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Everything posted by DaryusWilliams

  1. Bio updated again, current 10,22,56. I'll be back to sim, going to do a few acadamys to get back in the swing of things. I miss you all. Laterz, Daryus :unsure:
  2. Chief Engineers Log, August 18, 2155: The Bolian's are missing, and my assistant engineer Connor is in the brig. I don't know what exactly happened, but the young Ensign seems to have used an illegal device to open up the cloak room. He claims that the Bolian threatened his life and forced him to open the door that only myself, Commander Cole and Captain Moore had access too. But, there was something in his voice and the attitude he's been having around engineering that makes me think he is lying. What was he doing with the device to begin with. He said it was his and his own design. This is a bad situation, we need to find and detain these Bolian's before word of our little secret gets out. I checked out the cloaking device, and it didn't appear to be tampered with. But, if the Bolian was able to scan it or even get a good look at it, our secret is out. Ensign Montague is in engineering making final plans for the terraforming, and Lt Sergio is investigating Ensign Connors claims and sending his teams to look for the Bolians. What a screwed up situation. I wish I'd have sent Lazarus to guide the Bolians through the tour of the ship. After Connor's behavior in engineering the other day, I should have known something was up with him. More later. >END LOG<
  3. Chief Engineers Log, August 9, 2155: We've reached the Nequencia system and met up with the fleet of ships to oversee the building of the Starbase and colony. Engineering has been given the task of terraforming the 3rd planet of the system. Commander Cole, and the science team have been sent down to select a site. We've been given 12 hours to prepare. The Starfleet Corps of Engineer's is sending a delegation to meet with my team to go over the plans for the colony. I've gone over the plans with Lt T'Parek and we've found several problems. I respect the Corp, but most planet bound engineers have no idea how things work in space. Ensigns Connor and Montague are preparing the equipment we're going to need. They're having some problems with the anti grav sleds. Moore called down and told me to meet the delegates in the launch bay. I headed down and met with them. The lead engineer was a Bolian. We proceeded to engineering to go over the plans and start the terraforming. More later. >END LOG<
  4. Chief Engineers log, August 1, 2155: We've arrived back on the Challenger, and the first thing I did was check out my engine room. The engineers at Starfleet are competent, but they don't know how real space works in my opinion. I had to make several changes last time we left space dock. The engines were not only fine, but better than I've ever seen in a spaceship. They had tweaked every system on the ship. We had new battery's, and two new impulse reactors. The warp reactor had been almost completely replaced and the plasma regulators retooled. We had a brand new Warp Field Governor. It was twice as powerful as the old one. They also added another deuterium tank. I stood and marveled at the screen as I was checking the new additions out. Ensign's Montague, Connor and Graham reported back to engineering and we left to attend the command meeting in the briefing room. When we arrived, I sat near the front with the other department heads. Captain Moore entered with a woman, she was quite striking. Moore introduced her to the Group as Commander Cole, our new XO. She informed us that she was a former MACO marine. A marine in command of a starship? I didn't care for the sound of that. I've always been against the military being involved in space exploration. It gave new races something to fear from us. We were informed that we weren't going to search for Commodore Moose, that job had been given to another ship. This caused some tension in the group. The junior officers were dismissed, I told my team to start pre-launch. When the junior officers left, the department heads sat down, and Moore gave us our new orders. We were to proceed to the Romulan boarder to oversee the construction of a colony and starbase. I was skeptical and voiced my opinion to the captain. We knew very little about the Romulan's, but enough story's were floating around about raids on distant colony's and ships coming up missing. There was enough reason not to trust putting a human colony so close to their boarder. The meeting was adjourned, but Moore asked me to stay. He gave me a keycard and told me to follow him. We climbed down an access tube to a lower corridor of the ship. It was used for maintenance and power distribution. At the end of the corridor was a door that I'd never seen before. Moore told me it was new addition. He opened the door with his card and explained to me that we had acquired some new technology from the Sulaban. Inside the door was a small room with a glowing orb in the middle of it. Around the orb were panels and tubing. Moore explained to me that the machine was a cloaking device that would render the ship virtually invisible. I gawked. A cloaking device, why would we need it? Moore told me that for now, the device was to be known only to him, the new commander, and myself. I put the card in my pocket as we left the room. Ensign Graham reported that all was ready for departure, so I returned to engineering with a great deal on my mind. We left the solar system and slipped to warp. The hum of the reactor calmed me as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sounds of a well tuned starship. More later. >End Log< Computer, encode log entry. Priority one, my eyes only. Command, Williams, beta 4.
  5. Personal log. Daryus Williams, Chief Engineer, Challenger NX-05 >Start Log< Well, I'm home. Nothing much has changed since I left. New Orleans is still here and looks the same. M'rrisha and I stepped off the transport at the Armstrong Air and Space Port and walked the six blocks to my apartment in Kenner. It was strange having someone with me. But, she asked to see New Orleans on our shore leave and who was I to say no. We had a lot of talking to do. The whole experience of losing six months of our lives has left us with unanswered questions. We've both been experiencing the feeling that during those six months, we were more than shipmates or friends. I had feelings for her even before this happened, and I know she had them for me. Our innocent flirting in the corridor's and engineering, and the evenings we spent together over meals in the mess hall were quite pleasurable. We both enjoy each others company. But, there is that feeling. The feeling that during those six months we were missing, something happened between us. Something bordering on, if not exceeding romance. We had a wonderful time on shore leave. I showed her all of my favorite spots in the city, even some the tourist's don't know about. She met my family, my sister Tony had us over for dinner twice. We talked about what happened, but decided that we would let our own feelings come out as they would in the future. What happened during those six months happened, we would have to go at our own pace. Once we had reached Earth and the engineers from Starfleet started picking my engines apart, they found out that yes we had been away for six months. The battery drain and fuel consumption confirmed that. We were giving orders to take a week of shore leave and transported planet side. Once our shore leave was complete, we were given orders to return to Challenger for an officers meeting with Captain Moore. It's going to take me a while to get use to calling him that. We've been given new orders by command, and we are to leave at once. I've scanned the new features that Starfleet has installed into Challenger, and it makes me wonder what kind of a mission this is going to be. More later. >END LOG<
  6. Since my character is no longer evil, can I please have my original title? "Nothing duct tape and a trusty plasma torch can't fix." Thanks.
  7. Chief Engineers log, July 25, 2155: There is something really strange happening on this ship. I awoke from a fevered nightmare, barely remember it. I was in an evil, dangerous place trying to destroy something very large. The dream ended with feelings of overwhelming pain, from a type of gas. I awoke at my desk in my office in engineering. I walked out into ME to find Montague looking as bad as I felt. I got a comm from Graham asking if everything was OK in engineering, then Connor walked in looking as bad as myself and Lazarus. It seems that everyone had the same kind of nightmare I did. I contacted the bridge and Moore informed me that the whole crew was reporting the same experiences. I got my team to start running a ship wide diagnostic, and I checked the engineering chronometers. It seems they were off by a week or more. Ensign's Montague and Connor started arguing so I broke it up. Connor started getting very belligerent with me, something that was not like the usually cheerful Ensign. I had to order him to sickbay, then he stormed out. I informed Moore about the discrepancy's in the clocks and went about trying to find out what happened. I checked the life support log's and found spikes in the ship's internal temperature, spikes of 30 to 50 degrees or more. They were located on the bridge, engineering and the corridors. I informed the bridge and Moore agreed with me that we might have been boarded. Ensign Warren came into engineering and I got an instant quite enjoyable deja vu feeling about the planet Rysa. I asked M'rrisha if she'd ever been to the pleasure planet. She hadn't, neither had I. But, I had instant vague memories of us laying on the beach, having dinner together at a nice romantic restaurant, and other memories that were more interesting. She told me she'd been having the same feelings. When she left, I started running through the log's again. We reached Earth orbit and we're informed that we had left there for Cait six months prior, when in our reality it had only been a few weeks. We also cannot find Commodore Moose. He has completely disappeared. Moore has been promoted to Captain and placed in command until we find Moose. More later >END LOG<
