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Everything posted by HyperDrive

  1. ::looks at Vanroy:: You got the leftover fireworks? It's party time! ::begins copying keys to Smith's front door, and selling them for $10 on the street corner:: ~HD
  2. Mine went quite well. Our family normally goes out on the lake for the 4th, but since we sold our boat, we couldn't go out very far. :D So, this year, we went and spent some time on the "Great Lawn" on the Ohio River bank in Louisville. Joe Cocker sang, along with a few others I had never heard of, and the fireworks were great. It wasn't Thunder over Louisville by any means, but it was still good. :) The Great Lawn is a feat in its own. Once a large junkyard, it was the first thing people from Indiana saw when they crossed the 2nd Street Bridge (and I-65, for that matter) into Louisville. The city spent loads of money buying the property, and then eventually putting grass on it. Heh... and it's not regular grass; it is treated from underneath the dirt. Expensive, yes... but it is now very nice. So, to answer the question, my 4th of July went really well. I miss the lake, but it was good while it all lasted. Happy Independence Day, folks. :P ~HD
  3. =/\=BEGIN LOG=/\= The program entitled "HarborSafe" had been executed, by authority of Commander GromVik. The systems were, at this time, being individually opened, closed, edited, and searched, allowing the program to change all subfiles back to their original status, when Aegis originally came online. Unfortunately, Aegis will lose all system information updated and changed since the opening of the station. Personal files will not be affected, due to the "HarborSafe" instructions. After studying the ways of the virus, it was decided that it did not affect personal files of any crewman or officers. That is why the decision was made for "HarborSafe" to only change system files, and not all files. Over the next few hours, the system will be dumped, reinstalled, and reactivated. Noticable changes will happen in this time, ranging from lights going out, and other devices (such as sensors and weapons) to go temporarily offline. However, these devices will come back online in a short amount of time; no more than 7 seconds in the offline mode. We will also loose functionality in the computer chips taken from the USS Pandora's Box that were installed on Aegis, to help with activating the weapons and shielding devices... along with the turbolifts. Due to the Engineering staff changing the subfiles on these chips from the USS Pandora's Box, they will become inoperative after "HarborSafe" is finished. They will no longer work aboard Aegis, nor the Pandora's Box. Pandora will have to get a new set of computer chips for its own systems; I have already ordered them. According to Starfleet, the computer chips will arrive along with the Deck 1 replacement for the ship. Given another 8 hours, Aegis will be functional [in a system sense]. The primary reactors have yet to be started, however the secondary reactors are running smoothly, and are giving enough power for the amount of people aboard Aegis at this time. However, Aegis will never be the same. With the loss of some new system files that had been made by Aegis engineers made specificly for the station, many will not be replaced. It is yet another change to Aegis that we will have to get used to, and just go along with. =/\=END LOG=/\=
  4. Hum... only if he can teach us how to properly prepare Panda for dinner. :D ~HD ::gets the warm water and carots going, and a big kettle on a stove big enough to put a giant Pandarian into... he then looks over into the STSF Security camera and waves::
  5. 10:00PM tonight?!?!?! ~HD
  6. The Pandorians left, before helping us? The Yorktown got blown up minutes before help arrived? Yup... sounds like HD had something to do with it. :D (...and yes, HD did have something to do with it. NOTE: When a nacelle is on the verge of falling off, it is best not to go to full impulse. Actually, I recommend an all stop. :D) ~HD
  7. ::smirks:: I don't think Chubbs liked me.... and besides, from what I heard of him, he sounds like a fat Pandorian. :D Alarmed? Who would be alarmed? :D We just had a ship blow up over time during the last 20 minutes of the sim . :D ~HD
  8. Oh my.... not BOTH OF THEM! :D ~HD
  9. =/\=BEGIN LOG=/\= Demore sat down for a brief moment of rest and relaxation. With LaRoche working on a subfile for the phasers, he felt as if he had nothing to do. But, as he really knew, he had plenty. The shields needed work, as did the primary reactors... but those would have to wait. Aegis had a decent amount of power, but that still didn't help things too much. The damage was done from "the bug".... many necessary subfiles had been vastly deleted. He looked over to LaRoche, who seemed to be hard at work. Demore knew he should be, too. So, he got up, and walked over to a console. Tapping a few keys, he realized something was... missing. He went over events in his mind, and over again two more times. He was sure something was missing, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He