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lt james black

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Everything posted by lt james black

  1. Anderson, thats why the refs won. Thats 14 points, then, in the last drive by seatle that got into the red zone, pitsburge was off side (same play seatle got called for it,) and, in the last drive, the refs missed a personal foul (changing the head after the play.)
  2. Well, it was a good game. Even though the Seahawks didnt win, the refs had a great game, and deserved that win.
  3. Ya, im looking forward to em. Ill probily get Legacy, and, ST online if they dont charge per month.
  4. Well, after seeing one of my logs when cleaning out my comp, and visting the arc, im thinking of comming back. Well, see you in the academy, and hopfully soon aboard a ship if i remember how to sim.
  5. Well, i hope to get security somewere again, but, who knows. Engineering on the Talon was preaty fun also. As for the people that i served with before my "leave," im sorry about sudenly dissappering. RL can suck, and you loss all life when work takes over 24/7, litterly. Then, when that ended, i forgot about STSF till i was cleaning my comp and saw a log (I swear, it must have been planted because it was in the middle of the folder i open almost daily,) but, i hope to see you in the academy tonight, and, see how much (or little) i remember.
  6. Battle sim’s Note this log takes place before the Red Alert, and security alert in shuttle bay. ::In marine HQ of the USS Arcadia:: After finishing emergency response time of my company, I can wonder what would have happened if this would have been an real emergency. Good for the academy, good for new recruits, but, this is Alpha, my company, 2IC’d (second in commanded) by a marine with 9 years of experience, and lead by my with another 10, 2 of witch are command. Half decently trained intruders would have taken over at least 5 decks before we could have had more marines on station. Not only would they of had those decks under control, but they would have had the shuttle bay. Maybe it is a good thing it was only a training sim. Now I know that I need to drill intruder alerts into them, and not worry so much about planetary assault. “Gunny Jackson, get you @$$ in here NOW.” ::Sees the gunnery sergeant enter Alphas office in the HQ:: “Now, tell me why you lost control of 5 decks during that intruder alert, and don’t bull**** me.” “Well, with having intruders insert at 3 area’s we were thinned out, giving us less men than normal to dell with the situation. We just…” started Gunny Jackson “Well, you should have known that there were 3 insertion points, with that only allowing you to have 5 men at each deck. You should have also known that within 10 minutes, the rest of the company could have been on battle station. How long could it take you disable ONE force field, about a minute right. A call to the bridge, and on all of those decks, I could have had it secured off, with a bunch of force field. But instead of having that happen, you made it so that 20 of our men would have been killed or wounded.” “Well, the thought of waiting for reinforcements never popped to mind. When it came time to issue the first orders, all I could think about was getting rid of the intruders. I didn’t even think about just letting them sit there, and then go in with a large force to remove them.” “Thank you, dismissed” +Alpha Marines+ “Alpha your off, I HIGHLY recommend you review the sim log, and you have a brief, then a debrief starting you next shift.” ::Just as if scripted, the Red Alert klaxon sounds::
  7. accualy, no, i heard it on slashdot.org a long time ago, so accualy, i heard it here second. (The second one is the one from slashdot.org) I would have quoted it if i could figure out how to make the quote thing work
  8. well, not an exacly a small N/November on the tail but, it is a smaller than the rest of the regerstation, an at least this is a 64 Cessna 180. http://www.aircraftbrowser.com/1964%20Cess...%20Exterior.htm I want a concept pic of a Aurora aircraft. Hint: think secret Air force base in Navada that "doesnt" excest.
  9. A wing in the need 1st Lt James Black, about marine carrier USS Freedom Mission: Cross comparison of battalions; Previewing of fighter wing “Welcome aboard Lt.” Commented the M Lt Col in charge of the battalion aboard the Freedom. “I believe that you don’t care about the actual role of the marines and that you want the tour of the fighter squad on transport to marine HQ.” “Basically, if it is also possible, could I get a few flights in the fighters, and if they are not restricted, get the specs of the fighters, we have some on the Arcadia, but having a problem with trust vectoring when launching torps.” “Sure, before you leave, well have the specs, and we already have a flight in the fighters. For some of the basic info about the lance: its composed of 16 fighters, 12 of which are always mission ready, 2 are always set up for training, but in about 10 min’s. they can be made mission ready, and in none post battle, we try to keep 2 on maintenance. Of course, this is subject to change when we had a fight within the past 2 days. We have 44 marines in the lance, 3 teams of 12 for pilots and 2 teams of 4 engineers. All of the marines in the fighters are also trained for all of the standard marine duties. The fighter’s role is to provide escort of the Freedom, provide air power and superiority for the marines when they are on planet surface. If we lose contact with a few, the marines stop moving, and a fighter comes and provides support, and assistance until we can get them out, or contact is established again.” The next day The one major advantage the fighters had was vs. other shuttles, and smaller ships. The Freedom wasn’t made to go into large battle areas without an escort, actually, with it only have 4 phaser banks and 1 torpedo tube, it wasn’t meant for much more but going in, with a Akira, or assault ship, launch the teams then leave until they finish there mission, then come back and pick them up then go to the next mission, with the escort. But, an escort isn’t always possible, like now, 2 pirate light cruisers, coming off of a planet, ambushing the Freedom. “Red Alert, not a drill.” “Well, looks like you get to see the crews in action. All action ready fighters will depart and attack, get the shields down, then we try to negotiate, if that doesn’t work, the fighters finish it. Reroute turbo lift to fighter control.” As the fight starts to erupt, the pirates start to take damage to the shields, and 3 fighters come back to the Freedom after suffering some minor hull damage. “As you can see, the fighters allow us to fight on more that one ship, at the same class, or a few above, after that, we use the marines, and plant explosives to take them out.” “Efficient, what would you do if they ran for the planet?” “That would depend upon weather or not they took our people. If they did, we’d peruse them, and send in the marines to find them, with a fighter escort, if not, we flee the area, and call in Starfleet.” After the battle, none of the marine fighters will killed, but one fighter was destroyed, with the pilot saved by the fighter’s emergency transport out. The pirates ended up running after there hull got down to 75%, and few if any casualties were sustained. Back on the arc. Computer; begin log After a tour of the fighter wing and the Freedom, and being able to see them in action; I’ve concluded that not only should and light class ship have at least a wing of fighters, but all ships should. There is no such thing as cheating in battle, except rigging the holodeck in sims, and the fighters will force and enemy ship to have more to look after in a fight, or be able to give the marines a well needed assistance from the sky to take out armor, scout, or give assistance vs. large groups of enemies. I’m not sure of the nature of what is happening on the planet but I am willing to bet that would hurt now, in the future, or in many events when those marines were slaughtered in the past. I am willing not only assist in setting one up on the arc, but be commander of the wing if the arc gets a wing, that is how important I think they are, and I think many of the commanders of other squads on other ships would agree that the any ship should have at least 2, with pilots who’s duty is the fighter, no security. With that, they will be more efficient, and have less chance of destruction in battle. End log
  10. Hey

    Jolan Tru, hello, welcome Well, ya read the tips from moose, they are good, and work And ::looks around for dac:: avoid the cadet killer (dac) No, dac is good, just has the tedency to kill the cadets.
  11. Well, I never saw the mini series, so, I dont dont know what it will be like, and there is no option for never saw the miniseries ( good job of putting in ALL of the possablilitys ) Other than that, I might watch it, depending what is on, RL, but i will probilly watch the first one fully, when does it start. PS, All arcadiaers, it is 97% possitive that I WILL make the sim tonight, and Taloners, 90% possitive i will be back tomorow, maybe late, have somthing ending at about 9:45 MST, AKA, IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BACK