  8. Chief Engineers log, July 17, 2155: Oh boy! Well we've infiltrated the U.S.S. Defiant, a ship from about 100 years in our future. It's a wonder of technology. I've seen things I've only had moist dreams about. The hanger bay was huge. A large clam door opened, and a beam carried our attack pod inside. Once inside, we were deposited inside a bay larger than anything I'd seen outside a starbase. Commander Moore told us to try to remember any technology we came across. I gathered my team together and we proceeded to engineering. The lifts were very fast and had an integral voice interface. Once in engineering, my team and I just stood and gaped at the massive engine room. There were two warp manifolds behind a meshed wall that were bigger than Challenger's entire engine room. Ensigns Montague, Graham and Connor went to individual stations to check out this ships technology. I went to the master control board to check on the warp core. I was stopped by a technician. I informed him that we had orders from Minister Rex to inspect the ships systems for Imperial Command. He didn't look to happy about it. I could sense that this was his baby. And, he didn't want any no account engineers messing with her. I used some idle threats I'm sure my evil counterpart was skilled in, and the tech went back to his work. I got into the central computer and scanned the schematics of the ship. Overloading the core was going to be a very easy task. All I had to do was manually shut off the override system and lock down the dampening buffers for the plasma venting system in the nacelles. This would cause a build up of superheated plasma in the manifolds, causing a warp core breach. The resulting explosion would turn this ship and a large part of the starbase into microscopic specks. I started the procedure to shut off the override system when a loud whooping sound caught my attention. I yelled at my team, asking what it was. I knew perfectly well what it was, we had been made. I immediately hit the override and locked down engineering. I turned and noticed the technicians heading towards me and ordered my team to shoot them. I pulled out my phase pistol and shot the lead technician. Once they were dispatched, I turned to my team and asked for suggestions. I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. More later. >END LOG<
  9. I grew up on TOS, Next Gen started when I was in college. I love all the series. But if I was forced to chose a favorate, I'd chose the original series, and animated series. My late father was also a Star Trek fan, and I have very fond memories of me and him sitting around when I was a kid after dinner watching TOS, and on Saturday mornings watching the animated series.
  10. Beautiful Snowshoe cat!!! :D Ok, how about a Bull Mastiff dog?
  11. Chief Engineers log, June 26, 2155: As I sit in the number one attack pod composing this log, I wonder about the ancient Bible verse "Thou shalt not kill". In the past 3 thousand years or so since that Commandment was written, the human race has killed quite a bit mostly because of war. The Tholians have instructed us to destroy the Defiant. I've calculated the the matter/antimatter explosion will utterly vaporize Defiant and a great deal of the drydock/spacedock, and quite a few other ships around it. Innocent people will lose their lives. But, I see no other way to ensure that the Terran Empire will not bring that future battleship and take over the universe I love, possibly killing millions. If there was any other way to do this, I would suggest it. Maybe stealing Defiant and taking it to a safe area of space to destroy, but then we'd have to fight off the entire Impiral fleet. Well, the good of the many outweighs the needs of the few. I gave the computer virus to Lt. Grey and he and the science team are heading to the Imperial palace in pod 2 to load it into their computer. After a little confusion about my team, myself and Ensigns Montague, Graham, and Connor are heading to the Defiant with Commander Moore to destroy it. Hopefully, we can stop an interdimensional invasion before it starts. More later. >END LOG<
  12. Chief Engineers Log, supplimental. I've been working too hard, as evident by my apparent lack of skills in knowing the month of year we are in. It is June, not September. God, I need some sleep. But, the computer virus is finished and we are gathering to discuss the away missions. I must not think of anything else but my duty and staying alive in this barbaric, twisted universe. I think I'm going to put in for some shoreleave with M'rrisha when this is all over, if we live through this. More Later. >END LOG<
