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Everything posted by Atragon9

  1. The Ollie lands on a distant planet and gets vacuumed up!
  2. WHOA the ship actually LANDS? awww, too bad i could not be there. Okay, okay - so the ship didn't land but the entire crew beamed down and then there was this tornado, see....
  3. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #268, STARDATE 50307.28 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology. These bits of Starfleet tech are being sold by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. Atragon-9 has returned to the ship, following his hunt, in the Pegasus, to find Melville himself. The ship has just witnessed a small planetoid's self-destruction, due to what seems to be a badly controlled phasing cloak. Manticore escaped the planet's destruction along with two of the three Romulan warbirds that were in orbit. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #268, STARDATE 50307.28 =/\=
  4. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #273, STARDATE 50309.01 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology, sold to them by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. The ship has been captured, the engines disabled and shuttlebay doors fused shut. The Romulans have taken the crew captive except for a dozen people, hidden under personal cloaking devices. This rescue squad is working on recapturing the Manticore engine room and repairing the engines for a fast getaway, but they still need to rescue the entire crew from containment field "jails" on the Romulan flagship that is docked with Manticore. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #273, STARDATE 50309.01 =/\=
  5. Actually, HD's eagle eye is correct. We have had very little use for the Events Board, so it's gone now and all those Events that werein there have been moved to From The GMs. Thanks
  6. If someone wants to create/run a sim in the startrek.com chat rooms when we don't have a scheduled sim, that is entirely up to them. However, we would not promote or sponsor it, unless it was an official STSF sim. That would mean that it is run by STSF GMs and is operating under the same rules and structures as all other sims in STSF. Thanks.
  7. The Olie goes boom!
  8. The USS Olie has been outfitted with a new experimental transwarp drive. We are to conduct field tests on the drive to determine its suitability for the regular fleet. and we didn't explode (but it was touch and go there for awhile)
  9. Northern Virginia (DC suburb), but I'll be travelling to Terre Haute, IN for the Labor Day weekend.
  10. Paramount is still having troubles with their servers and they are continuing to battle with them. Tonight, it took me 15 minutes to get into the Holodeck and 10 of it, I couldn't even get http://www.startrek.com to open for me. All I can suggest is to keep banging against it and start 5-10 minutes early. Once I have a better update, I'll pass the word along. Thank you.
  11. The Saturday Red Star Nightclub on August 30th, the Sunday Academies on August 31st and the Monday Academy on September 1st are cancelled due to the Labor Day holiday weekend. The advanced sims on Monday, September 1st (Manticore and Republic) may still run as scheduled; the GMs for those sims will contact their crews directly.
  12. Well, with a forum merger, you would lose the special sense of community that you have with STSF as we would be attempting to merge two different groups that would prefer to keep their individuality. What is more likely (although no time very soon) would be to get someone from Europe or the Orient up to speed in STSF and get a GM there. Then again, we'd need two GMs and the interest from those parts of the world by enough folks to make up a crew. Definitely possible - but definitely not going to happen in the next few months. Sorry.
  13. Okay, they should all be up to date now.
  14. Hmmm... Started in college as a Biology major and got weeded right out of that by all the cut-throat Pre-Med students (at least they were at my school). I ended up with a Radio & TV major with a special focus on Film. I made my own films for awhile (nothing fancy - Sound Super-8 and then Video), then was a Party DJ, and a TV cameraman for a Public TV station. So, from there it was, of course, a logical step to become a Paralegal and then an I.S. Manager (say What!?) I am currently the Technology Services Manager for a large lawfirm - freaky, huh?
  15. Book three of J.R.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Ring series (and soon to be movie three of Peter Jackson's cinematic versions). 1. Fellowship of the Ring 2. The Two Towers 3. The Return of the King
  16. Uhmmm, that would be a Federal law, I believe, no?
  17. Also in that top bar is a link called "Help," which will give you some great pointers on getting up and running with the STSF Academy system. Welcome and Good Luck!
  18. ]I just came across this satellite picture of the US during the blackout, it looks like something took a huge bite out of the Northeast that night - creepy!
  19. ::Waking up in his "cell," he realizes the last memory he has is of the Romulan Commander coming at him with the whip handle:: {That would explain the splitting headache and the dried blood on my forehead, eh? Well, this has not gone as planned....} ::The thought makes him chuckle, which makes his head scream out in renewed pain and he has to cradle his head in his left arm, his right one still broken and unmended from when he was first took captive:: {Then again, how could this really have gone smoothly, really. I get my secret orders to find and destroy the stolen Special Ops technology; I share them only with Sovak and make to disappear in the Pegasus on a "hunt" for Melville. Right away, things start going wrong. Margaux reveals herself to be Megan, MEGAN!!!!} ::Again, he has to slow his breathing and close his eyes to keep the pain from overwhelming him:: {How can Megan be alive? How can Megan be on my ship!!!? How can I have not seen some telltale sign that it was her, after all the time I knew her, all the time I studied, memorized, everything about her?? Frak, that just completely screwed up my head, made me doubt myself, and my mission. If I had only listened to my heart then, this would be happening now!} {So, I spend my time shadowing the Manticore, working with Sovak to feed the ship the "signal" that is supposed to be Melville's mind in a new sleeve. All the while, just hunting down the Warbird squadron that contained all the new tech we had to capture or destroy. Thankfully, it wasn't spread throughout the Romulan Empire, but 6 warbirds!!? I'm not sure what the Consul General did to make them come look for Manticore all at once, but it worked - all too well. As they closed in, I returned, ready to play my crazy CO part again. We had to destroy these warbirds and all at once. I had to have command of the crew, but still play the "Ahab" role, just in case. All to keep suspicion from the crew and to protect them, if we were to fall into enemy hands. All they had to do was tell the same story, over and over - Atragon went nuts, hunting down an undead guy, even chasing him into Romulan territory.} {Well, it all went to hell too quickly. There I was trying to keep Megan's image from my mind yet not shun Margaux - for her sake, for Jami's sake, for everyone's - I had to stay focused on succeeding and not getting the crew harmed. I don't know, maybe I was sloppy in it all. I know we were traced through our cloak, but our intell told us it was only installed on the one ship. I was sure that we could slip by the others and destroy them from deeper inside the Neutral Zone - they'd never expect that. I was wrong. And now the ship is captured, the crew is captured and being TORTURED!!! For what - for computer control. ::starts to shake his head, but remembers quickly how painful that is and stops:: I'm not sure how, but my amazing crew locked out the computer controls and the Romulans are stumped.} {So where are we now? All being whipped and shocked to death - I can't STAND IT. I know that every one of them signed up for the most dangerous ship in the fleet and couldn't even tell their loved ones. They are here because they believe in our cause, what we are really fighting for. I have been their advocate, their focus, the one person who always knew that he could keep them safe, keep them protected as long as the mission was righteous and their dedication didn't waver. I couldn't be more proud of this crew if I was each person's father - Guardian. Maybe that's it, I have let them down, I cannot guard for them. THEY ARE BEING TORTURED!!! and for nothing, we haven't destroyed their ships and technology, we have given them ours!!!} {I know the crew still thinks I've gone crazy and I have to keep that up for as long as I can. This hatred of me can give them strength to fight, fight whoever and however long they have to. Just to survive. My new goal is to get them out of here, safe, SOON, get the ship away and get the crew from harm's way! I'm pretty much finished here. The Romulans keep attacking me on all fronts and are just battling a war of attrition until my body and soul give out. From beatings to being witness to others' tortures, I'm ready to snap} {What have I done? What have I done!!?}
  20. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #272, STARDATE 50308.25 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology, sold to them by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. The ship has been led into a trap and is now surrounded by six Warbirds that can see through our cloak. The Manticore's engines have been disabled and shuttlebay doors fused shut. The Romulans have taken the crew captive except for a dozen people, hidden under personal cloaking devices. The fate of the crew rests with this rescue squad. Meanwhile, key members of the crew are being tortured by the Romulans, but the ship's computers still seem beyond the Romulans' grasp. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #272, STARDATE 50308.25 =/\=
  21. Yup, when you first go to the Boards, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the link on the right side called "Mark All Topics As Being Old." Good luck!
  22. ::narrows his eyes and does his best "Marge Simpson" voice:: Hmmmmm
  23. Done and done.
  24. Well, I didn't vote, because my choice isn't there... Since A9 is SO old (sigh), both of my Sim Parents are deceased, but I didn't kill them off, they just died of natural causes.
  25. Well, then he/she can ask for it again, since it must not have been recent. Thanks.