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Posts posted by mtporter

  1. And what is it with the planetary governments back then? First you have a Queen that gets elected on Naboo and now you have an Alderaan Senator that must become royal later on, so that his daughter can be a Princess.

    I believe I read somewhere that Organa is a prince consort. He is married to the queen, but cause of royal lines and what not he can't be king. Kinda like the Queen Elizabeth thing, Philip will never be king.

  2. I went and saw the movie again today and I noticed something that had bothered me the first time. So padme is pregnant with twins as we all know, but she doesn't look it. She is so small in some costumes she doesn't even look pregnant. Then at the end when she has the kids, they show them and they are mega babies. They look as if they are about 2 months old. I thought that was kinda crazy

  3. One note: I was fine reading this book as a stand alone, but it is part of a series of books. I haven't read # 1-7. I plan on checking out Book #9 "A Time for War, time for Peace".


    I landed up picking up one of them at the bookstore. I think it was "A Time to Love" or maybe "A Time to Hate" either way I red them both. It was a two parter type of story. I like them but for some reason I didn't read the rest. Then the last book came out and I decided to read it. The only problem I had was the fact that I didn't get all of the refrences cause I had missed out on a few of the books. I liked it, but I would read the others books first so you get the entire story.

  4. I would have to go with Tyranus. I just finsihed reading the book for Sith and they really got in his head. I read it and thought, hey that is some really good reasoning, I would join him. And I think the actor is great, he plays Dooku so well. One of those yep he's evil type of feeling but heck you'd still follow him.

  5. 5’2 vs. 7’4

    Desdemona Levy, Medical Officer


    Desdemona sat in the small back lab looking at the equipment she needed to put away. She thought back on the day. She had met a new face in sickbay. Mia was her name. She said she had been there for a wile, but Mona had never seen her before. Well they had only been out of port for a short time, so maybe that’s how she missed her. But that still was no excuse, she thought. When she introduced herself, Mona sensed the girl was uncomfortable and nervous. She didn’t know why, but she intended to get to find out. Then there was Dr. Shoeny. She shook her head and looked at the padd sitting on the table. He wanted to talk to her about the grass she had been looking at. Mid Richardson had had an allergic reaction and after some further investigation, Mona found that it was not a threat in any way. She had made sure everything was secure and would never put the ship in any danger, but Shoeny thought differently. He had started to reprimand her for reasons she felt had no merit. While he was talking she felt there were two options as to how to go about this situation. One- let her sound Betazoid mind prevail by staying calm, listening and then going about her business. Then there was the second option, the one that reminded her of punching her brother as a child. She decided to go with the first. She had listened to him and taken it for what is was worth and then moved on. Now she turned back to the padd she was holding. It had the information about Richardson’s grass. Mona looked over it one more time and then she closing her eyes she took a deep breath. She started to laugh. How her grandmother Min would have loved to see her resolve her issues with violence. Min was like most Betazeds; she felt everything could be solved by peaceful resolution. About 95% of the time Mona agreed, but she felt there were exceptions. Then she started to laugh harder. She got a mental picture of her 5’2 self trying to fight the 7’4 Minervan. She knew it would never happen, but it was kind of a funny thought.

  6. Personal Log – I can’t feel my legs!

    Miranda Porter, Medical Officer


    Miranda felt the hover car pick up speed. She glanced around at everyone who had piled in. It dawned on her she was the only one who didn’t have any telepathic abilities. The odd man, or in the case women, out. She leaned in once more to check on Trichon. Well not really leaned more of maneuvered herself a little closer. She had been sitting rather awkwardly. Facing the back of the craft she was sitting halfway on her seat and halfway between the two front seats. One of her feet she had tucked underneath her and the other had gotten stuck on the restraint harness. Every time she tried to pull her foot out, it would lock keeping her let stretched across the seat limiting her movement. One of her hands was holding onto the headrest and the other was helping to keep her balanced while scanning Trich. She felt her leg start to fall asleep and thought how uncomfortable it would be when she stood up. The tricorder started to spit out readings again. Looking up she saw two water filled eyes that belonged to Merri. She didn’t know her well, but she could tell how worried she was. Miranda stared at the sobbing women for a second. She started to say don’t worry, but stopped. No words at a time like this. “Work” she thought, “do what you are trained for, save him.” She would, she had to.