  13. Chief Engineers Log, June 24, 2155: We got everyone to sickbay, and cured of radiation poisoning. Commander Moore regained consciousness and I filled him in on the situation with the Tholians and Dimension 13. He was understandably concerned. I turned away and went to check on M'rrisha, she was still out and very ill from radiation poisoning. Moore pointedly reminded me of my duty. He was right, I was letting my feelings for M'rrisha cloud my judgment. He asked me if we could develop a computer virus to target the information about Defiant, leaving the other data on the Imperial computers intact. I told him we could do it in Engineering. He ordered me to get right on it. I returned to engineering and ordered Ensign Montague to start working on reverse engineering the energy field this ship seems to possess. I sent Graham to find out what weapons this ship possessed. Ensign Connor reported back to duty from sickbay and I put him to work with Montague. I went to the panel and started working on the computer virus. Graham reported back to me that this ship was armed to the teeth. I was amazed at how much power this Challenger had. 5 pulse cannons, 3 plasma cannons, 3 torpedo tubes, photonic as well as spatial torpedo's. They had a dedicated power source just for the plasma cannons, so none of the shorted out relays. Plus, they had over 40 warheads on board. I was glad that if we got into a fight, we might at least have a chance. I finished the virus, but couldn't figure out a way to send it to the Empire's central computer core. Someone would have to manually feed it into a panel in the palace. Lt Grey contacted me and asked what was the best way to overload Defiant's reactor. I told him either hit it with a torpedo, or manually enter the command into Defiant's engines. He contacted Moore and he decided to send a team over to manually destroy the ship. I volunteered to go. I uploaded the virus to a disk and prepared for the away mission. I also called sickbay to check on M'rrisha. She was up, but not quite about. She called me plasma boy again, I think she had a bit of Doc Jas's joy juice and was just a bit loopy. I was very happy to hear her voice, stoned or not. She did look rather cute in that little skimpy uniform though. ::coughs, shaking head and rubbing eyes:: I must be professional and do my duty as a Starfleet officer. I can ogle her uniform after Defiant is destroyed and we go home. More later. >END LOG<
  14. Thanks A9. ;)
  15. As suggested by Commander Moore, for our alternate universe sim. Please change mine to..... "nothing heavy explosives and a trusty plasma rifle can't fix" Thanks. ;)
  16. Chief Engineers log, June 16, 2155: This has got to be the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me in my life. One minute, I'm sitting having a romantic dinner with M'rrisha chatting about the lovely beaches on Cait, the next I'm on my hands and knees in engineering choking, body gripped with radiation cramps, with blood spilling out of my nose. I looked around. Everyone was in the same boat as me. Some of our crew were trapped behind some kind of electric shield around the warp core. I crawled to my feet and looked at the panel. Fatal doses of radiation were flooding all decks of the ship. I fought through the pain and dizziness and started the emergency radiation protocols. Montigue found a way to drop the electronic shield. The security panel showed that the bridge was being locked out and the temperature raised to a very uncomfortable level. I knew that had to mean one thing, that the Tholians had boarded our ship. I called out for Moore or Moose, but got no answer from them. The comm panel opened and I heard a mechanical sounding voice calling my name. I answered, asking who they were, if they were Tholians. The voice told me, and informed me to get the rest of the crew to sickbay. I saw T'parek unconscious, and picked her up and carried her. When the crew were assembled in sickbay being treated for radiation poisoning, I found Moore and informed him that we had been boarded by the Tholians and the bridge was locked out. He was in pretty bad shape, and when back to sleep. Sickbay was locked down by the Tholians, and the hallway outside raised to a very high temperature. The Tholian called again and informed me that we had to prepare for a mission. He informed me that we had slipped into a parallel universe and we had to set things right by destroying a ship from the future, the U.S.S. Defiant. Lt. Walker started arguing with the alien. I told him that the only way to set things right was to comply to the Tholians demands. We had no other choice. I told the Tholian to give us an hour or so to get our crew healed up, and we'd start making plans. More later. >End Log<
  17. Thanks commander. Good idea, I like that. I put in for it to be changed. ;)
  18. Chief Engineers Starlog, May 22, 2155, I cannot believe how fragged up this mission has gotten. We start out on a nice pillage of an unsuspecting planet, now I don't know what the hell's going on. First off, I'm minding my own buisness monitering my lacky's as they picked through the kitty cat ruins looking for some nice jucy felinoid technology when the old man calls me up to the bridge. And, what does he do? He put's me in irons. Tell's me that he's not happy with my performance. If I wasn't so dedicated to my engines, I'd have stabbed him in the chest there and then, but I'm not looking for advancement. I'm happy crawling through the conduits, babying my engines, hangin' with Ens M'rrisha and torturing my lacky's. ::grin:: Speaking of which, I've had trouble with them too. Ensign Connor is in sickbay laying about, and I don't know what's gotten into Ensign Montague. I know something wasn't right, I could feel the deckplates rumble unfamiliarly. I finally managed to fanagle my way out of the brig thanks to Ens. Vank. It would have been easier if it had been Ens. M'rrisha. All I would've had to do with her was to flash my baby blues, give her a little kiss, and I'd have been a freebird. That little pistol toter is head over heels for me. ::laughs:: I headed to engineering as soon as Vank sprung me, and I got my weapons. When I arrived, I checked the readouts. Yep, something was wrong all right. Someone had tampered with the flow ratio. The antimatter stream was about to cascade and tear the ship apart. I could hear the reactor, and the injector straining their rivet's. I immediately shut everything down and rekey'd the formula sequence. After the reactor cooled a bit, I restarted it. It purred like a kitten. I knew who had done this, Ens Montigue. I'll bet he tried to key in Starfleet's new formula and fould my engines up. He's been eyeballin' me since he got on board this ship. I think the punk want's my job. Ha, a few minutes in the agony booth will change his career obsession. I walked into my office, poured me a glass o' Jack and sat back. I was deep in my own thoughts of mine and M'rrisha's last shoreleave when I heard footsteps on the deck outside my office door. I keyed in the security cam outside on my monitor and saw young Montigue at the panel. So, he was going to finish what he started. I decided to play Montigue's Tybalt and walked out, phase pistol in hand. I could see him fidle with the buttons and saw the screen with the mantenence reports pop up. I asked him what he was doing, he sounded very nervous. I was about to stun him, when he grabbed my shoulder and everything went black. I'm going to have a nice commanding officer to lacky talk with him when I find him. I haven't sent anyone to the agony booth in a while. When I awoke, Dr. Jas, T'parek and Lt. Grey were standing over me. Lt Grey had stunned the elusive Montgue. I got up and checked the readouts. Montigue was trying to access the lockout protocals for sickbay. I scratched my head. Grey asked me the weirdest question. He asked if I was me, myself. I gave him a smart assed answer about torturing lackys and he grinned. Of course I was me, who else would I be. He asked me if there was anyway to immoblize everyone on the ship but us, and lock down engineering. I asked him what was going on. He told me that there were copy's of some crewmembers around the ship, including the commander, something about a parallel universe or something. He said that Moose was ok, but trapped on the bridge. I started keying the sequence in to lockdown engineering and flood the rest of the decks with Anestazine gas. I looked out of the corner of my eye at Doc Jas. She was looking around dully, mutter to herself about something feeling strange. I looked over at Lt Grey, he was noticing it too. I didn't have time for trying to subdue a paniced female, so I raised my phase pistol and stunned her. I told Grey it would be a few minutes before the security protocal could be sequenced in, so he might want to tie Jaz and Montigue up for the time being. Oh boy, the agony booth is gonna be humming later. ::laughs out loud:: More later. For the Glory of the Empire, and the Emperess!! Lt(jg) Daryus J Williams Chief Engineer, I.S.S. Challenger.
  19. Hurrrayyyyy!!! ::starts working on his evil empirial laugh:: Muuuuhhh haa haaa!!! :P
  20. Hey Yea!!! Love that idea. I could throw insubordinate NPC engineers into the reactor's plasma stream for fun. And Ensign M'rrisha in a bare middrift uniform, meow. :P Sounds like fun. Moore and Moose, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE. :P Zaphod.
