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Posts posted by Kansas_Jones

  1. 09.07.08 Excalibur Mission Update:


    TBS: Five Minutes


    - The transporter beam was initiated, but there were some tense moments as the individual away team signals got lost in the pattern buffers due to a cascade energy surge that went through out the ship thanks to the Boganary cloaking device. Eventually, the away team (Garrison, Dougt, Victria, Marine officers) shimmered, whole, on the surface of the Wort clan’s home world. They are about twenty plus kilometers away from the Wort base.


    - Meanwhile, all heck broke loose throughout Excalibur: the cloaking device had a few malfunctions, exposing certain sections of the ship. The power surge tore through the internal systems, blowing out consoles all over the departments. The ships orbit also temporarily decayed as the ship bucked and rocked before the systems stabilized. The Damage Control teams will no doubt be kept busy; eventually, the shipboard situation stabilized somewhat.


    - The injured Lieutenant Commander Tr’Lorin and Doctor Patterson were temporarily trapped in a malfunctioning turbo lift. Commander Admiran talked Doctor Wydown through some repair maneuvers.


    - Second Officer Commander Laarell was the senior bridge officer on duty as this lovely little Hell in a Handbasket situation commenced. This is why Starfleet pays us the big bucks


    - Lieutenant Victria picked up an underground network of caves.


    Plot Logs to consider reading: The Raid Mother, Part Two and Chief Guard Flegm




  2. Commander Azet of House Kortach entered the combat ready room, and her sharp light brown eyes immediately fixated on her commanding officer. The first officer of the Imperial Klingon Ship Va’Kang wore the typical metal and leather uniform black and grays of the Klingon Defense force, and her black mane of hair was done in the latest style of Klingon dreadlocks. She held a data storage spike in one black gauntleted hand. Her forehead crest was prominent, and the raised ridge pattern spoke of a past royal bloodline.


    The passion of a warrior burned deep within her eyes, but she offset her generally feral look with a small smile of greeting. “Hod B’Qar, I bring news of our assignment.”


    The House Head of Kerla offered a fanged smile to his first officer. “Good Azet. What is the state of the crew?” Like his officer, he wore the same leather and metal uniform tunic and pants, as well as boots and gauntlets. The only difference between the two commanding officers was that his shoulders where adorned with a long charcoal black floor length coat vest that denoted his rank as ships captain and was also adorned with his various medals and metallic achievements of merit. His own crest was not as prominent as Azet's, but the smoother ridge pattern could still be recognized as the well established Kerla bloodline.


    “They are impatient and are anxious to enter new conquests into our Battle Record … as am I. Although, I am not very sure about a conquest, as we will be babysitting a Starfleet ship.”


    B’Qar chuckled. “That ship we will be babysitting has indeed earned their battle record Commander. I’d say both the Va’Kang and the A-gin-Kort are on equal footing when it comes to stripes earned in our battles.”


    The gray haired ships captain motioned for the spike, at which point his first officer chucked it through the air toward him. The elder Klingon easily intercepted the data spike and plucked it from the air as it whizzed towards him. He inserted the small rectangular device into the computer terminal set on his desktop and proceeded to visually scan the mission and background information that had been sent from Klingon Imperial Command.


    Azet casually leaned a hip against his desk and spoke as he read. “I find this all highly amusing. One hundred years ago, Imperial Command would never have sent a ship of the warship line to assist a ship of the Federation fleet, let alone be given access to this sort of intelligence.”


    B’Qar grunted as he read, not taking his sharp gray eyes from the terminal console screen in front of him. “The Khitomer Accords changed much about the galactic landscape those years ago.”


    “I assume that sending the Va’Kang, the ship captained by the descendant of one who attended the Federation and Klingon peace talks, is no coincidence. It would seem that Imperial Intelligence has done – how do the Earthers say it? – their homework. At least, I gather that II has some stake in this mission as well.”


    Hod B’Qar hocked and spat a wad of phlegm down onto the dark steel deck plating at the mention of Imperial Intelligence. “Those shadow wraiths love this sort of skullduggery and game play. Yes, this assignment is at it’s core a mission of aid proposed by High Command, but make no mistake; the II wraiths are also watching from the shadows that they so love to skulk in, to see how these new events unfold. Besides, if B’Qar, son of Kerla, was not available, Command would have merely gone down the bloodlines and found another descendant of a Khitomer attendee to send to the Federation quadrant for this mission of aid.”


    Azet nodded her understanding. “This mission of assistance will no doubt be considered a parallel to the Praxis and Khitomer events – the Klingon Empire is now offering our assistance to the Federation just as assistance was offered by the Federation to our empire following the destruction of the Praxis moon.”


    B’Qar raised an inquisitive eyebrow and grunted at a section of the data that now lit his monitor screen. “Our destination is Vorana Six. Apparently, the Soltan invaded a research facility on this moon to abduct a Doctor Ktorem Senok, the vaunted subspace researcher. The A-gin-Kort conducted the initial after action investigation at the base. It would seem the intent now is to revisit the area to gather even more intelligence.””


    The Klingon female first officer offered a snort in response before speaking. “It would seem that this crew cannot get away from the Soltan. Their paths are intertwined.”


    “Indeed. Speaking of which, what of the crew?” A finger jabbed at the monitor control padd and he scrolled the device to the necessary section containing the crew biographies.


    Commander Azet carried on the monologue while B’Qar perused the data. “There has been the recent changeover expected after a long mission and subsequent battle duty, as you would expect, Captain; replacement crew, departing crew, and a new executive officer. The commander of the vessel is one Colonel Charlotte Elizabeth Harper, of the Federation Marine forces. She may have a soft name, but her profile does not read as one who has a thin skin. The colonel has much command experience and practical combat experience.”


    “Excellent! Marines are known to understand what it means to be a warrior. Perhaps this mission will not be as painful as we fear it will be.”


    “The department heads, bridge personnel, and marine contingent personnel are typical of those who serve on the exploratory warships of the Federation fleet. Diversified, competent, and we would do well not to underestimate them. The new executive officer however is former security, lacks upper command level experience, and is young. She is also a beast.”


    “A beast? So you are saying she is unattractive?”


    “Apologies, my Hod. I meant that she is a beast.”


    Thoroughly confused now, Captain B’Qar scrolled to the officer in question. “Ah! Caitian. Now I see. Interesting … typically the feline beasts stay to the non-command operations or communications divisions … ”


    “Remember your own advice to me my Hod. Do not take the typical path as that road will be watched by the sniper?”


    B’Qar finished his study of the data and terminated the program, popping the data spike from the interface holder. With his gray eyes alight with enthusiasm and a wide grin plastered across his craggy features, he turned to face his first officer. “Oh, I am of the opinion that this babysitting mission will not be typical, Commander, and this crew of the A-gin-Kort is not typical as well. And, I am sure the galaxy at large has not seen the end of those cowardly toDSaH Soltans as well. Regardless, I look forward to testing this Fleeter crew. Have the Helm bekk set course, 22.1 point 5, warp four. We move out immediately.”


    Commander Azet’s own grin matched that of her captains. “Aye captain. Qapla and we go to the hunt!”


    = = = =

    Klingon Terms:

    Bekk – Enlisted Soldier

    Hod – Captain

    toDSah – general derogatory term

  3. 09.03.08 Agincourt Mission Update:


    TBS: Eight Hours


    - The Agincourt is to depart Vulcan with a new mission: survey all the Alpha Quadrant planets attacked by the raiders now known to be the Soltan. The previous and new data on these worlds and the space around the planets will help create the early warning defensive system to be utilized against any further Soltan attacks (we hope). Sciences will be kept busy during the initial data collecting.


    - The Klingon High Council and Fleet will be assisting the Federation in this time of need as the devastated Alpha Quadrant rebuilds; a Klingon ship is set to rendezvous with the Agincourt to assist with the planet mapping, data gathering and general quadrant patrol.


    - Tentative plans regarding a meet and greet dinner once the ship rendezvous with the Klingon crew are discussed between the CO and her new First Officer. Klingon food will of course be served. Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer and Bean-o will be offered in place of the after dinner mints.


    - The first planet scheduled for the data gathering, patrol, and general recon is Vorana Six (the crew has been to this planet before; check the 'Court website and boards for full details).


    - Major Hanna-Beth "Hair" Rieve is re-deployed to the USS Union Pacific. Her orders? Classified. Our guess is it has to do with some Soltan hunting. Godspeed Major.

  4. I prefer this version:


    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    keep them dogies rollin'

    man my ass is swollen



    Get 'em up, move 'em out

    wake 'em up, get 'em dressed

    get 'em shaved, comb their hair, Rawhide!


    Tie me down, tell me lies

    pull my hair, smack my thighs

    with a big wet strap of, Rawhide!


    I like the "Crystal" clear version as well, City Slicker. :-P

  5. Alright, Will, you're going to get pounced. I can't get the jingle out of my head now!!! This state of affairs cannot be tolerated!


