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Saek tr'Vosh

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Posts posted by Saek tr'Vosh

  1. The fight started abruptly as Vosh planted his heel in the chest of the nearest Kll'inghannsu..sending the smelly beast flying backwards. The second warrior swung a meaty fist at Voshes head. Vosh easily stepped back, avoiding the blow...and as the warriors momentum carried him forward, Vosh paid him for his kindness with a Kaleh buried in the back of his skull.


    Vosh grinned an evil grin. Nothing brought greater pleasure than killing Kl'linghannsu...even holographic io's. He glanced over at t'Vixen. For all her blustering, she had na fought very hard. She was already down. A fact that did na go unnoticed by the others around him. He paid for the distraction as io of the warriors brought a boot to the side of his head. Colors flashed before his crossed eyes as he went sprawling. Before Vosh hit the floor another warrior was rushing at him. Out of pure reflex, Vosh put his boot in the oncoming warriors chest, sending him bounding over head and crashing upside down into the rearwall. Vosh rolled over and rose to io knee. He was about to stand and continue the fight when someone slammed a Kaleh through his right calf. The smell of blood must have frenzied them because before he knew it, they were swarming him and consciousness as well as the fight was lost.


    When he came to, he and Vixen were tied to a spit being carried along. Without warning, the group vanished...sending Vosh and Vixen crashing to the ground. As if part of some sadistic program, some humanoid alien appeared in the midst of some tropical paradise..implying that Vosh would...mate, and remain with Vixen. This thought drove Vosh over the edge. He had remained relatively stable throughout the past few days. But now, all semblance of control vanished with the Kll'inhannsu. He tackled the humanoid and began to throttle the life out of him. As if somehow connected to the humanoid, the program ended..leaving a battered Vixen and bleeding Vosh...alone.


    After a brief arguement, Vixen collapsed, convincing Vosh of her weakness. He slung her limp body over his shoulder, and limped off or Maenek. He had been Daise Dheno less than twenty minutes and someio had already tried to yy'a him. He would na rest until he found out who...and why.

  2. Fred beat me to the punch on the Mustangs...


    Awesome finale..especially when he armed the explosive and stepped behind the column ;) I LOVED IT!


    Dont know about the blue "Buffy" Nazi...


    Everyone assumes time travel...what if the timeline has been altered and present day Earth is ...un-advanced...Guess we'll see

  3. that was my problem with the first Shrek...not even the adult humor but cursing where there was no need...


    "parfait is the best thing on the whole damn planet" Why? It IS a "kids"movie supposedly..there were a couple of instances like that..but that is the only one I can remember right now

  4. Welcome Brian...


    Hope to see you in the academies. WE also have an unofficial sim weekdays @ 5pm EST in the holodeck. Its good practice for the regular academies.


    Again, welcome..and check out the tips from Moose.

  5. Wouldnt it be possible to run your unofficial sims in the chat lobby rather than 1 of the 2 rooms? That way you avoid all schedule conflicts :)

    Our sims are at 5pm EST in the holodeck..so there are no schedule conflicts with STSF. I was referring to real world junk... ;)


    As far as the lobby, it would be rather hectic and have a LOT of distractions to take away from the sim.


    What we really need is .....PEOPLE. I hd hoped that attendance would increase by now. WE can run a sim with four or more..but like today..there were only three :D


    But...we will continue to meet..even if most sims are starting closer to 5:30. Hopefully school letting out will improve participation.

  6. Tried to go to an unofficial sim on Friday the 21. Not one GM showed up. :D However I did get good and freaked out by Dracula and others just hanging on the Lobby ceiling talking about Dracula's most recent meal. :) And not one adventursome spirit wanted to fake being a GM in the Holo. I even suggested a story line. ;)


    Oh well. --JesusTrekkie :)

    My apologies...Friday was an atypical day. I got a new job..and had to do the appropriate paperwork. I believed Tovan would be back from his absence. Even the official sims have scheduling conflicts occasionally. Please try to come again next week..