  7. I'd have to agree with Kestra; I want to meet Patrick Stewart. ;)

    My sister met Patrick Stewart a number of years ago. She was working at a coffee shop and he came in and ordered something got a paper and sat down to read it. From what she said she was cleaning up a table next to him and bumped his table knocking over his coffe onto the paper and his lap. She said he was really nice about it and she "said" she felt bad. She knows I like trek and I think she was playing some kind of sick twisted mind game with me. Either way I still bug her about it from time to time.

  8. I have a mini daschund named mollie (I like my spelling better Kansas ;) ). She is three years old and the original walrus. We call her that because when you sit down and she wants to sit with you, she backs up and gets a running start and really just throws herself at you. At times it is kinda freaky. 12lbs. of fur flying at you can kinda spaz you out and lets just say she has come at my head one to many times. Also her theme song is cry baby by janis joplin. Gosh I love that dog to death but it really makes me mad when she sits at the door and cries cause someone just left. Well thats my dog.

  9. I have never really been into politics, so I was a little confused when I got sucked into Parliment on cspan the other day. I had followed the British elections to a certain extent but nothing major...but parliment. That is my new favorite thing. They are crazy, they debate, yell and trash talk like nothing we have in the US. After the hour that I watched it I decided that I was gonna be more interested in world politics cause if thats how it works in england, who knows what else is out there.

  10. aaahhhhh!!!! ok so don't get me wrong I am mexican, but cinco de mayo....I don't get it. I was talking with my friends the other day and they all made a comment about how it is mexican independence day. Well it's not. It's the celebration of a day when they won a battle against France. It took them a while to figure out that it would be like Brazil celebrating the battle of Yorktown (an american battle). But heck in the end the true nature of the holiday does not really stop me from drinking with my buddy Jose Cuervo.

  11. Desdemona Levy

    Medical officer


    Log-You look like a mess



    Desdemona had made sure all the injured were beamed to sickbay and now it was her turn. She reappeared in the transporter room and hurried off to sickbay to make sure everything was running smoothly. As she was walking down the hall she noticed she was getting some interesting looks and feelings from members of the crew. She came upon the doors to sickbay still a little confused. As she entered a nurse came up to her and handed her a padd. "Most everything was minor, there are only two who still need a lot of work" said the nurse. "Thank you..." she new there was something else but didn't really know what it was. "Is there something else you needed" The young nurse nodded no. Levy walked over to the intensive care area to check on the two men. Most of the injuries had been minor, a phaser burn here a cut and bruise there, nothing she couldn't fix. But these two has need more help than she could offer on the surface. The science officer had been beamed up immediately but she didn't find the marine till it was almost to late. She said a silent prayer as she scanned the man. It would take a some time to see if he would wake up. She thought back to the planet. It has been a bit crazy down there. Then it hit her, she looked down at her uniform and realized why everyone had been looking at her funny. She walked over to a console and looked at herself in the reflection. She was a mess. Her wavy hair had started to curl more and wasn't staying in her hair tie. Then there was her uniform, she was covered in dirt from trying to move injured people, then there was the blood all over the front of her uniform. She looked down at her hands which weren't much cleaner. She silently laughed to herself, obviously it looked worse than it really was. She needed to change but right now wasn't the time, so she decided instead just to wash her hands put on a clean lab coat and try and tame her hair to the best of her abilities. Once she checked on the young marine again she leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. All there was left to do was wait for the men to wake up.

  12. I liked it, nice work. I saw it at my sisters house, when she walked into ask me what I was doing she saw me watching it and stopped and sat down and watched it with me (mind you she dosen't like trek). when it finished she said that was pretty cool and very well put together. With the help of you movie she has come one step closer to being a convert for Trek. ::starts to plot her next move:: So...yeah...thanks for the movie.

  13. What to do

    Dr Desdemona Levy

    Medical Officer


    Levy had spent the last hour gathering medical supplies for the surface. It had been a bit of and ordeal only because they were a little short handed in sickbay. Then she had spent the last fifteen minutes watching the nursing staff hurry around. She knew they had finished all the work the could, and that most of them were looking for something to do. She could sense they were all a little on edge about the mission. It was always interested her how different people react to different situation. She found most people liked to work during times like this. So she got up and asked the nurses to work on a few random tasks that would keep them occupied. They all seemed very relieved to have something to do. After making sure everyone was on task she realized she needed something to do. since she would soon be going to the surface she decided to double check her things. Opening up her med kit she started to look through it. She was very interested to see what would happen on the away team. It would be a chance to show what the crew could do. She had read everyone's file but now she would see them in action, but hopefully not have to patch to many of them up. she was still thinking about it when she got the call to report to TR 1. "well" she thought "here goes nothing"

  14. Hey, the Dodgers are one of the oldest teams in the Majors. They had a long and storied history in Brooklyn before leaving for Los Angeles.

    oh don't get me wrong I love the Dodger. Thats my team Grom, and I will fight anyone who tries to bad mouth them. In fact I punched my sister once because of it.

  15. Nothing wrong with my home state's team, but you have to remember I was born in Southern California so I'm a Laker and Angel fan. (Also a Minnesota Viking fan but thats a long story lol)


    I do go to quite a few D-Back games though so I suppose they are my National League team. Bank One is a great stadium and I even had a chance to sit in the Luxury Box. (Another long story lol B) )

    Angels!!!!!!! You cannot call yourself a so cal fan if you don't like the Dodgers. I know they have not been here for as long as some other teams but they are the best in the west (or so my mom once said)


    Anyway I look forward to baseball season. My familly gets kinda crazy and it is very fun to watch. A few of my favs were when my mom wrote all over my dads car windows bashing the Padres. I also liked when my sister hung a bear wearing a Giants uniform from the stairs. Gosh I love baseball season :P

  16. aspirin, what the heck

    Personal Log

    Desdemona Levy, Medical Officer



    Desdemona sat in sickbay trying to finish some paperwork, when Dr Shoeny got word that LtCdr Robair was on his way down. She and the cmo wondered why he was coming down, but as they say ours is not to question why. She turned back to her work but was not really focused on it. She was a little bit curious as to what was going on with the mission, so far no one had even noticed that sickbay was there. She did not mind all that much, as any doctor would say a slow day means a good day. Once again she tried to turn back to her work but had little success. when Robair walked in she knew she would not be getting it done any time soon. She listened to the conversation between Shoeny and Robair, trying not to look to interested, when she heard Robair say he needed medical supplies and referenced aspirin. She quickly put her hand over her mouth so as not to laugh. She knew better than to do anything foolish in front of a superior officer. "But aspirin" she thought. "Who uses aspirin" Obviously he did not have much medical training. She looked at her computer screen and quickly pulled up all the information on the out of date drug known as aspirin. It had only been used for about 200 years before better medicines were created. But still she thought is was rather odd that he had referenced it. She assumed they would be sending medical supplies with anyone who was going to the surface, but then she thought to herself would anyone really know what to do if medical attention was needed. Would they send a doctor? She didn't know the answer. But if someone from medical was going to go with the away team, they better make sure to bring a lot of aspirin because you never know what's going to happen.

  17. I was born and raised catholic so maybe it is a bit diffrent for me but, he was a very important man. I think the media tries to find things that will get there channel the most coverage. I think that when he died it was a reason to celebrate because he was going to a better place. But what I find interesting is the fact that a few years ago when princess diana and mother theresa died who did the media cover more. Princess diana, she was front page and yet mother theresa was a side spot. Anyway I think the media goes with what sells and that is what a lot of people want to hear. The fact that there are millions of catholics in the world make it a selling story and ...well...you gotta stick with what sells. (I don't mean that in a bad way, but thats how it is)

  18. Well I don't know about anyone else, but I have been glued to my tv. The pope finally passed away. I grew up catholic, but even if you are not you have to admit that he was a great man and a humanitarian. He will be missed by millions of people. On a lighter note, I am very interested to see the conclave that will follow.