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Everything posted by DaryusWilliams

  1. "Hello New Orleans, my friend." Daryus said aloud as he steped off the transport at Armstrong Air and Space Port in Kenner. He felt like he had been gone for years, even though in reality it had only been a little over 4 months. He was tired, very tired. The past 4 months had been hard on everyone on Challenger, injury's and deaths expecially. He was so tired, he didn't even want to tour the new Columbia. He had gotten the invitation from the chief drydock engineer. He tried to beg off. But the cheif insisted that because he was chief engineer on Challenger, he should tour the new NX ship. So, Daryus took a shuttle pod to Columbia and was given a brief tour. He was quite impressed. The Columbia had all the new gadgets and whistles. Daryus' jaw about hit the floor when the cheif told him that Columbia had achieved warp 5.3 on her trial runs. He made it a point to download the new flow ratio's onto a pad and upload them to Challenger's engineering computer. He thanked the drydock chief and took a pod back to Challenger to get his and Jon's things. He left enough food for Zephrem to get by on till he got back and lots of toys to play with, then boarded a transport to Earth. Daryus first stopped in Los Angeles to deliver Ensign Marks belongings to his family. Dr. Willow had already informed them of his death, so they were greiving for him very badly when Daryus arrived. He met Jon's parents, Thomas and Hiedi and his brother Guy. He told them he was thier son's roomate on the ship. They were very nice folks, even inviting him to stay for supper. Daryus told them story's of Jon's heroic actions with the Klingon's and the Andorian's. His father although greiveing for him was very proud of his son. Daryus' had to fight back tears as he told him storys of Jon's childhood and his adventures in Interpol. They offered Daryus a spare room in the house to stay the night, but he told them he had to catch the next transport to Louisiana. They told him goodby, Mrs Marks giving him a hug and Mr Marks a warm handshake. Daryus' got into a cab and went to the airport. He walked across the terminal in Kenner thinking about Jon's parents. He couldn't even imagine losing a child, especially one as young as Jon was. He was deep in though when he heard a familiar voice. "D.J.!" He spun around and saw his sister Antoinette running toward him. She grabbed him and hugged him tight. "Welcome home bro." "Tony, what are you doing here? I thought you had to worked this weekend." He kissed her on the cheek. She giggled. "Got some new little R.N. to cover for me this weekend. Promised to give my Starfleet hero brother her number." She winked at him making him blush. "D.J. you really need to shave that beard off. It tickles." He had worn a beard since high school. He kept it short and neat, but never went a day without it since he was 18. "You know I can't do that sis. The beard is who I am, like Sampson's hair." He grinned. "You know if I shave it off, I'll turn into a 98 pound wimp." He goggled his eyes and slumped his knee's. That always made her laugh. "Where's mom and dad? "They're waiting at the house." Daryus' parent's owned a summer home on Grand Isle, which was a 2 hour drive south of New Orleans. Well, 45 minutes the way his sister drove. "They want to spend your shorleave at the beach house not their apartment here. Everyones coming over for your welcome home party tonight." She smiled at him. "Great! Sis, I'm starving. Think we could stop and get something to eat on the ride home?" They left the terminal and got into her hovercar, and nice sleep purple job brand new. "Hmmm, nice car sis, swanky." He grinned. "Got it last week with my tax refund." She grinned. "It's nice to be head surgical nurse married to a prominent thorasic surgen." She crossed her eyes at him. "We rich Cajun's mes ya'." Daryus' fell back laughing. They stopped at Popeyes and got a box of fried chicken, a couple of pints of red beans and rice, some buttermilk buiscuts and a couple of soda's then hit the highway. Tony set the autodrive, turned on the music channel on the car's comm and they sat back and started eating. He told her about his adventures, her eyes big just like when they were kids and he would tell her story's of outer space and imaginary alien invaders. Except now they were adults and the alien invaders were real. He told her about Jon and his death and told her about Ensign Lucky. "Sis, I've only been on that ship 4 months and already we've lost 2 people. One of them I was close too. He was my roomate. It's been very hard. But, I know that's what we signed up for, the unknown. You have to take risk's in this job." She frowned and looked at him seriously. "D.J. mom and I are both worried sick about you up there with all those aliens trying to kill you." She sniffled on the verge of crying. "I don't want to lose my only big brother." He patted her face. "Sis, I'm careful. I chose this life. This is a dream come true for me. I'm a part of history." He rubbed her cheek. "If I couldn't explore space, I wouldn't be me." She held his hand to her face. "Just be careful big brother or those nasty aliens won't have to worry about it because I'll come up there and kick your ass." They both laughed. He told her about his promotion and appointment to chief. She applauded, a chicken leg in one hand. He told her about M'rrisha, she dropped the piece of chicken in her lap. "A woman, my brother the consumate bachelor actually mention's a woman?" She giggled. "So, tell me about this woman. Spill big brother. Any chances of me becoming a sister in law and an aunt one day? You know Cory's not getting married anytime soon. He's more stuborn than you. You know our brother's married to the New Orleans police department." Daryus laughed around a mouthfull of beans. "Well, she's an assistant in the security department. We were in a couple of classes together in academy when I went back to brush up for Challenger." He took a swig of his soda. "Seem's she was intruged by me, like I was for her. But, we were both too shy to approach each other in class." He blushed. "We've been talking alot here lately, and spending some time together. She's a sweet girl." His sister looked at him closely. "I knew there was something different about you bro, your smitten." She laughed out loud. "My brother, the one who swore he'd never fall in love has fallen head over heels for someone." She reached over and hugged him. "When can I meet her?" Daryus blushed harder. "Well, she's visiting her family in Washington. I can call her and see if she wants to see New Orleans before we go back to the ship." He lowered his eyes. "And, I'm not sure if it's love. We just started spending time with each other. She's a nice girl, but she's alot younger than me,22, almost half my age." His sister playfully slapped his arm. "Oh oh, a young 'un." She laughed. "D.J., noone cares about age differences, that's so 20'th century. Anyway, your just a kid at heart. Think about all those spaceship models all over your room at the beach house." She took another piece of chicken out of the box. "Richard is 25 years older than me." "I know sis. It shouldn't matter." Daryus looked out the window at the scenery. They were driving through Bayou Lafourche, almost to Grand Isle. "I think I am in love sis, there's something about her. She and I are like twins, I think she see's that too. But, we're both loners. Sure I have friends on the ship, but I don't spend much time with them outside of work." He thought about Aaron, Graham, and the late Jon. "I'm just more comfortable crawling through a plasma duct, than socializing with people. I've always been like that." She laughed. "Yea, I remember when you turned 18, you dissapeared from your birthday party. Dad found you under that old Chevy of yours installing that plasma inducer he gave you." She looked at him hard. "D.J. if you love this girl, tell her. You've been alone too long. Your 40 years old, it's time for you to find a nice girl and settle down." Daryus laughed. "I'm a starfleet officer, I can't settle down and have a bunch of pup's while I'm pushing a starship a hundred times the speed of light." He put his head back against the seat. "I'm not talking about moving her home and retiring from Starfleet. Your on Challenger, she's on Challenger. You need to pursue this relationship Daryus." He knew she was getting serious when she used his real first name. "Love is wonderful. Richard and I have been married 10 wonderful years. I just want to see you happy." He smiled a big smile. "Sis, I'm happy. I'm the chief engineer on one of Starfleet's premere starships. I have a great cat, good food and enough work to keep me busy." "But, you don't have someone to love." She smiled one of her heart melting little sister smiiles at him. "C'mon D.J. True love only presents itself once in your life. You have to take it when it's offered." "Ok sis." Daryus said as he put the boxes and containers from their lunch into a big bag to throw away when they got home. "I'll tell her how I really feel about her. I want to make you an aunt one day." He grinned and poked her in the arm. She gave him a big hug. "I love you Daryus. I've missed my big brother." Daryus hugged her back, tears threatening to spill. "I love you Antoinette, I've missed you too sis." She wiped the tears out of her eyes, and dissengaged the autodrive. They pulled off the highway and crossed the little bridge into Grand Isle. As they pulled onto Beach Road, he could see his parent's beach house. He had grown up there. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he saw the banner hanging from the side of the house. 'Welcome home Lt. Daryus'. His family stood under the banner waiting for him. A 50 gallon pot sat on an open fire with sacks of crawfish sitting next to it. Tables were set up for one of his fathers famous crawfish boils. As the car stopped his family ran to it. He wiped the tears out of his eyes and smiled. It was good, very good to be home.
