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Cptn Moose

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Everything posted by Cptn Moose

  1. There is NO WAY Huff could kick my butt. Four legs run faster than two. Yeah Darwin! ;-)
  2. Captain's Log, Stardate 10307.29 "Is someone looking after Telano?" Moose asked as Kelly Quest rejoined the pack? The matter was out of his mind before she finished nodding to him. The asteroid was magnificent. It was small with a breathable atmosphere, and a gravity just under .8g; light enough that he felt strong and powerful but with enough pull to keep him from floating into space. He had a tricorder in his hand and a phaser on his belt. Kelly was with him, just as in the old days, and they had a mystery investigate. This was why he had come into space; to explore new places, not to sit behnd a desk shuffling crew manifests and reports. He couldn't remember the last time he had been on an away mission. Hayden was still on leave, or she might have stopped him from going. But he was the Captain, the main man, and he could leave the ship anytime he wanted to, as long as she wasn't looking. He resolved to go on more journeys like this one. But a little doubt crept into his mind. "Careful," he thought. In his line of work, complacency was a way to end up dead. But he pushed that thought out of his head. Maybe it was the light gravity, or maybe it was just the freedom from being off the ship, but Moose felt invincible. Since first boarding the Arcadia as an Ensign those many years ago, Moose had been shot at, beaten, tortured, poked, prodded and stabbed. He had been possessed by aliens more times than he could remember, had been transformed into various energy forms, had been affected by numerous viruses and mind altering substances, and had even been pregnant once. What was left to happen to him? He smiled as the memories passed through his head. Those were good times. And these were good times again. He pulled out his tricorder and began looking for traces of Lodinite. The metal had the property of being undetectable to sensors. He smiled as he realized his dilema. How would he ever find it? It didn't matter, he'd find a way. He wondered if the substance had any other unique properties as he grinned and began to explore the asteroid. Cptn Moose USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E
  3. I figured you'd be a sucker for the blonde. I still have the most horrible crush on Mary Tamm.
  4. What? No votes for "Lost in Space"? Hey Zigs, who was your favorite Romana?
  5. Nope. Not even close. My guess is that the room software they use at startrek.com gives their network administrators the ability to create private chat rooms by passwording them. They certainly haven't given us any rooms like that.
  6. Why Mr. Duncan, do I see a trace of antlers around your hairline? Excellent advise.
  7. Things heat up on the Lodi colony. The marines have been bailed out of jail and are almost all off the sickbay's critical list. The medical team has discovered a cure for the pathogen in the water supply. If Dr. Telano survives his assasination, he may get to use it. The engineering team has been forcebly thrown out of the water purification plant. In addition to sticking gum on the underside of the catwalks, they uncovered evidence of sabotage. Captain Moose, Kelly Quest, and Lt. Garnoopy have taken a shuttle to one of the asteroids containing Lodinite, a rare metal that naturally defies sensor detection.
  8. Mission Brief, Stardate 10307.23 A deadly pathogen has infiltrated the water supply of the Lodi colony, a small mining operation located in the Granger Asteroid Belt. It was allowed to spread due to careless maintenance of the water filtration system, and the Minister of Science, the most likely person on the colony to be able to contain the pathogen, seems unconcerned and uncommitted to solving the problem. Meanwhile, the Arcadia's marine force has been arrested after brawling with Klingons and Nausicans in a bar. The colony itself seems to have a higher than normal accumulation of rogue traders and mercinaries. Are either of these events connected to the discovery of Lodinite, an exotic form or metal that is naturally invisible to sensors?
  9. And seafood loves you back ::winks:: Now we know where the 'sex symbol' fantasy comes from. ::D:
  10. Ah man, I knew I forgot someone... and I knew it wasn't him. ::points and glares at Travis:: Sorry Moose! :D That's quite all right. It leaves me free to lead the rebellion against the winner. ;-)
  11. The mission to the Lodi colony continues ...
  12. After negotiating a successful labor strike, I had no choice but to promote Mr. Garnoopy to Lieutenant Jr. Grade on Stardate 10307.09. ;-) Please join us in wishing him our heartiest congratulations. I see a promising career ahead of him in Diplomatic Negotiations.