    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'



    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Though the streams are swollen

    Keep them dogies rollin'


    Rain and wind and weather

    Hell-bent for leather

    Wishin' my gal was by my side.

    All the things I'm missin',

    Good vittles, love, and kissin',

    Are waiting at the end of my ride


    Move 'em on, head 'em up

    Head 'em up, move 'em on

    Move 'em on, head 'em up


    Count 'em out, ride 'em in,

    Ride 'em in, count 'em out,

    Count 'em out, ride 'em in


  6. MISSION BRIEF: The Excalibur has entered orbit above what appears to be Wort's seat of power. High levels of interference, along with the cloak are preventing us from completing detailed scans (e.g. finding baby); the infiltration team is standing by to transport down to begin scouting the area and putting themselves in place should negotiations fail


  7. "My crew knows better than to draw my ire. Good treatment for good behavior."

    - Colonel C.E. Harper

    * * * *

    Commander Kansas JoNs currently found herself lying flat on her stomach across the cornered flat surface edge of the desk, staring down at the carpeted decking with blood dribbling from a corner of her mouth, while her mind attempted to figure out what had just happened.


    The newly installed first officer of the ISS Agincourt ICC-81762 had reported to her commanding officer, per regulations, at the start of the first duty cycle following the communiqué from the Imperial Control Office that formally announced her official promotion her to the new position. The feline and Colonel Harper had spoken, congratulations were passed along from her sponsor and commanding officer, and then the conversation had moved onto ships business to be discussed.


    What in the Nine Rings of Hades had just happened? She had been standing at a relaxed parade rest in front of Harper’s desk. Harper had been casually leaning on the front of the desk, arms crossed. They had been discussing ships business, and what the commander’s new duties would entail …


    Two highly polished combat boot tips appeared in her line of vision from her vantage point over the edge of the highly polished wooden desk.


    … Oh wait a minute …


    Slim yet strong hands roughly latched onto the feline’s clothing; one grabbed at the collar of the feline’s uniform tunic, while the other gripped the back of her utility belt. Colonel Charlotte “Medusa” Harper was taller then the five foot three inch Caitian, outweighed her new first officer by at least twenty pounds, was marginally stronger, and therefore had no issues with manhandling her sometimes recalcitrant feline charge. With just a bit of effort, Harper hauled JoNs back to an upright position.


    These recalcitrant episodes had dropped dramatically as JoNs continued to serve her mentor Harper, both as a senior ships officer and as the one who was sponsored, this was true. This was the real world however, and every once in a while there would be a minor slip up that would draw the ire of her mentor. Thankfully, these little mistakes were never repeated twice, and overall the golden furred cat could be considered a model officer.


    However, this morning’s little infraction unfortunately marked one of those very annoying little events that could occasionally flash fire and blow up in JoNs’s face when the feline was least expecting any sort of retribution. One callous remark, one moment of the cocky, self-aggrandizing behavior that had so often gotten her in trouble in the past, and then, Boom! - JoNs found herself laid out face down across her commanding officers desk. The backhand had been completely unexpected, and rather vicious. As a general rule, the Colonel did not go about constantly smacking the crew. She might have felt like doing this several times throughout the duty cycles every day, but this disciplinary action for the most part was beneath someone of her station. The few times that Harper did need to impart some sort of physical contact to make a point, it was swift and to the point with just the right about of barbarity, such as today’s little episode.


    “Walk with me, won’t you Commander,” Harper’s breath hissed dangerously in a pointed feline ear as she confidently bum rushed her Caitian officer over towards the wide picture window that was the centerpiece of the Colonel’s ready room and office.


    Kansas found herself pushed up against the reinforced clear plexi-glass, with no choice but to look at the dozens of Imperial Fleet ships that were currently docked at the various berths of Starbase K-7; some ships, like the Agincourt, were already docked at a berth. Other ships were placed in a vector holding pattern and waited for the docking approach clearance to be transmitted from the station's main control office. All the vessels currently present within the galactic air space of the K-7 station had put in at the station for personnel transfers or repairs or re-supplying or any one of the dozens of mundane day to day activities that were necessary to keep an Imperial ship of the line functioning properly.


    The Caitian officer could also not help but catch sight of her own reflection as well as Charlotte’s in the smooth and clear glass surface; JoNs, instead of wearing her usual gold wrap around uniform tunic sported the red hued version of the garment, indicating her new status as the ships executive officer. Black uniform trousers, ending just below the knee to accommodate her cat shaped hind legs. Gold metallic mesh sash worn about her waist. A utility belt was also clasped about her waist, crammed with all manner of weapons and knives and equipment. And with her rich golden fur glistening in the overhead lighting of the office area, and her feline features giving her a predatory edge thanks to genetics, JoNs was visually the very dangerous image of the typical model Imperial Fleet officer.


    That is of course unless you ignored the fact that the mirror image reflected within the glass also showed a rather ticked off, yet dangerously calm marine colonel who still held the cat firmly upright by her uniform collar and the back of the belt. Oh yes, and the bleeding lip did not add to the bad ass feline image either, no it did not.


    “Now, tell me what you see out there in the blackness of space Commander JoNs.”


    “Sir, yes sir. I see the fine ships of the Imperial Fleet.”


    “Very good. Now, what do each and every one of those ships have in common my dear Commander?”


    JoNs had no idea what answer to give and she paused for a few seconds too long, prompting Harper to firmly turn the feline around to face her, pressing her back against the glass by planting a hand on one shoulder. “What do those ships have in common? Answer me. Now.”


    Every defensive instinct screamed for Kansas to bring her paw up and claw Harper. But, she refrained and got control of her primal instincts thanks to long practice through the years and the fact that the personal bodyguards across the room would not hesitate to vaporize the cat where she stood if she were to attack their employer. So, she held onto her instincts and choked out a whispered question. “Sponsor, I do not know.”


    Harper’s hard, ice blue eyed gaze did not waver, but she nodded once, satisfied with the cat’s comment. “Each ship has a command team. That command team must work together daily with each other in order to insure that the Imperial Empire dictates are carried out and the crew as a whole are kept in line. The Agincourt is of course no exception. I do not,” and at this, her voice dipped dangerously low again, “want or need an executive officer who will become cocky with a taste of her new power. You are not a god, or immune to getting your butt drop-kicked by the brass and taking me along for the ride.”


    “Sir, yes sir. My comment regarding having a license to do what I want as an executive officer was misplaced. I-I truly meant no harm, and of course I would not abuse my new position …. a-and …I-I’d never leave your back unguarded, Colonel Harper.” Kansas silently cursed herself for allowing the tremor of panic into her purred vocal tones.


    "It's not my back I'm worried about, Kitten," Harper growled softly, "it's the entire bleeding brass coming down in my face."


    By now, the "kitten’s" ears had gone completely flat from a combination of fear, anger and annoyance at herself and the situation in general. She shifted slightly in Charlotte's grip, and looked her sponsor square in the eyes. "I truly meant no harm. All I meant was that perhaps with my new found security access as an XO, and with my established contacts, I might find some high level information that we can use against certain members of the Admiralty."


    "Lovely thought," the colonel replied, with seeming casualness. "Go about it the way you were shooting your mouth off and you'll have the shortest tenure as XO on record. Got me?"


    JoNs broke the eye contact and fixated her gaze at a spot down on the carpeted office decking. "Yes sir. And understood sir. It is my honor to serve as your Executive Officer, I'd hope that you'd know this." Is she like, going to let go of me soon? The plexi-glass is rather ... cold.


    Oh dear gods, was that out loud? Oh gods, did I think that? Right? Her gaze then shot again to Charlotte. The sharp blow to the face had addled her a bit, this was for certain.


    Harper slowly lowered the Caitian back to the decking. "Good, Commander. Very good."


    Pleased that her paws met the firm decking again, the feline tried to further make amends with her commanding officer and sponsor. She again ventured a quick look into the woman's ice blue eyes and then abruptly fixed her gaze out the large picture window to the Imperial ships jockeying for berthing positions all about the large space station. "I, of course, will not go digging about for Intelligence information on the collective Admiralty of the Imperial Fleet. It was merely a thought. A misguided thought even. I would never knowingly bring unwanted attention onto this ship Colonel." Her gaze visually tracked a Steamrunner class vessel, the ISS Hellfire, as it moved parallel to the Agincourt’s own docked position.


    The colonel leaned back against her desk. "Discretion, Commander. Discretion."


    Also thankful that the marine had put a short amount of distance between the two - Medusa had this habit of very much getting in your personal space, like a quiet and deadly panther - JoNs tentatively stayed where she was over by the window while she ventured a statement. "I understand discretion. But, there are also times where boldness and well placed networks of deceit can work just as well. I am just saying that if we wished to, we could very much exploit the Intelligence gathering resources at our disposal as a command team."


