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Everything posted by JesusTrekkie

  1. Here's the thread that talks about how to get one, boys... Sims 2 Avatars
  2. Aw man... I forgot to list them and the Styx...
  3. So other people have heard of her before... wow... okay, moving on... As the original question was "favorite types of music" I'll kind of go with that... and list what I've been hearing a lot of lately... Classic Rock The Beetles, The Ramones, The Who, Rolling Stones, The Byrds, Strawberry Alarm Clock... Christian Rock Emery, Fleming and John, Demon Hunter, Calibretto 13, mewithoutyou, Skillet, underoath, Spoken, showbread, Relient K, Superchic[k], Joy Electric, TobyMac, KJ 52, O. C. Supertones, project 86, twothirtyeight, Rock and Roll Worship Circus, Starflyer 59... Other stuff I've listened to and liked were jpop stuff (Naruto, Digimon, and Inuyasha themes being some of the best there...), some stuff that my coworkers play all the time (White Stripes, Weezer, Eric Clapton...), and pretty much anything Classical I hear I like (although John Williams, Antonin Dvorak, Carl Orff, and Mozart I listen to often just for fun...) And my first cd I bought was a Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Greatest Hits cd, it was pink with a swan on it I believe, and I loved it and how his first name is spelled, and then my youngest sister stepped on it and it died.
  4. Classic Three Stooges... Scoop some taters then dip in peas... all with the knifey...
  5. Hmm I like the word stoopad... Man, I've so got to get some sleep now... or soon... :P
  6. I like Ogden Nash, Emily Dickinson, and of course Shel Silverstein...
  7. There's no "I like Larry Boy better" option. Forget you! (just kidding ;) )
  8. I liked A-wings after playing Star Wars: X-wing... they were faster I thought, and I liked the fact that bumping the wrong button didn't lead to a s-foil noise that distracted and/or got me killed... As for Star Trek vs. Star Wars... they are two entirely different things. One can not compare them in my opinion. It would be like trying to compare Happy Days to Friends... similar settings, but different in sooo many different ways. And now I'm done blithering and am going to go to bed. ;)
  9. Woo… tis been more than a year since I simmed for the first time, and today it has been one year since I graduated from the academy… ah the academy... such happy memories… Oh yes, to the point of this post… I’ve been wondering where those people I simmed with ever went. Okay, yes, some of them I know where they went, but others I don’t. If you were in my class (::waves Dac/A9 flag:: ) give a holler (wow, that sounds dippy…) and tell us what’s been up since last summer. Below, find the names of those people I was referring about when I said “If you were in my class” (sincere apologies if you were not a cadet and are listed below :P): A1088; EJ Pilot; Arian McNight; Darkspace; Smooth23; Yankeedog; Powreal; d-day; volchdusema; Aaron Westler; Farein; Cdt Iukekini; Cadet Dupont; Cdt Dyson; Cdt. Ryan James; MC Escher; althor; BookBomB; Valar... (Oh, and if you remember simming with me when I was a cadet and are not mentioned here, oh well) (Okay, go ahead and post something, even if you weren’t a cadet at the time) And now for your example in the form of *my* dealy-bob: When I graduated I started at the Excalibur and have worked up to my current position of Chief Medical Officer (haven’t even lost anyone’s legs yet…); I was part of the Challenger’s maiden voyage crew but had to quit because of time and sleep constraints; and I’m also currently simming under a secret alter-ego... ::shifty eyes:: somewhere… In the non fantasy life sector, I'm graduating from high school this week and will be attending the local college this fall. I have about two months of vacation, in which I hope to sim more than swim ;). Nothing big has happened other than finally getting my license to k-… drive… and my purchasing a car (some of you know Betty the Lumina)… That’s pretty much it. For nostalgia, the links below are to two of the simlogs :)… 06/10/04 06/16/04
  10. Hey Pyro, great job for your first time! Sorry I had to leave ubruptly (babysitting job, parents got home, eh). but I heard you all had a lovely death (muwahahahaha). See you around! ;)
  11. Yes, but I would be very careful how often I fed it... tis what one must do to keep a tribble from become lots of tribbles ;)...
  12. I grew up on TNG ;), after that I'd say everything else is pretty equal in how I feel about them...
  13. I don't have cable, and my only choice for sci fi is to watch ENT reruns or watch random episodes of SG-1 on Sunday evenings... ;)
  14. Hey, I'd pick him first too :D ... (Sorry Tovan. . . .) My choice would probably be Dr. McCoy or Dr. Bashir... what can I say, the doctors have always been my favorite in the shows, and those two guys were both very dishy... That, and putting me in a jungle with "Carnivorous vegetation" is going to require medical attention very quickly... ;)
  15. It's Shaak Ti with two a's... and yes, she is awesome ^_^
  16. Huzzah... went on vacation and thought up some shirt ideas! Please, don't hate me because I am lame... --- Front Reality is overrated. Back stsf.net --- Front I wanted to play a half-Ferengi, half-Cardassian, half-Vulcan character, but my GM said "No." Back stsf.net --- Another idea would be to have the stsf.net on the front and a top ten signs you're addicted to simming on the back, but I can't find the top ten list I know I've seen here on stsf.net before that I really really liked... sigh. Alright, now you can all begin making fun of the *two* ideas I finally came up with while sitting at a very dirty pic nic table in the middle of nowhere looking at a rather large lake.
  17. Breakfast... indeed yes. Without breakfast... well lets say even a Vulcan Sith would be no match for my evility... this has probably been asked before, but I'm curious... Digital or 35mm?
  18. http://www.towelday.kojv.net/2005-worldwide.html I'm 39th (AHHH sooo close to 42nd... yet so far away...) from the top... took my towel out of my pocket and threw it round my shoulders for that one... and yes, the Dentist Office automatically assumed that I had a toothbrush, so they happily lent me one... ;)
  19. Blue lightsaber or Green lightsaber?
  20. ::switches into film critic mode:: The special effects for the most part were quite impressive for amateurs, and I especially enjoyed the planet landings and takeoffs… very nice. The acting left something to be desired: Taryn (Gina Hernandez), seem to jerk her lines out painfully; Zhanna (Karen Hammang) had a nice face for the evil chick, but her lackey delivered his lines better; Raux (Holland Gedney) was cute, I would have liked to have seen more of her; Cade (Shane Felux) was just as painful a character to listen to as Tayrn, but in the end Declan (Frank Hernandez) provided enough support to make the film something I could sit through. The storyline was interesting, one that I enjoyed for some reason because of the girl jedi... heh. 45 minutes was not enough time to develop the story though, so it feels like everything is moving really really fast. So would I suggest you watch Revelations? Yes, if only for the special effects (and the chance to see Cade in a storm trooper get up… twas funny). Watching this film has made me want to actually go and watch some other fan made films. ::switches out of film critic mode and walks on::
  21. ;) I liked it... May the farm be with you... always...
  22. Padme Amidala 72% Yoda 69% Chewbacca 67% Anakin Skywalker 64% Clone Trooper 53% C-3PO 47% Darth Vader 47% Obi Wan Kenobi 42% General Grievous 42% Mace Windu 42% R2-D2 39% Emperor Palpatine 19%
  23. Meh I guess I'll go vote for Darth Revan, in honor of the fact that my best friend went around for a year or so telling people that in fact *he* was Darth Revan... Edit: I just remembered I already did.
  24. I need this book...
  25. Welcome! ;)