  2. Chief Engineer's log, Febuary 15, 2155: The ship is in shambles, that last attack by the Orion pirate's did a serious number on this vessel. We've arrived at the drydock orbiting Earth, and the Starfleet engineers have just arrived to start our repairs. I gave the drydock chief my report. He was amazed we were able to make it back to earth. We lost 40 percent of structural integrity when the pirate's initiated that massive gravitational field by our ship. The warp reactor's supports were compromised by 22 percent, they will have to be replaced. I made a request for more circutry panel's. The chief laughed dryly when I told him how many of the spare panel's we had used. We stopped at Deneva and returned the colonist's back to their home. The asteroid was succesfully destroyed save for several large chunks that hit the planet. The settlement's were not damaged. Not an hour after releasing the torpedo's, a fleet of Orion's dropped out of warp and beamed over several colonist's and crew members. Word has it that they were going to be sold on the Orion slave market. We gave chase and caught up to the Orion's. They weren't happy to see us and opened fire. The bridge tactical officer took out the Orion's weapon's and the prisoner's were beamed back to Challenger using our transporter. The Orion's hit us with a massive gravitational field, literally streatching the ship what felt like meter's longer than it should be causing severe structual stress. A wormhole opened up and the fleet slipped into it. Even though I was up to my armpit's in busted ship, I still reached over and started the scanners to catch the wormhole. Starfleet command will be very interested to know that the Orion's have that technology. I've handed the engine room over to the drydock engineer's and I'm heading back to New Orleans for a little shoreleave. I may see if Ensign M'rrisha would like to accompany me. On a more personal and sad note. My bunkmate Ensign Jon Marks lost his life in the attack. He awoke from his coma only to be killed when the ceiling above him collapsed. He will be greatly missed. I've taken the personal liberty of gathering his belongings from our quarters together. I will return them to his family along with his remains. More later. >END LOG<
  3. Do'h where is my brain? I thought they had done a mini series after the Ranger movie. :P Well, I do enjoy Stargate Sg1 and Atlantis. And yep, I agree with you on the history. :P Zaphod,
  4. I voted for Challenger. Since it's inception 6 months ago, Moose and Moore have taken an experimental pre Federation starship, and turned it into a lean mean exploring machine. Challenger was the first Enterprise era sim I have ever seen. And, I still haven't seen one like it. But, they are all wonderful sims. I've sat in on the Arc and the Hood. I just have a soft spot for my other home away from home. Zaphod,
  5. Cheif engineers log, January 23, 2155: I never thought I'd be so happy to see a piece of machinery in my life. Of course as cheif engineer, I consider this ship and her engines my baby. I even kissed the warp reactor chamber when I walked onto engineering. ::laughs:: We arrived back at Challenger safe and sound, and other than some frostbite, fatigue, grumbling stomachs, Adam's phaser wound, and Ens Graham being roughed around a bit we were none the worst for wear. I even got a chance to experience a transporter for the first time. The Andorians "beamed" me directly to the Challenger's engine room. Interesting experience having ones atom's disassembled and scattered across space. First thing I did was check the reactor. Graham came in and started running diagnostics on the systems, seeing if the Andorians did as they promised. One person was missing, Lt jg Aaron Westler. Graham called him up. Seem's Westler had made the mistake of laying down on his bunk and fell asleep. I can't blame him. I am dog tired myself. But, we needed to get the diagnostics done before we attempted to go into warp. Graham checked the systems, Westler checked the computer and I did a physical inspection of the core, panels, and conduit's. Graham and Westler joked with me telling me I spend all my time in them. I told them I'd sleep in them if I could. I feel the most comfortable here. Everything seemed normal and I buzzed Moose on the bridge and told him we had a green light for warp. Warp was engaged and we slipped into warp 4. I retired to my little office off the main engineering deck and poured a very strong cup of coffee, sat back and put my feet up. I started to doze off when I heard my two assistants laughing it up outside. Graham called in and asked if I was snoring. I told him no. Then, I could here a plot unfolding. Something about turning off the artificial gravity if I fell asleep. ::laughs:: Lt Rex came on the comm and announced that we were changing course to Denevia, something about an asteroid heading toward the planet. We were going to evacuate the colonists. I asked Rex how many and he said 400. I gawked at the speaker. Our little ship barely holds 100 crew members. How were we going to fit 400 more people into this small space. I bit my tounge, closed the comm and went to work. Graham, Westler and I went to work straight from the Starfleet emergency evacuation guide. Graham went up to sickbay to coordinate with Dr Willow on transporting the colonists and finding them places to sleep. Westler went down to the cargo bays to start converting them into sleeping quarters. I started going through the emergency rations and checking the food resequenser to see if we have enough food for 5 hundred people until we reach Starbase. I'm going to do up a report for Moose and Moore with a plan for carrying so many people. We're going to have folks sacked out in every inch of this ship. I may wind up sleeping in a plasma tube after all. ::laughs:: More later. >END LOG<
  6. Chief Engineers log, January 16, 2155: As we sat in the Andorian conference room, tempers started getting short. Ensign Graham was returned from what I guess was an interogation and was to say the least, miffed. He was gungho to get it done and attempt an escape. I sympothised, but reminded him we were three unarmed engineers and this was an Andorian battlecruiser. Westler and I were able to calm him down. The door opened and two guards pushed a couple of Challenger crewmembers into the room. I recognized the scientists as Ensigns Adams and Truman. Adams was injured with what looked like a phaser burn to the arm. Both were very upset with the Andorian guards. Werin soon apeared again and started questioning us again about our systems failures, actually insinuating that we sabotaged our own ship. Everyone in the group flaired out at him. Werin started getting extreamly agitated by the outbursts, so Westler and I started trying to calm our group. I hated doing it, but had to pull rank and ordered the Ensigns to be quiet. I knew Andorian military protocal, and the group was in serious danger of execution. I answered Werin's questions, telling him the entire truth of our systems failures leaving out the core breech. He was appreciative of my honesty, so we asked for a med kit to be brought over from Challenger. One was given to us and Westler promply saw to Adams' wounds. When Werin left the room, Adams and Truman both started talking of escape and getting even with our captors. I told them the same thing I told Graham, we were unarmed and aboard a very large, very well staffed battleship. Even if we overpowered our guards, where would we go? I finally calmed the group and we sat and waited for the outcome of our little soap opera. I did find out one of the reason's Adam's was so gung ho about escape. I caught a sneaked kiss between him and Ensign Truman. I understood compleatly, because I am worried sick about Ensign M'rrisha on the planet's surface. I can understand when you have more than a "fellow crewmate" relationship with someone. I do hope to be reunited with M'rrisha, I need to talk to her. I'm also worried about my cat. I hope Zephram hasn't gone uberkitty and tryed to take the Challenger back from the Andorians. He'll wind up being a crispy cat. I wonder if Andorians have an equivilent to cat's on their planet. More later. >END LOG<
  7. Chief engineers log, January 9, 2155: We had Andorians swarming engineering, crawling through every system. Westler and I watch helplessly as the buggie's compleatly had at our engines The Andorian major approched me and demanded that Westler and I leave the ship, I refused. I was the only department head on board and therefore in command. I wasn't going to turn the Challenger over to him. We were overwelmed by Andorian security. I repeated what I said to the major and we stood our ground. It was then that the major nodded and I felt a pressure on my neck and then blacked out. I awoke in a large conference room I presumed was on the lead Andorian ship. A familiar bug stood before me, I couldn't quite place him. I demanded to know who he was. He told me instead exactly who I was, and where I was from. He then told the same thing to Westler. He told us that he was Fleet Admiral Werin of the Andorian something or other. I was very angry at being taken from my ship and had a few choice words for him. He informed us that we were trespassing in Andorian space and we would have to leave. I demanded for my engineering team to be returned to the Challenger, but he refused. I assume he want's to round up the entire crew, give us a brow beating and send us running. But knowing Moose and Moore, it's Werin who will get the browbeating. More later. >END LOG<
  8. Chief Engineer's log, Jan 2, 2155: We are being stared down by a fleet of Andorian battleships. My engineering team is working to repair the damage done by an unknown terrorist. The systems seam to fail again as soon as we get them fixed. On my board I noticed a rise in temperature in the reactor core. Westler notices it too, but it is too late. There is a small explosion and the seal on the core goes. Plasma gas starts leaking into the room, forcing everyone to don protective masks. The pressure in the manifold's starts to rise and plasma explodes out of our port nacelle. We were having a core breach. I called up to the bridge to Commadore Moose with the situation and he and Comander Moore order a full evacuation of the ship. The crew escape to the planet below in pods. An Andorian engineering team beam over to assist. Between my men and theirs, we avert a disaster. they also graciously offer to update our systems for us. >END LOG< Computer......... Enter command code athurization Williams 7482g4, for Command's eyes only,,LOCK..... Chief Engineers log, Jan 2nd 2155: I have placed a fabricated log in the computer in case the Andorians access our computer systems. This log is for command's eyes only. We are being stared down by fleet of andorian