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Posts posted by Ki'rok

  1. Tell me more about this after hours academy please?

    Hmmmmmmmm...not sure what else to say..Cheatle Vosh Tovan and myself act as MG's (mission guides) try to run it as close to STSF guidelines as possible while providing additional time for East Coast residents to enjoy an earlier sim... participation permitting.


    <_< That is about it.


    ;) Hope to see you around.

  2. I just want to say how disappointed I am with all you red-blooded american boys. This thread started talking about how hot Sigourney Weaver is, and ended up veering off towards Sean Connery and Keaneu Reeves.


    I can understand Huff wanting to see Gary Sinease, but Gentlemen ... please ... stay on topic. ;-)


    What is Pamela Anderson up to these days, anyway?

    ::was trying to be politically correct::


    But..if Moose can talk about what a nice rack he has....... <_<


    Then Kiera Knightley as whatever she wants to be...preferably Betazoid ;)

  3. Ki'rok followed Kania through the daunting station. Though he would never acknowledge it, he could sense the tension on the station. The appearance of his two comrades had put the entire station on edge. He knew it was unlikely that Kania's plan would succeed. But he would not be the one to tell the XO that.


    The two Republicans met up with Lt. Commander Trepp outside of Medical. After a brief conversation, Kania sent Ki'rok and Trepp back to Drankums to wait on the other teams arrival while she tried to talk their crewman out of trouble. Ki'rok wished her luck and turned to head back to the drinking establishment.


    Trepp was an unlikely confidant. However, Ki'rok found him most easy to talk with. And needing to talk, he availed himself of the opportunity. He had spent most of his life trying to deny or suppress that part of him that longed for feeling. It was illogical, but he had considered finding a way to go back in time to prevent the union of his grandparents. A Vulcan should have had better sense than to have joined with a Betazoid. It was, afterall, an illogical union. But joined they had, and now here he sat...longing to belong. Not necessarily for emotional reasons. He could not be effective or efficient in this current condition. But if he was honest with himself..and Vulcans cannot lie...he wanted to belong because try as he might...he had never belonged back on Vulcan. He had hoped to find some sense of purpose...of oneness with this crew. Yet, upon his entrance, people ceased conversations, looked away, or...his personal favorite..left the room.


    Ki'rok talked with Trepp at length until the others returned without Hans or Apollo. As they sat, as sense of foreboding and dread fell over Ki'rok. He felt as if Admiral Blu was lost and they would never complete their mission..damning the Federation to a most unpleasant future. His thoughts returned to the firefight on the planet..and the young woman he had killed. He had trained all his life seemingly, for a situation like that. He had performed adequately in the push to the Guardian, even helping the Admiral...against her wishes. But he had no time to process his feelings regarding the young marines death...there had been no time...oddly enough. Fate was not without a sense of irony...standing at the Guardian of Forever, he had no time to mourn her loss.


    A hooded figure entered the establishment and looked their way. Though in civilian attire, Ki'rok believed him to be Starfleet..something in the way he walked. He appeared to communicate with Kania but Ki'rok could not be sure.


    Ki'rok did not like the way he...no use denying it...felt. He was tired of this station. He was tired of waiting. How long had they been waiting...how long had HE been waiting...it seemed like ages.

  4. Greetings. Welcome to STSF forum..an awesome place to share your love of "All things Trek" as well as participate in REAL TIME trek simulations. Please take a moment to look over "Tips from the Moose" as well as read STSF policies regarding simming in this forum.


    We (as regular members) hope you enjoy this forum and add to its "uniqueness."


    In order to accomodate individuals on the East coast, we have created a 5pm (EST) non-sactioned academy. This academy is un-official in that it does not count towards graduating from the STSF Academy. It is, however, a nice place to practice and polish your simming skills. This "Academy Afterhours" sim is meant to be a learning experience as well as provide additional time for simmers to get together and have fun.


    This is a standing invitation for cadets and Academy graduates alike to stop by the holodeck weekdays at 5pm(EST) and see what we're all about. This is a formative time for this Non-sanctioned Sim. There may be days when we do not have enough attendance to particpate in a sim. This will, of course, depend on member participation. We hope to see you there.


    Please remember..this Sim will NOT count towards graduation from the STSF Academy and is not intended to replace any of the evening academies. It is merely a convenient practice area. Please contact Saek tr'Vosh, Bigmancheatle, _______Tovan or myself with questions regarding this simulation.