    She smiled slightly. "What makes you think I don't?”


    Thoroughly depressed now - and really, this day had started out fantastic - JoNs's ears drooped and her gaze again went out the plexi-glass window to check on the taxiing progress of the Hellfire.


    "So. I'm a day late and a credit short. Again."


    "No, just a junior officer," Harper assured her. "You'll get the hang of it."


    The Caitian feline sighed. One ear flipped back and her gaze came around to find Harper again. "Ma'am, not to be bold, but you don't necessarily need to always get physical with me in order to make a disciplinary point, when a simple few words will do; I am not a child." Kansas brought a fore paw up to her muzzle and a pink tongue darted out of her mouth to dab at a few droplets of blood that had splashed on the paw.


    The colonel's expression chilled again. "You stop acting like a child, Kitten, and I'll stop smacking you down." She stood up, straightening to her full height. "Dismissed, Commander."

    * * * *


    Written by: Colonel C.E. "Medusa" Harper and Commander Kansas "Will" JoNs

  8. 08.30.08

    USS Agincourt NCC-81762



    “… so apparently, Lieutenant Colonel Day got the fragging bright idea to mouth off to some big shot of an Admiral while he was issuing orders for the Agincourt to head off to handle some issues on Acamar. Now, because of her general attitude, from what I can gather, some fallout has come on down the line. Or should I say that the sh*t has rolled downhill? Is that the fragging saying that the humans use? Anyway, having two marines in charge of a Fleeter ship is now not fragging regulation enough - even though the command track record of the two Sharks is superb, in my opinion – and personnel changes have come on down the line. Colonel Harper remains as our commanding officer, while Day is still listed on the marine roster. And you, Elder Guardian mine, are now looking at the new la tee fragging da Executive Officer of the USS Agincourt. Captain Left Ear JoNs of the USS Yellowjacket, I am Commander Kansas JoNs, Executive Officer, at your fragging service ma’am. Now isn’t that one heck of a situation report?”


    Kansas scowled fiercely and an annoyed snarl reverberated across the communications link.


    Wow. The Kitten hadn’t been this cranky since she had that impacted fang dental issue when she was sixteen. Acting Captain MVess “Left Ear” JoNs, older cousin to the cranky commander and currently the ships commanding officer to the Yellowjacket, paused for a couple of seconds to carefully consider her response and gazed at her guardian child from her end of the visual wireless data feed. The younger JoNs had contacted her Guardian as soon as she was able to on the older feline’s personal communications line. The best way to describe this “emergency call” was as the Oh My Gods, What The Heck Just Happened And Why Am I Now The Executive Officer Communiqué.


    Left Ear cleared her throat in a trilling purr and proceeded to tread lightly with her response. “You know Kitten, this really isn’t all that unexpected and I think you know that. Earth took a serious blow with that Soltan bombing attack. And I know I really don’t need to tell you the number of officers and cadets that were all killed in action or who are still reported as missing in action. The Starfleet can and will move personnel around within the fleet in order to combat the sudden shortage of able bodied officers. In your case, it was an internal swap; it’s not much comfort, but at least you are remaining on your original posting.”


    Kansas exploded again. “Screw that! I know that I’ve had the officer training, and when I signed on I knew that there would be the chance that I’d command a ship or at least be one half of a command team someday. But, this is straight up targsh*t! I might as well say it's technically a battlefield promotion!”


    Wow. Cranky kitten indeed. “Kitten, will you please just listen to me? This whole situation is a battlefield, for lack of a better description. As I said, the Fleet brass … or should I say the surviving Fleet brass? Are just bolstering and reforming the surviving officers and crewmen. I myself have a newly assigned assistant chief engineer. The boy is nineteen years old - you even have fangs older then him – and he was just completing his sophomore year at the academy when the attack hit the Earth. Thank the gods that he and about fifty more cadets were away on Mars for training maneuvers. Now, he finds himself a full el tee, and is the senior assistant to my chief engineering officer. I’ve been hearing rumors that the boy has thrown up, twice, during this last shift due to nerves.”


    The younger golden furred Caitians bright green and inquisitive eyes flickered as her gaze shot to a point other then her data feed screen and then finally re-fixed on the image of the older brown furred feline. “Um. Twice. I threw up twice once I made it back to my quarters and before I contacted you.”


    The elder Caitian offered a gentle fanged smile of sympathy. “It’s not easy, I know. I couldn’t keep any food down for at least twenty four hours the first time I was promoted to a full on leadership role. Have you spoken at length with either colonel about the changing of the guard?”


    “Not yet, not after the initial verbal exchange of the orders passed down by the Admiral that Day ticked off. She beamed down to the surface of Vulcan and located myself and Colonel Harper in order to inform us.”


    “Is the Agincourt still maintaining an orbital vector at Vulcan?”


    “Aye. The ship and about half the command staff and department heads had been on temporary detachment assignment to the planet Acamar while myself and a few others offered Soltan tactical testimony to the surviving Federation council members here on Vulcan. The Acamar situation was the mission that Day got all snippy about to the Admiral.” The younger feline snorted. “So, she mouths off, he gets his feelings hurt, and I end up with a face full of responsibility? You know, I’d love to take an assassination contract out on Murphy and Fate and drill ‘em both right in the ass with a phaser … “


    Left Ear nodded. “Don’t get hostile Kitten. A little anger at the blind side promotion is fine, but you know better then to let your anger cloud your judgment. You’ve been taught better then that.” She deftly changed the subject to the galactic concerns that seemed to be on everyone’s - both civilian and officer alike – mind. “I heard about the remnants of the government re-convening on Vulcan for a little damage control. How did it go?”


    “I don’t have to tell you that officially I can’t really comment until the findings are released to the general public. But since you’re not the general public and the word will spread among the Fleet officers more quickly anyway, I can say that with everything that was covered during the proceedings I feel pretty confident that eventually the Alpha Quadrant will be well protected from another attack, and Starfleet of course can’t leave a hostile Soltan force out there winging around the galaxy. The Soltan attack force got the checkmate, and now the Federation Fleet needs to go for their King so to speak.”


    Kansas stopped speaking, let out a puffed sigh through her muzzle, and then ran a big golden paw across her face. “Enough with my bellyaching. How are things going over there on the Yellowjacket?”


    The elder JoNs shrugged. “What can I say? We’re still repairing or trying to repair the damage we suffered during the blitz on the Earth. For now, I remain as her acting captain, but I’ve also heard tell of rumors that the Fleet commanders are planning on disbanding the crew and scrapping the Yellowjacket. You know I’ll fight it, but I also have to face the facts and know when to be practical. We lost over half the crew during the skirmish and this old Norway class is staying together with bubble gum and spit and quite a few prayers. I’ll handle it. Don’t worry about me.”


    Left Ear paused and one brown ear flipped backward as she continued to regard her younger counterpart. “Have you spoken to your parents about this yet?”


    “And tell them what? Hello Mother and Father, I just got promoted to Executive Officer because a marine mouthed off and I’ve also thrown up twice now.” Kansas shook her head slightly. “I don’t think so. Besides, they are still in the process of getting settled on the family homestead on Cait.”


    The Earth attack had brought on an early retirement for the elderly parents from their civilian jobs with the Starfleet Academy. The two JoNs’s had promptly relocated back to Cait, and Kansas honestly could not blame her parents, not in the least.


    “I’ll tell them Left Ear, I promise.” She glanced at the chronometer inset mounted on her desk and scowled. “Look, MVess, my break is almost up and I need to get back to the bridge and act like I know what in Hades I’m doing. I’ll contact you again later?”


    “Any time of the day or night Kitten, you know that. And calm down before you make yourself sick, you hear?”


    Some of Kansas’s humor resurfaced at that moment, and she let loose with a purred trill of laughter. “Too late Guardian! I already yakked twice, remember?” Her smiled faded as quickly as it had come. “But, I will calm down. It’s just, this is all so sudden … “


    “I know it is, and it won’t be an easy path as you settle in. But eventually, you will adapt and settle in – just like a good security officer. Keep your head in the game, have one or two options to fall back on, and you’ll weather this situation like you always do.”


    Kansas was tired and emotionally spent, and the stress showed on her feline features, giving her the outward appearance of a stretched thin corpse. But, she managed a fanged smile for her Elder Guardian at the pep talk. “Thank you Left Ear and I’ll talk with you later. JoNs out.”

  9. I WANT MY INTERNET BACK!!!!!!!! :D :P :( :( :(


    Never, ever, ever, EVER sign up with Comcast.


    No offense meant to any relatives who might work for the company, but yes - Comcast can have "moments".


    Back in 2006, I do believe Comcast was making some local changes and upgrades to my area, but nothing official was announced or customers warned if you get my drift? If a problem call came in, my opinion has always been the company dealt with it on a case by case problem basis. So, it would be issues such as no internet for long periods of time, no connection, and then Boom, the internet was working again. That sort of thing.


    Ahem. Of course, this *had* to occur the same two weeks when the Agincourt Mirror plot started. Mirror Plot. You know, that thing I tend to, um, go all obsessive over? I was half freaking out because the 'Net started to act up during the 'Court.


    Service calls were placed, some issues getting a tech out to the house, that sort of thing. Although, I admit, the service call wasn't dropped four times, and within about four days the connection/neighborhood was back to normal.


    Good luck Sam! Was wondering where ya went. ::throws a life line down into the Abyss::

  10. 08.27.08 Agincourt Mission Update:


    TBS: 18 Hours


    - The surviving Federation council members decide that a task force will be eventually formed and deployed to deal with the looming Soltan threat.


    - Local Alpha Quadrant planetary militias will also be formed as an added defense bonus.


    - The “Soltan Defensive Net” that our Science department has been exploring for the Alpha Quadrant is also considered a viable option and will be further looked into and developed.


    - Colonel Harper suggested to the Council that it would be a wise course to fully reverse engineer the Soltan warp drive and equip the aforementioned task force with this option.


    - The Agincourt arrives in planetary orbit over Vulcan.


    - We have a brand spanking new Executive Officer. Be gentle with her. :-P

  11. 08.20.08 Agincourt Mission Update:


    TBS: 8 Hours

    - The elections on Acamar are beginning to wind down and the clan factions in general are dispersing from the designated geographic voting areas. However, there are still some minor skirmishes and scuffles taking place in certain areas. Local Acamaran police squads called the Agincourt teams in for further assistance. Eventually, the ornery factions are subdued and some arrests are made by the local police forces.


    - Meanwhile, the council interview process continues, with both offensive and defensive strategies explored with regard to the Soltan and Selshan fall out situation. Covert operations is one option considered and then the council discussion delved into the general exploration mission adopted by the Agincourt while the crew was traversing the Perseus Arm as another counter option. It would seem that both at home defense as well as an offensive “going to find the enemy” strategy are equally being considered as options and discussions.


    - A Hydra Complex was specifically mentioned by Lieutenant Commander Condacin. Going directly after the Soltan soldiers of the Selshan would still leave the Hydra head, the Selshan, in a command position. Yet attacking the Selshan full on is somewhat suicidal due to the soldier defensive caste of their servants, the Soltan.


    - The Agincourt pulls out from the Acamar mission and eventually gets underway back to Vulcan.

  12. 08.17.08 Excal Mission Update:


    TBS: One (1) Day


    The senior staff has gathered in the main observation lounge to discuss getting the Zier baby back from the Boganary raiders and their leader, the Auntie Wort. Our tentative plan of action is as follows:


    1.) Sneak into the inner territory under the cover of the cloaking device

    2.) Recon the area and gather more intelligence

    3.) Get our people in place on the Boggie planet itself

    4.) Draw the main Boggie defense fleet away with probe decoys

    5.) Negotiate, and ask for baby Julie Zier back


    Lieutenant Ramson and her fighter pilots will remain on standby alert. The Science and Engineering departments are responsible for rigging the decoy probes. Security and Marines will jointly plan the landing parties, and jamming any adversary communications lines was assigned to Lieutenant Victria of security.


    We haz planz. Boo Yah.

  13. Now, with regard to DS9 being represented in the current incarnation of the STSF ships? I myself just picture all the non canon ships/stations docked around the canon station, awaiting new orders. The SFOL fleet representation is also very nice, btw.


    The USS Illustrator? I have to ask: was this sim crewed by people who worked as Illustrators in real life?


    The USS Federation? I'm no expert on the ship classes, but most of the time I can eyeball a design and recognize a ship. But, I do not recognize that ship class of the Federation. Looks like the saucer section is a smaller Prometheus design and attached to the main hull and nacelle design that looks like a blunt Galaxy class design?


    And the Delta space station reminds me of the design of the Regula One station from Trek 2, although if I recall, Regula only sported one tower.

  14. Had to comment regarding the Swedish olympic wrestler, Abrahamian, who pulled off his Bronze medal in disgust during the flag ceremony. The reason? "He came here for a Gold medal".


    So ... he represents his country as a whole, is obviously the best of the best if he even made it to the Olympics, has trained for the competition for who knows how many years, and proceeds to tarnish all that and throw the work and preparation away with one stupid action. I also read he did a little temper tantrum act, argued with the referree call, had to be restrained, and slammed a door or two. And, no one is even mentioning the other Gold and Silver winners who had their moment upended by his actions during the ceremony. He's sure getting the press though isn't he, rather then the Gold winner?


    Supposedly, the Olympic committee is considering disciplinary action against Abrahamian. I hope the officials slam this little Man Princess with so many sanctions or whatever that his head spins.


    I can't believe people like this man get sent to the Olympics and there's some fourteen year old kid who dreams of going and is unable to and then we get stuck with the pleasure of watching the fallout from a jack@ss like Arahamian. It's just an unfortunate thing, ya know? Overall, I'm sure good sportsmanship is the order of the day at the Olympics.


    And, I didn't but this little blurb here as a springboard for some of the more world debate oriented individuals to comment on the political side of the countries or what have you. Let's keep it Olympics oriented folks, thanks.

  15. Thanks to Sam Kent for helping out

    "You really think the fuse is gonna go on this one, Buddha?" She had done peacekeeping before; sometimes it really was as simple as she called it, and sometimes it wasn't, and it was awfully hard to tell in advance which was which.


    Owen shrugged, picked up another PADD lying around and perused it for a moment before speaking. "It's just a hunch but if someone else higher up didn't think there might be trouble why send us instead of getting a real assignment and kicking some serious Soltan ass? None of us is happy with the mission but it's our job to follow orders and if we're ordered to babysit that's what we'll do. If someone complains you may want to remind them that noone is forced to be here...not anymore."


    This log (nice one guys) fits perfectly with the on going Season 3 discussion, so I klepped this section. Here's the deal:


    1.) I absolutely loved the Soltan/Perseus Arm Mission and I thought the whole thing rocked out. But, considering we role played that scenerio for over a year in real life simming, and had opportunties to get into several action (Soltan prison planet, space battles) scenerios in this sector, I have no desire to head back onto that Soltan/story arc - or the Perseus - at least *right this second*.


    2.) But this leads me to my next in character point. From a logical standpoint, while the characters might want to go into Soltan kick butt mode, that's not feasible right now with the Alpha Quadrant reeling from the attack on Earth. Alpha stability needs to be maintained, tactical options and plans and responses need to be explored, and then the Starfleet and her officers can move back onto the larger story arc of what to do with the Soltans. So, in the meantime, all the surviving officers (and there's the key term there, surviving officers. The Fleet lost a lot of officers, and can't just send off a military task force to attack a superior power) deal with the home Quadrant problems such as the Acamar or a council session on tactics.


    - Once the home quadrant is stabilized, then boom: there's your opportunity to jet back to a past story plot.


    3.) And honestly: why the Agincourt? Considering we spent how many months in Perseus ... how do we know that certain Fleet bigwigs don't consider us a security risk right now? Why not send another ship to sort out the Soltan mess?


    I mean I know the 'Court and her officers are the stars of the game, and of course the crew would get sent back to the Perseus for some Soltan hunting, but y'all know what I mean.

  16. 08.13.08. Agincourt Mission Update:


    TBS: 12 Hours




    - The Federation governmental council session continues onward as the away team members continue to relay the collected Soltan knowledge. Shadow is introduced to the officials and Fleet officers in attendance. Our resident energy being is questioned about his job as a Seeker of knowledge within the Agincourt sciences department along with the duties he performs to assist the crew. This First Contact went well.


    - The government council panel then began to address the question of the Soltan turning process as well as their weapons and offensive capabilities and what can be done tactically in order to defend against these capabilities.


    - A transcript character log illustrates the turning process as recorded by Lieutenant Commander “Sin” Condacin.


    - http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showt...amp;#entry83674




    - The ‘Court enters into a vector orbit above the planet of Acamar. Marine and Security officers are deployed to the surface. Tensions continue to run high due to the planetary elections.


    - Both the Squids and the Sharks sport the black Special Ops BDU’s for this peacekeeping force mission. Lieutenant Commander “Flux” Kassem accompanies the landing party as the ranking officer on the planetary surface.


    - On the bridge of the Prometheus class vessel, Science Officer Julio offered some insight into the clan based cultural structure of the Acamarans while Master Chief Keltex manned the bridge tactical station in order to relay and monitor the ground teams. Engineering was informed by Lieutenant Colonel “Paradox” Day to standby for possible orbital bombardment.


    Kitteh Questions:


    - Putting aside the fact that Acamar has a history of clan faction based chaos, can we expect more unrest rippling across the Alpha Quadrant in situations such as this?

    - Did the incursion of the Soltan into Alpha space and the attack on Earth merely light a flash fire of unrest that will continue to burn across the worlds of the Alpha sector?