battleships. Our systems are still malfuncioning. Westler and I are trying to lock everything down and repair the damage. We know it is sabotage, but cannot find the culpret. Moose calles down and asks if I can create a diversion by rigging a simulated core breech so an away team can go down to the planet and investigate. Westler and I create a convincing show by dischrging antimatter plasma out of the nacelle and using thermal heaters to raise the temperature of the core. Everyone is "evacuated" from the ship, engineering staying to make it more convincing. Unfortunately the Andorians are too convinced and beam over a team of engineers to assist. Westler and myself get rid of the evidence of all deception and I release some plasma gas into the deck after we don our masks. The Andorians rudely barge into ME and after assuring their commander we had a "true" breach, start the repairs. The Andorian major informs me that they want to update our systems for us. I don't know if I care for that very much. Yes, they are technologically more advance. But, I don't like the idea of alien components on our engines, or having them hold it over our heads at an inoprotune time, I/E "We uptated your systems, you owe us." I'm waiting to see how this comes out. Commendations to Ensign Aaron Westler for his actions and crawling through the conduits with 40 kgs of antimater plasma. Gotta give that boy credit on that one. That took chutzpa. Glad he was promoted to Lt Jg, he definately deseves it. >END LOG<
  9. Chief Engineer's log, December 25'th 2154: This has been a very interesting Christmas. We're light years away from home, orbiting a strange planet, and we're staring down an alien battlecruiser. We finally got most of the systems in engineering up to 90 percent. Most of the new panels are programed and installed. We had just gotten weapons and sensors back online when we had another power failure in engineering, all the work Westler, Graham and I did on weapons went up in sparks and smoke. Just as the weapons and sensors went down an Andorian battlecruiser dropped out of warp. Westler went to work trying to get our defenses back up. Graham left to accompany the away team down to the planet. The shuttle pod was hijacked by a very wierd beam coming out of the Andorian ship. It was as if the beam grabbed the pod and it couldn't move. This mission is just getting better and better. I hope the Andorians can behave, this ship is in no shape right now to go into battle. On a more personal note. M'rrisha and I had Christmas dinner together in the mess hall, then had eggnog in my quarters. She's a very charming young woman.I enjoyed spending time with her tonight. More later. >End Log<
  10. Thanks A9. That's cool. It still looks good. :P
  11. In honor of my trusty plasma torch, and celebrating my recent promotion to Chief Engineer on the Challenger, please change mine to- "There's nothing duct tape and a trusty plasma torch can't fix." Thanks ;)
  12. From the desk of Lieutenant JG Daryus Williams Chief Engineer, Challenger NX-05 To: Commadore Moose and Commander Moore RE: Status of Engineering Sirs, First off, my apologies for not being in the mess hall last evening. I was knee deep in a plasma tube rerouting ships systems when we experienced the power failures. About those, Ensigns Westler, Graham and myself believe that the problem may have been caused intentionally through sabotage. I have enlisted the help of Ensign M'rrisha Warren from security to help me scan for the possible presence of another Sulibon terrorist. As for the status of engineering. At the moment, life support is at 84 percent and enviromental systems are at 35. The gravity generators, and inertial dampeners are at 82 and 78 percent. Both Warp and impulse engines are functioning at 55 and 63 percent respectively. We are working on transfering and repairing the circutry panels and rerouting plasma and power lines from the more severely damaged systems. I've had to scavenge panels from the non essential system's such as entertainment, food resequensers, and some of the lower priority enviromental systems. We have plenty of spare panel's on board. But, they need to be programmed and installed. This may take several days. As for weapons, we have phaser power at 45 percent but the topedo launcher is still offline. Hull plating is at 65 percent. The transporter system is offline, it may take a few days to fix. As for the cause of the problem, we're still investigating. But, it looks like we had a shipwide power surge that caused all of the systems to shut down. We lost over a quarter of the circutry panels in engineering and more throughout the ship. When we reach this class M planet, I respectfully request a compleat shutdown of Warp and Impulse engines. We should also shut down as many of the non essential systems as we can comfortably, so we can do a compleat overhaul of them. We are also investigating why the enviromental system started releasing that mysterious gas. I'm waiting on science to determine what type of gas it was. Then the engineers can find out why the system went haywire and started releasing it. I'll keep you informed of our progress and status. Finally I'd like to say thank you both for the opportunity to serve this vessle as chief engineer. I will give 100% to this task and I'll try not to let either of you or the rest of the crew down. Respectfully yours, Lt. jg. Daryus Williams Chief Engineer.