    PS....We are regular members... NOT STSF Brass...so....you dont have to salute :angry: .......well....not as long :)

  5. As a reasonably creative..unfortunately older Trek fan, I was investigating this very scenario. Of course their may be more experienced simmers available. Indeed I hope that is the case...I've led one unofficial sim. The problem being the individuals have to TREAT it as official for it to be effective (or fun, or worth our time, etc) An earlier sim would allow me to go to bed at a reasonable hour and save my marriage :)


    Before anyone asks, my advanced sims are fine...Mrs Rok just wants me to spend more time with her in the evenings..::pauses for the "Awwww's"::


    Im sure there are others besides Graham that would participate...And Im sure the STSF brass would NEVER change clothes and drop by :(


    As far as a name it could be --AA--(Academy Afterhours) Of course....It would be nonsanctioned and not count towards graduation, at least officially. Someone could look at mission transcripts later (hint hint) to see what occured and how individuals performed. If we ran into room issues, we could find alternate locations (MSN, AOL, etc)


    One thing..I not interested in creating some Maquis group or Radical offshoot of STSF. Same rules, same criteria...just no official credit..kinda like life :D


    Keep me in the loop, Biggie. If we get at least 5 or so solid..we should be able to get something started. All it requires is a little time and organization so just be patient...::thinks to self..Ive heard this before, somewhere::

  6. Here's the link to the member suggestion box:


    Member Suggestion Box - Click Here


    Also... I don't see this discussion as bickering.  It's just questions being answered.  As I've said before, if there is anything I can do for you, my private messages and e-mail is always open.  :)  Each person who is involved with the running of STSF care about the forum and about the members.  If you ever need a virtual hug, just send me a PM.  hehe

    OK..fair enough...perhaps bickering was too string a word overall...however, I think you can agree there have been some....really strongly worded posts of late..not necessarily in THIS thread..thats all I was saying...




    free speech...good


    ;)Oh...Yeah...I hit 100...WOOHOOO!

  7. The silence spoke volumes. The few remaining members of the Republic sat trying to comprehend all they had learned in the past five minutes. Responsible for damaging the time line; responsible for crippling the Federation; One chance at getting back home.


    Kirok, having had his fill of sitting while in the brig, stood. It was not meant as a cue, however Captain Velos informed everyone of the lack of...ironically...time.


    Before the group could get underway, the ship came under atack from a Cricket vessel. The team made their way to the transporter room to beam to the planets surface. Captain Velos, looking suddenly more human than before, wished them luck and vanished behind the sparkling wall of the tranporter beam.


    Upon materializing on the surface, Ki'rok found himself..for lack of a better term ..in Hell. A group of Marines were involved in an intense battle with Cricket ground forces. As fate would have it, the group appeared smack dab in the middle of it all. Ki'roks training kicked in. It occured to him that he had been fuctioning more as a science officer than security. He made a mental note to apologize to Mr. Link. But now...using the type 1 phaser each of them had received from Captain Velos (along with civilian clothing) Ki'rok tried to lay down cover fire for his crewmates as they made their way toward the Guardian.


    During an intense volley of fire, Captain Blu was grazed and fell. Without paying attention to the orders coming from her, Ki'rok caught her mid fall and putting her arm around his neck, continued towards the Guardian. It occured to him this had happened before in an academy sim...he had helped his CO...only to have his nose almost broken. Luckily, this time...there was no immediate retribution...although a court martial for disobeying orders would not surprise him in the slightest.


    After passing Blu off to another team member, Ki'rok turned and opened fire on a Cricket soldier. It was a good shot. Unfortunately, a female marine charged forward at the same time...and was hit square in the back by Ki'roks phaser blast. Someone said something..but Ki'rok didnt hear it...time seemed to slow as he watched her fall. She was dead. Given the circumstances, she would most likely have died anyway. But HE had killed her. That was the first time he had taken a life. He knew it wouldnt be the last but...He fought back the emotions trying to consume him. There were people relying on him. If they were suceessful then this would never happen. The logic was comforting...a bit.


    After an eternity, the scientists waiting by the Guardian signaled time to go. However, just before the signal, a massive explosion wounded Hans and Apollo. Ki'rok...still reeling from the Hans singing in the brig...decided to help him anyway. Ki'rok helped him to his feet...grabbed the nearest arm...and lept through the Guardian into an uncertain future-past.


    And when Tovan talks about evil, he means himself.. for example, a couple of names he used to command academy sims...

    evil_tovan and souless(suicidal)_Tovan ;)


    ::ducks into the brush and hides ;) ::

    Besides..you forgot my personal fav'.....Ghostly Tovan. oooOOOOOHHhhhhhh


    BOO! ^_^

  9. ::Aiming a cannon at all the Nay-sayers:: ;)


    As I have said before...ENT needed time to find itself. Was the show AWESOME to begin with...no. I missed some of season two, all together. But it is improving. Much like other trek shoes..namely the best trek show, TNG.


    At its start, TNG was....well...kinda crappy. The plot lines were eh..the characters were developing...troi wouldnt wear a uniform. The point is (quoting Monty Python ) "it got better."


    You can bad mouth ENT all you want. The fact is...if the upward trend in writing continues..this series has the greatest potential since TOS. It can make up rules as it goes. It can fill in the tremendous gaps in storylines and development.

    IF..the trend continues. I plan on giving it the chance.


    Look, like it or dont like it. Watch it or dont watch it. But dont complain about how bad it is and KEEP watching...thats just ^_^ I didnt like DS9...(sorry FRED) so I quit watching. During the recent marathon, I tried again. There were some parts that were good. But it just got all "The prophets" this and "the prophets" that and I couldnt take it. So I watched something else! I dont keep hammering FRED over the head with its inadequecies (in my opinion :D )


    As a trek fan, I get enough criticism from the outside world ;) We may be spoiled. We may need a break. Or, we may just need a new perspective. ;)


    Gene's vision was seeking out new life...ENT has a place in that realm :P

  10. Greetings..you have nothing to fear...I look forward to meeting you in the academies. Dont hesitate to ask for assistance. I was helped and therefore like returning the favor.

  11. While I agree for the most part..I subscribe to the "never say never" club. I wouldnt put anything past ILM, Lucas Arts and the like. Shatner may be gone, but Kirk could return. Then again, they could just rebuild Shatner...they have the technology , you know...stronger..faster...better... :)

  12. As for myself, I can only do PBEM because I both work and attend school so being online at one time isn't possible for me.


    ::raises hand::.........me, too. Well, if you call it work, I mainly look at a computer screen all day...WAY too much free time...


    Anyway...you should try the sims...just to see. If all you can do is Email...then, do what you must.


    Good luck.

  13. Ki’rok awoke with a start. The stars streaming by outside his window told him they were at warp. However, they were of no value when trying to determine the time. He sat on the edge of his bed, feeling the vibration of the Galaxy Class warp engines beneath his feet. He had heard that engineers could actually tell when the ships engines needed aligning just by that vibration. He, on the other hand…having just been assigned to this vessel, had no clue as to the engines current status.


    It had been a most disturbing dream. The Republic was passing through a wormhole and was struck by a ferengi ship…ending up a couple hundred years in the future. In searching for a repair site, the Republic had been detected by a Rexxar satellite. They believed the ship to be a Rogresh vessel and launched a Nuclear attack. The Republic initially deflected the missiles. However, a chronoton wave interfered with the operation and several million Rogresh were killed in the ensuing explosions. Then the Crickets had shown up along with the Sprint, a future federation vessel. The Republic, in no shape to fight, hid in an asteroid while the two ships fought. In a valiant effort to save the Sprint, the Republic engaged the Cricket vessel. However, the timing of the attack was off and ended up fatally wounding the Republic. The ship…battered and broken…slid into the Cricket ship and exploded. But the worst part of it all, was being locked in the Sprints brig…and listening to Hans sing…for lack of a better term


    At this he smiled, despite his Vulcan training. What an imagination! He thought back to his days at the Vulcan Science Institute. Had he ever had such a vivid dream? He believed the answer would become apparent after some meditation. However, since he WAS awake now, he could do some research on the people of Rogresh.


    Ki’rok stood and walked to the desk. “Computer”, he said, “display all information on the Rogresh.” What appeared on the screen was a grouping on nonsensical letters and icons. At first, he didn’t understand, but soon the logic became evident to his Vulcan mind. He could not read the writing because he was unconscious. This was no dream.


    Ki’rok opened his eyes once more, this time to the harsh reality of the Sprint’s less than plush brig. He looked around at the few crewman in the cell with him. He had only met a few, other than in passing in his brief time on the ill-fated Republic.


    He expected some degree of gratitude from the Sprint crew…the future federation vessel they had saved. Instead, the crew found themselves locked in the brig…facing charges, no less. It seemed the crew of the sprint blamed the Republic for some irreparable damage to the timeline. Even with his knowledge of temporal dynamics, this was hard to accept. Until they had seen the devastation caused by this war…the broken shell of the moon sent shivers down Ki’rok’s spine. As a Vulcan, he should have been able to remain impartial, but the sight was overwhelming and he wasn’t even from Earth. It was no wonder the Terrans were speechless.


    Finally, upon meeting up with the rest of the surviving crew, they had learned of Captain Velos’ plan to use the Guardian of Forever to send them back in time to thwart a plot to undermine the federation as well as frame the crew of the Republic.

    The possibilities for error were mind-numbing.

  14. Welcome cadet...do not let them scare you...they can be quite useful, at times...if you stick to the plot lines...and play your part to the nines..you should be alright.


    Otherwise, may whatever GOD you serve, help you.


    Also..one word of warning..beware of Rihannsu bearing gifts...

  15. I certainly hope it returns...if you recall, TNG was a bit..shall we say, hokie..in its first few seasons and became an excellent addition to the Trek genre. Maybe it was Rikers beard...probably moreso the new uniforms...in any event, the show evolved.


    Last nights Enterprise was very good in my opinion (minus T'Pols additiction subplot). Give Archer some time, already... :)


    The NX-01 looked like hammered $h#@...it was cool :)