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Everything posted by Rhawkins

  1. Hello everyone. I have no idea how active this place has remained, nor who is still around, what ships are still active, if Academies still run on Sunday nights, if I'm even showing up on anyones proverbial (and literal, lol) sensors, but here I am. Here I am. I doubt anyone would remember me, the one or two who would have probably shuffled along in their lives just as many of us do. But my legacy isn't really the reason why I've come back nor is it the reason I am writing this. I just wanted to see if their was still life left in STSF and perhaps room for an old noobie to rejoin the ranks ;).
  2. Thanks for the warm reception guys and gals. I'm so glad to see that you all are doing so well. I'm sure the movie has spurred a lot of activity recently, but like a Thorian Slugtick, once STSF hooks you, you've got it for good! LOL. I see the Arcadia is still flying. Perhaps I can return to the annals of her innards (what the hell did I just say?) eventually. Can't wait to get started. I'm still waiting on my new computer to come in :).