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Everything posted by DaryusWilliams

  1. Ewww, actually neither. But if I have to pick one, I'd say the Apprentice just cause I like hearing the Donald say "your fired". :P Ok, garlic bread or dinner roll's?
  2. Man with a tape recorder up his nose. Here ya go Van Roy. How about the (top secret, so say nonexistant) Aurora space plane?
  3. Thanks Admiral. :P
  4. Personally, I have a Rocky Horror Picture show desktop theme. I also have one for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Don't have one for either Star Wars or Star Trek. ::thwaps himself for being a bad trekie:: :P Zaphod,
  5. I'm waiting for the Vulcan civil war. Nothing like a bunch of ticked off Vulcan's letting out ther pent up agression's. :P Zaphod,
  6. Assistant Engineer's log, September 12, 2154: The launch cerimony for Challenger was very nice. My family sat at the viewing platform. I meandered around the party sipping root beer. I met my bunk mate, a security officer named Jon Marks, nice guy. Also met my fellow engineer's, Westler and Graham. Admiral Atragon gave his speech as did Moore and Moose. We were ordered to take our station's and prepair for launch. Westler and Marks were both uneasy, I felt it too, but atributed it to jitter's. We prepaired engineering for warp and waited. Once we passed Puto, the bridge called down and asked if we were ready. I called up and said yes. Crossing my finger's, I watched the warp core glow as we slipped into warp. When we approched warp two, the power fluctuated. Not much, but noticable. After we slipped into warp 4, the power drain became more noticable. Westler called up to the bridge and reported it. Moose ordered that we stay at warp 4 untill we could tack down the problem. I'm running a diagnostic right now, and fixing to crawl around the core to check the shielding. On a more personal note, saw the elusive M'rrisha Warren, she is a security officer. I think she did more than give me the eye when I returned to academy last month, she said I was cute. ::laughs:: Ok, I have to go out into deep space to be noticed by women, and this one carry's a gun. More Later. >END LOG<
  7. Personal log, September 12, 2154: Well, this is it. My dress blues stare at me out of my mirror. I pet Zephram and head out the door. Tonight we launch ready or not. I'm trying to put up a good strong Williams front, but inside I'm scared to death. I don't know what the future will bring, but I look foward to it all. I'm going to be strong in front of my family and my new crewmate's. We have one of the biggest adventures man has ever experienced ahead of us. The ship is strong, as is the crew. I see my family waiting for me. There are tears in my mother's eyes. They are proud of me, I hope I don't let them down. More later. >END LOG<
  8. I'd like There's nothing duct tape can't fix. Thank's. Zaphod,
  9. Personal log, September 11, 2154: Well, my second duty shift went very well. Had a warp field test for tomorrow's launch. The engine ran smoothly. This is a wonderful ship, can't wait to experience my first warp jump. Yes I ran simulation's when I returned to acadamy right before this mission, but the instructer said it was never quite the same. He should know, he was onboard on Enterprise's maiden voyage. Went to breakfast after my shift and saw a familiar face. The young woman I saw in academy was walking into the security office. So, she was assigned to Challenger. Don't know if she saw me. Going to have to say hi to her tomorrow at the cerimony. Zephram's adjusting well to life in our quarter's. I hope my cellmate is a cat person. Got a communication from my father. He'll be at the launch cerimony's with my mother, brother and sister. Well, going on duty shift again tonight. The ship purrs like a kitten. More later. >END LOG<
  10. Noone should ever forget what happened that day. It was a horrible thing not only for the united states, but for the world. My prayers go out this day for the victim's, and thier family's. Zaphod,
  11. Personal log. September 10, 2154: I sit on my bunk scetching, Zephram's curled up next to me doing what he does best catnapping. I saw a familiar face today and it took me by suprise. I took a few engineering classes at the Academy after my tour with the Arcadia was up. I was in a class on quantum theory and my eyes met a young woman's. I could tell by the stripe on her cadet uniform that she was in security. I had to laugh. She was not even five foot tall. I found out through the instructer that her name was M'resha Warren. I wanted to walk up and talk to her, but had to get to my next exercise. I've never been too good at communicating with women. I talk better to my engine's. Guess that's why I'm 40 years old and still single. ::Laughs:: Pressed my good dress blues for Sunday. I'm going to be a nervous wreck. I've been getting use to the ship, did my first duty shift in engineering last night. Not too many problem's. Just some junction failures, I had to replace some connectors and circuts in the plasma distribution system. Nothing major. But, it did give me a chance to crawl around in the tubing leading to the nacelles. Almost got lost a few time's. Would've been better if I didn't have to wear the protective radiation suit, but oh well didn't want to get fried the first night on the job. Almost finished scetching this portrait. It's of the girl I saw at Academy. I'm bad about drawing stranger's I see on the street. If they have an interesting look they get scetched by me, even if they never see the portrait. This M'resha's eye's caught mine, light powder blue almost luminescent. Oh well, guess I'm just an obsessed artist. Going to take Zephram's lead and have a little catnap myself. I have to go on duty at 2100 hours tonight. More later. >END LOG<
