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Everything posted by OHNO

  1. Now that one should be good. I would love to see alot of any of the old crew.
  2. Math, Even in Science you have to use some Math. Geography or History
  3. Country. They have the better looking female singers. :P Navy or Marine
  4. Name: Lt. Ohno Full Name: Ohno Russell Race: Bajoran/Cardassian Sex: Male Born: 2348 Hight: 69 in (5'9) Weight: 178 lbs Hair: Near black with light purple high lights Eyes: Brown Offspring: None Distinguishing Features:Looks like a cardassian but with ridges on nose and ear ring in right ear. Birth Place: Bajor Father: Unknown Cardassian Mother: Ohno kim/ Bajoran Id marks: scars on back,wrist and ankles. Wears them like war medals Bio: Was orphaned at the age of 5 when Mother was killed by Cardassians. Raised by the Resistance, he had to learn combat and weapons skill at the early age of 6. Was trained as a pilot of small crafts such as Bajorn impulse fighter,Raider,Scout ship, and Shuttle. Was captured and placed in a Cardassian prison in 2364 at the age of 16 were he was subject to all kinds of torture due to him being a half breed and on Bajor side. Escaped in 2365 and learned to fly the cardassian Shuttles so they could capture them and release there prisoners.In 2369, the Cardassians pulled out of Bajor and he began to run shuttles back and forth from Bajor to DS9.On 2372, he met Lieutenant Commander Worf on the holodeck during a battle sim and ask him to teach him how to use the Klingon weapons and his hand to hand. On 2373 entered Star Fleet. studies included, Hand to hand, Weapons, explosives and shuttle pilot and small craft along with his other studies. Scored top of his class in combat and weapons skill. Was also a fine shuttle pilot. He was the oldest one in his class and there for left out of alot of fun things but was alway ready for a good fight.
  5. Mine is easy. My dad told me that its what Mom said when I was born. :lol:
  6. I was just in a Academy sim and I was getting a PM every 10 sec. or so telling me what to do. I don't mind the help but it took me away from the sim to much that I was falling behind. Is that the way it is alway done? :lol:
  7. It was not the GM and It was not a Cdt. I just needed to know what to do. so thank to you all. :lol:
  8. Thanks :lol:
  9. this one should be easy, can you enter any and all the academies or do you have to just use one, say like on tuesday night only? And can you pick a ship or station befor you finish the academy or do you have to finsh first? :D
  10. :D Thank you.