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Everything posted by m_k_tksa

  1. “That was pathetic.” “Excuse me? Pathetic?” “Ie. I call au e’lev and practically tell au that I jol au. And then au kiss me. On my FOREHEAD.” Sick or na, Morgana felt no guilt in cuffing Maec on the back of the head. “Ow! Well, I care about au, e’lev. I do na want to make au sick too!” Maec appeared to be having a difficult time keeping a straight face. “On the forehead!” Morgana’s sour expression was difficult to maintain as she continued to berate him. With io breath she harassed him, shaking her head as she backed him into a corner. “Rulon, I am an adult. I think I can handle au’s…au’s…au’s germs. I am perfectly capability of taking care of myself. At least I am na afraid to seek medical attention when I am sick. On the other hand au wait until au are half-dead with fever before au even consider seeking treatment. And even then give au’s caretaker so much trouble that au are lucky they do na walk out. Honestly. Here I thought Enarrains and Daise’Erei’Riovs make the worse patients. They are model patients compared to all the grief au have given me in the past twenty-six hours, Kheinsa! Hooya!” The Maenak put her hands on her hips and took another deep breath, preparing to do battle yet again. The whole while Morgana berated him, Maec was laughing quietly until something she said just registered in his still hazy thought processes. Just when she’d opened her mouth to start lecturing him again, Maec interrupted with a confused look on his face. “What did au just say?” “Do I need to have au’s ears tested?” Annoyed Morgana scowled at him. “Are au needing a hearing implant? Au keep asking me to repeat myself a lot lately. And do na tell me it is the medication, I know it’s na. Au insane verrul….” “Na, na, na…na the lecture,” Maec started at her intently. “Before that. Au jol me, Khera?” Morgana mentally reviewed her rantings before she confirmed or denied his question. She had, indeed, practically told him that she loved him. She had had a lot of free time to reflect on her thoughts and feelings while she helplessly worried about him as he slept. She’d known she’d grown quite fond of him after three years of correspondence and communiqués. When lost in the alternate universe, she’d missed him terribly and hated the thought that she may never be able to talk to him again. She had come to the realization a few hours ago that her jealous rage earlier had been a sign that she had, in fact, deeper feelings for the Khiensa than she thought. Na to mention the hours of caring for him, waiting for him to recover. But had na really meant to start declaring herself so….soon. Just as the ‘e’lev’ endearment had slipped out, so too had the fact that she was in love with Maec tr’Aieme. “Khera?” Maec looked…..anxious for some reason as he waited for her to answer. “Ie,” Her chin jut out. “Au jol me?” “Ie…wasn’t that what I just said?” “Na, au said ‘ie’.” “So? I was answering au question. Ie, I jol au.” “Seriously?” “Now I know au must have au’s hearing checked. Either that or au’s attention span….” “Au jol me.” Maec was now wearing a ridiculous grin. He seemed to be lost in his own world, and na because of the drugs, repeating the words again and again under his breath. Morgana rolled her eyes, instantly regretting telling him in the first place. I should have kept my mouth shut. Verrul Morgana, why do au have to keep falling for the weird ones? “Ie, I think I have already established that fact. Repeatedly.” Morgana’s annoyed tone seemed to instantly ground Maec, the goofy look in his eyes and that ridiculous grin evaporated, replaced by an equally intense look as he reached for her. The sudden reversal made Morgana nervous, anxious even, when he opened his mouth to speak. “I jol au too, e’lev.” She swore her heart skipped a beat, and she felt as if her face was on fire. She simply nodded to him in response. Well, that was unexpected. Na unpleasant, but…unexpected. By Fire…I can na believe it. “What? Na third degree?” Maec smile seemed to be issuing a challenge as he leaned closer. “Na, I heard what au said the first time. I am na the io who needs to have their hearing checked." Morgana smirked at him.
  2. So....where can I get a couple of tickets?
  3. Maec awoke to feeling a warm weight across his chest. Na really uncomfortable. More unexpected than anything since it didn't appear to be part of the blankets surrounding him. It took a moment more to realize that the soft puffs of warm air against his neck was someone's breathing. He opened his eyes and carefully turned his head to see Morgana sleeping soundly nestled next to him. It was her arm he felt draped on his chest and her face nestled next to him on the pillow. Maec froze, gulping down the huge lump in his throat that had nothing to do with his illness. There was nothing he could but stare at her sleeping so peacefully. The soft rise and fall of her chest as she rested. The way that her eye lashes fluttered against her cheek while in REM sleep. Her long brown hair spread out against her shoulders and pillow. Her lips curled into a content smile. Elements! He was afraid to move and disturb her. When he could na bare to na touch her any longer, he reached up slowly and brushed a strand of hair from her face, then rested his hand on her arm stretched across his chest. Three years ago he’d watched her sleep peacefully in his bed after another very early morning wake call. She’d looked so…peaceful then. Now, he had a whole different thought, with her snuggled against him like this. Elements do na wake, fhaen. Stay...here. But she did wake, blinking and wiping the sleep from her eyes. She propped herself up on an elbow, glancing confusedly around. "Au were asleep." He offered. "Hann'yyo Kheinsa Obvious." Morgana leaned up over him and peered at the bedside chrono. "How are au feeling?" Distracted with Morgana leaning over him, her body pressed against his, Maec stumbled in his response. "Uh...fine." "Hungry?" By Fire this is na fair. Maec stared up at Morgana as she reached over him and grabbed her multicorder from the bedside table. "Naaaa.." Morgana rested her hand against his forehead. "Au's fever seems to have broken....finally." She turned on her multicorder and scanned him. Maec remained frozen in place. She was still close to him to trust himself na to do something stupid."Ie, looks like au are showing definite signs of improvement." She sighed softly, mercifully sitting up then climbing out of the bed. He watched her feeble attempt to straighten her rumpled clothing as she departed for the kitchen. "Au need to eat something." "I'm na hungry." Maec sat up and carefully moved to the edge of the bed. He was still dizzy, but less so than he was earlier and was na longer sure of the dizziness should be attributed to the illness or something else. He also did na feel the same chill running through his body as earlier. In fact, quite the opposite. "Maenak's orders. Au will eat." Morgana smirked, apparently making herself in home in his kitchen. "Why do au na get freshened up and I'll make au something to eat." "Men do na 'freshen' up." Maec mumbled, standing slowly and then shuffling to the refresher. "Whatever." Morgana called out as he disappeared. "Men! Ha! Verruls the lot of them!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morgana waited until he was well out of sight and ear shot before she exhaled a well deserved sigh of relief. Ie, she had been worried about him. Very much so. Even though the multicorder readings had indicated that Maec's illness was indeed a simple infection, she still could na stop worrying about him. He had slept so soundly, even when she had given him re more doses, he refused to wake for more than a groggy few seconds. The sleep would do him good, but why did he have to sleep like the dead? She'd curled up beside him for her own comfort, watching him fidget in his sleep with unknown nightmares. For hours she stared at him, even poked his shoulder a few times just to make sure he might be able to be rousted. She imagined that he'd find a few unexplained bruises when he finished in the refresher..and considering her anger had abated, the poking bruises to his arm was probably the closest she’d get to bashing his head in for his earlier comments. His behavior also left her wondering if he slept this soundly when he was well. A girl could have some fun with that. By the time he had returned, dressed in fresh clothes, Morgana had made the final touches on a mild hlai'vna soup, toasted bread and fragrant tea. "Sit" she ordered, setting re bowls down on the dining table. "Come and eat. We need to get some food in au. And I will na be picking au up off the floor if au pass out from lack of nutrition." "Au cooked?" Maec seemed hesitant as he took a seat. A dubiously look was plastered across his face as he stared at his bowl. "Ie, I cooked." Morgana's io brow raised. "Why do au seem so surprised?" Morgana was having a difficult time reading his expression. Either he was surprised or he was teasing her. "I did na know that a Ksa knew how to cook." "Just because my dear youngest rinam Kalicia has a tendency to set fire to the heating appliance just by bowling water does na mean the rest of us are inept. I'll have au know that Lannisal and I are very well versed in the culinary arts. As well as my mother and father." He dipped his spoon into the bowl and carefully inspected the contents. He looked as if he was afraid she was trying to poison him or that something was still alive in the bowl. Finally he took a tentative sip from the spoon, "Ummm..." He looked pleasantly surprised, staring at the bowl with a look of shock. He took another slurp from the bowl. "Mmmhmmm...Morgana, this is menkha. This is actually very menkha." "I told au.” She answered flatly. He seemed to ignore her sarcastic tone. “Glad au like it." Morgana lightened up and laughed softly as she watched him devour the soup as if he was starving man. "And I thought au said au weren't hungry?" "I did na know I was." He smiled up at her. "Just like I did na know au knew how to cook." Morgana blushed, pretending to find her tea interesting. She had been thinking about his admission know for hours. She wanted to ask him about it, but did na know how to bring it up. She fidgeted nervously, "How are au feeling?" "Better, hann'yyo. And au asked me that earlier." "Llienn'yyo." Morgana bit her lip. "Maec...um..." she scratched her pointed ear. "Um...about what au said earlier..." He glanced up, looking at her in a way that made her cheeks feel like they were on fire. "...about na wanting to tell Kalicia." "Ie, well I did na mean to..." Maec looked embarrassed, absentmindedly dipping his toast into the broth. He frowned, looking as if he was trying to remember what he'd said during his feverish rantings. "Why do au na wish to tell my rinam?" She tilted her head, watching him. "I do na know." "Ie au do. And I want to know why." "Honestly, I do na think I could bare listening to her gloat about...us when I've..." "Au what?" Morgana offered, leaning forward to lay a hand on his. Maec flinched, pulling his hand away. She smiled shyly at him. She wanted to reach out to touch his hand