needed more sleep. The lieutenant decided it was his imagination, and went on to the shielding information. Looking at it, he saw that the shields had quite a bit of work to be done on. He began the long and boring system "setup" utility, to aide him in the development of subfiles. The "Ant", or what Demore called it in his head. It was a small program, designed by an engineer on Starbase 443, but it did a whole lot. The utility helped decided which statements in the subfiles were correct, and offered assistance on things it did not understand. With a built in learning program, the "Ant" was a small, but powerful program. Demore looked at LaRoche again. He was working hard, trying to get his job done. Demore was tired, and wasn't responding as quickly as he should. But, he still thought about what he thought was 'missing'. He looked at his screen, and then it hit him. He turned to LaRoche, deciding not to interupt him. Demore knew what he had seen, and knew what he had to do. Turning around, walking over to a console on the other side of Main Engineering, he entered in some keys, and a password. He looked at the readout, muttering, "I knew it..." Demore turned around quickly to LaRoche. "Commander....", he said, thinking for a moment, "something's still here." =/\=END LOG=/\=
  10. Becoming a member is easy! There are no signup forms, no emails... all you have to do is show up! That's right. Simply show up to a STSF Academy sim (times posted on the Schedule page) and learn the basics of simming with us. More complete guidelines can be found under the "Help" section of the website. Good luck, and I hope to sim with you. :D ~HD
  11. We're getting our butts kicked and ships blown up, and you think people want to join? I can see the slogan now: "Become the next Midshipman Redshirt on Aegis! See the sights, and we might even have an explosive ending for you!" Hum.... heh heh. Note: Come join Aegis. It's kinda like TOS: Main characters don't die. :D ~HD
  12. ::smirks:: I bet 2 dilithium that Atragon changed the results of the pole. :D About 3 hours ago, he was down by about 5 votes. Now... their tied! :D ~HD
  13. They're on the "About Us" page... at the bottom, there is a link to "Become a GM". It's all in there. :( ~HD
  14. ::smirks:: ...and Fred thinks he's going to win. HA! ~HD
  15. 'Ya know, I never noticed that computer there. Until you just said that, I have never had any idea what Grom's avatar was. Thanks Fred. lol ~HD
  16. Yea - that too. lol You have got to have fun with it. You can read over Moose's "Tips from the Moose" under the STSF Academy section... he offers great insight for the game. ~HD
  17. Just a side note: Being annoying will not help you graduate. Actually, it will hurt your chances. The GMs won't like you... heh heh.
  18. Hey Fred... I thought you didn't want anyone to know how long it took you to graduate? Wait... or was that Atragon? ::mutters something:: Oh well. ~HD
  19. This brings up whether or not Picard, who travelled back in time himself to stop the Borg, would or would not know about the Borg. He went back in time, and destroyed much of the Borg. Would that not have affected the attacks on the Enterprise-D, and possible encounters with Voyager? My guess is that, after "First Contact", the Borg had to rebuild much of their fleet.... and get more drones. Obviously, they did that successfully. Otherwise, a fleet destroyed in the past could not travel back into time in the future. My guess is that this will all be cleared up by the end of Enterprise... and why Picard, and the rest of the fleet, did not know about the Borg to begin with. Time travel is full of so many variables.... :) Another question: If the Borg had not gone back in time and try to assimilate Earth, would they have an even bigger fleet? They wouldn't have lost so many ships. But, the Borg did go back into time and try to assimilate Earth... and they lost much of their fleet doing so. Would the attack have ever taken place, since they had already lost their ships that attacked Earth in the past, and wouldn't have them in the future to travel in time? :) (There's a couple of questions to think about.) ~HD
  20. I guess that's why you get TNN. :) ~HD
  21. =/\=BEGIN LOG=/\= Engineering is beginning to hum as it once did. It is even feeling like the Engineering that I once knew. With Commander LaRoche's help, the 10 secondary fusion reactor systems are beginning to come online, however some are being a bit... troublesome. The two Cochrane reactor assemblies have not even been attempted to start - we'll get to those shortly. But, all in all, things are coming online in a good amount of time. But hey, the turbolifts are working. =/\=END LOG=/\=
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEBBY!!! Only 22? Humf..... I thought you were at least as old as Atragon. :) ~HD
  23. Hey! Vanroy did it first. ::smirks:: I'm just a follower. :) ~HD
  24. Actually, "Trend Clothing Corporation". heh heh - I called too. :) ~HD
  25. Not a problem! Feel free to stop by the STSF Academy tonight at 9:00 and a brand new Academy tonight at 12:00AM (ET)! ~HD