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Posts posted by Ki'rok

  1. I think it would be great if we could orginize with other large sim groups to join one predetermined world (monitor, generator, whatever they call it), form guilds of each site, and have guild/sim site wars.


    now your just being Borgie... :)


    part of a collective, eh...next you'll start saying things like Resistance is futile... :D

  2. Actually Star Wars fans are getting a double treat later this month when the Trilogy hits DVD and Pandemics new multiplayer Battlefront is released..on the same day even...I smell a publicity stunt.....


    Anyway..Ive seen some of the screens and they do look good..and yes...its a shooter...


    it would be difficult to map a roleplay based multiplayer..so basically..I imagine you choose a race and try to kill everyone else...if the Star trek game is ever released...it would probably/hopefully lok really good ..but lack substance...


    My..I am being pessimistic, am I not...

  3. Ki'rok typed away at the PADD in his hand. The bridge had grown deathly quiet..although given the circumstances, that was probably not the best adjective to use. Ensign Carters death was a pointless one...no honor..no purpose...just some invisible enemy striking from some unseen place. It was, in fact, a lot like some of the "planet killer" stories he had heard growing up.


    The Humans had rather egotistically named it terracide. Entire civilizations destroyed on a planets surface from an unseen enemy above...then the planet would be stripped of its resources methodically and left as a husk...hanging empty...lifeless in space. Ki'rok had tried to imagine what it would be like to go through such an event..he had suffered loss in his life..but nothing on THAT scale.


    And now, Ensign Stephen Carter, lay lifeless in Sickbay..the first casualty in an unknown war. His parents would have questions, of course, but Ki'rok had no answers. He probably should have let Will write the letter..but he had his hands full with the Admiral at the moment..and Ki'rok was Carters direct supervisor and more importantly..his friend. It seemed only fitting for him to prepare the letter...Will could sign off on it as his own for all Ki'rok cared.


    Ki'rok glanced over at Link. The Arbazan had definitely seen better days..a scowl seemingly carved into his face. But then again, looking around the bridge..several hagard faces could be seen. It occured to Ki'rok that while the medication from the Doctor had helped with his meditation..he had had no time for rest...so his face was probably as space weary as the rest of the remaining healthy crewmen.


    He typed the last line on the PADD and hit the save button. He would send it after Commander Robinson had reviewed it. It was not much but it would have to do. There was not time for a memorial or service. That troubled the Vulcan..but not as much as the growing feeling that Carters death...would not only be the first..but the first of many...


    "Rest now, my friend"...said Ki'rok quietly setting the PADD aside..."May your journey to Shaka Ri...be a swift one."

  4. Ki'rok stood silently in the TL headed for SB2. He was intrigued by the Away Teams return, although their timing was incredibly bad. The term skeleton crew was never more apt..especially if there were fatalities..and if he understood the Doctor correctly, that was a definite possibility..and soon. He decided to update Lt. Link of the developments. He tapped his communicator..."Ki'rok to Lt. Link" No reply. The Vulcan frowned remembering Links appearance as he left the bridge.."Ki'rok to Lt. Link, please respond..." still, no response. "Computer" said Ki'rok, "Locate Lt. Link." Without hesitation "Lt. Link is in his quarters." was its reply. Ki'roks concern grew as he thought "surely he would have had a comment about the general quarters order." Ki'rok decided to try medical though he expected no immediate response from them either under these circumstances..."Ki'rok to medical...I am unable to contact Lt. Link..if possible can you send someone to check on him..otherwise I will do it myself...advise when possible...Ki'rok out" Ki'rok decided if he had not heard from him or medical following his brief with the AT, he would check on him personally.


    The TL stopped and Ki'rok stopped outside Shuttle Bay 2. He had came down instead of using the comm system out of a bit a paranoia..and he was not looking forward to telling Will that the Admiral was in such bad shape..along with most of her crew. "If they were to come under attack for some reason..." Ki'rok shuddered at the thought. All thoughts of his immediate future had vanished with the more pressing matters at hand...and that was a good thing...now if only he had some good news.

  5. "Command Decisions"


    Ki'rok had returned to the bridge upon completing the triage setup for the good doctor. He wasnt sure how effective it would be since the numbers he had run were all indicating 90% of the crew infected by the time they reached New Bajor. Logically, everyone should just go to their quarters and the doctor try to manage them virtually via ships sensors and site to site transports for emergencies but that would be a logistics nightmare..as well as impersonal. Funny, last week...he would have not cared about the impersonal side or found the irony in it almost amusing in a sad way.