  12. Seafood, I'm in the seafood capital of the world, New Orleans. :D Soups, Chunky or Cambell's?
  13. Personal log, September 9, 2154: Ok, I'd really like to find out which genious engineer designed these bunks. My back is screaming at me this moring. Zephram slept well. I do believe that cat could sleep anywhere. Haven't seen my cellmate yet, also havn't met my commanding officer yet either. I am a little early. Most of the crew are staying at the Mars station till Sunday morning. Oh well, give's me time to explore. Went to the mess hall and had breakfast, not to bad for ship food. Not the Beniet's and Community coffee with milk and sugar I'm use too. But, I'll survive. I got order's from the bridge to man a duty station in engineering tonight. Looking foward to it. Sent a message to my parent's on earth telling them I arrived safely and all is well. My father will be here to see me off Sunday as he was a civillian engineer on all the NX project's. The clock is ticking down. Going to explore the ship some more and do my duty shift tonight. More later. >END LOG<
  14. I've read similar story's about "Alien intervention" on other probe's, including a Russian probe being shot down by a massive UFO in orbit around Mars, that one was caught on film in 1986. It's the darn Vulcan's I tell's ya. They don't want us in space. :D Zaphod, "Meow, I say meow boy"
  15. Personal log: September 8, 2154: I sit in the back of the transport trying not to chew my nails, a bad childhood habit. The trip had been uneventful, leaving Armstrong air/spaceport last night. I had studied the technical schimatics for Challenger's engine's the whole trip. Wonderful machine. All the state of the art warp theary's and practices all rolled up into one magnificent vessel. She was even better than Enterprise, having alll the newest gadget's. I can't wait to crawl around inside that engine. I look out the window as we approach Mars, I can see the spacedock getting larger as we approach. As we get closer, I can see the Challenger shining in the sunlight. My eyes take in every inch as we approach. The nacelle's catch my eye. Cochran would be proud. We dock and I thank the pilot for the view. Entering spacedock I check in with the quartermaster, he tells me a worker will transfer my belongings to my quarter's if I wanted to take a self guided tour around the ship. Walking through the airlock, I notice one thing immediatly. The gravity in the Challenger was so much better than on the transport or even spacedock. On the transport, it felt like I was walking uphill, and I could feel every thump of the ion engines. On Challenger, It was like I was walking in my own apartment in New Orleans. I made a mental note to take a look at the gravity generators. I found my quarter's on D deck and dropped off my backpack. I worried about Zephram. He was still in his pressurized kitty carrier in the transport's cargo hold. He'll be ok for a few more hours. I found engineering and looked around, I was like a kid in a candy store. I could just stare at the engine mesmerized by the lights and the hum. A fellow crewman saw me staring and chuckled. I grined a little boy grin at him and walked out to continue my tour. My new home pleases me very much. Heading back to my quarter's I wonder again if this is all a dream, so I pinch my arm. Nope, not a dream. I walk into my quarter's and hear a pathetic little meow. I see Zephram's carrier setting on my bunk. Time to rescue and apologize to my bestest buddy in the world. More later. >END LOG<
  16. Transporter, it's quicker. Savik or T'pol? (best Vulcan babe)
