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Posts posted by Nitara

  1. I am in such a phenomenally good mood right now and don't foresee the high being killed until at least next Monday. Wheeeeeeeeee!



    Glad you're happy Sam, because I'm in the dumps. I was having fun with the fifth season of SG1, it's such a great season and then I just finished an episode where DANIEL JACKSON DIES. As in dead, terminated, paid the piper. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



    The Shameful List of Good Dead People:








    Stargate makes me sad. Everyone is dead. So much for saving Earth from aliens.

  2. From the Records of Lorina Starfleet

    Extracted Stardate 50905.01


    Name: Nitara

    Age: 21

    Species: Fabrini

    Race: Fellini

    Gender: Female

    Weight: 124 lb

    Height: 5' 3"

    Hair: Dark Brown

    Eyes: N/A

    Skin: Medium Caucasoid

    Year of Birth: 2273

    Place of Birth: Lorina

    Mother: Diflida

    Father: Kobilo

    Martial Status: Unmarried

    Current Rank: Ensign

    Current Vessel of Posting: U.S.S. Challenger

    Current Position: Assistant Science Officer



    2273- Born on Lorina

    2276- Betrothed to Luceso

    2277- Entered Samika School of the People

    2283- Graduated Samika School of the People, entered Lorina Science and Medical Training Program

    2288- Graduated Lorina Science and Medical Training Program

    2289- Choosen to represent Fabrini in Starfleet, betrothal broken, entered Starfleet Academy

    2293- Graduated Starfleet Academy, promoted to Ensign, on-the-job training as science officer on scout-ship U.S.S. Fransisco

    2294- Re-assigned to starship U.S.S. Challenger as assistant science officer



    Mother and father live on Lorina. Older brother named Talezi, lives on Deneva. Younger brother and sister, twins named Tohalo and Dadeta respectively, live on Lorina. None are members of Starfleet.


    Medical Notes:

    Blood Type: Aa+

    Mental: High ESP rating, and shows above average mental flexibility.

    Skeletal: Has had dental work on lower molars.

    Allergies: Certain meat, nut, and dairy products.

    Species Overview: The Fabrini are incredibly similar to Humans in physiology. However, their respiratory system is more advanced, consisting of four lobes, and a "filtration" organ. Their senses of smell and taste are more acute, while their vision and hearing are lower than average Human norms. The Fellini race, specifically, has no set eye color. Eye color changes according to mood and health.

  3. I don't understand how the water people charge first for the amount of water you use, then assume all water is going down a drain and charge for sewer. If they assume ALL water is going into the sewer then shouldn't they use one bill? And I would think they would understand that people use sprinklers on their lawn and subtract a percentage.


    -Edit- Oops, I used the wrong account. I'm Leila Kalomi.