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GM Council
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Everything posted by FredM

  1. Hey there, Well, attending on a regular basis helps too. ;)
  2. Hey there, If you think those charges are bad.... Just remember...July's coming. "You ain't seen nothing yet...." :wink:
  3. Hey folks, Not trying to be an old stick in the mud (I'm really not), but let's try to keep the language clean and civil, eh? ;)
  4. Hey there, I have read Garnoopy's post....my response is simple. No Comment.
  5. Hey there, Welcome to STSF. Hope you have a good time here. ;)
  6. To: Personnel Office Starfleet Command, Earth From: Captain Fred Michaels U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G Re: Garnoopy -------------------------------------------------------------- This communique is to serve as notice that effective Stardate 0302.20, Ensign Garnoopy has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. This decision comes after extended review of his service and dedication to the U.S.S. Reaent. It is a pleasure to have such a capable officer aboard and I sincerely hope we will value from his assistance in the future.
  7. Captain's Personal Log Stardate 0302.20 Captain Fred Michaels Fred say in his the Ready Room reading several reports sitting on his desk. Taking a sip from the Denobian Wine he had retrieved from the replicator twenty minutes earlier, he leaned back in his chair in thought. Turning slightly he glanced out the window and watched as the stars flew past. The last mission had ended left the Captain with more curiosities than he had thought possible. To start, as a former engineer, he was amazed at the information his crew had collected about a weather control network modified to act as a "defense" shield. Though many people loved to discredit the Romulans, they were indeed a bright...and imaginative...race. Though it would not protect against planetary attacks, it would clearly act as a great weapon in keeping transporters and shuttles from landing. These curiosity led to others. Doctor Matthews and her staff had concluded the virus recently promoted Lieutenant J.G. Kroells had become infected with was apparently artificially made. What was the purpose? Why was a "ball of goo" infected with it? And why was this goo sitting in a stasis tube? For his part, Michaels was glad the mission was over. If any more questions and interesting twists had developed, he was certain he would start succumbing to the male pattern baldness which was in his DNA. As he took another sip of the purple beverage in his glass, he turned back and looked at another document on his desk. "Here's hoping no one gets themselves arrested on 345....", he said softly.
  8. Captain' Log Stardate 0302.20 Captain Fred Michaels "Begin recording. After a much longer than anticipated stay, the Reaent has completed it's investigation of the outpost located on Herio V. While it will be up to others to decide of the data collected shows the planet a viable location for a Federation installation, I can only hope what we found will be valuable to others in the future. Personally, I am happy to be leaving. We are returning to Starbase 345 to complete repairs and await our next assignment. Though the base does not orbit a planet, I am certain the crew will make use of the time there to relax. If we hold to schedule, we will arrive within the hour. On a side note, the Reaent-G has now been out of spacedock for over two years...making the official end of her shakedown. During that time the ship has performed marvelously, beyond any expectation I had. The refit crews at Utopia Planet are to be commended for their work in modernizing the vessel. I can only hope her performance in the past will be an indication of what is to come. End recording."
  9. Hey there, Look...any show that can somehow justify going through 47 shuttle craft when the ship is only supposed to have 5 has a serious problem. And don't tell me they were all stored in Janeway's hair during the first few seasons.... ;)
  10. That's just A9's. You get more dear. That's why you're the Goddess. :o Ohhh, I always knew I liked Randy :o Dac Yes Queen...whatever you want. Here, take A9's credit card and go buy as many Cadet Death Machines as you wish. Enjoy. :wink:
  11. Hey there, Well, I picked Jake Sisko. For all of Wesley's annoying traits, at least he wasn't stupid enough to stay behind while an enemy was taking over the ship...and then get upset when the enemy wouldn't let you transmit anti-enemy news reports! I mean, give me a break.....
  12. Hey there, I think this is something we need to make sure the HELP section more clearly states. "How To Join An Academy." Seems there have been a lot of confused people lately.
  13. Hey there, Well, be sure that the GMs know you're still looking to graduate! Sometimes when a GM hasn't seen you for awhile or has seen you in the Academy for awhile, they think you've already graduated. When your PMing for your post, just point out "Also, just FYI, please toss my name on the list of those seeking promotion." ;)
  14. Hey there, Couldn't be any worse than another "Wesley to the rescue!!" episode. ;)
  15. You dare to give away the secrets of the GM boards! IMPEACHMENT!!!!! ;) :o :o
  16. Hello! Congratulations to the below individuals on their assignment aboard an STSF advanced sim. We all wish you the best! Ensign SPG - U.S.S. Manticore - 2/17/2003 (Additional Assignment) Ensign Images - Sky Harbor Aegis - 2/17/2003
  17. Hey there, Well...since you mention the Romulans... If you look at some early TOS images of the Neutral Zone, Earth and Romulus aren't that far apart. I don't think it's been said or shown by anyone that the Romulans have warp drive...something they don't get until their short lived alliance with the Klingons. As for "visual communication," I think they did a great job with that. Starfleet has the technology...the Romulans don't. And since the next topic of debate is the comment made during Ballance of Terror when they say "and that war was faught with atomic warheads," no one's really gotten into what currently makes up Starfleet's torpedos.
  18. Hey there, The details of "warp" aren't really too necessary for a sim. In general, it's a relative thing. If we don't need to get somewhere too fast, Warp 5 or so. If we need to get there yesterday, Warp 9. :D
  19. Hey there, It this true? This isn't supposed to be a job? ATRAGON!!!!
  20. ::sighs:: If it was only that simple...::changes the page, writing more stuff down:: :dead:
  21. Fine by me. And I liked Voyager. All seasons. I think I'm the only one. I even liked Kes. Hey there, I think someone put something "special" on the donut you ate last night.... :D
  22. SKY HARBOR AEGIS MISSION BRIEFING Stardate 0302.14 The U.S.S. Pandora's Box continues to sit just outside of the Cardassian system. Medical tests continue to be run on Captain Meve and Commander Ayers. Analysis of the unknown particles floating in the surrounding system continues. Beyond confirming they are the cause of sensor malfunction and perhaps have the ability to cause effects on the brain in some species, such as El-Aurian and Andorian, no other findings have been confirmed. The ship's ability to scan the system remain severely limited. The only available information comes from a now inactive probe which for 0.034 seconds detected a metal object the computer later speculated could be a freighter. No further information is available. Reports from Starbase 405 and other listening posts confirm an inability to reestablish communication with Sky Harbor Aegis' computers. Further analysis of data feeds from the station have revealed the latteral sensor array were detecting a massive energy release. Not enough information is available to speculate on if this was the planet's expected explosion, system malfunction or something else. In addition, scientific minds within the Federation are again putting into question whether Cardassia Prime exploded. Some updated computer models show a possibility, considered remote until now, up to 35% of the planet's crust might have been blown away due to the planet's instability. Such an event would cause massive destruction, but might not cause a total core collapse. Similar incidents have occurred throughout history, including such examples as Alpha Centuri V's 12th moon and the Klingon moon Praxis. At present, no information exists to support this hypothesis.
  23. To: Personnel Office Starfleet Command, Earth From: Captain Fred Michaels U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G Re: Travis Kroells ----------------------------------------------------------- This communique is to serve as notice that effective Stardate 0302.13, Ensign Travis Kroells has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. This decision comes after extended review of his service and dedication to the U.S.S. Reaent. It is a pleasure to have such a capable officer aboard and I sincerely hope we will value from his assistance in the future
  24. Hey there, Which post? I think it may have been moved to another folder. :D
  25. Hey there, Well, in regard to your peronsal genetic information getting out, today what's to keep your employeer from learning if your diagnosted with AIDS? What's to keep them from learning you have cancer? Laws. The same will have to be true about genetic information. I can't really vote on the poll because I don't think we've gone far enough. Perhaps my opinion is baised given personal reasons, but I would love a day where someone could look at a child's genetic information...see they are going to develop a certain type of cancer...and solve the problem right then. Could this be used for bad things? Sure. Airplanes can be used for evil too. But I personally would tend to think the potential good outweights the potential bad.