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Everything posted by Tartalini

  1. Fellow Star Trek Enthusiasts, This is Ex-Admiral Vincenzo Tartalini of the U.S.S. Lincoln (Oops! I got carried away with this new and exciting Star Trek forum) I am actually John Corradin the writer and main GM for the Live Action Roleplying Game "Summit: Narendra III". The game is based on a Next Gen episode where a past version of the Enterprise comes to the aid of the Klingon Outpost on Narendra III. It was the event that leads to the alliance between the Federation and the Klingons. This game will allow you to participate in a special session of the Federation Council which will decide if that alliance is ever to be ratified. As you would imagine there will be forces on various sides for and against it. I have read the posts to this thread with interest! Several people have hit the nail on the head about what a LARP is. It is very much like being in a movie or a play where the events are preplanned by your response to them is your own - not scripted. Your responses will help shape furure events. As BluRox has stated players will get their characters in advance allowing them to prepare for their part. The character will give you plenty of background info in order for you to get a grip on how you want to play the character. It also gives you time to get costuming and props. Because it's a game there will be much more excitement than one might ordinarily expect at a Council meeting. This LARP will be unique beacuse it will feature table top as well as LARPing with the results of the table top game impacting on the events of the LARP, computers everywhere with personal access codes, and video conferencing where you call Star Fleet Command and they pop up on screen. It will be a geat time! The other players are charming, friendly and will go out of their way to make new players feel at home. We do these types of game with different genres twice a year. Sorry I don't have a picture or a fascinating quote but I am new to this type of computer interfacing. - Tartalini (aka John)