again. Instead she pulled it away. "I do na blame au. I do na exactly relish the idea of telling her either. Taking ownership over our...um...friendship." Morgana felt like the butterflies in her stomach were plotting against her again. "Friendship now is it?" "Well, what would au call it?" Morgana looked startled. "Well...I....uh..." he stalled, looking up at her. An uncomfortable silence settled between them. Morgana counted to ten silently before breaking in "See! Au do na know either. Ha!" She pushed back from the table, snatching his empty bowl and her full bowl away, hauling them to the kitchen. She dropped them with a clang into the recycler. "We haven’t physically seen each other in three years. We exchange letters, ie. And we talk in communiqués but we fight more like adversaries than..." "Than what?" Unexpectedly, Maec had followed her. Morgana jumped when she heard his voice near her ear. He stood behind her, grabbed the back of her arms and held her closed to him for a moment. Was he trying to egg her on? Trying to aggravate her into admitting something? "…than friends." She smirked. I am na going to be the io to say it. Or at least be the first io. "So we are competitors?" "Well, na really that either. Acquaintances.” She teased him. “But I do enjoy au’s efforts to be friendly, so I would rather think of au as such." "Oh, well it's nice to know that au do na see me as anything more than a friend." Maec growled, pulling back. "Well, that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to sound. And why are au getting so cranky?" She turned to face him and shifting slightly away so that they no longer touched. So this Maenak was na menkha with flirting. Elements. "I am na. And au started it." Maec leaned back with a sour look on his face. "Au do na hear what au want and au get all...pouty on me." Morgana smirked. "Maybe au need a nap." She pushed him back towards the door of his bedroom. That's it, na more. I am na getting involved in io of these battles of will with him tonight. I'm far too tired and he's still far too sick. "Au protested getting treatment. Au fuss at me like a child. Au scowl. What’s next? Au will throw things at me? I swear au are my worse patient ever." "Do na attempt to change the subject, Khera. We're na finished with this conversation," Maec growled, dug his heals in and stared up at her. The use of her private name made her jittery, so she decided to throw it right back at him. "Na, Rulon, e'lev, I think we are. It's time for au's nap." Her tone had been snarky, but the words she used had obviously surprised Maec. He looked rather shocked. Not only had she used his private name for the first time in several years, but had used a very private term of endearment for ios beloved. E’lev. If he had know that she had actually *meant* both terms, he would probably pass out again. The snarky tone however was meant to temper the meaning so he would na see the seriousness in her vocabulary choice. "Say that again." Oops. Io look at him and suddenly she thought her plan backfire. And there was na way she could take it back if he didn’t buy her story. "Say what?" Morgana did the next best thing. She played dumb. "What au just said." "Nap time?" She managed to push him back towards his bed. She pushed him down and grabbed the blankets at the foot of the bed. "Na, the other part." He stood back up in defiance. "What other part?" She pushed him back down again, looking aggravated with him. She was also using the blankets as a shield. "The part where au said my name." Maec stood back up and refusing to let her push him any further. Grabbing her wrist, he yanked the blankets from her then pulled her closer so that she stood nose to nose with him. "I did na say au's name." Morgana continued to play dumb. "Au did too." Maec smiled wolfishly at her. "Au must have been hallucinating, e'lev." Morgana rolled her eyes. Then froze. Oh Elements...I didn't. Tell me I didn't just say that. She looked up at Maec who's expression now matched what she imagined to be her own. Shock. Oh Elements...I did! Morgana gulped, feeling her face burning. This time there had been na snarky tone in order to downplay her slip of the tongue. She had quite obviously meant to call him 'beloved'. And he knew! Morgana watched as Maec gulped too, wide eyed. "That's......what I thought au said. Khera." He stared into her eyes for the longest time before cupping her face in his hands…….
  4. Earlier... Morgana t'Ksa had been livid after leaving Maec's apartment. Positively livid. Absolutely livid. Steam coming out of her ears livid. This was the fourth time. Fourth time! Now where was going to go? It was too late to catch a train back to Mhiessan. The only other family she could stay with was Kalicia and her bondmate. That was out of the question. She could na trust herself to keep her emotions in check. Maec t'Aime. That fvai. She’d take it out on Kalicia, whom had tried to play match maker in the first place. Why couldn’t her sister leave well enough alone when it came to domestic affairs. Argggh….She would have to find sanctuary somewhere else to give herself away. In the end, she found herself staying in a dismal looking hotel room with nothing better to do than to start at the ceiling. She had na slept that night. Tossing and turning, catching only the barest snippets of sleep. At 0500, Morgana found herself staring out the window in the general direction of Galae Medical, sulking. Thinking. Becoming angrier with every waking second. In the end, she'd come to only io conclusion. She needed answers before she totally blew up. After four men who’d dumped her as if she was a disease, she deserved some answers. And then she was going to beat the ever loving tar out of him. And if that did na satisfy blood thirst, then maybe she’d go after tr’Rike next. And Elijah. And tr’Lafkas. And whatever bloody male who crossed her path. Morgana made several attempts to get those answers she needed for resolution. Starting with 0545 in the morning with comm calls that went unanswered. The Daise'Maenak figured if she could na sleep, he should be denied the luxury of sleep as well. She tried eight times, knowing she was bordering on stalking behavior. When that didn't work, she got dressed and stormed down to his offices to see if she could catch him there. Na luck. He had na reported in and was na scheduled to be there for five more days. That set Morgana off again. Five days! What in the Elements was he planning to do for fiiiiiiiiiive days. The final stop was his quarters. She rang the chime a few times, na answer...at first. Then she heard his voice on the other side of the door telling her to 'go away' and Morgana lost her temper for the final time. How dare he just ignore her like this? She punched at the chime until she thought she had broke io of her fingers, then raised her fist to punch at the door. Surprisingly the door gave way. She expected Maec to be there. She wanted to pummel him into the ground. But na io was there. The room was dark and empty. She called out, but got na answer except a grunting noise coming from the bedroom. She narrowed her eyes and stormed ahead. If he was with another... Another dark room and a large heap of blankets. She could na tell how many bodies might lie under all those bedclothes, perhaps re or thi from the looks of things. Morgana felt the white hot stab of anger slice through her heart. With near murderous intent, she ripped open the curtains and prepared to do battle. When a solo Maec looked up at her, blinking blood shot eyes and looking confused, Morgana sensed something was seriously wrong. He looked ashen, confused and as if in pain. His voice had a gravely quality she had na heard before. Na the sleep induced huskiness to the voice au had when au awake. This io was more harsh. When he struggled to sit up and heaved his legs over the side of the bed, Morgana took a few steps forward. And a good thing she did to! She was barely able to make in time to catch him before he nearly passed out. His skin scorched her fingertips when she touched him! She was mortified at how sick Maec was. True, he would na y'ya from his illness, but he was na a well man. Since he refused to go to the medical center, Morgana would have to think of an alternate plan to treat him. She scrambled out of his quarters to pick up medications as the medical center and snag her medkit from the hotel as quickly as she could. All preparations would have to be made swiftly, before Maec attempted to leave his bed in a feverish stupor and did something truly stupid… ….and before she had the chance to beat him to a pulp. The fvai. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was a soft buzzing in Maec's ear when he awoke. He tossed a hand up to slap away the insect invading the haze of his dreams. His arm was caught at the wrist. Wha--? He opened his eyes and stared up at the Maenak who easily held his one arm with one hand and her multicorder with the other. "What are doing here?" He licked his dry lips and attempted to sit up. "I thought I told au to stay put? Do au ever listen to a word I say?" Morgana dropped her multicorder onto her lap and pushed Maec back down to his pillow. When she seemed convince that he would na move again, she carefully set her multicorder down on the bedside table and picked up a hypospray. "What are au doing here?" Maec fought to sit up again. The effort causing a shockwave of coughs to wrack his body. "Trying to make sure au do na die on me before I get a chance to kill au." Morgana hissed, tucking him back down in the bed. "Now lie still unless au wish to take au's medicine the old fashion way. With a needle." "Au wouldn't dare," he groused, his throat felt dry. "Move from that bed again and au will find out." Morgana busied herself with her hypospray. The insufferable woman had the nerve to smile menacingly at him. The problem was he was 99% certain she would do it. Just to spite him. He had na choice except to stay still unless he wished to sacrifice his pride and dignity. "So what's the prognosis, Maenak?" "Au will live." Morgana sighed heavily, looking disappointed. "Is that au's professional opinion?" "Are au questioning my professional training?" Disappointment appeared to give way to amusement as she pulled back his blanket to expose his forearm. "Na, but I do question the enjoyment au are getting over my suffering." Maec huffed. "I am na enjoying au's suffering." Morgana's touch was surprisingly gentle as she pressed the end of the hypospray to his biceps. "Au's cheery attitude towards some io trying to help is, however, most entertaining. Talk about trying to bite the hand that treats au. Au are lucky I have such impeccable bedside manners." She chuckled, glancing up at him. "It's just a viral infection, rekkhai. Au were right, nothing serious. But this medication should speed au's recovery." He sighed softly. His energy ebbed away, na longer feeling up to further conversation. The medication Morgana had administered to him made him feel dopey and sluggish. He nodded slowly, his eye lids feeling the weighty pull of sleep. The last hazy vision he had was watching Morgana tuck the covers back over him with great care then lay a cool cloth over his forehead.
  5. BRRRRING BRING BRING BRING BRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIING Maec swore and struggled to lift his head up. He had thought that the shrill chime was part of his nightmares. Apparently not. He glanced at the bedside chrono. 0100 in the morning. By Fire, who would trying to contact him at this insane hour? "Go away," He mumbled as he flopped his head back down on the pillow. BRRRING BRINGBRINGBRING BRING BRRRRRIIIIIIIINGBRINGBRING "Go away!" His hoarse voice snarled. The Kheinsa didn't have the energy for this. Shivering, he pulled the covers up over his head. Any friend of his would have commed if it was an emergency. Or those he worked with certainly would have done so. It had to be that inebriated neighbor of his who always seems to mistake Maec's house for his own after a night in Mhiessan's adult watering holes. His bondmate will hear him soon and enough and let him..... Wait, I'm not in Mhiessan? Maec tried to shake the haze from his mind. Were am I again? The apartment, ie. But why was it so cold in here? It feels like a foggy Mhiessan night na a climate controlled capital city apartment. I do na remember... hrmp...at least the chime had stopped. Light flooded the room as he heard the drapery being savagely yanked open. Maec jumped. His eyes refusing to adjust to the sudden onset of light caused him to blink rapidly to see who the intruder was. He felt sluggish. Could na concentrate correctly. Alarmed, he could na come up with a way in which to defend himself if necessary. "Wha--?" He glanced up to see a livid Rihan female standing next to his bed, hands on her hips and ready to do battle. Maec growled, "Morgana? Do au have any idea what time it is?" His head flopped down on the pillow. Na now. Na this again. Fhaen, Elements, help me. "Ie, 1000 in the morning and I've been trying to comm au for the past thi hours," She spat out angrily, looking as if she was ready to throttle him. "Na, it's..." he glanced at the chrono and blinked. She was right? It is 1008 to be exact. "It...it can na be." He struggled to sit up. Apparently he was more tired than he thought as it seemed to take him longer and the effort took his breath away. He panted softly as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and he glanced up at Morgana. He was na in the mood for io of her arguments. "Ie, it is." She snarled. "And I thought au had too much work to do? Hmmm? And here I find au lounging around without a care in the world. Admit it, au just did na want to spend time with me. Au are a kllhe, a fvai, a hnoiyika, a..." Why did she have to have such an impressive vocabulary? "Morgana, I told au! I do na have the energy to deal with au right now." Maec snapped back, holding his hand up to fend off any further attacks. "I am...." he wavered, feeling the room spin out of control. Suddenly he did na know which end was up. "Maec." Morgana caught him before he tumbled head first off the bed. "...au are burning up." She steadied him with hands on his shoulders for a moment, staring at his face with such intensity that he felt his face burn. He struggled to remain awake as she helped ease him back on the bed. "Lie back." Maec blinked at her, her expression had changed so suddenly that it caught him off guard. "I do na feel well," he confessed. "I see that." Morgana answered, helping to put his legs back on the bed and cover him with a blanket. "Where is au's medkit?" "My what?" Maec pulled the covers tighter against him. Elements, why was it so cold in here? "Medkit, Kheinsa. Where do au keep au's medkit? I know au have io, where is it?" Morgana snarled again as she worked efficiently to make sure his head was on the pillow and his body covered with the bedding. "Front table. I think. Maybe. I do na know." He mumbled, turning on to his side and tried to ball himself up to conserve heat. "Stay there." "Do na worry, I'm na planning to go anywhere." He must have drifted off again. The next thing he remembered was feeling the bed dip next to him, and something cool being laid gently on his forehead. He opened his eyes slowly. "Au are sick." "Is that au's professional opinion, Maenak?" Maec grumbled. "Why did au na tell me au were sick last night?" Morgana was fiddling with the readout from his multicorder. "I wasn't sick...I was..." He looked at Morgana's expectant face. "All right I was sick, but I did na want to ruin au's leave." She looked down so he could na longer read her face. He had the feeling that he had just hurt her. "Au's multicorder is thi years obsolete. Kheinsas. Do au na get updated equipment every once in a decade?" She sighed "I need to get au to Galae Medical to get au some medicine. Au's little 'bug' has caused au's temperature to spike to dangerous levels." Morgana was snapping the multicorder shut and putting it back into the Kheinsa's bag. "Na. Na Galae Medical." Maec growled. "Maec, au need treatment." "Am I contagious?" "Na." "Is it life threatening?" "Na, but au's fever...." "Just...leave me alone. Let it run it's course." Maec pulled the covers tighter against himself, shivering. "Na, I can na let au suffer through this. Au will wind up hurting au'self if au wake up disoriented. Why won't au go to Medical with me? Au afraid?" Morgana folded her arms, staring at him with one of those insufferable 'I'm a Maenak and I know best' looks. "Of Maenak torture? Hardly, I went to school with the lot of au. I am na afraid of au." Maec's voice was muffled through the covers. Elements woman, all I want to do is sleep. Go away all ready. He glanced up at Morgana. "Then what are au afraid of?" Morgana's brows raised. "I don't want to..." "Whine, whine, whine. Either au tell me or I will haul au down there by au's hair if I have to." "I said na, woman!" "I am counting to dev, and then I am hauling au out of here." "Morgana! Na!" "Io...re...thi..." "If we go, then Kalicia will know that we are....together." Maec blurted out. To shut Morgana up. To stop her from counting. To stop the threats. So that she would leave him alone. So he could tell her how he felt. But watching as Morgana's face registered a state of shock at his confession caused his stomach to spin. She had misunderstood him. Oh Elements, you've done it now, Maec. She'll hate au now. "Na, that's not what I meant, Khera, I meant--" She left him again. There wasn't anything Maec could have done to follow her. He could barely move as it was without his muscles screaming or waves of dizziness threatening to do him in. He'd tried to sit up, to explain what he meant, but she just pushed him back into the nest of bedclothes. Ordered him to rest. Then spun on her heals and left. Maec couldn't forget the look on her face. She looked positively mortified. Elements what had he done? "Damn fickle woman. Always picking a fight. I give up." He tossed the covers over his head, determined to bury himself in the bedclothes for the rest of his natural life. Perhaps, Elements be willing, this infection would finish him off before this sudden loneliness did.
  6. Oh there's more coming. Muhahaha...
  7. "So. I thought that perhaps au might wish to accompany me back to Mhiessan for a few days?" Morgana t'Ksa smiled timidly at Maec tr'Aieme while pretending to examine her fingernails. "I have, uh, three week of shoreleave due. I would like au's company. It might be, ehm, fun?" the Talon's Daise'Maenak leaned against the countertop casually, trying to project a calm and collected exterior while her stomach did somersaults waiting for Maec's answer. Sensing something amiss even before her arrival on ch'Rihan, Morgana was nervous. Extremely nervous. The Kheinsa had sent an earlier message that he would be unable to meet her at the transport center so she'd arranged to meet him after his duty shift in his living quarters so they could make plans. Maybe his busy schedule kept him away? She had, after all, just admitted another patient into Galae Medical for him to take care of. But something still didn’t seem right. He was distant and emotionally removed. Io hug and kiss to the cheek and he'd pulled away. A kiss to the cheek? Morgana had a sinking feeling that she knew where this meeting was headed. "I'd love to, Morgana, but I..." Maec sighed a ragged breath, raking his hand through his hair. "...I just don't think I've got the energy to. It has been a long day and I still have much work to do during this break. Perhaps next week’s end. Au will still be here, ie? Three weeks leave and all." "I see," Morgana felt her stomach drop to her knees. I think the curse of my jol life had reared its ugly head yet again. That did na sound very convincing. Maybe it is na me? Maybe it is work? Let's see... "Perhaps then I could stay with Kalicia and Delon in town and we can sight see around the city then after au shift breaks? When au have time, that is." "Na, na, do na stay here on my account. Au should go, enjoy au's leave and na wait for me." Maec looked up, offering a weak grin. "I'm sorry, I just na up to socializing right now." Elements, it is me. There it is. The brush off. I knew it. By fire that was fast. Faster than I thought. Or perhaps na. It has been three years since I’ve last seen him in person. But I thought through our letters that this might be going somewhere…Elements I’m a…a…a….Morgana was livid. She was a verrul to think it would be different with Maec. "I see," She answered back coldly, gathering up her gear. "Do na be angry, Morgana," Maec weakly protested. "We'll be able to share au's leave, it’ll just be a bit delayed. I just do na have the energy to...deal with it right now." Deal with it? What? Me? Morgana put her hand up to defend against any further flimsy excuses. She would hear na more of it. "Na, na, I am na angry. Of course na." She glared at him with murder in her eye. "I'm sorry that au can na deal with *it* right now. Don't worry, au won't have to anymore. I'll just get out of au's way so you can get some work done. I hope au work auself into an early grave." Morgana spun on her heels and stomped out. She did na turn when she heard Maec's threatening voice yelling for her "Morgana!" In fact, if anything it made her move faster before her emotions got the better of her. Na, never again. She swore this would be the last time she would hear his voice. Too bad his last words to her had to be "Morgana!"
  8. Medical Status Report Submitted by – Daise’Maenak Morgana t’Ksa, Daise’Erei’Riov Critical Care Ward – 1. Dheno Officer Sienae t’Ruwon Female, age 42 Injuries – Re disruptor wounds. Ricochet wound to back left calf. Internal injuries from disruptor blast. Concussion from fall. Complete medical record available for review. Status – Two surgical sessions completed. Medically induced coma. Life support initiated. Prognosis – Grave. (Note – I do na expect this patient to live through the next twenty-four hours unless by some miracle of the Elements she has a stronger will to live than the wounds she sustained. We will do everything in our power to make her comfortable and sustain her lifesupport until either she expires or we have the opportunity to transfer her to Galae Medical for treatment.) Recovery Ward – 1. Dheno Officer Aerv tr’Rylov Male, age 35 Injuries – Disruptor wounds to extremities. Status – Amputation of left leg, left arm and right foot necessary. Prognosis – Fair. (Note – Due to patient’s wounds, he will not be allowed to continue to serve the Galae as a Dheno officer. Patient will be referred to Galae Kheinsa and Occupational Therapy for retraining. Daise’Erei’Riov N’Dak has offered to speak to Galae Command to recommend a fair and appropriate placement for this officer.) 2. Dheno Officer Hexce tr’Kassus Male, age 29 Injuries – Internal injuries suffered in scuffle with combatant. Surgery completed. Complete medical record available for review. Status – Down graded from serious condition to fair condition. Patient moved at 2100 hours to Recovery Ward. Life support removed. Prognosis – Fair (Note – I am optimistic about tr’Kassus making a full recovery.) Observation Ward – 1. Dheno Officer Mhai Tal’Aura Female, age 27 Injuries – Broken wrist Status – Under observation for the next twelve hours. To be released for light duty assignments for io week, then return to full active duty after final check up. Prognosis – Good (Note – Shouldn’t have much trouble with this one returning to full duty soon. Patient is impatient to return to duty immediately.) 2. Dheno Officer Galan tr’Deletham Male, age 38 Injuries – Ricochet disruptor wound to back left thigh and buttocks. Status – Under observation for the next twelve hours then to be released to full active duty. Prognosis – Good (Note – Suggestion will be made to the Daise’Dheno for retraining –per reports from other dheno present, patient should not have turned his back to his enemy or he would na have been a pain in the Daise’Maenak’s backside in the first place.) 3. Dheno Officer S’Tokkr Menek Male, age 59 Injuries – Broken right ankle. 2nd and 3rd degree wounds to right and left forearms. Status – Surgical regeneration of bone and skin completed. Under observation for the next twenty four hours. Will be released for light duty and reassessed after io weeks time. Prognosis –Good (Note – Another impatient patient. Elements help me.) For Follow Up 1. Khre’Riov t’Rexan Female, age late seventies Injuries – Infection to arm. Status – Infected treated with topical and hypospray medication. Restricted duty at this time and is under observation. Will reevaluate daily for signs of improvement. Prognosis – Fair (Note – this means no away missions for you, lhhei, until I say so. And I know au are reading this so na altering my official document to get au’s way.) 2. Dasie’Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak Male, age early thirties Injuries – Mild headache. Slight bump to the back of the head. Status – Administered medication to relieve pain. Instructed to return to sickbay if symptoms continue to reoccur within the next 48 hours. Was released to full active duty. Prognosis – Good (Note – Still feel N’Dak’s behavior is odd. He’s been too ‘nice’ lately. Can I fhaen have an increase in my budget to hire a Kheinsa to deal with this io?) 3. El’Riov Laehval t’ Temarr Female, age late fifties Injuries – Inhalation of anesthetic agent used in away mission. Status –Antidote administered upon return to Talon. Na observable ill effects. Was released to full active duty. Will follow-up within the next twenty four hours. Prognosis –Good (Note – I expect to have to hunt t’Temarr down to complete follow up. The Daise’Engineer is about as likely to enter medical under her own power as I am to be elected Praetor.) 4. El’Riov Koga S’Bien Male, age late twenties Injuries – Distruptor blast to tip of ear. Ear singed off. Status –Patient returned to active duty. Needs further follow up to prevent infection. Will follow up within the next twenty-four hours. Prognosis –Good (Note – Just an ear, hmm? Wish I had his luck.) 5. Daise’Erei’Riov Morgana t’Ksa (per Maenak tr’Paine’s addition to the official record) Female, age early forties Injuries – Broken right arm and collar bone, 2nd and 3rd degree burns to hands and forearm. Wounds regenerated during recent visit to alien medical bay. Status – Full Active Duty. Follow up examination will be conducted as soon as we can get her to sit still long enough to scan her. Prognosis – Good (tr’Paine’s Note: This is, of course, provided she listens to her fellow maenaken and na try to push herself. But of course we know that is unlikely to happen. Like she listens to us anyway?) (t’Ksa’s Note: Let the record show that Etre tr’Paine is confined to quarters for the next seventy-two hours for insubordination.)
  9. Update: Dheno Officer Sienae t’Ruwon Female, age 42 Injuries – Re disruptor wounds. Ricochet wound to back left calf. Internal injuries from disruptor blast. Concussion from fall. Complete medical record available for review. Status – Deceased. Dheno Officer Mhai Tal’Aura Female, age 27 Injuries – Broken wrist Status – Released from medical. Light duty until further notice. Dheno Officer Galan tr’Deletham Male, age 38 Injuries – Ricochet disruptor wound to back left thigh and buttocks. Status – Released from medical. Full active duty. El’Riov Koga S’Bien Male, age late twenties Injuries – Distruptor blast to tip of ear. Ear singed off. Injested too much pain medication. Status – Detoxification agent administered. Restricted to quarters for 24 hours to "sleep it off".
  10. “I’ve brought au something.” “From au’s private stock, I see.” “Ie.” “Then you’ve come to deliver bad news.” “Regretfully, ie.” Morgana t’Ksa slowly lowered herself onto the maenak’s stool at her patient’s bedside. In her lap, a plate of delicate lace cookies. She handed io to the reclining Dheno officer, then took one for herself. Neither officer uttered a word, just slowly chewed for a few moments, lost in thought. Aerv tr’Rylov held out his hand for another. “A’veb’s?” “Ie.” Morgana handed him another cookie. “I thought so,” tr’Rylov took another bite. “I have na had these since I was a child. My family did na travel to Mhiessan very often, but when we did, A’veb’s was always a delightful treat. Provided, of course, we children were menkha. And for A’vebs, we always were.” The seasoned dheno officer sighed heavily as he turned his head to the Daise’Maenak. “Do au really think that menkha pastries softens the blow of what au are about to tell me, lhhei?” tr’Rylov raises a brow. “Na. Well, ie. Na. But they do help. But really I thought au, above quii, would appreciate these.” Morgana picked up a cookie, turning it over to examine the delicate lacey consistency. “There are na many from our providence who serve on the Talon. I thought au would appreciate something from home.” She placed the cookie back on the plate, then smiled briefly at the dheno officer. “Rumor has it I’ll be able to enjoy these whenever I want soon.” “Been listening to the nursing staff again?” “Ie.” “Just remember their track record is na completely accurate. They thought au y’ya when au were brought in.” “I should have been, lhhei.” tr’Rylov dusted his fingers off on his hospital gown. “Au shouldn’t have bothered with me. I am a complete waste of au’s time and resources.” He spoke in town that was neither hostile nor overtly angry, more resigned to a lesser fate. Depressed. All the same, Morgana winced at the tone. “Au should have let me y’ya.” “Na.” t’Ksa set the plate on the nearby etrehh console. “Why?” “Because I said so.” “Because au say so? Who are au now? My Nan’ha?” tr’Rylov tilted his head. “Just au’s Maenak. Don’t insult au’s Nan’ha like that. She’s a good woman. I like her.” t’Ksa adjusted the biobed’s control, glancing at Aerv for any signs of discomfort. “Au are *na* a Galae Maenak.” tr’Rylov grunted. “Ie, I am.” Morgana answered simply, sitting back. “I’m just an exotic breed. Io who finds value in au more than a mere solider for the Empire.” “And what value am I now? What’s next, lhhei? Hmmm? Missing half my body parts. What do I do now like this?” tr’Rylov raised the stump of an arm on the other side of his body. “Well, first, au have an appointment with a very menkha friend of mine who specialize in prosthetic devices. And na the kind that shoot lasers out au’s eyeball. I learned my lesson there with t’Oo and the Erien and their little ‘upgrading’ project. Never let an Erien do a Daise’s work. Or turn au’s back on t’Oo.” Morgana muttered under her breath, then cleared her throat. “Then au will see io of the best occupational therapists I know at Galae Medical. A menkha Kheinsa to help au transition to au’s next career….” “Career? What can *I* do. I’m a dheno officer, lhhei. A dheno officer. It is what I am. Or was. In this state, what is there left for me? What can I possibly do now?” Morgana could feel the heat rising in the dheno officer’s tone. She remained calm as she continued. “Anything au’s heart truly desires.” The Daise’Maenak started at the ceiling as she listed off all the possibilities that came to her mind. “Teach grunts at the Academy. Analysis threats to the Empire. Delve into research and