    Again...My apologies...


    And Congrats to Farien..our first regular unofficial simming cadet to graduate from STSF academy...WOOHOO :D


    That unofficial practice paid off, eh... ;)

  7. Vosh stood in Dheno...waiting for the worst. He was starting to believe his parents had been right about his career choice. The past few days had been less than stellar, to be sure. And now...yet another verbal assault from the new bane of his existence...t'Vixen. Had she somehow monitored his movements...or worse, had she overheard his conversation with Lahir? Na, she did na have time to set up the necessary surveillance..and besides, he was na that important. Just a convenient whipping boy. Na, she had just caught him slacking..and now came the punishment.


    The doors to Dheno slid open, and there she was. It was just like her to make him wait to be chastised. Then..the strangest thing happened. She spoke...


    "I have been relieved of command...au are now acting Daise Dheno..." The words seem to cause t'Vixen pain. Then Vosh noticed that Vixen had been on the receiving end of some type of assault. That was more than likely the cause of the pain in her voice...pity. Vosh almost didnt hear the last part. He was so busy thanking the creator that he missed the part about her training him. When he realized she would still be training him...and that he was na rid of her...the thrill was gone.


    The two officers set off for the HIC and Voshs education in t'Vixen's combat skills. He was sure that his slim build had her convinced that he would na put up much of a fight. He smiled..thinking she was na the first to find out otherwise...but that was another story. Daise Dheno...the title did feel nice although he knew it probably would na be for long. As he stepped into the HIC he wondered if things were taking a turn for the better. T'Vixen barked her program to the computer and immediately, a dozen Klihannsu appeared around them. Na, things were definitely NA looking up. Voshes hand slid slowly to his Kaleh as he prepared for the fight of his life.

  8. Ready for some irony...


    I am surprised that noone has voted for M Night Shama-lama-dingdongs new flick. Especially given the success of "I see Dead People" and Signs.


    But here is an interesting twist. Sigourney Weaver (Ripley) will star in the Village. Now if the movie is successful and can stay the course two weeks...it will be in theaters the same time AVP (Alien Vs Predator) opens....Sooooooo ;)


    Sigourney will be fighting aliens...once again. :ph34r:

  9. Heh, you know I wouldn't be surprised at all if the outcome of this movie is a tie just like Freddie vs. Jason :ph34r:

    That is my concern...especially since the trailer doesnt give you that much. I know the premise is a group of Xenomorphs are found in the Arctic (or Antarctic) and before things get ugly a young (pride) of Predators shows up..with the poor humans stuck in the middle...I dont know if it will beat Aliens (BEST) but they had to get away from Ripley to continue the franchise. We shall see.



    Oh, I saw a promo for the Manchurian Candidate....looks very interesting.

  10. Now, ahem, I only noticed one of my three contenders on the poll. And as I have this horrible tendency to play favorites (i.e. Me going on about Return of the King) I'll have to go with Harry Potter on this one, so my vote goes to Other. :ph34r:

    Well, John...thats why I put "other" there...I was sure I would leave off some contenders...


    Especially since I dont care for Harry Potter...


    Shrek totally slipped my mind...


    Good calls all around...

  11. So, all in all, I found it entertaining, if not deeply moving. Worth seeing on the big screen.

    ::pondering the Great Walls comments::


    Hmmm..epic fight scenes vs. 3 hours of nekkid sweaty....guys...........



    Naaaaaa...gonna catch it on the big screen......at my house :ph34r:

  12. Hey Vosh what about me I know I haven't been able to be there but I have not abanded au.


    Thank you


    I did na forget about au :ph34r:


    Tovan and I have spoken about this at length so I knew his thoughts on the matter. That is all. No offense intended ;)

  13. ::digs around in his useless information bank::



    Check me on this, but I thinks SPIKE is owned by Viacom as well.

    And so it is...the air time still has value. And they are using that time to promote Enterprise. Which means they are spending airtime (money) on promoting the show. And THATS a good thing... :ph34r:

  14. Ladies and Gentlemen of STSF...



    I believe we are all saying the same things from different perspectives. These unofficial sims are a non-issue. They are nothing more than convenient practice. (Convenient for me, at least.) As a grown up Easterner..I , too have responsibilities and occasional time conflicts. We are not forming some elite club within the confines of STSF. However, in any undertaking..there are rules and codes of conduct..the MGs are simply there to drive the story and help cadets and other players with concerns. Hopefully, individuals not familiar with STSF will try it..and LIKE it. Then attend regular academies, and go on to have long successful advanced sim careers. Listen...I understand the work all of you have put into this endeavor. You have every right to be proud..as well as protective of it. I think it is an awesome forum..obviously :ph34r:


    I think there may be some confusion on the ultimate goal of these sims..so I shall attempt to clarify. As far as Tovan and I are concerned...these sims are a way to get more convenient sim time whilst helping others improve their simming skills as well. An official earlier sim is nowhere on the radar at this point..and given our sporatic attendance...shouldn't be. If that situation changes..I'll be sure to let the powers that be know.


    I would request one thing from Web, A-9, Fred and the rest of the GMs...advice. I am trying my best to make these sims fun, exciting, and educational (gasp). But, my best is...well........MY best. It could be better. And we dont EVEN want to talk about the Vulcan with the nametags. We want to make sure we dont confuse potential/current cadets on anything. Instead..keep everything up to STSF code. As I stated, this is not some Maquis movement...just an attempt and opportunity to help make STSF a better place.


    Thank au

  15. Folks... I've been combining several topics relating to this one into this thread. Please keep all discussion regarding non-santioned events to this thread.


    Originally discussion of non-santioned events were not even permitted on these boards, but we're trying to be a little more accomodating. So please try to keep general discussion of it in this thread and any reports you wish to post about it in the other thread remaining open on it.


    Thank you for your cooperation. :)

    Thanks Webbie! As I stated, this was never and is not intended to replace any acedemies in the evening. It is simply an alternative time for Easters to get together along with other cadets and have fun.


    The extra experience for cadets will only improve the overall quality of ALL the academies. Im sure the cadets would rather make mistakes in academy afterhours when not being judged... ;) ...officially.


    Again, we appreciate all your help and understanding. As far as structure...some degree of semi-organization is required to make things run semi-smoothly... :ph34r:

  16. ::laughin at Vex::


    Greedy, indeed! But you have a point on the groupings. Not sure what language was used, but it "should be" simple enough to write code to display starbases and sims only...planets and sims only, etc.


    Way cool, Fred. Kudos to all involved.


    ::golf clap::

  17. Love the idea of an earlier academy sim. Great way to let cadets and experienced players practice their typing and simming skills, and use of command structure and protocal. I'll be there a bit during the week. Hope to see everyone there. ;)


    Glad you like it, Zaph'. I appreciate your attendance, as well as your input. The more experienced players we have to help the cadets, the better the overall quality will be...in ALL the academies. That was what Tovan and I were trying to accomplish. Again, thanks for the kind words...see you around the academies :blink:


    Again, I invite all simmers (old and new alike to the Holodeck, weekdays at 5pm EST...we are developing a new respect in our MG efforts for our STSF GM's <_<


    Its harder than it looks.

  18. First. Let me say how nice it was to actually get to see the WHOLE episode after last weeks atmospheric disturbances <_<


    ::SPOILER WARNING:: If you have not seen the episode and plan on watching it do NOT read further!!




    I knew that Daegra had to die...it was a given..but the writers did a really good job of taking him from enemy to friend in a rather short time. I was genuinely sorry to see him go. The Insectoid graphics were a but cheesy but hey....


    Oh, and theres nothing more TREK than killing a MACO (Redshirt) . I am really liking the direction they are taking..I just hope its not too little, too late.




    Have any of the Enterprise haters liked what they have seen...or is it a lost cause? ;)