  13. Engineer's log, December 12, 2154: I'm glad they built this ship tough. We finally got everything running after the Klingon attack and straightened everything out with them. Everything seemed to be going fine when we started having shipwide system's failures. Graham and Westler started working on tracking down the problem while I started rerouting the circutry. Everything was totally fried. I could see on the panel that all basic systems were offline. Life suport and enviromental became my priority. I started patching through systems, traiding out burned out circuts with ones from non essential systems, like the entertainment units. Ensign M'rrisha showed up from security and I asked her to relay messages for me and check the other decks to see what was needed. She came back later and told me that people were trapped in the messhall. I got life suport back up and started concentrating on the comm system. Graham and Westler were busy with trying to get people out of the messhall before they chocked to death. I patched up the comm system as best I could and contacted the bridge. They informed me that the messhall had been opened and everone got out. I was very relieved. I started the enviromental units and engaged the oxy scrubbers to clear the gas from the decks. The bridge contacted me and asked about the lift. I left engineering with my trusty tool belt and went to the lift. Climbing on top to access the mantenence panel's, I saw the problem. The panal had shorted out due to a mass power flux. I grabbed my plasma torch and replaced the burned out panel with a new one. I climbed back down through the mantenence hatch and hit the button. I could've kissed the wall as the lift started moving. I returned to engineering, Graham and Westler had gotten the rest of the systems back online. Westler, Graham, and I all agreed that this seemed really suspicious. Westler asked me if I believed the Sulibon may have had something to do with our ill's. I called up to security and asked M'rrisha to bring down a scanner. When the Sulibon tried to blow us up before, he and his weapon left unusual radiation signatures behind. I think if it was the invisible bandit's again, we could catch them before they did anything more to damage the ship. M'rresha showed up and we started scanning for any "ghost's" On a more personal note. I was quite proud tonight. Moose and Moore called me to the bridge, where I was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and given the job of Chief Engineer. I really want to celebrate, but know I have a big job ahead of me. Main Engineering is still a mess. I am glad I have a good team, Westler, Graham and the rest to help me through. I'm going to go feed my cat, get something to eat myself, then head back to ME to start the investigation into our problems. Kinda glad M'rrisha's going to be there to help too. She actually "asked me out" during the emergency. She does have a warped sence of humor, just like me. ::Laughs:: Yep, I'm going to be real busy the next few days. More Later >END LOG<
  14. Happy birthday captain, and many more. :P
  15. Engineer's Log, November 20, 2154: We are in orbit of Kittamer, under the gun's of a Klingon bird of prey. Our landing party are being hunted on the surface. The engineering staff was busy trying to keep the Klinngons behind us and repair what damage was done. We had no warp, and impulse was barely working. Plasma was leaking out into space through several fissures in our hull, we had several engineer's down with burns. M'rresh showed up and escorted our injured to sickbay. Right after she left, we had some suprise visitor's, a Klingon boarding party. I couldn't see how many, but they were big and carrying very nasty looking swords. I ducked behind a console wishing for a phase pistol knife something. I grabbed the nearest thing I could find, my trusty plasma torch. Cheif Maturin laughed asked me what I was going to do with it. I ducked into the corner with him and said I had to have something. A Klingon swung on me. I ducked and jammed the torch into his chest under his armour and ignited it. The flame punctured his heart and he dropped to the deck dead. The klingons were conferging on us. I was about to scorch another when I heard a hissing sound above me and smelled a sweet smell. I know what that meant, anestazine gas. I smiled at the Klingon's, told my cheif goodnight and sat down on the floor as blackness over took me, hoping that the Klingon's would go to sleep as fast as us. More later. >END LOG<