development for dheno procedures, weapons and protocol. Be a recruiter for the Galae. Continue in law enforcement within the Galae as an internal investigator. Go into politics. Become a political advisor. Study forensic science. Write a tell-all book. Advise holo-entertainment makers of Galae protocol so they get something right for a change. Get promoted to Khre’Riov. Get married. Have babies. Paint. Make music. Open a bakery. Become a food critic. Tell jokes….” “I can na believe au said that all in io breath, Morgana.” “I’m talented.” Morgana folded her arms. “And so are au, old friend. Au will think of something.” “Being in security is all I know.” “Then au’s horizons are about to be broadened. There is much au still can and will do. This is na the end of the world. Far from it. Physical limitations often bring about amazing revolutions in thinking, being and doing. And I’ve known au long enough, Aerv, to know au are too stubborn to let au’s physical liabilities get in au’s way.” “Bah.” “Stubborn ox.” “If that is na the pot calling the kettle black, I do na know what else is.” tr’Rylov watched the Daise’Maenak just shrug in response. “So this is it, there is nothing else au can do?” Morgana glanced at the ceiling. “Well, there’s a lot I *could* do. But some of those actions would be considered torture and could get me court-martialed. Na to mention fairly unpleasant. But if necessary, I will use them to get au to listen to reason…” She heard tr’Rylov snort back a laugh. The Daise’Maenak glanced back at her patient, a soft chuckle she continued. “Au are going to be just fine. I hear the Daise’Maenak does na mind pulling strings to make sure her crewmembers get the best treatment possible.” “Is that so?” “Ie, and au only have to do her a few small favors in return.” “Like what?” “One. Promise her au will na give up, au stubborn ox.” Morgana laid a hand on Aerv’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Put that bullheadedness to good use and show the rest of the Galae Medical that my time wasn’t wasted.” “I thought au said small favors?” “Okay, one large, one small.” “I’ll try. Na promises. What’s next? World peace? Cure disease? Fix famine?” Aerv raises a brow. “Na. Next time au see my Nan’ha, tell her send me some more cookies.” “Because menkha pastries soften the blow of devastating news.” “Well, they do help. Ie?” Aerv tr’Rylov held out his one remaining hand for another cookie. t’Ksa placed another lacey confectionary in his hand. “Ie. I suppose they do.” He chewed the cookie for a moment before speaking again. “Since when have au been this nice to au’s patients? Usually you’re rather gruff.” “I know. It’s weird, isn’t it? I’ve gone from Sour Pickle to Sweet Cookie.” t’Ksa patted his arm before heading out of the room. “Truth is I reserve these pleasant traits for only those patients who I think deserve then. Just don’t tell anyone. I have a reputation to protect. Word gets out I serve treats and I’ll never get rid of anyone.”
  11. Morgana noticed immediately that her attitude, posture and even her facial expressions had changed the moment she entered the conference room to confront K’loth. The persona of what she perceived the Daise’Khre’Riov to be had returned and she did NA like it. Necessary evil or na, the Daise’Maenak just wanted to be the Morgana t’Ksa that she had come to know, na the character she was forced to play. “Unfortunately, the Praetor has vacated the station. She is most likely on her way to meet up with her fleet.” She watched as that simple statement enraged the Kll’inghann Commander. “You let her GO?!? You. Let. Her Go?!” He burst out of his seat on the opposite side of the table, slamming his fist against caramel covered tabletop. A stream of Kll’inghann curses flowed from his mouth directed at her. Surprising herself, instead of cowering, Morgana shouted back, “I didn’t let anyone go!” the Daise’Maenak stood up and leaned forward against the table so she was nose to nose to the Kll’inghann. “I had other priorities in securing this ship. Not to mention bailing au out of trouble! Her current departure is inconsequential to my plans. In fact--” K’Loth snarled as he broke in. “Perhaps au should reexamine your priorities, t’Ksa. I certainly—“ “And who are au to question my priorities or my authority on my ship?” Morgana interrupted, pounding her fist on the table top. “My ship! My ship, Etreh K’loth. Taking this ship away from her is a morale blow. She is cowering like a sseikea flea.” She lowered her voice, sneering at him. “I will employ whatever means I deem necessary to secure my home. If au have a problem with that, au can step down now and I will be glad to appoint your underling in your place. What was his name again? The smarmy io nipping at au’s heals? Hmmm?” “You wouldn’t dare...” K’Loth looked as if he would reach over the table and strangle her. “Watch me.” Morgana snapped. She narrowed her eyes into a cold glare. “We have less than io tlhojur to prepare for the Praetor’s ship. Unless au wish for your people to be dominated by that fvadt woman, au get with the program. Otherwise, better get some kneepads now.” She leaned back, crossing her arms cross her chest. “Au and the Kll'inghann Empire will be kissing her feet from now until eternity. At least with me, au have the honor to live or die like warriors.” His lip curled in a snarl, yet he said nothing for a few moments. She watched him silently, thinking perhaps she had misspoken. Perhaps the Kll’inghann here, in this universe, did na value warrior life or honor as they did on her side. Or perhaps he all ready suspected she was a fraud. Strategically, it was best for her to take a wait and see approach, then react to whatever response he gave. Surprisingly, the Kll’inghann warrior, after many tortured facial contortions, sat slowly back down. “Where do we begin?” He hissed through a clenched jaw. Morgana too sat slowly. “We need to go over the battle plans. I need to know about the latest intelligence reports and the readiness of au’s fleet. We know that the Praetor’s other ships will be here within the tlhojur….” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five siuren later, Morgana knew as much as she knew when she first entered the conference room. Very little. She stood, turning to the viewport. The Daise’Maenak stretched and stared out at the stars glimmering around them. K’loth, grudgingly, seemed to be much more helpful since their argument. But neither officer had any more information than the other. She needed more information from Laehval, Rexan and N’Dak. Getting that information without breaking character would be difficult however. She seemed distracted as she stared at the stars. But na so preoccupied as to notice K’loth’s reflection in the viewport surface. He sat staring at the ISD on the table top. She glanced away for a moment only to spot him out of the corner of her eye suddenly leaping from his chair brandishing his d’k tahg. She jumped out of the way just as the knife came slicing through the air……
  12. “So let me make sure I understand you. Your Temarr and Pexil are Engineers. This ship is commanded by a N’Dak and t’Rexan and they are na related. Your science officers here are the same women who are the Daise’Khre’Riov and the Praetor’s right-hand women. S’Bien is na…well…And au are….” “Daise’Maenak. Ie.” “And you are from a mirror universe.” “Ie.” “You only came to the station for repairs to your ship when you were mistaken for our Praetor and Daise’Khre’Riov.” “Ie.” “And to top it all off, the Praetor has aligned herself with the Sheillak and Tal Shiar to take over both universes.” “Ie.” “How do you keep all this straight?” “I’ve been here before.” Morgana sighed. She looked at K’loth’s expression. “No *here* but another parallel universe. A time line I would na wish on my fiercest enemies.” Morgana shuttered. “After that experience, I find this one rather refreshing.” K’loth stared at the Rihan. “How can I trust you?” Morgana paused, considering his question. Then she answered quietly. “Au can’t. I don’t know au. Au don’t know me. But as I see it, I don’t have a choice but to trust au. We are each other’s best chance to accomplish our goals. Au need all the hands au can get to defeat the Praetor. This ship, from what I understand is a mirror match to hers. Which means we are au’s best chance to stop her. I need au’s help to stop her and the Sheillak from taking over both sides – we can na do it alone.” The Kll’inghann warrior stared at her for a few moments before moving to stand up. “Agreed.” The Daise’Maenak took a deep breath. “We intend to ally ourselves with the Daise’Khre’Riov t’Ksa. We’ll need au help in convincing her that we’re able to help.” Morgana frowned. “We’ve received information to change the ship’s registry to make it as io of hers. But I’m sure she is na fool and will want more proof of our intentions.” She smiled tightly, “And there are some Rihan on the oira that au must talk to about the battle plan. I am….err…this Morgana t’Ksa is a Maenak na a Tactician. Khre’Riov t’Rexan and Daise’erei’Riov N’Dak are the ios who will better serve you in this quest.” She watched him nod once. “Follow me,” she motioned to the door. I am so going to pay for that table, she thought she stepped through the door way, traveled to the oira. She squared her shoulders as she entered the Oira. “Lhhei, Rekkhai, there is some io here I wish au to meet….” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “We will be in range of the station in re tlhojurs, lhhei. Still na contact with the station.” Daise’Khre’Riov t’Ksa nodded a fraction to her Operations Officer. “Take us to Condition Red. All personnel to duty stations. Alert all department heads.” Here we go, she thought. May the Elements grant us luck, courage and mercy.
  13. She glanced away for a moment only to spot him out of the corner of her eye suddenly leaping from his chair brandishing his d’k tahg. She jumped out of the way just as the knife came slicing through the air. The angry Commander was uttering kll’inghann curses about Morgana’s family heritage. Only by the grace of the Elements did the knife point just slice the Daise’Maenak’s uniform sleeve and only grazed her arm. Her first instinct was to cover her bleeding wound, as she danced out of reach of the infuriated kll’inghann. She used the conference table and the chairs as shields. “What in the Elements has gotten into au?!?” “You lie. You traitorous witch.” K’Loth lunged at her, his knife slashing into the chair in front of her. “You are not *the* Daise’Khre’Riov. You are one of *her* spies, aren’t you? A collaborator with the Praetor.” Using brute strength, he threw the chair into the corner of the room. Morgana scampered out of the way; droplets of green splattered the table top. Where the kll’inghann had brute strength, Morgana had a smaller stature and could move more swiftly, staying relatively out of harm’s way. She was, however, mentally cursing t’Aehjae for not disarming the brute while he was still unconscious. She dodged one way then to the other as they continued the cat and mouse game. “What are au talking about?” “The t’Liss.” He threw the ISD at her head. She ducked, then winced at the force it hit the wall behind her. The device shattered as if it was made of sugar candy. “It’s na Galae. It’s a poor facsimile. “ He stabbed at her again, barely missing as Morgana darted to the left. “Au were trying gain our intelligence reports. Spy! Au will die, and then I will kill—“ “Let me explain…” Morgana let go of her wound. Surely by now the oira would have heard the commotion and sent someone to help the poor Daise’Maenak. Or perhaps they wished to vanquish her to her own stasis bins. A little help here would be nice…she snarled internally. “DIE,” He lunged again, this time impaling his knife deeply into the table top. Morgana immediately grabbed his wrist, digging her nail into a specific nerve point and keeping him from taking his hand from the knife. She knew she had drawn blood within moments. He had na seen her draw her weapon at the same moment. And now she pressed it to his temple. “Need I remind au this is a disruptor? Io flick of my finger and au will cease to exist.” “Then kill me now, witch.” He hissed, freezing only because he could na remove the knife from the table top nor maneuver yet to gain the advantage. Although she could tell he was thinking about it. “Na, au will listen to me. Let me explain.” “Kill me now! Or I will kill au!” K’loth’s screamed in rage. “Na!” Morgana angrily clocked the Kll’inghann on the head with her disruptor. This was na how a disruptor was supposed to be used. Both officers had been surprised by the move. Morgana removed her fingers from around his wrist, and K’Loth let go of the knife, temporarily stunned by the strange blow to the head. When he made a reach for the knife again, Morgana smacked his hand away, then fired her disruptor at the table, disintegrating the table and the knife at the same time. K’loth pulled his hand away as if it burned. The warning klaxons blared. Morgana snapped again. “Sit!” She shoved him hard so that he toppled into one of the damaged conference chairs. “Etrehh, disengage alarms. Authorization t’Ksa, Daise’Erei’Riov, khi-thi-thi-io-re. Elements this is ridiculous!” She took io look at the stunned kll’inghann, whether he was still stunned by her actions or by her acknowledgement of her rank by the etrehh she did na know. Just seconds later after Morgana gave the command to turn off the alarm, team of a t’Aehjae’s dheno burst into the room, disruptors drawn. Morgana shoved her own disruptor back into its holster. “*Now* the dheno show up. Stand down.” She commanded. The dheno staff seemed to be especially thick headed this evening and disregarded the Daise’Maenak’s order. By now, Morgana’s patience had evaporated with the table. “I said STAND DOWN!” She bellowed at the dheno staff. “What? Am I surrounded by dha’rudh? Get out. Just get out. Leave us.” She glared at io of erien who was staring at the Daise’Maenak’s arm. “Unless au would like to join the rest of my Rihan collection in stasis.” She watched them file out, perhaps to report to the Khre’Riov that the Daise’Maenak had finally lost it. “Elements! I really need to consider a change of careers when we get home.” K’loth still looked stunned as he pointed speechless at the door. Morgana glanced at him sympathetically. “Recognized a few of them, did au?” “Ie. The little io, he’s dead. I saw him die myself over a month ago. And the lanky io…he…he has a scar down his ear. Or had a scar? I thought…I….I don’t understand.” “Then let me explain. Fhaen.” She grabbed a chair and swung it around so that she sat toe to toe to him. “Au are right. I am na au’s Daise’Khre’Riov. But I *am* Morgana t’Ksa.” “How could au be t’Ksa but na the Daise’Khre’Riov.” K’loth’s defenses were up again. She sighed softly and relaxed her body, appearing to be far less threatening than she had been when she vaporized the table just a few moments ago. “It’s a long story...that we unfortunately do na have time to delve into. Here is the tr’Cliff’s Notes version….” Morgana t’Ksa, Daise’Maenak of the RES Talon started to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to a very confused Kll’inghann warrior.
  14. Happy Birthday Blu. May au have a very happy celebration. Just remember, if anyio happens to ask hold you are: Age is a number and yours can be unlisted. ::ducks::
  15. Oh Khera, what a mess have au gotten in now? Some on the oira would have thought the Daise'Maenak was growling as she cleared her throat. Morgana thought she sounded more like a p'Anther coughing up a hair ball. But it was the only way she knew how to psych herself up to use her patented "The Voice of Authority." That tone of voice that said she meant business and would na take "na" for an answer. She *had* to get her point across to the Daise'eire'Riov and the Khre'Riov. If K'loth did na believe that Daise'Khre'Riov t'Ksa had taken over the Talon, the Klingon fleet cloaked around the station would fire upon Talon - destroying any hope they had of returning home before they even had a chance to disembark from stationkeeping. Na simple designation code would convince the veruul. He would want to see with his own cursed eyes. So the scowling Maenak dug in her heels and remained on the oira instead of retreating to her beloved Medical. This was a job was something *she* had to do. ~~~ Oh Jaeih, what a mess have au gotten in now? Morgana turned off glowing ISD, t'Jhiin's intelligence report fading from view, then stared out at the stars streaming by. t'Jhiin's agents should have infiltrated the Praetors ship by now, but she did na expect them to succeed. Two of the oafs clearly lacked the collective brain power to find their way out of a paper bag, but would provide a suitable enough distraction to the Praetor. Keep that woman paranoid enough, reactive to all those around her - instead of proactively planning, and even her closest allies would soon regret their decision to ally themselves with a lunatic cruel power hungry woman. A form of mental warfare her Daise'Maenak had recommended. Cause tension among the ranks, and perhaps they would see that Praetor Temarr interest lie na with the betterment of the Empire but with her own agenda. Maybe even join the cause with a mutiny of their own. The Daise'Khre'Riov, however, did na like the fact that things had degraded to this. But it was for the love of the Empire that she started this crusade. And it was for that love that she would be the io to finish it. The hiss of the Enarrain's Chambers door caught Morgana's attention, but she did na turn. Instead she watched the silhouette of her Daise'Maenak fill the doorframe. She sighed softly, "Have the arrangements been made?" The doors hissed shut before Daise'Maenak Maec tr'Ksa answered, "Ie, I received confirmation from Teelis a few moments ago." He moved to stand behind Morgana, staring out the viewport with her and laying a hand on her shoulder. "Menkha." Morgana allowed herself a moment to relax. She sighed heavily, her shoulders relaxing from her normal stiff stance. Ael, Lai, and Miral were safely with the House of Neya. Temarr could never harm them - never find them - as long as they were in Teelis and Chioban's care. The twins were extremely cunning and resourceful and would fiercely protect the Ksa children as if they were their own. Now Morgana could now enter this battle with a clear mind, even if she also carried a heavy heart. "A'rhea, au do na have to do this. Au know that there are others who would gladly take au's place," Maec spoke softly, squeezing his bondmate's shoulder gently. "t'Sahen or tr'Rike will take the lead strike..." "Na," Morgana shook her head slowly, sadly. "Na, I started this. I will finish this." She laughed harshly, "Who knew that io or re mercy killings would snowball into...this," She turned and motioned to her chambers. "Me. Now Daise'Khre'Riov of the Galae about to boldly take on the Praetor's authority. Elements...I can na believe this." She glanced at her bondmate. "That woman will destroy the Empire, sell us to the highest bidder if it means that she can indulge her whims. She must be stopped." "E'lev, I know au love the Empire, but are au sure that this what au want?" "Do au see another path, e'lev?" Morgana stared at his face. "Au can still use the Galae sympathizers to undermined her authority in the Senate. They can and will initiate a political coup with the appropriate amount of pressure." Morgana activated the ISD and pushed it into Maec's hands. "They have been building support but now I fear it's too late. Look at that report," She glanced at the ceiling in anguish. "And now t'Aehjae has received word that the station had blocked communications. K'loth is also na responding. Either she has all ready made the first strike or K'loth has become impatient with our arrangement and acted of his own accord or the kllhe...." she motioned to the ISD. "So we have na choice, we go into battle." "Ie." "After Temarr is defeated and they name au Praetor, what then?" "Then we'll jump that chasms when we come to it." Morgana sighed softly. "Right now, I must deal with Temarr. She is a threat to the integrity of our beloved Empire. My job is to protect that Empire, even if it means challenging the Praetor herself. It's a job that someone has to do. *I* have to do it."
  16. In my maturing mind, I now realize that it is far too dangerous to stew alone in my own dark simmering thoughts. Yet, here I marinate in them as I am forced to remain trussed up infirmed in this stupid bed. There are so many things that need to be done. Repairs to be made. Patients to be cared for. Surgeries to be performed. Problems to be solved. Reports to be completed. Yet I am useless to help. Completely and utterly useless. I’ve been ordered to bed. As most of my staff knows, I don’t ‘rest’ well when there is work to be done. Sitting still in a moment of crisis is na in my nature. Nor is playing damsel in distress in my nature. Bah! This is truly grating on my nerves. I keep mulling over the incident in my mind over and over, grilling myself until I can barely sit still. What I could have done differently to prevent this searing injury to my arm and hand? What other choice did I have than to stand back and watching re of my best medical staff members fry due to faulty equipment failure? I could na do that. Na when I could have prevented it and saved their lives. I see no other way. In spite of that, the selfish side of me stares at my blackened arm and realizes how close I came to losing either my life or career. That same side forces me to steep in ungrateful whiny thoughts of “Why meeeeeeee.” (Darn that inner voice.) That deviled creature has also whipped the remaining medical staff up in lather. When io of them approaches me for treatment, I practically poached the poor souls. Ask Etre tr’Nomlas. He was flambéed for suggesting a pain relieving hypospray in my general vicinity. Thus I prove time and again that maenakenn make the worst patients. I know I should na be so choosey as to who treats my wounds. Any io of them can render the appropriate care. I do na question their skill for I believe I have a far superior maenakenn staff than any other ship in the Empire fleet. I have faith that they can handle anything, especially in this time of crisis. To say I am proud of my staff would be an understatement. However, this is more of an issue of whom I trust to expose my vulnerability to. Which, unfortunately, is na many of this lot. Being able to trust any io is not easy for me. In my past experience, my personal feelings have been minced up into tiny pieces, dredged through the wringer, pickled beyond recognition and then discarded like refuse. As a result my closest friend calls me “Sour Grapes” because of my alienating attitude towards. I am getting better at this, slowly but surely. But I am still sensitive to the fact that, while I am under medication or due to pain from the treatment, I might say or do something that might be misconstrued. To put it bluntly, I am scared. Like I said, I do na play damsel in distress well either. Completely unreasonable thoughts, ie? But what else is io to do when forced lie about, within nothing to do but to watch their dinner congeal into an unappetizing mess?
  17. So that explains why no one was home when I came in at 11:20. It was awefully lonely there. And here I thought everyone was avoiding the annual crew physicals scheduled for tonight. ::shelves her ancient collection of torture...errr...medical devices:: Oh well, next week then.
  18. Wishing au a very happy celebration of au's birth, Laehval. ::nods respectfully before pinning the silly birthday hat to the Consort of Spies' head::
  19. Thank you ::blushes::
  20. Nothing makes me feel old like when I see fad toys that were popular when I was a child suddenly pop back up again: Strawberry Short Cake, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Care Bears and My Little Pony. Of course my favorte was always my Big Wheel - the most un-girly thing I owned. Barbies came in a close second. Etch-a-sketch, shrinky dinks and lots of silly putty. My sister and I would torture each other on the Sit'n'Spin - trying to see who'd get the dizziest and bump into the walls first. Oh and good old Atari games. Did anyone ever mess with the Chinese Jump Rope?
  21. Arrenhe tr'Khev writes: As he accompanied her out of the Maenak Bay, he found himself in that dreaded position: the junior officer's feedback loop. All he could say was "ie, rekkhai." ROFL - You know, I never thought of it that way. "Ie, rekkhai." "Ie, rekkhai." "Ie, rekkhai." A broken record, eh?
  22. Morgana t'Ksa was in a snit. It was quite obvious to the oira crew that the Daise'Maenak was agitated. Who could have possibly missed that glare, that snarling voice or the drumming fingers? Morgana thought she'd probably scared that poor unfortunate science officer half to death with her attitude. And she had no doubt in her mind that the crew were most likely gossiping about her when she'd been ordered into the Enarrain's Chambers. Or taking bets on whether or na N'Dak would survive his encounter with Maenak Evil. Surprisingly N'Dak was na the cause of her aggravation, only the final straw. And he provided a convenient outlet for her aggression. S'Bien's comment about N'Dak's behavioral history alarmed t'Ksa. Whether he meant in jest or was serious, it was na the reputation a commanding officer should have. If she was forced to deal with N'Dak as acting Enarrain, then by Fire, she was going to make sure the verrul did nothing to embarrass the Galae or her beloved Talon. But that was na her biggest concern at the moment. It was the colossal burden she was carrying of the Khre'Riov's confessions that had Morgana fuming. Although at first, Morgana had thought that she could handle it. Now, she wasn't so sure. At least not until she had a chance to process what she had learned. Which was another issue because she had just come to the realization that: A. She could tell na io about what she had heard. (Na that she wanted to, and who would believe her anyway? She'd honor the confidentiality of her patient even if she had na bee asked. But to be sworn to silence.... ) B. If she did tell any io, she would be y'ya. (Wasn't that a pleasant thought hanging over her head?) C. And even the Khre'Riov knew of her private conversations with Galae Medical and made assumptions about her 'relationship' with a Kheinsa. (What had N'Dak done...sold those recordings to the crew? If he did, he was a dead man.) She needed an outlet. A constructive, na a destructive, outlet to deal with these bottled up emotions. And the pastries in the stasis box in her office just weren't going to cut it. Hopefully the rest of the crew would na attempt to cross her until she found what it was she was looking for. The Elements help them if they did.
  23. Hann'yyo... ::grins evily::: Now if only au had offered those plants before I went into the Enarrain's chambers.... Perhaps au are breathing too loud?
  24. The small gray stasis box rested squarely in the middle of the Daise'Maenak's desk. Morgana brushed her fingers across the smooth cold surface towards the lock located on the front panel. She took a deep cleansing breath, then deliberately punched in the numeric code into the keypad. The scanning panel glowed with a pale blue light as Morgana pressed her right thumb into it. Blue light gave way to purple. The locks clicked open one after another in succession. She counted to dev, then slowly and carefully raised the lid of the stasis box, revealing a dull gray sheet of eggshell packing material. Morgana slowly peeled back the packing material and a pale green paper box practically glowed from within the box. With great care, she pulled out the green box and centered it on the desk before removing the stasis box from her view. With great anticipation, Morgana prepared to lift the box's lid to reveal the boxes contents. The lid yielded perfectly, showcasing a beautiful array of pastries nestled within the box. She took her time, selected two delectable delights to place on her platter, the perfect accompaniment to her tea, before reversing the ritual to seal the pastries away to be savored another day. This whole ritual left Morgana with a bittersweet pang feeling of homesickness, both for her hometown of Mhiessan where the pastries came from and for the io who'd been thinking of her when they had sent the package prior to their departure from ch'Rihan. She smiled to herself as she raised io of the pastries in the air. "Here's to the Daise'Erei'Riov's supposed conscience, the Khre'Riov's confessor, the Daise'Dheno's overworked surgeon, the Daise'Engineer's supplier of SRM, the Science Department's supplier of aberrant artifacts and the Oira crew's worse nightmare. The Daise'Maenak." She closed her eyes as the buttered pastry seemed to melt on her tongue and dance on her taste buds. She savored the moment, enjoying the first brief respite the Daise'Maenak had been able to enjoy for the past few days. With great pleasure, the Daise'Maenak sighed and opened her eyes again. "*That* almost made living in my office for the past few weeks worth while," Morgana chuckled, sipping her tea. "Just do na tell au-know-who or they'll never let au live it down, Morgana." Blushing as she gave further thought on the topic she muttered to herself as she settled down to work, "Or let the others hear au carry on so or they'll think au soft and au will never get a moments piece. Soon every io will think they can come down here to 'talk' over tea and pastries." "Still, it was worth the ritual, if just once in moon cycle." the Daise'Maenak smiled to herself. "Just once."