  17. Communincation to Starfleet Quartermaster: September 6, 2154. Sir, I am Ensign Daryus Williams SF ID#: 4264-DW. I have been as assigned assistant engineer aboard the Challenger NX-05. My quarter's are located on D deck J-7. Below is a list of the personal item's I will be bringing with me. I will report to you at 1200 hours on September the 8'th to move into my accomidation's. ..................................................................................................................... One trunk containing: Civillian clothing, jeans, shirts, dress slacks, dress shirts, tie's, leather jacket, boxers, socks, boots, tennis shoes, dress shoes. toiletry's, cologne (Drakar). One engineer's tool kit, tool belt. One data disk player, Sony model #1007264491 2500 data disks of music movie's and television shows. 300 photo disks. One Camera Sony model #283038492 video/still/data storage. One electic guitar, Fender Stratocaster, purple, Model #482743 1963. One amplifier, with headphones, Crate, model #374238 One box of art supplies, pads, pencils, charcols, paints, etc. One cat, sometime's answer's to Zephram, 1 year old, black, (all shot's recieved). One trunk containing cat supply's, toys, food, scratching post, etc.
  18. Personal log, Daryus Williams, September 6, 2154: I strolled down St Charles towards Canal St. A streetcar lumbered past filled with happy tourist's. I was woken up early this morning by my personal comm station. It was a message from Starfleet's Quartermaster. We are to show up to the Mars drydock on the 8th to move all of our belongings into our quarter's and become aquainted with the ship and our duty's before the launch on the 12th. That's ok, I'm looking foward to crawling around the Challenger's inside's. I'm going to be like a kid in a candy store. I called my parent's and my brother and sister and told them I would be leaving in the morning for the transport to Mars. We're all meeting at Messina's for a celebration dinner tonight, then I leave on the transport. Zephram's ready for his first space flight, poor kitty. I hope he's ok with it. I'm going to miss New Orleans, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. To explore the uncharted reaches of space. I cross Canal and up to Decatur to Messina's. One more huge seafood platter before I leave. I'm sure the Challenge's mess crew Won't have fried alligater and frog's legs, so I have to enjoy them while I can. My family is waiting for me in front of Messina's. We eat, drink, laugh and cry about my upcoming adventure. My father gave me a gift, an antique compass so I'd alway be able to find my way as he said. Afer mass hugs and sniffles all around, I head home to finish packing my things and get Zephram ready for his adventure. He's not very happy about it, has never liked cat carrier's but he'll live. He's going to have kitty treats and his favorate squeaky toy with him. Well, time to go to bed. The transport leave's out of the spaceport at 0900. >END LOG<
  19. Personal log for Ensign Daryus Williams: Sunday September 5, 2154: I sit in Pat O' Brian's on Bourbon Street drinking my second Hurricane, reflecting over the past few day's. The Challenger. Thinking the name now I still can't believe it. One of the jewel's of the NX project and I've been chosen to help keep her flying. All those years of study, work and sacrifice has finally paid off in a big way. My mother and father cryed when I told them of my order's. My father because of pride, my mother a mixture of pride and worry. She's worried about me leaving the solar system and exploring deep space. When I was on the Arcadia, she was ok. She knew I could come home every few months for visits. But, this is going to be a multiyear voyage. She's very proud of me as all my family are, but she dosn't want to lose her first born to the terrors of deep space. I have to report to Starfleet command in a week to board a transport for the Mars Drydock for the commissioning, then we launch. I am so nervous. I'm trying to get everything tied up here in the next week, at least I don't have to leave my cat behind. I was told we can have a companion with us. It's going to be a long voyage. I'm going to have to get a pressurized kitty cart for Zephram, he's going to be very upset on the trip to Mars. But, he'll get over it. I look at my chronomiter, 0145, time to go home so I finish my drink and pay the bartender. Walking out onto Bourbon, I look up at the stars and smile. I'm going to be seeing them a lot closer very soon. >END LOG<