  16. Engineer's log, supplemental: We are at red alert. Seem's we stumbled upon a Klingon colony on Kittamer, and a Klingon warship is staring us down the throat. The engineering staff has locked everything down and routed more power to the hull plating and weapons. I hope we can come to an understanding with them. I haven't heard any good things about these Klingon's. From the story's I've heard, they're a savage and brutal race. They're larger and stronger than human's and very tempermental. Their weapon's are as savage as the person carrying them. I've seen pictures of their swords and knives, and their disruptor weapons do terrible things to human flesh. I hope Moore and Moose can get us out of this alive. More later. >end log<
  17. Engineer's log, November 14, 2154: It's been a few days since I've written a duty log. After the exciting camping trip on Akamar, I needed a little R and R. I've been finding it buried in my warp intermix simulation's. I know this bird can break warp 5, maybe even warp 6 if we mix the matter and antimatter correctly. We have strong enough plating and navigational sensor's. We just need to get the correct mix and not turn ourselves into a miniature sun. I can forsee a future where starships break warp 10, just like my father knew we could break the speed of light. I've also been spending some time talking to M'rresha Warren, interesting young woman. She's an introvert like myself, burying herself in her work. Our cat's seem to be getting along well. Zephram has found himself a friend in M'rresha's kitten Beau. Well, time to get back into my simulations. I've been at this so much, I'm sure my cellmate Jon hears me quoting intermix formula's in my sleep. ::laughs:: More later. >END LOG<
  18. Engineer's log, Sep 17, 2154: Well, my stomach feel's much better thanks to the care of the lovely Dr. Willow. She gave me a stern warning not to eat anything until the science people checked it out. After the talking to I had with that unfortunate Acamarian rose bush, I wholeheatedly agreed with her. I made my way out to the shuttlepod's. The science team was loading everything the landing party had scavenged. I started reading the report and got a pleasant suprise. The team had found Acamarian version's of crabs and crawfish. I asked Walker about it and he told me that they were bringing a larg quantitiy back to the ship. My thoughts raced to crawfish boil's and seafood platters. I'm gonna have to see if chef know's how to cook Cajun. As, Westler and I were helping load up the shuttlepod's, Cmdr Moore and Moose walked into camp with an Acamarian male and an uncomfortably large group of Acamarians. I'm no xenosociologist, but I gathered he was a leader because of the way he dressed and walked. He saw the woman Marks accidentaly injured and became enraged. It seems she was a member of a rival clan. Moore and Moose tried to calm the situation, but the clan leader accused our group of siding with his enemies. He said there was only one way to settle it, a fight to the death. I was shocked, but Moose suprised everyone by actually agreeing to it and choosing Moore as our champion. I started thinking we were all dead untill I saw the glimmer in my commander's eye's. I chocked back a laugh. Moore was going to compete in an old college game mixing drunkeness and arm wrestling. A group of us started making wager's to the outcome and sat back smoking cigars quite enjoying ourselves. Moore of course won after our guest passed out in a drunken stupor. We packed everything up and returned to the ship. Not too bad for our first contact, not too bad at all. More later. >END LOG< __________________________________________________
  19. "We come in peace, shoot to kill." The Firm-Star Trekkin' "Sic gorgiamos alos subjectatos nunc. (We gladly feast on those who would subdue us)" Morticia Addams (Addams Family moto, not just pretty words)
  20. :D Pardon the kitty, I forgot to change character's after posting to the Qob. Darn temporal anomaly's. :) The 22'nd century Daryus
  21. Engineering officer's log, Sep 4, 2154: My day started out with breakfast in the mess hall. Ensign Warren joined me. M'rresha is an interesting person, a loner like myself. She's also a cat lover, she has a cute kitty named B'eau. We're going to have to get B'eau and Zephram together one day. I left breakfast and went to engineering. Everyone was talking about "the hunt". Commander Moose had ordered that all avalible personel go to the planet to gather supply's. Of course Westler and Graham had taken the role of the great white hunter's. I haden't been hunting since I was a teen, so I decided I'd gather nut's and berry's. I did grab a phase pistol on my way out just in case one of the local bears objected to me stealing his food. I stopped and said hello to M'rresha in security, she was on shift and couldn't accompany the landing party. She asked me to find her something that passed as a strawberry. I went to the shuttle bay and boarded a shuttle. We arrived at the planet and were met by Moose and Marks. I saw the pile of fresh game and thought about a nice thick steak. Marks asked if I would be joining the hunting party and I said why not. We started scanning for game and found some in a group of tree's. It looked like an earth boar. It was shot and we celibrated our kill. Two more boar creatures crept into the clearing. They were obviously upset about there fallen camrade. I shot one and brought it down. The other was dropped too. The hunting group started backing up as more boar entered the clearing. I knew this was not a good situation. We started firing our weapon's, dropping the creature's. I don't know who did it, I think it was Graham, shot a limb out of a tree to scare off the creatures. When the limb fell, we got a suprise. A young Acamarian girl fell with the branch. By the time I reached her, we got another suprise. Someone set off an explosive to scare away the boar's. That worked, but the explosion echoed through the valley we were in. Pretty soon more native's would show up to find out what went boom. I grabbed two boar's by the leg's and drug them to the camp site. We dropped like 7 boar, hope everyone like's ham. More later. >END LOG<
  22. Engineer officer's duty log: Ensign Daryus Williams: Started my shift on a somber note. We paid our final respect's and bid farewell to Ensign Lucky. We placed his ashes in a torpedo and sent it into the sun of this new world we've discovered. After the service, I went to ME and started my shift. Westler, Graham and I saluted the late engineer Lucky and went to work. I proceeded to give the plasma conduits a thourough twice over all the way back to the nacelle's. I still think the darn engineer's at Starfleet thought we were going to be 3 feet tall. After finding the plasma system shipshape and rerouting some patchy spot's, I left the cramped tube and checked the flow ratio's. Finding the antimatter flow normal, I decided to run some simulation's in the computer. I want to try to see if we can get this ship past warp 5. I tried several different flow ratio's and power settings, but the result was always the same. The minute the simulated Challenger got to 5.1 it started to shake and then kaboom. I'll get it past one 5.5 one day, then I'll take the ratio's to Maturin. Graham made up some coffee and we continued our work. Fixing to head out and stop in and say hey to M'rresha. >END LOG<
  23. Daryus' log, September 19, 2154: I was crawling on top of the reactor housing, trying not to think about or look at the security officer M'rresha scanning across the room. My mind was in a turmoil. I was worried about the power drain, something inside of me screamed danger. We were heading deeper into space than anyone else, even Enterprise. I scanned inside the reactor housing. Nothing, no sign of what was causing our engine's to lag. I looked over at the security team scanning the room. Climbing down, I started to feel a bit queezy. My throat started burning and I started to sweat. I was going to revearse thruster's right here in the engine room. I ran out, M'rresha ran after me. I got to the head just in time. As I knelt there praying to the alter of Ralph, I heard M'rresha banging on the door. I had to laugh, kinda. After I evacuated everything from my system, even my spleen it felt like, I returned to engineering. I had missed the action. They found a bomb on the reactor. That's why the power kept dropping. Ensign Lucky had become Challenger's first fatality, having his neck snapped by an intruder. Ens. Marks had been injured by the intruder and was in sickbay. I looked around, no sign of Ens. Warren. Hope she's ok. I appologized to the cheif for my absence and started scanning the reactor, finding it in good condition. I think we'll be able to safetly make it to warp5 with no problem. More later. >END LOG<
  24. Ohhhh Yeeeaaaaa!!!!!!! Sorry, had to say that. :P Congrat's Koolaidman. ::whisper's:: You know BcH bake's a heck of a warrior cookie if you ever wanna stop by the Qob. ::turns:: Influencing? me? naahhhHHHHHH!. ^_^ Zaphod, "The wheel's of fortune ran over my foot."
  25. Ok, I laughed at the Trekkie's movie I admit it. I've been a Trekkie since the original series went off the air in 1969, my mother says I was at two when the series was still on the air. Yes, I sim Star Trek, own game's and toys at 40 years old. But, I don't sleep with a cardboard cutout of Jeri Ryan by my bed. (though I would like to know where I can buy one ::grin:: ) I've been to many convention's and I've seen people actually worst than that shown in the movie. One woman I knew here in New Orleans for example got plastic surgery on her ears and eyes to make her into a Vulcan. Different people go to different extreme's for there fandom and not only for Trek. There are fans of things like Barbie and Beverly Hill's 90210 who go to more extreme's than some Trekkie's. It all depends on how far you want to go for your particular obsession. I probably won't go see Trekkie's 2, but will probably watch it when it come's out on cable like I did 1. Zaphod,