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Everything posted by cadetgraham

  1. HELP Jerry Graham Personal Log Begin Log-- "MOM DAD no why, just hang on I'll save you." "AHHH" "Where am I?" "Who are you" "I need a Shuttle" "The Enterprise Picard will die" "No I don't need the Doctor" ""Hello My name is Beverly Crusher"" "I don't care who you are" ""I care who you are"" "If you won't get me the Shuttle then find Fred, McLean, anyone I can trust from the REAENT" ""The shuttle won't come until you tell me why you want Jean-Luc Picard dead" "He murdered my parents, tortured them" ""When"" "During the massacre of wolf 359" **Curtian Closes** After I met with Crusher I agreed to seek counseling with Deana Troi who was visiting Earth for awhile. I still want to meet with Picard not to kill him, but to forgive him. Hopefully he will forgive me as well. I have decided not to leave StarFleet Medical until Captain Fred says we're ready to go back to the REAENT. I am very thankful for the crew and the ship that I serve on and I hope not to be transferred ever. Only if I get my own ship. END LOG--
  2. :D :lol: :P :) :) :wub: ^_^ :o :) :lol: :wub: :wub: :) ^_^ ;) :o :D :) :( Hello Cadet I realise that my name says that I am a Cadet I am now an ensign, do you remember jerry202 on the sim acadamy was graduated on Wed. I believe well thats me. well any way welcome and when you graduate you'll be like submit everything then you'll be waiting for a post.