  25. "It’s not a question of who’s going to throw the first stone; it’s a question of who’s going to start building with it." Sloan Wilson Circling the courtyard for the past twenty siuren had brought Aife t'Mercu na divine inspiration in how to entertain herself. She could either spend her time with the gossiping denizens scattered around the courtyard, the whine-fest currently occupying the south corner or the paranoia convention convening in the north corner. None of them were promising prospects. She settled for an open seat on a bench currently occupied by a Rihan woman hiding behind her long brown hair and preoccupied by the ISD in her hand. "This is about as entertaining as watching the Daise'Maenak paint her office. What I wouldn't give for a game of Stones right now." Aife sighed, leaning back on the bench. "Ie, I suppose watching my indecision about the color palette could be a little....dull." The woman tucked the strands of hair back behind her pointed ears. She sighed, closing off the ISD. Open mouth, insert boot. Aife leapt up off the bench stammering as she stared back at the unexpected appearance of Daise'Meanak Morgana t'Ksa. "Lhhei...I'm...I'm...so sorry...I..." "Fhaen, do na apologize." Morgana sat back, running her fingers through her hair to comb out the tangles and smiled tiredly up at her Head Nurse. "Fhaen, sit back down. Elements, au act like I will bite au's head off or something." "Sorry, I..." Aife fidgeted under the glare of the Daise'Maenak after she uttered the word 'sorry' for the second time. She then promptly flopped back down on the bench, trying her best to stare straight ahead and na at t'Ksa. She failed miserably as curiosity won out over common sense and she cast sidewise glances at her department head. She observed Morgana finishing the finger combing of her long brown hair, then carefully twist the hair back and secure it again with her hair clip in the traditional fashion. Aife had always thought that this hair style gave t'Ksa a rather severe look. Today, however, it just made her look more........fragile? This confused Aife and she opened her mouth without thinking........ again. "Lhhei...are au alright?" "Ie, I am fine." Morgana took a moment to sigh, then clasped her hands together. "Perhaps au are right. A good game of Stones would help fight off the boredom. Why don't au see if au can find something to substitute as the 'stones'. I think I have an idea of what to use for target." "You can na be........" she watched the Daise'Maenak stalk off, ".......serious." She sighed. "I guess she is. I wasn't when I suggested it...I was only trying to make conversation with someone who was na in the midst of a panic attack." Aife stood and stared looking around the benches for six coin sized throwing stones. She came up empty handed. Apparently the Daise'Maenak had been more resourceful, returning with re dining trays, re drinking cups and a handful of Yvan beans. "Here, I think these will do." She poured three of the beans into Aife's hand, then proceeded to set up the playing field. She set the io tray down on the ground, centering the drinking cup upon it. She paced out about 20 meters and repeated the process with the second tray. She then proceeded to ask, order or threaten a nearby by Ne'Arrain to officiate the game. "This will give new meaning to playing with our food. But I suppose this will have to do." Aife was amazed at how at ease t'Ksa seemed. She juggled the beans in her hand as she waited patiently. "Lhhei...I didn't mean...." she started to protest. Wanted to tell the Daise'Maenak that she was sorry to interrupt her. That she really hadn't want to play the game, only engage in small talk. That she was rather intimidated by the Daise'Maenak. She glanced up to catch t'Ksa's eye and was giving that patented glare that sent shivers of fear down her spine. "Um....Play to twenty-io, ie? Would au like to go first, lhhei?" "Na, au may have that honor. After all, it was au's idea." t'Ksa grinned. Grinned. The woman actually grinned? Aife was beyond confused this time. Gamely, she tossed her first bean towards the target. It bounced against the cup, but landed within the tray. "Nicely played. Io point to the Head Nurse." Morgana chuckled. The Daise'Maenak took a deep breath, lined herself up with the target and gently lobbed her bean underhanded towards the tray. It bounced off the cup, then the tray before finally landing on the ground next to the tray." "Io point for the Daise'Maenak." The Ne'Arrain announced. Aife opened her mouth to protest. Io only got points for landing in the 'box' (io point) or in the cup (thi points). Na for a near miss. She thought better of it, however, when she thought about who she was playing against. "Ne'Arrain, remind me to have au's eyes checked when we return to the ship. That was na a point in my favor." t'Ksa motioned to Aife to take her turn. Properly chastized, the Ne’Arrain bowed his head to Aife. Aife smiled thinly as she was preoccupied by the recent turn of events. What was the Daise’Maenak up to anyway? Nervously she attempted conversation to ease the awkwardness of the situation – playing a game with Maenak Evil! “Can I ask what au were working on the ISD, lhhei. Au did na seem pleased.” Or rather unwell, Aife added to herself. “My ‘Statement of Right’.” Morgana answered conversationally, sighing in a howy manner. t’Ksa, seemingly unaware of Aife’s discomfort as she continued, “I have to rehash several unhappy memories in the process. But it must be done.” Her bean hit the cup with a clang. “Ah…thi points!” She smiled, as they started to retrieve their beans and prepare to lob beans from the opposite goal line. “Very nicely played, so far.” Aife tried to sound casual, but felt as if her tongue was coated with paste. Social. The Daise’Maenk does na do ‘social’. Na in Aife’s tenure on Talon. She’d heard rumors that t’Ksa was an avid g’Olfer and used to invite medical staff to join her in HIC outings. But that tradition had long since died before Aife’s arrival. So why had t’Ksa agreed to this little friendly game? t’Ksa was na known for “friendly” or “games”. What in the Elements was going on? “Hann’yo.” t’Ksa chuckled. “Although perhaps I should work on my aim. Au are already ahead by re points.” “We could find au a nice rice bowl, lhhei.” Aife teased, lobbing her first bean at the target. Doh! The rice bowl incident! Horrified by her mistake in teasing t’Ksa about a sore topic, she refused to look at the Daise’Maenak. To her confusion, t’Ksa laughed, actually laughed, lobbing her bean and just missing the cup. “Na, I’m better at lobbing bowls at people’s heads.” She laughed again as the bean ricocheted off the cup lip. “Oh Elements.” Aife glanced over to t’Ksa only to be distracted by the crowd they were drawing. A crowd! On Elements, this can na be good. The Daise’Maenak was drawing an audience. Any minute now she expected t’Ksa to…well…she was na sure what she would do…this whole situation was unusual. “Au seem to be in a pleasant mood.” Aife hesitatingly attempted to continue the conversation. “Under the circumstances, I believe we are all doing the best that we can. We’ve been in tougher scrapes, I’m sure we will arise from this io victorious.” t’Ksa walked with Aife to retrieve their ‘stones’. The crowd around them was slowly growing, clearly interested in what the Daise’Maenak and Head Nurse were up to and why in the Elements they were playing a game! t’Ksa’s tone seemed conversational but…a bit louder than Aife would have liked, as if she was trying to speak to those starting to gather around them. And although she sounded confident, upon closer observation Aife thought she detected something else reflected in the Daise’Maenak’s eye. “What could be tougher than this incarceration?” Aife spoke without thinking. She silently cursed herself, biting her lip almost hard enough to draw blood. What was her problem today, speaking without thinking like this? “Oh, I do na know…” t’Ksa pondered this, tapping a bean against her chin. “How having au’s friends declared dead and preparing to autopsy their bodies only to find out that they were trapped in another dimension where au can only see their presence through liquid.” A mysterious smile was upon t’Ksa’s lips now. “And the first time au make this discovery you're holding a jar of urine? To this day, I can na look at a jar of bodily fluids or perform an autopsy without taking certain…….. precautions.” “You’re joking!” Aife blinked, her surprise causing her to lob her ‘stone’ badly. “Na, certainly na. And the cure? It left the former Daise’Dheno permanently bald!” Both t’Ksa and Aife turned their heads when several crewmembers chuckled at t’Ksa’s story. t’Ksa smiled and nodded to them, then turned to the game and lobbed another thi pointer. “Oh and there has been much more.” t’Ksa seemed to be relishing her role as Talonite historian as she began to retell tales of mystery and danger to the audience behind them, all the while keeping pace with Aife’s stone throws. And what interesting stories there were. From an alternate universe, to a planet in environmental turmoil and something about ageless people and decaying paintings. Even Aife was impressed. So much so that after the game had been called (Aife actually won!), she had na wanted it to end. “A re-match, lhhei?” “Na, na, I think I shall sit this io out.” t’Ksa glanced around at the group. “But I see that we have many eager players here. How about a tournament? Double elimination play? The Ne’Arrain and I will officiate. Who would like to play?” She held up her ISD to record the names and begin the tournament brackets. Within a few moments, t’Ksa had organized the establishment of thi new playing ‘fields’ (cups and trays), gather re new officiates and established the tournament brackets. Aife was stymied as to how this had happened? Maenak Evil…social director? But na of the participating officers seemed that alarmed or aware of the turn of events. It was na until the Daise’Maenak took a step back, arms folded, as the games began that Aife understood. So this was what the shrewed Maenak was up to. Distraction. Something to keep the officers assembled busy, focused and from self destructive thoughts. Aife had seen t’Ksa circling the courtyard, talking to officers earlier in the same way. Now the cagey t'Ksa had done it again, trying to get as many of them focused on game and competition more than the worrisome proceedings occurring around them. She caught t’Ksa’s eye and saw it again…that look. Fatigue? Fragility? Fear? By the time she tried to figure out what it was she saw, that haunted look was gone again. It was replaced by an imperceptible nod of….thanks (maybe?) in Aife’s direction before t’Ksa turned once again to the games. The Daise’Maenak then motioned with her ISD, signally the start of her distraction technique for the crew members. “All right, quii, let the games begin.” ((This fictious Rihan game brought to you by the game "Washers" - a devation of the traditional Horseshoes game played in my hometown at backyard BBQ's this time of the year. Probably created by two plumbers drinking beer one day who discovered that they didn't have any horseshoes but they sure had a lot of PVC pipe, scrapwood and washers hanging around - and thus a quirky game was born.))