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Everything posted by Ki'rok

  1. Greetings. I must say, I found my first academy sim...fascinating. I look forward to many more sims and ultimately, graduation. One thing...the smilies are only applicable to irrational , emotional types. Might it be possible to find one with simply a raised brow? I shall endeavour to meet and exceed all Academy expectations. Happy Hunting... :lol:
  2. Finally, A reply...wait...this is MY post...... *sigh*
  3. Take heed to the words of Blu..(or the words written in Blue..whatever) She is most wise in the ways of simming.... And sneaky... And violent... And......... :rolleyes:
  4. Whats a log?? ::snickering:: :rolleyes:
  5. I agree..it was shameless..but the show was without the O'hura factor..needed some eye candy. In her defense, I think she could play a better vulcan than Jolene Blalock...of course..Jo's hot, too.... ::shakes head:: Wait...did I say that out loud?
  6. Hey

    greetings.....and I will conquer you....
  7. Cool...But I will STILL conquer you all.......... He HEHEHEHEEHEHeee Ahh aahahahaha
  9. Who cares...... Im KING OF THE WORLD, MA..KING OF THE WORLD.....
  10. Hi.... MUAH AH AH AH ah ah ah...................
  11. Hi

    Interesting thread.... hehehehe
  12. Be happy ..at least they greeted you...
  13. hi..hope you have fun..
  14. yeah..its cool..
  15. Tehy were cool the other night..I was late and still got 20 minutes of Sim time...just let them know you know what you are doing..if they send you the generic sit and watch PM..
  16. My mistake..its happens every few years... BTW..nice lobes :lol:
  17. Hi, my name is Ki'rok.....and Im an addict... :rolleyes:
  18. What can I say...Grand-Daddy was the Mack.. :lol: Logic can be Sexy... :rolleyes:
  19. Really, now...and on what planet, exactly, is "crunch, crunch" considered a welcome??? ^_^
  20. Mental note..dont get sick on any Constitution class vessel bearing the name "HOOD".
  21. *sigh* Et, tu....Dak? :lol: Cant we pick on Andromeda or something...???
  22. :lol: I am SHOCKED! Im a newbie. Im supposed to do dumb stuff...but you...an out and out attack on a defenseless, syndicated trek genre... :P Is this what we have become...*sniff, sniff* Wait a minute, did you SEE that skin tight silver cat suit...Borgtastic! Janeways chain-smoking voice and original bun being annoying..I'll give you. But if it will make everyone feel better, I will watch the spike marathon with "new" eyes. Maybe it will be better, this time. I just think in order to Boldly go...you have to go..not sit and wait for the prophets to ruin your day...thats just me. The introduction of fierce new enemies was cool. See, I said something nice. ^_^
  23. My mind works quite well, doctor. I might have been insulted by the fact noone chose to meld with a Vulcan...if I was capable of such an emotion. However, in the interest of good simming, I shall try...ahem... :best Michael Keaton voice: :lol: CMON.. CMON, DAK. YOU WANNA GET NUTS...LETS GET NUTS!!! ^_^
  24. Marris, might I remind you as a Vulcan I am somewhat telepathic. My 1/4 betazoid DNA heightens those abilites...I sense that there could be more to your invitation than meets the eye. :lol: Its not nice to pick on newbie cadets... :P
  25. Dak..Thank you, your Evilness. Best Top 10 list Ive seen in quite some time. Like I said ...Blu is awesome...violent..but awesome. :lol: