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Posts posted by Sheng-ji

  1. Just another statistic...In the nearly 500 days that we've had to ability to have a title, I've changed mine 25 times.  At equates to about a change every 20 days. 


    Sheesh, I ususally changed my title atleast once a month...heck, once 4 times in five days!


    Thats the funny thing about averages ain't it?





    Name: Sheng-ji Marish


    Age: 29

    Sex: Male

    POB: Dameon Prime

    Ht: 6'1"

    Wt: 195 lbs

    Rank: Lieutenant, Junior Grade

    Race: Dameon


    Father: Rakki Marish, Colonel, Dameon Defense Force, Deceased


    Mother: Qnea Marish, Secretary to General Nar’Ki Mang, Dameon Defense Force


    Siblings: none

    Scars: none


    Past History:


    The only child of Rakki and Qnea Mairsh. Sheng-ji grew up in the capital of Dameon Prime, Tykoo where his mother and father worked.


    From a young age, Sheng’ji showed little interest in following his father’s footsteps of a Military career; instead of playing soldier, he was always taking his toys apart and reassembling them. While disappointed that his son would not follow in the military tradition of the Marish name, Rakki was supportive, as was Qnea.


    When Sheng-ji entered primary schooling, he scored very high in the mathematics and technical fields. At age 17, Sheng-ji was enrolled in the Dameon Astrophysical Academy, the premier scientific school on Dameon Prime. While at the academy he was an average student in the base curriculum. It was not until he enrolled in the Academy’s Weapons Engineering sequence that he began to shine. At age 23, Sheng-ji graduated from the Academy with the equivalent of a doctorate in weapon system design, engineering and maintenance.


    Shortly after his graduation, at the encouragement of his father, Sheng-ji entered Starfleet Academy. He excelled in the Engineering tract. During his first year, his father was killed during an attack by Dominion forces on Dameon Prime.


    After taking a short sabbatical from the Academy for his fathers Funeral, Sheng-ji returned to Earth to complete his schooling.


    At age 28, Sheng-ji graduated from the Academy 35th in his class. After graduation he was assigned to the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards and subsequently to the construction of the USS Reno, Saber-class, in its final phase as a Weapon Systems Engineer. Following the completion of the USS Reno, Sheng-ji was assigned to the USS Reaent as an Asst. Engineer.



    Recent Career History:


    Sheng-ji Marish served for several months on the USS Reaent as a beta shift worker before being moved up to Alpha shift.


    He was almost immediately thrust into the role of a ‘leader’ when he was forced into the role of Acting Chief Engineer when Chief McLean, along with several other Reaent crew were trapped aboard the USS Stephen Hawking. His tenure as Acting Chief ended when, in an effort to increase sensor sensitivity, allowing the Reaent to detect mines that were surrounding the marooned crew on the Hawking, went awry and nearly resulted in the destruction of the Reaent. Sheng-ji was reprimanded by Commander Aidan Ridire for his role in said near disaster.


    Service Record:

    -Assigned to the USS Reno Construction

    -Assigned to the USS Reaent, Asst. Engineer

    -Promoted to Alpha Shift, USS Reaent

    -Becomes Acting Chief of Engineering

    -Returns to rank of Asst. Engineer

    -Promoted to Lt. (Jg) by Captain Fred Micheals, USS Reaent



    Species Profile:

    (From Starfleet Diplomatic Corps)


    The Dameon are an advanced warrior-oriented canine-like race. The Demeons were first encountered by Starfleet in 2302 by the USS Enterprise-B. They joined the Federation in 2314.


    Appearance is mostly humanoid with a few exceptions: Dameon’s have doglike ears located on top of their heads, fangs and claws. In addition, as a rule Dameon body hair is sparse, if not undetectable, in contrast to the hair on the head which is silver and kept long in both males and females. The also have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, but have slightly decreased sight. They also have a slightly longer life spans (140 years on Average) compared to Terrans.


    The Dameon once controlled a fairly large empire rivaling many of the modern Alpha Quadrant powers. A prolonged war with the Gorn Empire from 2176 to 2190, and a ensuing collapse of the Dameon monarchy led to the considerable decline of the Dameon Empire.


    A second war with the Gorn, 2218-2224, further weakened the Dameon Empire. The Second Gorn War reduced the number of colonies in what was now called the Dameon Republic from 18 before the war to 9. A disastrous plague and an economic collapse during the 2250’s reduced that number to 5. During the expansion of the Gorn Empire in 2260’s the once mighty Dameon forces were overwhelmed and the Dameon’s were forced back to there home system.


    Following a brokered peace agreement with the Gorn in 2271, the Dameon entered into a rebuilding period completed in 2295, seven years before first contact with the Federation. Subsequently, the Dameon joined the Federation as a full member.


    Ensign Sheng-ji Marish

    AENG USS Reaent

    Stardate 0406.10


    >Begin Log<


    Sheng-ji ran his claws through his hair, stopping to scratch behind his ears. He walked to the replicator. “Coffee, black. Hot.”


    Main Engineering was quite on his first day on Alpha shift, and for that he was happy. He had been on Beta shift for a few weeks and now he was proudly on Alpha shift—or should he say Deserted shift?


    The replicator shimmered and a silver metallic cup materialized with steaming hot liquid in it. He took it in his hands and walked back to the main consol. As far as he could tell he was in command at the moment—a scary but rewarding thought none the less.


    He took a sip of his coffee. It wasn’t that he liked the taste of the human drink—it was the smell he liked. The warm nutty aroma of the coffee beans filled his senses. A cup of coffee was something he had enjoyed every morning sense discovering the drink at the Academy.


    It was lonely in engineering, only a few crewman were present, and they had kept their distance. The hum of the warp core was keeping him company though. Many times during Beta shift he had sat quietly working, just listening to the awesome power harnessed within the warp core.


    He sat the cup down and picked up a PADD and started looking over today’s maintenance reports and schedules. A fairly routine day. One of the back up ODN conduits needed replaced on Deck 8. He figured he could do that. He sat the PADD down and started to grab an engineering kit, when Security and Medical Alarms began sounding.


    So much for a quite day. He figured he’d better stay in Engineering—after all he was in charge—for now.


    >End Log<