  13. Captain's Log, Stardate 10307.13 The Arcadia has taken a position outside the Granger Asteroid Belt. Away teams have shuttled to the Lodi colony, where they will assist the mining community with a water contamination issue. The bridge is unusually quiet right now. The gamma shift crew has filled in for the away team members. They're used to serving under Cdr. Dacotah, and my presence has rattled them into an overcompensating burst of efficiency. I haven't seen an attention to detail this acute since I last took a shipload of cadets on an Academy training mission. No doubt about it, I need to work more nights. Lt. Garnoopy is my only alpha shifter still on duty, and he isn't doing anything to ease their discomfort. In fact, he's leading the parade, setting the by-the-book standard for the gamma shift to follow. You don't normally see a junior officer take the lead so easily, but this one is out to make a name for himself. I have no doubt he will succeed with that endeavor. He's not the only one taking pains to carve out a niche. Dana Quest has embraced her status with the Marine Corps as if she'd found religion. Our standard security contingent was converted to a marine battalion shortly after I came on board. A marine escort was determined to be the only appropriate escort for an Ambassador. Although Starfleet Command understands that I'm not really Ambassador Moose, they're not ready to openly acknowledge that fact. There hadn't really been a difference until recently. First, Pike sent that Sergeant Major to work with Dana. Then Dana's Aunt Kelly reappeared and took residence on the ship. Suddenly the smell of testosterone is in the air, and camouflaged squadrons are jogging through the decks sporting nicknames like 'Blackjack' and 'Popeye' and 'Snakebite'. Kelly Quest was the best Security Officer this ship had ever seen. I hand-picked her when I was Chief of Security, and I trained her myself. In short time she made me look like a computer technician playing soldier in the weekend reserves. Kelly is a tough act to follow. I can understand Dana wanting to forge her way down a different path, and I'll support her every step of that way. But I had to draw a line when it came to my personal attachment. I don't care how much of a 'fleeter' they think I am, on my bridge they will wear the standard fleet uniform. They can fade into the foliage on their time. Meanwhile, I still haven't made progress trying to contact Ambassador Moose on Paktar. Kelly's son David is with him, and has no idea that his mother is still alive. If I'm going to break down the diplomatic walls that shield Paktar, I'm going to need information and the time to ferret out the little that exists and piece it together. Kelly is anxiously trying to return to duty, but I'm not certain if after all she's been through, she's up to the rigors of a duty cycle. Perhaps this is a project she can focus on. Cptn Moose USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E
  14. The Arcadia takes up position outside the Granger Asteroid Belt, where shuttle crafts take the crew to the Lodi Colony. Their water supply has been poisoned, and although the colonists have no love of the Federation, they have asked for our help anyway. Medical teams are helping to treat the sick. Engineering has gone to inspect their water reclaimation plant. And Science is examing the water supply, trying to understand the nature of the contamination. Meanwhile, the Marine contingent has been charged with keeping a high profile around the colony, just to discourage anti-Federationalists.
  15. Mission Brief, Stardate 10307.09 The USS Arcadia has been sent to the Granger Asteroid Belt. A colony of aprox. 35,000 has been established on Lodi, the largest asteroid in the belt, where they break down the other asteroids into raw materials for export. Their water supply has recently become contaminated, resulting in an illness of epidemic proportions. It is unknown if the contamination is natural, or due to a breakdown of their water reclamation system. Although mistrustful of anyone outside the Trader's Guild, the Lodians have asked for Federation assistance in solving their problem.
  16. Zigs, Since you brought it up, I've been getting complaints from housekeeping about this. Could you follow up with Garnoopy about your request for a mini-fridge in your quarters? If they can't get one installed, I'm going to have to insist you stash your steaks in the galley from now on. Thanks.
  17. Hewitt, I can only imagine how scarry this is. But asking for help is a far cry from asking for pity. I do know that the support of your friends and loved ones is going to be crucial for you going forward, and I'm glad you said something to us. You definitely have my thoughts and prayers. Make sure you keep us informed of your progress. And don't hesitate to let us know when you need support.
  18. I've always been fond of moose-tipping. It paid for my college tuition. Between 15 and 20% is the recommended amount.
  19. Speaking of fireworks, then you probably wait until labor day to witness the great display the have spanning the bridge from Cincinnati to Kentucky. That was one of the best fireworks shows of all time. My fourth was wonderful. I wish you all the same.
  20. On Stardate 10307.02, Hans Sieben was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Please join Cdr Dacotah and I in extending our heartiest congratulations.
  21. Why do I feel like I've been double-dog dared? Fear not, I'm a professional. I am sure that a diplomatic solution can be reached before Panda burgers are added to the commisary menu.
  22. Captain's Log, Stardate 10307.02 Lt Cdr Stardust has the bridge. Cdr Dacotah has the delegates. I have peace and quiet. I am not one who normally takes advantage of the privileges due my rank, but this is an exception. I am comfortably sequestered in my ready room with the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, and I plan on remaining here until the Ambassadors from the 1st and 12th planet return to their respective corners. It's not that I don't feel their pain. I do understand what it's like to be part of a grudge so old that the participants don't even remember what it's about. Bill could barely exchange small talk with me on Starbase 36, and I had just rescued his daughter from slavery. I tried to review their requests and demands with an open mind, but both sides were insistent on details the likes of which even a fully diagnosed anal retentive would admit were petty and controlling. Quite honestly, I'm still worried about Kelly and Samantha. I don't have the patience for this right now. Command should have sent me to blow something up. Ever since I insisted she report to sick bay, Cdr Dacotah has been judgmental and impatient with the decisions I've been making. So, now it's her turn. She can handle this ... her way. The Liputians and the Brodingnags haven't met face to face in 300 years. It should be an interesting experience. It will be my pleasure to hear all about it later.
  23. Mission Brief, Stardate 10307.02 Stationed in the Lipu system, exactly halfway between the 1st and 12th planets, the USS Arcadia entertains peace talks between the two species native to the system. They have been bitter rivals since they first discovered each other's existence eons ago, and have finally turned to the Federation for mediation. Both species are slaves to protocol, however, and the crew of Arcadia must navigate two sets of diverse and complex customs, or doom this system to extinction through permanent war.
  24. Yes. Well done. And why would any sane sentient return to that Sector? Hmm ... sane? It's been a long time since we've been accused of that.
  25. The USS Arcadia has been dispatched to the Lipu system, where they will collect Ambassadors from both the 1st and the 12th planets. Once both Ambassadors are on board, the Arcadia will assume a changing position within the system which will keep the ship exactly the same distance from both planets. This position must be held for the duration of the conference, or their last chance for peace will be destroyed.