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Everything posted by Atragon9

  1. There are lots of parasite programs that jam themselves in your computer's cookies and favorites (and registry) that will start giving all sorts of pop-ups. Let me state again that stsf.net is not engaged in any advertising, pop-up ads, banner ads or other money-making schemes. I should know, I'm the one who paid for the site. Please check your computer for these parasites, it will make everything run smoother. I recommend spybot and ad-aware, both of them are free programs. Good luck.
  2. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #269, STARDATE 50308.04 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology. These bits of Starfleet tech are being sold by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. Having followed two Romulan Warbirds, while cloaked, we have been led into a trap and are now surrounded by six Warbirds that can see through our cloak. They have disabled our engines and fused our shuttlebay doors closed. We have been told that they will be boarding us soon. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #269, STARDATE 50308.04 =/\=
  3. Yes, the announcement on the STSF main page was changed 45 minutes prior to the start of the sim to include a link to the STSF backup chat room. The Red Star Nightclub did take place in that temporary locale last night, while the permanent place got new carpeting and a fresh paint job. We had a respectable 10-14 people in there (not that the people were respectable, of course, but just that... oh, never mind)
  4. All requested changes made.
  5. Sunday, August 18, 2002, 11:00 PM The first STSF Academy Monday, August 19, 2002, 11:00 PM The first STSF Advanced Simulation - the USS Manticore
  6. Well, I guess you're special, Vex, since no one else gets them and the website is not linked to any advertising or pop-up system. Sorry.
  7. Oh great, now you're even questioning our ability to be a TUG!!! ::grabs at the knot of his necktie:: Don't get no respect! Yes, we actually spent some time where our cover story became real and we towed two different vessels back to Starbase ("Gee, no, they had those phaser burns when we found them, Chief")
  8. I will not dignify these barbs with my direct comment, I will just arm the Planet Killer device and set it for some smaller targets.
  9. Okay, all title requests should be complete now. Let me know if I missed anyone.
  10. Grrrrrrrr
  11. Jami was never the GM for the Lounge. It was Losira, then Lightning. The lounge may be returning in the fall, by the way, but the Red Star is just another fun non-structured place to hang out.
  12. There is more than one end??? On Manticore?? Oh yes!
  13. ::scans up the responses:: Yup, what they said. It's not tagged to STSF, that's for sure. I know that if I check AOL mail via their webmail interface and then go to another website, I get to the new site with a popup telling me all about how many free hours I'll get with the latest version of AOL. Oy!
  14. Ahh, but Manticore has THE Garnoopy! Besides, we all get these great tattoos, ::slides sleeve up to show her some ink stating, "The Ends Justify The Means." :: And as an added bonus, if you join now, you get to be on a ship stuck deep in Romulan territory, surrounded by four Warbirds and about to be Boarded!!! (Did I mention they knocked out our engines and fused our shuttle bays shut?)
  15. Don't forget your towel and your Hitchhiker's Guide! (and avoid any Vogon poetry readings)
  16. Actually, the movie with Emperor Londo is not the Pilot episode, that one is a separate film (they made 2-3 of those)
  17. So how did the write the series, was it similar to makeing a long movie and then creating it into series (kinda like the Sci-fi's mini-series :Taken). Or could writers only add on if the kept to the story line... Basically when B5 was written, which came first, the chicken (the story then looking at character development) or the egg (building the story as it went)? Yeah, defintely the chicken. There is one driving creative force behind B5, J. Michael Strazsinski (I'm sure I spelled his last name wrong). He had the over-reaching arc of the BIG story in his head before it ever started (just look back at the pilot episode after you finish the series and you'll be shocked at the number of hints dropped in there). He wrote many of the shows that ran for the 5 years and was a very hands-on producer for the rest.
  18. Yes, Bat'ok has the right idea. You might want to see what sims fit into your Real Life schedule best and drop in and watch a night or two. Talk to the CO and XO about the plots and the "style" of the ship/station. You will get a notice from Personnel letting you know what posts are available on what sims. As far as transferring between depts, that's up to each sim's Command staff and definitely a question worth asking if, let's say, you want an Eng post, but they only had Sci openeings when you join. Most, if not all, Captains will let you transfer between departments if that's what would make you happy. Good luck and WELCOME!
  19. Please join me in welcoming the latest addition to our sim schedule. Starting this Saturday, August 2, 2003, the Red Star Nightclub will open it's doors in the Holodeck at 11:00 PM ET. STSF Jorlis will be your host and maitre d' - feel free to stop by and hang out, In Character, to eat, drink and chitchat with others. (The Lounge, normally scheduled for 10:00 ET in the Holodeck is on hiatus until the fall when it will return and provide STSF with a second locale for relaxed, unstructured simming)
  20. Oh nooooooo, A9 goes a little crazy(er?) Ship surrounded by Romulans, engines knocked out, shuttle bays fused shut, ship about to be boarded and everyone afraid of what Roget will do when she finds out!!!
  21. I would love to show you my Second Favorite Thing in the Universe!
  22. Well, you would get more out of it if you watch most of the episodes, but each one does stand on their own.
  23. Oh crap. LOL! Okay, I know about two of them, then. How are the others? Worth buying the DVD sets? And WHEN is Voyager coming out on DVD?? Well, you might want to rent it first (hmmm, wondering if they have separate discs for rent?) It's a great story and some cool F/X but the acting can be a bit... stiff. Maybe call it an Acquired Taste. I think it's great stuff, but then again I like Max Von Sydow as Ming the Merciless in the "Flash Gordon" movie, eh? Yeah, yeah, I know...
  24. ... look what they do!! Random thoughts from the Admiral as the planet implodes and the Manticore warp-jumps away: {I can't believe that the ship was Here!?? I hunted down Melville and Manticore found him, as well, but they probably don't know that he's out here. I knew that they'd have to drop shields to let me dock, but there was so much going on at this planet, that the Warbirds couldn't have been looking out into "empty" space all the time - okay - I was taking a risk with this, but I had to get back onboard. Good thing, too, with what they did down there! It must have been a stationary phasing cloak that wasn't taking planetary rotation into the equation. I guess the enemy can be stupid as often as the good guys.} {Of course, he wasn't on the planet - which goes to show how smart he still is. I almost had it pinpointed to which Warbird before it all started to fall apart out here. He couldn't have been on the one that didn't escape the shockwave, could he? That would be too good to be true - and not like him at all. No, he must be on one of the other two and we have to shadow them now, figure out which ship is the "Special" one - his own damn flagship.} {Of course, can we face him one-on-one, or even worse one-on-two? I don't know if I want to openly reveal the Manticore to him, he so twisted now, I shudder to think what he'd sacrifice to get the ship - me - Megan!? Well, he doesn't know Margaux is Megan, and he shouldn't, not until he's at his last breath. I wonder if it's time to bring in the Babylon. Time to do our own "mop up" of this whole mess, but this time we will be one of the cleaners. Yes, first we get him located, them we get a message off to the CG, time for the cavalry to form.}
  25. Wow, I didnt know there was a Starfleet Lounge. STSF do anything in that room? Yes, that's the room that's been there the longest and which we stay out of (with our scheduled events, anyway). This way, if anyone comes into the other rooms and complains that we're not letting them talk, we just direct them to the Lounge, where all they do is talk about whatever, whenever.