could take shelter in, it has a number of Gas Giants, if the ion storm were to disrupt our cloak, we would likely not be seen. Lerak trPexil -> I would give my life for anyone on the Talon, au, aur child. Au have my word. NDak -> ::Glances to Maec:: I assume that’s why au are here, ie? Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Ie, helm has just detected it as well. ::She glanced to Koga.:: Did au hear all of that? Access the data from science and change course. KhreRiovtRex -> Yet, au tried to implicate me......which would have impacted my family. I will remember this tr'Pexil. Koga S'Bien -> Ie, rekkhai. Kheinsa Maec -> Partly, ie. I wanted to see how au were doing after such a traumatic episode. Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods :: NDak -> ::He nodded:: It has not been easy, I won't lie. My sister was always the better one of us at that anyway. Koga S'Bien -> ::Accesses the system N'Dak mention and sets a course:: We'll be at the specified system shortly. It looks like a great place to hold out from the storm. KhreRiovtRex -> ::puts away her kaleh, though hates that she did na use it once :: Au have much to do to reprove auself trPexil.... Koga S'Bien -> Course has been set. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and exit's his office:: tAehjae -> :: completes reading the shuttle as ordered, na wanting to speak out in front of anyoi to tRexan calls the com :: Location of tVatrix NDak -> But as hard as it has been... it has also helped me stay focused. If that makes any sense. KhreRiovtRex -> ::heads towards lift and hits t'Liss:: Koga S'Bien -> ::programmed the new course into the navigational computer and prepares to engage engines:: Lerak trPexil -> :: sits :: (w) Well, that went about as well as one would hope. :: turns his display to understand the course change :: Koga S'Bien -> Engaging. ::Does so:: KhreRiovtRex -> +tAehjae+ Status of the project I asked au to see to tAehjae -> :: after getting her location contacts her:: +tRex+ tAehjae to t’Vatrix tAehjae -> +tRex+ It is complete Rekkhai Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances at the main viewer.:: Keep an eye on that storm. Even the outskirts could cause significant damage to our systems. NDak -> ::Glances to Maec as he noted the Talon turning towards the system he'd suggested:: KhreRiovtRex -> +tAehjae+ Hann'yyo. Keep this information to auself for now Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits the office and heads to the main console :: tAehjae -> +tRex+ Ie Rekkhai Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Ie, I don't want to find out how significant. ::keeps a close eye on the approaching storm front on his sensors:: tAehjae -> :: heads back for Main Dheno:: Kheinsa Maec -> Have au heard from au family on au brother's condition? Or have au avoided that communication? M_K_tKsa -> @::sitting on her bunk, staring at the wall:: NDak -> The last I heard he was finally in a stable condition, though he had not yet fully regained consciousness. Laehval tTemarr -> Na, au do na. If a storm is strong enough, it has the power to disable every system on this ship at once, including the dampening field that keeps our singularity drive stable. NDak -> The doctors had told my mother they were concerned that he would have some reduced motor functions, though it did appear his upper brain functions were unaffected. Lerak trPexil -> :: relieves the engineer there and does a system sweep: shields, structural integrity...cloak :: NDak -> apparently there was some nerve damage, though again, they were still unsure how serious the injuries would be, long term. Koga S'Bien -> I wholeheartedly agree. That and more. :: increases speed a bit in an effort to outrun the storm:: TWO MINUTE WARNING TWO MINUTE WARNING KhreRiovtRex -> ::Heads down to inspect her shp:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Could feel other engineers staring at him. Credits were being traded in a far corner. Someone lost a bet Pexil would na make it out of the office unscathed:: tAehjae -> :: enters the Lift:: MAIN Dheno! Kheinsa Maec -> Au do na sound very concerned. Does that mean his prognosis is menkha? NDak -> He may never walk again. If I do na sound concerned, it is because I am trying my hardest to do what he would do, and put on a brave face. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: tAehjae -> ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> :: paused as he can hear his son get up :: KhreRiovtRex -> Alright........good job all and got some good stuff done there! KhreRiovtRex -> and .....everyone lived through the night Laehval tTemarr -> Barely NDak -> Pexil might want to take out an extra life insurance policy though. Koga S'Bien -> Good enough for me! Koga S'Bien -> LOl Kheinsa Maec -> ::mutters about anatomy lessons:: KhreRiovtRex -> Wait...NDAk got stuck in the shoulder and chest, how does that make him not walk...unless brain dead from lack of blood? :: NDak -> We have a winner KhreRiovtRex -> Alrighty then.. Lerak trPexil -> Premiums are pretty high for me. KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed....get out of here and have a great weekend Lerak trPexil -> Given my line of work. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight! M_K_tKsa -> g'night guys tAehjae -> good night all KhreRiovtRex -> Night all Laehval tTemarr -> Night. :) See you next week. tAehjae -> NIght Laeh Lerak trPexil -> Laters BFF
  25. Pacquiao was robbed!