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Everything posted by LoAmi

  1. yes good advice this is if all posts like this looked understand them hard would be and try not would readers
  2. Vote to throw Images out an airlock! :P :D
  3. This is a summary of who the defined previous hosts are, who contributed them, what they did, and where there's open space. If you haven't posted yet, and want to post, try to pick an emptier area of time, and post something interesting. Anyone notice the general lack of females and overabundance of Starfleet? Thanks again to everyone who has participated, and thank you in advance to everyone who will! Note: if you have a *great* idea that must go in space I marked *CLOSED*, please ask me first, and I'll see if I can rig the dates so it would work. Here goes: Name (gender/current age or approx age @death), contributor, identifying element 24th century: Arphazad (m/27), self, Starfleet officer: science Nemrod (m/30s?), self, Starfleet officer: engineer Phedra (m?/70s?), Alces-implied existence, Socialite? *CLOSED* 23rd century: Brandon (m/50s?), Blurox, Starfleet officer: engineer/thief Targesh (m/40s), Seiben, Starfleet officer: command Kurahj (m/60s), Jorlis, Historian/Archaeologist Ilsen (m/80s), Moose, Engineer/Experimentalist *CLOSED* 22nd century: Seg'Ami (m/50s-60s), Images, Exceedingly naive Ambassador/Diplomat 21-22 centuries: OPEN: Approximately 50 years 21st century: Vesta (f/70s?), Stardust, Aristocrat/Min of Culture Esrelda (f/24), Vex Xiang, Unemployed dancer 20th century: Juliana (f/89), Trichon, Insane Private investigator; mother of Trichon's brother and sister. *CLOSED* 19th century: Marie Latour (f/60), Dac, "Innkeeper" Dr. Frances (m/80s?), Dac-implied, Religious Order Physican (premodern medicine) OPEN: 70+ years?
  4. Actually, 1938-2005 is currently taken up by Juliana. (That's the 20th century!) The 70+ year slot is in the 19th century, and it's before ~1830 (approx year). If you don't need more than basic industrial technology, I'd suggest using the 19th century slot; otherwise, use the 21st century slot (~50 joined years, 2060s-2100s), where you can assume the existence of *early* space travel technology (and possibly post-first contact).
  5. You seem to have answered your own question.
  6. Thanks, great log and great story. Don't be surprised if I try to drag Arcadia to the Kandoru sector. :D
  7. cool - it's yours...
  8. Yes, it works very well. I left about 50 years of open space there for one more host to take up. It's a bit easier to plug though if nobody bites (please do!).
  9. Good character.
  10. Yes, it was in DS9 "Homefront" (Had to look up episode name in startrek.com library, I'm not that much of a nerd). It was the Federation ship that attacked the Defiant.
  11. Actually, I never questioned the writing, only some of the contents :D Anyway, if I happen to die a horrible death at Wed's academy when everyone else survives, you'll know why.
  12. My what big teeth you have.
  13. Wild Party at A9's Place!
  14. I've reworked the dates slightly since I first posted this in order to try to get everyone who specified years to have the correct ones. As you can see, there's still quite a bit of open space, especially for the first one to two hosts, and in the 21st century. If necessary, I can plug the hole in the 23rd by making some of the hosts live longer, but I really need some help with the other two OPEN spaces (hint, hint!). For future posts, please do not include specific dates, (although a hint as to which century is OK) as I have a pretty good draft and I really don't want to conflict with anything anybody writes, nor do I want to have to spend too much time reworking it. If you've already posted and have a dispute about when I placed your host, please send me a board PM so I can correct it before this gets added to my bio. Thanks once again to everyone who has participated so far.
  15. Not the canon one from DS9.
  16. Welcome to STSF! A really good, informative, and clearly written post by cptn_moose, entitled "What the heck do these people think they're doing?" was put up in the STSF Academy board (this one) to answer just that question. Please take a look at it. Also, if you haven't already done so, be sure to read the help section on this site (just hit the "Help" button under the STSF logo at the top of this page). Hope this helps,
  17. Actually, I like the story too much to pull it over something stupid like place names :-) [if you can just edit some place names, it would be great; otherwise, I'm ok leaving it as errors in the UT or parallel development.]
  18. I think I'm going to be sick.... :wink:
  19. Have any GM's verified this by attempting to crash the room (when it's empty -- aside from themselves and one planned victim, that is)?
  20. Someday, somehow, the Pandarians will be destroyed! This was the first time a Federation starship survived an encounter with them (ok, so, the XO died, but who's counting?)... now, everyone knows what to do when they see a Pandarian! muhahahahaha
  21. LOL Stron :D Good luck.
  22. Nice pictures. Looks a bit derivative of Excelsior and Sovereign? classes. I can't tell whether the ramscoops on the warp engines are in line of site from the front -- if not, and they're not variable geometry units, it might be a violation of some starship design rules (see Ex Astris Scientia for more info). :D
  23. You can never win! Not with the ACTION!