    The Good news was, as one of the few crew members apparently immune to the virus...he would not have to confine himself to his quarters pending an investigation into his starfleet etiquette faux pas. The bad news was...there wouldnt be any crew left to hold the tribunal. Not to mention, they would more than likely try to implicate the Admiral, as well. Ugh...the whole thing made him sick...why couldn't he just be normal?? Why did he have to be some...hybrid..not quite Vulcan...just enough Betazoid to cause him problems? He was a walking contradiction. He should have never let the doctor experiment on him. Alas, hind-sight was always in focus...


    He almost missed the Arbazan speaking to him...and had to think a moment before he could respond. Mr. Link did indeed look like the walking dead...red eyes and nose to match...it was obvious to Ki'rok he was suffering fom the illness..yet..to his credit..he did not complain or whine as some of the other humans were prone to do. Instead, he simply held out as long as possible. Ki'rok admired that and would recommend him for commendation...if he wasnt court-martialed before he could file for it. However, given recent developments, Ki'roks Starfleet career looked to be ending before it had a chance to begin. Pity. Only a miracle could save him, now...and frankly, the sick crew was in more need of miracles than he.


    "Aye, sir" was all he managed to say before Link disappeared inside the TL. As Ki'rok stood he became keenly aware of all eyes on him. For one brief moment, he considered ordering the helm to change course for Vulcan, maximum warp..just to see what they would do. Instead, he straightened his uniform and addressed the bridge..."As you were... helm..maintain course and speed." He sat down in the CC. Secretly, he had aspirations of sitting on one of his own one day..but those dreams were fading fast. All he could do was try to preform his duties then later expain his situation as best as possible...but he knew, Starfleet would not find a Vulcan throwing tantrums...having to take experimental drugs and disobeying orders.."Officer material"..let alone offer him a command...


    The Vulcan frowned, the dim Beta shift lighting..blessedly hiding the look of defeat from the rest of the bridge crew. But what would become of this crew...were their problems not of more immediate concern than his career? Ki'rok sat back in the CC and ran his hands through his hair...

  6. Greetings,


    To answer your original question, you create your character...in your head. You share your creation via the Bio sections of the various advanced ships.


    However, you should concentrate on graduating the academy first. As others have stated, Tips from the Antlered One are very beneficial. Try various posts in the sims to find out what you like best. This will also increase your chances of finding your post on an advanced sim after you do graduate.


    Welcome to STSF...enjoying yourself as well as respecting others is mandatory.


    See you around...

  7. Ki'roks mind had been racing all afternoon. He had hoped the new Doctor would be on duty. Then , after almost running over the admiral, he had just wanted to run. No sense trying to deny it at this point...he was embarrassed. He had basically lost all emotional control over the course of the past two weeks. One minute he would be fine, the next something would set him off. He had hid it as long as he could, but after destroying his room, he knew he had no choice but to seek guidance. But what now? What was to become of him?


    The doctor had said he could die. What was going on with his emotions? How could he just ...let go...and begin to show his emotions. If he let go, could he stop? He imagined a great floodgate opening, with all his emotions pouring through...unchecked. He shuddered. This was not supposed to be happening. He was a Vulcan. He had studied with T'ukat. He had almost achieved Kohlinar. Now..he was supposed to start telling jokes...laughing like some blithering idiot. Blasted betazoid DNA...


    There really was no choice though...perhaps he could retain some semblance of control most of the time and just let go periodically. Time would tell...

  8. Noone knows what its like...to feel these feelings

    like I do...and I blame You


    Noone bites back as hard...on their Anger

    none of my Pain and woe...can show through...


    but My Dreams they aren't as empty

    as my conscience seems to be


    I have hours...only lonely

    My love is vengeance thats Never free...


    The Who



    Ki'rok rolled out of his bed, covered in sweat. "ENOUGH" screamed the Lieutenant. It was yet another nightmare about the day his mother died. They had been coming more frequently, now. But this night, Ki'rok's reaction was anything but ordinary. For whatever reason...he completely lost it.


    He grabbed his meditation crystal from the corner table and sent it hurdling across the room..meeting an early demise as it encountered the far wall and shattered. Hundreds of years of discipline and training vanished as the Vulcan seemingly instantly regressed. He brought his fist down hard on his desk..crushing the monitor and the desk, for that matter. He flipped the bed sending covers flying. The chair was the next unwitting victim as he kicked it across the room with relative ease. Ki'rok stopped mid tantrum...spittle on his chin...chest heaving. He caught his reflection in the only thing in the room that had miraculously escaped injury...his mirror.


    It was at that moment that his neighbor, Ens. Carter, began banging on his door. "Rok...ROK...what in blue blazes is going on in there?" shouted the Asst. Security officer. He was about to utilize his security override code when Ki'rok opened the door.


    "Ah..Mr. Carter is there a problem?" said Ki'rok with perfect control. Carter looked at his friend, then looked around the room..."Uh...YEAH...it sounded like you were fighting Cardies in here..what the hell happened?"


    Rok arched a brow..."Really, Carter...profanity is not necessary...I was merely attempting to catch some stray rodent...My apologies if I woke you." Carter looked long and hard at Ki'rok..trying to imagine what kind of Rat could freak out a Vulcan.."Yeah...right...ok...well...do you need some help cleaning this mess up.?" Ki'rok pseudo smiled.."a most gracious offer, but unnecessary...I can straighten things up by myself....Good Evening, then."


    "Good Nig.."was all Carter managed to get out before the doors swished closed. The smile on Ki'roks face vanished as he looked back to the mirror. No need denying it any longer..something had to be done..before he hurt himself...or someone else. "Pride be damned," said Ki'rok as he set the chair upright and sank down into it. The time had come to face the past...and his uncertain future.

  9. If I were not Vulcan, I would resent the fact noone suggested the Republic...a fine Galaxy class vessel, that hasnt been destroyed for about three or four weeks now..

    (If your curious, read the mission synopsis for the last few missions) Actually, I believe the Republic is one of the oldest and best sims around...but we don't act our age (see Hans and Cosmo :) ) :)


    One word of advice, though...don't mention flea collars.... :D trust me...

  10. I feel your pain, Nem'.


    Alzheimers is a vicious little disease...if you read my post concerning Reagan, then you know I lost my grandmother...who practically raised me... to it. Of course, she is not dead, yet...just lost...somewhere behind those dim green eyes. There is no language, no recognition, no hope...and that is probably the worst part...all there is...is the promise of eventual death. So...we visit her each week...try to offer some comfort...and pray for the best... Noone understands..and noone hates Alzheimers more than me...


    As for Doohan's daughter...she has a hard road ahead of her. BUT...she HAS that road because two people loved each other and brought her into the world. Having seen the alternative, I think he wanted to live while he was alive...and isn't that what we all want...really...


    Sorry for the serious side...but hey...its a serious topic..

  11. The flame leaped to and fro...keeping rhythm to some cosmic dance. Ki'rok had permission to light candles in his quarters for his meditation. There had been a rather unfortuitous event at the academy with the automated fire suppression systems so he did not duplicate THAT mistake.


    As he kneeled, staring at the little flame, recent events popped in and out of his mind...the irrational Arbazan...his new friend, Lt. Lee...the AENG with the bruises that DID resemble nerve pressure marks...the pleasant young medic...his mother...He jerked involuntarily. Why? Why was his mother consuming his thoughts again? Why had the nightmares returned? He could not meditate like this. Everytime he tried, there she was...waiting for him in the corridors of his memory. But these were memories he did not want...


    He was six years old...aboard the K'san...the same ship he had been born on. There were very few children on board...so he spent what time he could with his mother. His father was always busy with some treaty or accord...or arbitration..and when he was not..he was in meditation. It had puzzled Ki'rok later in life how he had even been conceived..given the amount of time he saw his parents together. Nevertheless, he was here...


    His mind raced. He was unable to concentrate. Whatever was bothering him was getting worse. Not only that, he believed it was starting to effect his health. He had not truly meditated in over two weeks. Perhaps he did need to speak with the doctor...before things got any worse.

  12. Ahem. I'd also like to point out that Shrek 2 has eclipsed the first Spider-man movie (According to studio estimates) already, before even going into this weekend. And the movie isn't losing steam. Some say it might even jump up a bit in the top ten list due to the 4th of July weekend. I mean last week it made $10 Million at the box office! That's just crazy for a film that's been out for 6 weeks already.


    I just wanted to note this because a movie that has a big opening it's first weekend doesn't meant anything :mellow:. (Look at the Last Harry movie...it took a nose dive after the opening weekend..)


    I'd also like to note that Spider-man 2's opening was only a million more than what it was two years when the first one came out, not to mention that this all depends on how well the film does in the long run, but, by the looks of it, I can safely say that Shrek 2 will be the top grossing film of this summer. :)


    Here are some box office numbers, compliments from the fine people at BoxOfficeMojo.com:


    Domestic Grosses(As of July 1):

    5) Shrek 2: $404,280,000

    6) Spider-man: $403,706,375

    44) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $219,113,000

    ??)Spider-man 2: (Weekend estimates pending, but likely to top $100,000,000)


    Worldwide Grosses, in the millions, (As of July1):

    2)LOTR Return of the King: $1,118.5 (I'm always just so proud to post this :D)

    10)Spider-man: $821.7

    25)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $540.3

    32)Shrek 2: $485.3(Hasn't really gone fully global yet :))

    ??) Spider-man 2: ?? (Not sure about this one, gonna take a week for me to hear anything)


    ::Retains his title as head movie geek:: B)

    Really John..I never wanted your title... :P


    I was just glad that Spidey did so well..I actually havent been able to see it yet.. ;)


    I did know that LOTR had toppled SPidey from last year..and rightfully so...since that movie was.......INCREDIBLE! But...it opened on a Wed...which even approaching a holiday weekend..isnt as big as a Friday..but I honestly dont thik it will matter...the buzz on the sequel is....its better...


    As for Shrek II, I was a little disappointed...I mean it was funny..I just would have liked more from Puss....in Boots. :P


    Anywho..excellent points all around...we will know Tues what the pace will be...


    Keep those movie seats filled... :P

  13. I just thought I'd take this opportunity to thank everyone for their participation in the survey...


    The "wall-crawler" spun 40.5 M its opening day...a new record!!


    Its good that Im a Vulcan..so I won't do anything silly like...



    :P :P SEE..I told you Spidey Would RULE ALL....WOOOHOOO....


    ::doing the bull-dance, feelin the flow...working it:: :P ;)


    That would have been very UN-Vulcan... :mellow:



  14. Ki'rok sat in the brig pondering the events of late. While he understood why he was here, he was secretly preturbed. He knew the circumstances of the assault. He knew the doctor was correct in diagnosing the bruise marks. But, he also knew he didn't assault the AENG.


    He had studied the great terran investigator, Sherlock Holmes. He reasoned that when you eliminated the impossible, whatever remained...however implausible..must be the truth. The truth was...someone has used the vulcan nerve pressure technique to incapacitate the engineer. He was also the only Vulcan currently assigned to the Republic...which was rather odd..when he thought about it. Perhaps the Admiral disliked Vulcans. She had yelled at him on more than one occasion. But, then again, she had yelled at a lot of people on more than one occasion. He was not special in that aspect.


    It just irked him. It was a loose end...and Ki'rok did not like loose ends.


    And then, he was free. The planet below was not really where he wanted to be. However, given the days events..he thought perhaps a change of scenery and some fresh air might be...refreshing.


    A few minutes later he was standing in the TR...looking rather ridiculous in long shorts and a flowered shirt. Upon arriving on the planet, Ki'rok saw several crewmen already enjoying themselves. He began walking towards the water when something strange caught his eye. The science officer had something written on his back..."N E R D." He decided to inquire about the meaning of the word.

  15. Ki'rok sat in the brig. This was not how he had envisioned serving in Starfleet. He knew the protocol all to well. He bore no ill will (no pun intended) towards the Security Chief. It was, he thought, only logical to incarcerate him for the time being.


    The field lowered and Will entered...


    "I checked with the victim; he couldn't account for what happened to him or how he got into the jefferies tube in that condition. Medical couldn't come up with anything definitive either. Which is bad for my investigation, but is good for you."


    Will sighed, and then continued. "I am sorry about all of this. I am sure that you understand that your brig stay is just a formality, and should be over with soon."


    Ki'rok lifted a brow "Sir, may I remind you that I am mostly a Vulcan, and as such...you cannot offend me. I, better than anyone, understand why you placed me here.


    "Is there anything that you might have left out of your initial incident report?" Will asked.


    The prisoner mused..." I can only report what I know. I heard the engineer groan in the jeffries tube. I released him. I took him to medical. I wrote my report. I was bringing it to you and the rest..." he looked around the empty cell..." is history. I am curious, though, as to how long you will be detaining me."


    "You will probably be out of here as soon as I confirm your location with the computer sensor logs during the time of the incident."


    Ki'rok nodded and sat back on the bench. As strange as this whole scenario was, there was one thing that was honestly bothering him. Ki'rok felt as if he had been in a brig before...when he KNEW he had not...and he had an irrational fear that someone would come sing to him...most troubling, indeed.

  16. Time seemed to stand still for Ki'rok. They had not passed through just yet..so Ki'rok sat...like a man sentenced to Ruhra Penta'. The waiting was truly the worst. Logic told him, he should simply accept the hand that fate had dealt him. Besides, he did not want to live with killing the MACO on his conscience, anyway. Above all...his future had a dying Federation...and yet...he wanted to live.


    He wanted to live...reagardless of the consequences. He thought the humans would have had a hard time dealing with this...but not..a vulcan.


    And suddenly...the moment was upon him. The ship lurched...obviously they had encountered the freighter. Suddenly, a peace came over Ki'rok. A peace that transcended any emotion he had ever tried to suppress. He knew they had succeeded. He knew his time was at an end. The last thought to pass through that logical mind was that this could mean he would see his mother again. And with that thought...the image of a smiling Vulcan slowly faded in the depths of the Republic...