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Saek tr'Vosh

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Everything posted by Saek tr'Vosh

  1. That is like...totally....you know? ;) Most Excellent ::thinking back to a Vulcan doing Ted Theodore Logan on Dacs nekkid planet:: <_<
  2. Au know..Blu brings up a point...what if things take a nasty turn? Au should have a contingency plan...::thinking:: How about using a geographic location to aus advantage...say...a ferris wheel. Stop the thing at the top...bribe the operator with a dollar or two. She says ie..au give the signal to allow the ride to continue and she can get off on the ground...happily engaged, though having to share aus cracker jacks...she says na...au throw her from the ride and eat all the cracker jacks ausself ...sharing with na io. <_< ::nudges Dak:: That evil enuf? ;)
  3. ::wonders if it was anything like NEMO:: <_<
  4. You did fine..as I said...practice will only help to improve your response times as well as your graduation time... lol
  5. Consider yourself lucky...I dont even HAVE a UPN affiliate. I have to wait til 11pm and watch Enterprise on the FOX affiliate. Plus..after 11p the signal typically gets sporatic...last week the signak went out in the middle of the show..Im sure that didnt help ratings either.
  6. ::writing Tovan a ticket:: Sir...Im charging you with WUI...slow to 1/4 impulse and prepare to be boarded...
  7. I loved the show. I liked how they tied Janice and Gunthers stories up... The best part was the end with all the keys on the table..... for a door that was NEVER locked :)
  8. Good point. The Academy Afterhours is actually before hours...5pm EST. This time was chosen to offer an alternative to later simming...but not replace the evening academies (as they are REQUIRED) for graduation. This is the only organized (and I use the term loosely :) ) non-sanctioned sim that I am aware of. I will add something to my post in the academy regarding sim times to help prevent this...especially if it is interferring with MY advanced sim... :angry: PS. I spoke with the individual and explained when times were available as well as the risks taken in interupting the "BLU" one :angry:
  9. :)
  10. We don't have a UPN affiliate where I live. So, I have to stay up and watch Enterprise after regular FOX programming ends::at 11pm they switch to UPN. The signal died last night half way through Enterprise...AAAAAARRRGGGG. Can you guys tell me what happened after Lorian was put in the Brig. How did they resolve the timeline? Did T'Pol give herself a hug and explode? I NEED TO KNOW!! :)
  11. HA HA..very funny, fish boy :)
  12. Wow..Precip..Congratulations. Isee I followed in your footsteps like many others being graduated by BLu...Perhaps, I may be fortunate enough to follow in your GM footsteps as well. I know you will make a fine addition to the GM staff. Congratulations, again.
  13. Did au say na-good Rihannsu?
  14. ::missing his Armada game:: sigh I have Armada II, but although certain things were better..I still liked the original best....(
  15. hey

    That is what he said...au must have misunderstood him.... Perhaps in the future, au should na put down other species::sharpening Kaleh:: ;) Besides, we have strong intelligence that everything on your vessel has to do with desserts...Donuts, E'clairs, Bon-Bons, Rocks......DO AU DENY THIS??? :angry:
  16. My apologies Tovan...I was unable to find the Vulcan in time...Perhaps he will edit the original post to incude you, eh :angry:
  17. Thank you for proving my point... :)
  18. Van Roy...thats NOT what I said and you know it :D I'm in television so I know all about editing and taking partial quotes..With th e right equipment and enough time I could come up with video of Kerry saying what a great guy Bush is :)
  19. Thanks Randy..and nice screen shot :) Can I get a hug?? :(
  20. Couldnt agree more, A9...I actuall ytold someone that was sorta advertising that it was bad form. And I didnt mean you guys were censoring..just that I really had no right to determine good or bad..if that makes sense :)
  21. Now thats just weird..... Word for word.....::looks hard at Vex:: Honey? :)
  22. Id like to see an A-TEAM reunion....they could all be Klingons....THat way Barclay could participate...... I pitty the fool thats touches my Gok..... :)
  23. PLEASE!! ::best dumb look possible:: I..am a Star..Fleet..Officer........ In case you were wondering..the episode could be "Point Breaking Thrusters"
  24. ::collecting all the cents thrown in:: hehehe....Hey..ive got 3 kids :) This is an excellent point. I have missed only a few academies in my time here. However, my wife and I have had recent discussions about the time I have been spending online. Not in porn rooms, Dak :P ..but here in STSF. I would love to be a GM when I am eligible. As was stated, it just takes commitment and dedication. This is an awesome forum...in my humble opinion...there may be many like it, but this is where I call home(online.) I have made many new friends and possibly some enemies(with a DS9 remark or two) :D Now noone wants to listen to the newguy (or the oldguys for that matter) complain about how things arent done. However, there should be an effective, accessible feedback resolution method..::points to the Employee Suggestion Box:: This box has to be used for it to be effective, though...by both sides. My point being...we all have to work together to continue to keep interest in this forum. If summer is important for recruitment, then may I suggest we get on the same page and ensure that new cadets dont see a lot of internal bickering. OK..I heard you..."what is this new guy trying to prove...coming in here acting like he has a clue?" You are right...I am new, but Im not going anywhere either :D So I will be the newguy...until Im not, I guess. I think the GM's are doing a fine job. Especially, when you consider the old saying, you get what you pay for :P No Tovan...Im not sucking up..Im nowhere near GM eligibility. :( Its kinda like the military...things are done a certain way for the benefit of all. Again, suggestions should always be taken...and perhaps an active thread would help others feel...validated...for lack of a better term. I dont claim to have all the answers. This could be nothing more than "growing pains." As far as the not-knowing-ness, you dont have to fully understand and participate in the operation of a car, to take a nice trip :) That being said, I invite any new members reading this thread, to come to the academies and take a nice trip with the GM's and the rest of us. :D ::wonders if he should warn the cadets about GO BOOM actions:: Naaaaaaaa
  25. Hmmm..how 'bout....SUSHI :D ::thinks back:: I was CMO....good thing noone got hurt... ::goes back to playing rock, laser scalpel, PADD:: :( Oh yeah..Congrats, Ensign! Nice log..keep it up. :)