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GM Council
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Posts posted by FredM

  1. Well, let's be honest.  Half of these are related to Garnoopy's 500 post thread.

    and the other half related to my theoretical hair loss, yes.

    In theory you had hair?

    Hey there,


    For the record, I had nothing to do with him saying this. I swear it. Just because I made a positive mark in my red book of knowledge next to his name doesn't mean anything.

  2. To:        Personnel Office

                Starfleet Command, Earth


    From:    Captain Frederic Meve

                Station Sky Harbor Aegis


    Re:       Hewitt Demore



          This communique is to serve as notice that effective Stardate 0301.03, Midshipman Hewitt Demore has been promoted to the rank of Ensign. This decision comes after extended review of his service and dedication to Sky Harbor Aegis. It is a pleasure to have such a capable officer aboard and I sincerely hope we will value from his assistance in the future.

  3. Actually, I have a new favorite ship now.


    Anyone remember the Mel Brooks movie Spaceballs?  That big long ship Spaceball One that goes on forever and ever that can go to Ludicrous Speed and become a Transformer?  That's what I want.   ;)

    Hey there,


    Let me get this straight...you want a ship that becomes a giant maid?


    "Greetings, I am Captain Kirk of the starship Cleanup. We are on a peaceful mission to explore strange dirty planets, seek our filth throughout the galaxy and bolding clean where no one has cleaned before!"

  4. Hey there,


    Well, glancing at the response from the startrek.com chat rooms and looking into it via the administration tool we GM use, I can tell you it appears that PeopleLink (the chat ISP) currently has it's servers shutdown. It's possible they are resetting them, updating software, etc. With any luck it will be corrected sometime in the next few days. ;)

  5. it's sumptin to watch, and I thought sims were only cancelled the 25th, the 31st and 1st, I didn't know these 2 weeks would be cancelled!

    Hey there,


    Fear not...your regularly schedule sims will return starting Thursday. With people traveling, it's kind of hard to make sure all of the games are staffed. I know a few Academy sims have run this week. Heck, there was even a graduation just yesterday. ;)

  6. so back to my comment why not base a sim on a steamrunner class starship like i mean it's almost as simple as an ambasador class and it would be a fun sim to do with a few tweaks to the ship design add new technology so on and so forth..... any one else agree any hosts or gm's that agree.....

    Hey there,


    Actually, four score and many moons ago, I actually CO'd a ship which was aboard a Steamrunner Class vessel. I liked the design because the ship wasn't huge, only about 150 people, but wasn't small either. It was capable of scientific exploration and/or defense. Not a bad choice.

  7. skirts

    What skirts are you talking about? Are you talking about the dress uniforms?

    Hey there,


    No...go look at TNG Season 1. Especially some of the first episodes. You'll see men running around in the "dress/skirt" uniform style most females had on (like Counselor Trio in the beginning). It was....I can't keep the thought in my head....


  8. Captain's Log

    Stardate 0212.28

    Captain Fred Michaels



    "Begin recording,


          It has been close to an hour since the Reaent came into orbit around Herio V. To say I am shocked the mission has thus gone without incident would be an understatement.


          An away team lead by Lieutenant Jontilles Shamor took a shuttle to the surface shortly upon our arrival. Sensor scans from orbit have revealed nothing surprising, minus a very large class four storm approaching the remains of the outpost. This storm's presence may hinder efforts later but has not presented any problems so far.


          Preliminary reports from the away team indicate the Romulan outpost may have been abandoned in a hurry. Whether or not twenty-five years of nature has caused the facility to look that way or they had indeed left quickly has yet to be determined. If the Romulans did leave in a rush, it would go against the official report given to the Federation Council about the planet. Since this report indicated the station was shutdown due to a lack of value.


          With any luck the team will quickly secure the area so an analysis as to the structure's viability as a refitted Federation facility can begin.


          End recording."

  9. How do you join a ship or whatever a room i dont know what you call them. But I would like to join one would anyone offer me a place?

    Hey there!


    First, welcome to STSF! :)


    Second, you need to graduate from the Academy before you can get a spot aboard an Advanced Sim. Joining an Academy is easy, all you do is look at the schedule on the site and be in the room @ startrek.com at the proper time! All of the other directions are posted to the screen. :o

  10. Hey there,


    I have seen a sim based on a Prometheus Class vessel. I don't know much about it but I would assume it's ability is treated like that of any other ship with a seperation ability, used in only extreme cases.


    As for new ships in general, often a GM will take input into what the new ship should be. However, sometimes, they don't want a battleship but one of exploration. Case and point is with Reaent. We're an Ambassador Class Refit. It's one that if it had been put up to a vote would never have been selected, but the benefit is that your a ship of peace...not Borg destroyer. :)

  11. Hey there,


    As someone mentioned, you didn't include what I still consider the best and most realistic uniforms ever featured on Star Trek...those between Star Trek II and Star Trek VI. If I had to choose one, that would be it. :)


    However, since that wasn't on the poll, I did select the TNG uniform. I'd have to say it would need to be the later seasons version however...I pray men will never swear skirts like in TNG Season 1.  :dead:

  12. So trying to advance our knowlage into a field in which most things are made up is just, well, to use the words of a Vulcan, "Illogical".

    Hey there,


    Well part of the Academy experience is to see how good your imagination is, and develop it if needed. You only have a limited amount of information to go on, so you have to be able to fill in the rest...without going overboard.   :wink:

  13. Hey there,


    Well a lot of people are saying it's horrible and it's ratings suck. For example, this past Wednesday the ratings were 5th for that time slot with every other channel showing reruns and Enterprise showing a new episode.


    This might make you wonder...but no news site is reporting the fact at least 70% of UPN stations preempted Enterprise with something else. In my market, a basketball game was on from 7:30pm until 12:00am. I didn't wait up to see if it came on after and I'm certain many people didn't either.


    I like what I'm seeing. It has it's problems, but it's trying. Continuity seems to be holding, which is a big plus over Star Trek Voyager: The Ship With 48 Shuttlecraft..   ::):

  14. Fred, were you a lawyer in another life?  lol

    Hey there,


    The term 'another life' can have several meanings depending on your geographical location. If you are using the first and third commonly used words in the phrase, it is possible to suggest that O.J. was involved in my decision making.


    That gave me a headache just typing it.... :dead: