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Dray McKenna

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Posts posted by Dray McKenna

  1. Happy is completely acceptable, especially when it's a good game.


    I can be very opinionated is all, mainly towards the preferential treatment of some pro football teams/individual players and that opinion spills over at the colleges at times.


    Re: Leslie Nielson. Naked Gun is one of the funniest films *ever*. Anyone ever catch him in his earlier career films when he played serious roles? Rest in Peace.



    Been a while but I think I remember "Spy Hard" being pretty funny...

  2. Did you know that a sports franchise directly generates on average 55 million dollars game day revenues to the cities/counties/states? Not to mention an average of 400 full time jobs in and around their communities, and just about that many part-time gameday related jobs?


    I think the problem you should have is the way in which cities manage those revenues, a good portion of which is spent on gameday itself.


    I think you for that bit of information Lexi. I did not know this. I am just sick and tired of our educational system taking a back seat..

  3. Just wanted to say thanks to STSF Kent, STSF_Nickles, bluflash, Sakura Haruno and Vilanne for a fun sim tonight... or this morning rather. And also for ending the sim before me and my CSEC Sakura get smoked by a band of dirty Romulans. I swear the things that people and .. others.. will do for a few cases of Romulan Ale... :D

  4. There is no such litmus test on Qob (we accept all types, as evidenced by the current crew), nor was an attack directed at any modern religion. The intent was to avoid a character that would be amply set up for a religious dispute which is prohibited (along with political disputes) by the forum (your signature notwithstanding, apparently). Offering the role was inspired by a character on the Firefly show; we're looking for the same sort of unassuming man of faith in order to keep things respectful and friendly among the crew.


    This is simply how he want it on our sim. There is no offense to be found here unless it's looked for.




    ::Quietly awaits his que to start chanting:: "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!" :D

  5. This is an extension of the anti matter news from yesterday. The following was posted today on a news site and the reason I'm reposting it here is because of the mention of Star Ships being pondered and considered for the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breakthrough in antimatter science: 'This could lead to starships'Posted by Shinta Dewi on November 19th, 2010 News-worthy.info — Scientists at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), the European research facility that hosts the world's largest particle accelerator, claimed that they have successfully created greater quantities of antimatters and stored them longer than ever before.They reported to have been able to create 38 atoms of antihydrogen and to keep them stable enough to last one tenth of a second before the atoms annihilated themselves. Since then, the report continues, they have been able to hold antimatter atoms for even longer although no specific duration given.Scientists have been able to create antimatter particles for decades, but it is hard to hold antimatter atoms for long as they will be destroyed once in contact with matter. The few antimatter particles that have ever been produced were always almost instantly destroyed."This is the first major step in a long journey," said Michio Kaku, physicist and author of Physics of the Impossible. "Eventually, we may go to the stars".See: www.news-worthy.info/breakthrough-in-antimatter-science-this-could-lead-to-starships/3671

  6. LoAmi by the way... I enjoyed very much how the sim played out. I only meant that I wouldn't choose science at least until I increased my own scientific knowledge so as to make my actions more accurate and believable. I hope you didn't think I meant it against you :(

  7. I would like to thank LoAmi, Kent, TKAR and Blu for a fun first academy sim tonight. I can see that academy simming is a useful tool to both increase simming skill as well as offering some insight into what each dept would expect of you and where you might feel more comfortable working once attached to a ship. After tonights sim science may not be for me which is surprising considering that that is exactly where I was going to apply. I don't remember enough of my time as a rl EMT to try out Medical so.. I guess I will be putting an application in for janitorial. Or Captain of course.. if there is a spot open.. :(

  8. Welcome, Mr. McKenna. I look forward to meeting you sometime in the near future. As always, you are welcome to watch some of the advanced simulations to see what style and era each has, to better make a decision when you graduate.


    Thank you, Chirakis. I just took a like at Sky's site. Very impressive. At this time there are 3 that I like so hopefully with some more simming and observing I'll be able to narrow it down.

  9. Hi,I haven't had any similar issues. It sounds like a browser problem. What browser, browser version, operating system are you using? Have you tried other browsers to see if you have the same issue?Does it happen when you press "Fast reply" or only when you type a new post or press "Add reply"?Until you figure it out, you can type your posts in a text editor and copy-paste it into the boards.Hope this helps.
    That's an interesting idea with the text editor. It's just a pain to have to do all that. I'm using Firefox 3.6.12. Not sure if firefox is the problem. I will try with IE and see what happens. Thanks

  10. Hello all. For some reason I am not able to see a cursor where I type out my posts so it's hard to see where I am editing. Furthermore, I can not backspace or copy and past text around. For example when I am replying to a post and a quote is automatically added.. I cannot seem to cycle my cursor down under the quote. Nothing seems to be working and so far I am only able to type and hope I don't make a mistake early on in the post since I cannot fix it unless I start all over. Just wondering if anyone else has or has had similar issues. Thanks in advance for any feedback regarding this.

  11. Welcome to the STSF site Drayvend. Enjoy your simming time here; this is a great site to get started on, and our Sims and Acads offer a range of Star Trek eras and timeframes representing most of the TV Series/Movies.


    See ya around the galaxy.


    Thank you Captain Calestorm. It's nice to see a Star Fleet Captain that makes it a point to be involved on the message boards. I noticed not all of the ships Captains do this. By the way.. beautiful ship you've got there. :(

  12. Bright good morning to all! I am new to STSF and very excited to be here. I will be attending tonights SF Academy sim at 10pm. I am really looking forward to it. Anyway, just introducing myself and I hope to have an opportunity to either sim or share ideas and pleasant conversation with all of you!