  21. Happy B-day to the Challenger doc. B)
  22. Chief Engineers log, March 30, 2155: As I lay here in the nice soft kitty bed the Caitians accomidated me with, my mind wanders over the last few days. This first contact mission has gone very well, other than getting our gracious host's crapfaced drunk off human beer. The first test they presented us with was actually kinda fun. It was a version of Caitian basketball, mixed with a little soccer and pro wrestling. Everyone played well and we were victorious, then the Caitians all started passing out. We tended to the inebriated kitty's and were shown to our guest quarters. The next test is coming up soon. Ensign M'rrisha played very well despite her size against the large cat's. We shared a hug on the playing field and went to dinner after the game. She's quite an interesting woman. I still haven't given her the answer to her question yet. I still have a lot of thinking to do on it. She want's a romantic relationship, so do I. But, I'm not too sure about it. Starfleet reg's do prohibit onboard romances while on duty, but there is nothing saying we can't be more than friends and shipmates on our own time. Oh well, I'll think this over for a while, then give her her answer. I still haven't gotten the chance to view any of the Caitians technology. I'm hoping that after the trials, we can get up to our elbows in the Caitians tech and culture. More later. >END LOG<
  23. The detective went undercover as one of the bodyguards?
  24. Chief engineer's log, September 20, 2155: We've arrived at Cait on schedual. Other than a few minor descrepencies between the drydocks specs and actual engine performance, it was an uneventful ride. Cait is a beautiful lush planet, mostley tropical. Cait was contacted and the crew was invited to a reception of sorts of the planet. The crew boarded shuttlepods and decended towards the planet. I was looking foward to looking over the Caitians technology. All the other alien races we've contacted so far have either wanted to kill us or like the Vulcan's, were too secretive about sharing there goodies. We landed at what appeared to be a small space center surrounded by thick jungle. The Caitians greeted us. They were a beautiful race, feline. I thought of Zephram back on Challenger. A Caitian female approched us and greeted us in our own language. The Caitians had done their homework on human's, but their english was broken. I tried not to laugh when the Caitian delegate used words like horny for happy, or orgy for feast. We, sat down to a scrumptious "orgy" :;): . The Caitian's were charming, warm people. I am worried though about these tests they are talking about. But, I guess as they say, "when in Rome". My new bunkmate got moved in, I found out these Vulcans are a sparce people. They don't travel with alot of luggage. She is a musician though. She has one of those Vulcan harps. I attended the Caitian feast with M'rrisha. She's been getting very close lately. She even asked me in the shuttlebay if I wanted to have a relationship. I don't know about that. I like M'rrisha, but I've never had a relationship before. I've always been hung up in engineering. Never had the time for a relationship. Well, I guess we'll see how this works out. More later. >END LOG<
  25. Chief Engineers log, Febuary 21, 2155: Well, that was a short shorleave. I recieved word from Commodore Moose that the crew were to report to spacedock for the christening of the Columbia, Starfleet's newest NX warp starship. I said my goodby's to my family and boarded a transport. When I arrived at spacedock, I was informed that the engineering and science teams would run the final checks before the Columbia started her mission. I changed into a duty uniform and reported to Commander Tucker, Columbia's cheif engineer. I was told to check all systems and the plasma relays. The checks were done and I reported to Moose that the Columbia was ready for launch. He told me to relax and enjoy the rest of the cerimony, so I headed for the bar, got a drink and watched the launch. The new ship was launched without incedent and slipped into warp. I wandered around the reception chatting with my fellow crewmates. I was informed happily that Lt Westler was chosen as our new tactical officer. I'm going to miss him in engineering, but I'm glad he got the chance to be a bridge officer. I also found out that Ensign Krasner was promoted and placed as communications officer. We've had a good crew shape up over the last 4 months. I was also informed by Commodor Moose that I will have a new bunkmate, the Vulcan science officer T'Parek. I'm not sure of how that's going to work out. After the last 3 incidence's with alien's, I've become a bit xenophobic. I've talked with her and she seems like a nice person. But, Vulcans are so staunch and tidy. More later. >END LOG<