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Everything posted by HyperDrive

  1. Lieutenant Hewitt Demore Chief Engineering Officer Station Sky Harbor Aegis || 30218-UKRFCB Six ships were going to be docked at Aegis in the next four hours, and Demore was beginning to think he was undermanned. "Prepare the WorkerBees," he would say, over and over again. They, too, would be up for an overhaul soon. At times, even Hewitt was out in one of the WorkerBees, performing repairs on several docked ships. He even ordered overtime for a few of the engineers. However, any free time Demore got, he checked on Cardassia. He also received the Security Brief sent out every few hours from the Midway, that tells the number of people denied entrance to the Station, reasons, and how many people are aboard the station at this time. It was all normal. He would then go back to work. On occasion, an engineer would yell over the communication unit that "this thing isn't working right!" My most common answer was, "Kick it 'till it works." It is a blasted starship, for crying out loud! It's not like you're going to hurt it by giving it a good, stubborn kick every now and then. In most cases, all you manage to do is hurt your foot. There were more frequent answers heard over the communication units. "Kick the ship all you want, but don't kick the computer more than twice." I've said that one a few times, myself. Everything needs a little shake every now and then... computers included. If they just weren't so picky about how they like the temperature... oh well. I like it cold, too. The most common advice I give when something doesn't work is, "Find a way to fix it." In most cases, the engineers aboard this station abide by that, and eventually do get it fixed. If it isn't fixed, it is replaced... which usually prevents it from being broken again in the first place. That is asked a lot, too. "Sir, can we just replace the console?" My response is so simple, other officers tend to quite me on it. "What would you do when you break the computer core?" Some things just can't be replaced (cheaply). If Starfleet got word of everything on this station that has been broken and replaced, they'd probably go insane. And then there are the small problems that stop the entire station. "Chief, one of the security consoles in Customs went down." The entire station goes into "lockdown" mode to prevent unauthorized entry, until someone can get to the Midway and fix it. The entire station is a large variable. If you input the wrong thing, you get an error. The biggest problem is when the error is undefined - this causes the computer to continually search for the stupid error code. I never understood why we couldn't just have an error code that went like this: "ERROR: CONTACT SOMEONE TO FIX IT" That's what everyone on the station does, anyway. "Ack! It's broken... someone call Engineering." 10 minutes later, an engineer shows up, and turns on the power switch. "There - now it works." Perhaps some people just aren't cut out for technology. I never understand that now, though - we all grew up with technology everywhere. Really, my childhood had one of the lowest amounts of technology... I grew up on a Federation colony. Oh, don't go thinking about that, Hewitt! He sighed, and thought of his sister. Demore went back to work, just so he could stop thinking. He was better off being "as one" with the station's computer system. If it breaks, just give it a little kick. Sometimes, that's all we need.
  2. I honestly can't remember how many sims it took me to complete the Academy. My problem was that I went to every stinkin' sim every night, and saw a new GM every night... none of them had ever seen me before, so none felt they should graduate me! ^_^ (Either that, or I sucked... no one ever said for sure.) But, hey - look at me now! ~HD
  3. YAY! We also have people like me... who just "won't go away..." ^_^ ~HD
  4. Chief Petty Officer Martin Weedman Second-in-Command, Challenger Design Team San Francisco, Earth June 9, 2154 RECORD OF COMMUNICATION This record is classified for authorized personnel only. The communication enclosed was video encoded in the office of CPO Martin Weedman, and has been edited into text narration by Petty Officer Jeremy Clemons, and authorized by Lieutenant Gerold Gray. The record below contains a physical communication between CPO Martin Weedman, Second-in-Command of the Challenger Design Team, and Civilian Alberto Sanchez. BEGIN Civilian Alberto Sanchez walked into the office Chief Petty Officer Martin Weedman. Sanchez seated himself. Sanchez reveiled a diagram. "This is what I wanted to see you about, Martin." He opened it, stood, and spread it across the desk of CPO Weedman. CPO Weedman stared at the diagram for approximentally 45 seconds, and looked up to Martin, who was still standing over the desk of CPO Weedman. Martin Weedman spoke. "What is this suppose to be, Al?" Sanchez spoke in an excited mood. "The warp device, Martin. In the tests I have ran, it will improve efficiency in the engines." Weedman glanced back down at the paper, and spoke again. "It is," he paused, "vertical." He looked again. "Are we going to turn the engines on end, too?" Sanchez shook his head in a "No" fashion, and sat down again. "We can feed the core power into the engines with these." He pointed out the connector devices. Weedman stared at Sanchez. "I've never seen these before," referring to the connector devices. Sanchez nodded. "You won't," he paused, "because they don't exist yet. But they should be pretty simple to create. On paper, everything looks good." "Of course it looks good," Weedman replied, "but this is insane! We can't reinvent the wheel here, Al. The NX core works with no flaws." Alberto shook his head. "Right, but we can make the wheel better." Weedman sighed. "Alberto, we're still in the NX series. We're still learning more, and dash-zero-five is going to lean more towards science. We need things to work perfectly - we've already got some brand new science crap scheduled to be put on board, and barely enough space to do it." Martin paused again, and shook his head. "Besides, this design would require us to rearrange 6 decks on the ship to fit the vertical design, which probably wouldn't work anyway, and we don't have the time..." Weedman was cut off. "But it will work, Martin!" And a quick reply by CPO Weedman. "No, Alberto. That is final. We don't have the time. End of discussion." "But..." Sanchez said. "That is all," was the final word spoken, by CPO Weedman. Sanchez stood, and left. He left the design plans on the desk of CPO Weedman, who filed them into his desk for long-term storage. END
  5. A wonderful president with a terrible task... he will be missed greatly by the American people. Reagan's foreign affair tactics were some of the best of any American president, mainly in preventing the spread of Communism (which was deamed necessary in U.S. politics). The United States has lost a leader who should never be forgotten. ~HD
  6. I'd try to design a few. ;) ~HD
  7. ::whistles, and opens the airlock closest to Dracal:: :ph34r: ~HD
  8. Hi! ::waves while reaching for the airlock:: Don't mind me. ::wink:: ~HD
  9. I'd play. <_< ~HD
  10. It was a great last episode. I have enjoyed it for the past 2 years or so (never got into watching it early), and I have really enjoyed it. But, Joey is suppose to have a spinoff show... hopefully it will work out. :) ~HD
  11. Lieutenant Hewitt Demore Chief Engineering Officer Station Sky Harbor Aegis :: 30218-UKRFCB Demore was sitting on the Control Tower, with only an Operations officer with him. Several quick conflicts on the station's lower decks had called for an emergency lock-in aboard the station, and confusion for the security forces. Most security officers have been directed to Drankum's Lounge, where two unknown humans were arrested and placed in the brig. Hewitt was trying to keep up with what was going on, and did for the most part. After the arrest, things actually began to get back to normal. As Admiral Meve walked out onto the Control Tower, Demore was sitting in the Executive Officer's chair. Demore just sat there, and casually listened to Meve. "Aye, sir. I'll notify you if the freighter doesn't answer in the next minute," Demore said as Meve entered the turbolift. Perhaps it was the quiet sitting on the Control Tower, or the pleased look on his face from turning to look at the light-work he had done above the turbolift door, but something was pleasing to the lieutenant. Perhaps it was because the day was relatively simple to many previous days. He mumbled. "This is easy..." referring to his relaxed state in the chair. "But," he said while standing up, "I need something to do." Demore walked over to the turbolift, and entered. "Main engineering." He muttered softly. "I believe it is time to figure out how the lighting system actually works on this station." He sighed, and exited the turbolift into his office... and began reading. EOM (( For some reason, I don't seem to have much to talk about. ::smirk:: ))
  12. ::turns off power to Grom's office:: I think this is much more funny.... :) ::runs off laughing:: ~HD
  13. YAY Precip! Whoopie! Yaaahoooo! Congrats, Precip! (I'm going to have to go to more Academy sims. I didn't even know! :) ) ~HD
  14. Happy birthday, Grom! ~HD
  15. Holy smokes! Berman talks about a possible ST:XI movie... and it's a blasted prequel! Agh! Read all about it here. :) http://www.trektoday.com/news/220404_01.shtml ~HD
  16. Lieutenant Hewitt Demore Chief Engineering Officer Sky Harbor Aegis/Cardassian Sector ++BEGIN LOG++ [Time: Before the 4/23/04 sim.] Demore was typing his report of what he had actually found in the alien ship. "A single, large propulsion device was located centrally in the ship's engineering section. After a short test trial, it was discovered that the alien ship gave very high and unusual power output. After running several tests back aboard the USS Pandora's Box, the final conclusion was made that the alien ship was capable of speeds much faster than that of any Federation ship. As my best hypothesis, the ship was capable of transwarp speeds. The most notable item found on the alien ship was the hull structure. Tricorders were unable to read information through the hull, and readings on the other layer of the hull indicated traces of diburnium-osminum. Regeneration capabilities were discovered as we began finding small hull breaches in the alien craft. However, the regeneration was moving very slowly. I assume that power in the regeneration system had almost entirely failed. Hull samples were collected, and are currently being held in the science department. Traces of cyrillium were also recorded, although a source could not be located. Due to the power of the engine, it was assumed the weapon systems would be quite powerful. However, weapons were never located. There was a console on the bridge of the ship believed to be tactical related, but no definate findings were made. There were no viewable weapon ports on the outside of the ship, which made weapon power determinations impossible. No definate time period of when the ship arrived at the location was able to be determined. However, dating the plant life around the craft from an apparent fire in the area, a conclusion was made that the alien ship had been in it's present location for many years. Best estimates on the ships age range from 300-1000 years old. No further age determinations were made." Lieutenant Demore finished the report, and set it on his desk. The report held what was found on the alien ship. Unfortunately, time was a problem... more information could have been gained with just a bit more time. [Time: 10 minutes after the 4/23/04 sim.] Demore had given the data PADD with the report to Captain Ayers, who has since been arrested. No further information has been gained about the alien ship, due to Captain Ayers' removal from Executive Officer. Much of the research team have been placed on hiatus, until further information can be gained. I have removed all engineering personnel from the alien ship's research team. ++END LOG++ -|^|-< Engineering Operations Note: Engineering team BRAVO has been assigned repair duties at 1600 hours for stardate 50404.29. EOM. >-|^|- Upcoming Engineering Events: 50404.26: Softball game between engineering teams DELTA and ZULU at 1400 hours. Crewman Thomas Davis will be the head official for the game. 50404.27: Pylon 2 repair team meeting at 0900 hours. 50404.29: Senior engineering officers meeting at 0730 hours in Main Engineering regarding scheduled maintance changes, after routine officer meeting is completed. 50404.29: Team BRAVO to begin repair of Federation ship [unknown] at 1600 hours. Contact Lieutenant Demore or Lieutenant Brown if you have any questions. 50404.30: Emergency repair drill for several unspecified engineering teams at 0300 hours. Drill will be conducted by Ensign Justin Franklin, and will choose engineering teams that will participate. All teams be prepared; no warning will be given to the chosen teams beforehand. All questions regarding the abridged schedule above should be directed to Lieutenant Demore. For the unabridged schedule, check the monthly engineering agenda. ==EOM ==EOT
  17. I liked it. I wish I could do computer animation. :lol: ~HD
  18. I think it would be fun. :) I can see it now.... NEWSPAPER: HD gets in Star Trek movie! (2 weeks later) NEWSPAPER: HD officially declared a geek! Heh... I *do* think it would be kinda interesting and neat, though. :P ~HD
  19. If you're going to bring in the topic of tight clothes and sex appeal to please the "general masses" of audience, then every Star Trek series did this. I'm going to say that Enterprise is more for the general mass, and not for the diehard trek fans. Main reason? It doesn't always follow canon, which diehard fans tend to dislike. ~HD
  20. ::sigh:: And where do the Xindi come into this? That is what I hate about Enterprise. They introduced a new species in the show, and say that they will be on Federation starships in the future... where have they been throughout the entire 24th century? :) ~HD
  21. ::nodnod:: Yea, what Travis said.... :) ~HD
  22. ::sigh:: I'm not a cat person... I've had more than one bad experience. :( I'm a dog person. ~HD
  23. Welcome to STSF. B) ...and I don't speak French! Agh! Humf. ~HD
  24. Cool. B) Nice addition to the site! ~HD
  25. Pulaski, IMHO, was a better actor than Crusher was, so I voted for Pulaski. My second opinion would have been the EMH though. ~HD