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Michael Baker

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Everything posted by Michael Baker

  1. Am I the only one looking forward to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"?? :D
  2. No, no, no. This is all wrong. The Hood is the best sim. How can you not love a sim that takes place during the TOS era, and a sim in which you eat donuts and drink coffee all the time! :) Not to mention we've had to deal with speaking roaches on a snot colored planet. :D
  3. Member of DA, Donutaholic's Anonymous Just change that donut part. Makes more sense in the title. :) Thanks!
  4. Congrats Mr. Precip, just a note..... When one of the GM's offers you a glass of Punch....Don't drink it :) Anyways, congrats once again! :(
  5. LOL!! Ahem I resent that. I've been a fan of donuts even before joining the Hood. I mean come on I have a Krispy Kreme right across the street. How can you not love them ^_^ ::Thinks his title and sig prove that :(::
  6. Well Gee. If I was captain I'd probably put a Krispy Kreme on every deck of the ship so I could have fresh, warm, donuts at my beck and call 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week..... ::Drool:: That would be awesome.....
  7. I wanna get..... Member of DA, Donut's Anonymous Just like that. Thanks!