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Everything posted by Holden

  1. well, in a sense...we all know Moose is...a moose. Animal Planet was airing a special on mooses (or is it meese?). i was just trying to make a funny :)
  2. scrolling text...probably has been disabled. older machines have trouble using fancy schmancy stuff like that.
  3. i was wondering if anyone knows of any free and easy to learn 3D modeling programs for the Mac. i want to start learning some type of art (seeing as i can hardly use a pen or pencil) on the computer...my high school looks for that kind of stuff. thanks a lot everyone! :(
  4. thanks Vex and GRomVik, i have been searching and can't find any decent free anything! open-souce is getting very rare now....thanks again!
  5. wow....3515.5 not great, but pretty good...i think. fun game btw
  6. ce qui? that, and welcome to STSF!
  7. thanks, rodent.....
  8. like i said....thanks rodent
  9. oh yay! more winter here on the frigid west coast.....thanks, rodent.....
  10. ok ok.....more than one of the answers...i graduated 16000 minutes ago, blah blah blah, they're fun (kinda :) ) and....yeah....ok!
  11. ok....this is a really short, possibly confusing bio, so bare with me :) ___________________________________________ Starfleet CSV (Career Service Vitae) /START FILE/ Name: Holden [LAST NAME CLASSIFIED] Gender: Male Age: 19.9 Earth years Birthplace: Torrance, California, Earth Species: Half Human/Half Betazoid Height: 6’ 0” Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Weight: 180lbs., 3 ounces Marital Status: Single Family: [CLASSIFIED BY STARFLEET HQ] Ship: USS Arcadia Rank: Second Lieutenant (Ensign) Position: Assistant Security Officer, 355th Marine Battalion Background: History of his life from birth to age 12 is unknown because of an event in his hometown, which has been classified by Starfleet. At age 12, he was admitted to a prominent school in Palos Verdes, California. He quickly accelerated to the top of his class and was awarded several academic awards. At the age of 14, he was forced to move to Carlsbad, California, just north of San Diego. There he also achieved a high academic status. Months later, his parents died in an accident at their workplace. His community was hit very hard by this and they offered much support to him. He eventually found a stable foster home at the age of 15, but he wasn’t as happy as he was with the “Carlsbad Clan” as they became known. He left his foster parents with only a small note, saying he was moving to San Francisco and not to worry about him. He still contacts them to this day. At the age of 17, he continued studies of space and again excelled in his class. He was accepted into Starfleet Academy and made many friends. He graduated at the top of his class once again and was assigned to a science station on Earth. Starfleet quickly realized, as did he, that science was not his best area. He requested a Security position. In training, he exercised his awesome ability in hand to hand combat. Accuracy in target practice averaged 98.95%. At age 19, he was brought aboard the Arcadia. He now commands the Beta Company of the 355th Marine Battalion. ***Additional information available only to those ranking Captain or above*** /End File/
  12. only with cream.....sugar is bad!
  13. ahhhhhhh yes.... seems everyone else has told you about the guides and stuff, so i will just say "hi!" and "welcome welcome welcome......" :)
  14. yes...an excellent post, HyperDrive :lol:
  15. yay! i think..... :lol:
  16. sorry Ndak :lol:
  17. Oh yippie!!! I am a hobbit!! :lol:
  18. :lol: unlike mine.... :wub:
  19. lol thanks. my own little doctored image...if you can see it, the title bar in the message window says "System Shutdown" just a little sumthin to go along with my....phrase thing :lol: and good advice to look at moose's guides, Seiben. the guides help a lot. again, welcome to STSF rat211!
  20. just glad i could help :lol:
  21. Welcome :lol: I am pretty new here too, so welcome to the club! All you need to really do is go here and read over it. Then, go to the Schedule Page and find the next academy sim. Then head on over the the Chats Page and create an account with "cadet" or "cdt" in the name (be sure to go to the Holodeck for the Academy). Then start chatting! If you have any further questions, send a message (in the chat room) to anyone with "stsf" in their name. Again, welcome to STSF!
  22. if we are unhappy with the current chat system, Quick Chat has a pretty cool chat system that I used on my now defunct website... try it out! It has some modding controls (choose who can mod, de-mod a person, etc.,etc.). Totally free and has a really simple code generator for the link to the applet. Just a suggestion :lol: Oh yeah...pretty popular applet seeing as the site got hits/uses in the 5 millions since May '99. :wub:
  23. Hi everybody! I'm new here and can't wait to start Academy training! I'm pretty new to Star Trek, but I'm already hooked (there was a TNG marathon on SpikeTV yesterday :lol: )! Ummmm....that's about it.
  24. congrats on your graduation, then :lol: