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Everything posted by Somansky

  1. Eddie sat down at his tiny assistants desk and started logging his report. What was that Ensign’s name again? S’Ralnov. . .That was it. Interesting character, he was. He’d never seen someone with almost a full on phobia to hypos. Sure, he’d had patients that were uncomfortable with them, but not to THAT extent. He was going to resort to trickery to get him out of there, but it was probably better that he didn’t. Full Caitian, half Caitian, it didn’t matter, a quick inadvertent claw in self-defense would not have been good on his face. He opened his personal files, which, to nobody’s surprise, were empty. He created a file, for his own little side notes. “Ensign S’Ralnov. . .” he mumbled as he typed it in. He noted the physical date, and his inherent fear of needles and hypos. He tried to think of something else to put in there, but in fact there really was nothing else to put in for the time being. Eddie frowned, it looked so empty. But then again, it was his first patient. He saved and closed the folder and closed his personal files. They’d fill up soon enough. Eddie leaned back in his chair and tossed the PADD onto the desk. Besides the PADD the desk surface looked barren and empty. He never liked his desks to be barren and empty. There were plenty of mementos and the like that could take up space. It just needed to be livelier than just an empty desk. As of right now, it exuded a dullness and plainness that just didn’t fit into his personality. He peered out towards the main part of sickbay, he wasn’t sure where Doctor Drake had gone. She seemed like a pleasant enough person to work for. A thousand times better than many of the instructors he had at the Academy and Starfleet Medical. But then of course, she hadn’t known him long enough to decide whether or not his demeanor exuded more charm or annoyance. It was usually a 50/50 toss up on how figures of authority perceived him. And with that, came the end of the shift. His first full shift onboard the USS Republic. Right now, there was a sonic shower and a semi-comfortable bunk a few decks away calling his name.
  2. I'll be at the first house I can find that has a party and a keg. Or just a keg for that matter. ;)
  3. Last Name: Somansky First Name: Edward (Eddie) Age: 25 Race: Human Height: 5’9 Weight: 175 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Skin Tone: White Birthplace: San Francisco, Earth Father: James Somansky Mother: Holly Somansky Brother: Ralph Somansky (1st child; 40 years of age) Brother: John Somansky (3rd child; 38 years of age) Brother: Richard Somansky (4th child; 36 years of age) Sister: Heidi Somansky-Johnson (2nd child 39 years of age) Sister: Jennifer Somansky-Andrews (5th child 34 years of age) Sister: Deborah Somansky-Wilkerson (6th child; 32 years of age) Sister: Marissa Somansky (8th child; 24 years of age) Personal history Eddie is the 7th of the eight Somansky children. His father, James is the owner, founder, and former CEO of Somansky Manufacturing and Trading Inc. based in San Francisco. His mother was James’ childhood sweetheart, who also worked as a commodities exchange analyst for SMTI. Eddie grew up in a very affluent neighborhood in San Francisco. With him and his younger sister Marissa (Missy) being so far away in age from the rest of the children, the two of them often stuck together. They shared the same group of friends, enjoyed the same activities, and shared the same interests. As the older of the two, Eddie was taught by his other brothers and sisters that it was his duty to look out for his younger sister. That’s exactly what he did. Missy was a very beautiful girl, so especially during their teenage years, Eddie spent a lot of time intimidating would-be courters and the like. Eddie was a popular kid in his neighborhood and school. He made a lot of friends with a very ‘rough-around-the-edges’ charm. A softie at heart, he did have a mean streak. It mainly involved the issues of family, especially his little sister. If there’s one thing people knew when it came to Eddie, it was not to mess with Missy. Many boys walked around with black eyes and missing teeth because they didn’t heed that warning. As a teenager he worked in the family business when not in school or playing soccer. It was here that Eddie’s interest in Starfleet began to blossom. During the summers, he would go to Utopia Planetia Shipyards and help install equipment on the new ships being built. He would ask questions, talk to the officer and enlistees about the job, the lifestyle, and many other things. When he graduated, Eddie faced a decision. He was a highly regarded soccer player with opportunities to either go pro or play at a major university, or he could accept an appointment to Starfleet Academy. He decided on the latter. Many of his family and friends thought that he’d become an engineer, a security officer, or even a marine. He surprised everybody by concentrating his studies in the medical field. He went to Starfleet medical and earned his medical degree after finishing his academy studies. His first post was on board the USS Republic as an assistant medical officer. Personality Profile Eddie has a very colorful personality. Normally he is a pleasant individual with a great sense of humor. However, he also has a very confrontational side about him. It doesn’t matter who it is or the circumstances, if he has a problem with something that anybody has said, and that includes figures of authority, he has no problem voicing his opinion and displeasure about it. The issue he is most touchy on is his family, especially his younger sister. He’s protective, almost to a fault, of the honor of his family’s name, and he is overly protective of his sister Marissa, or Missy as she is better known. A prime example of this happened not 3 months before his graduation from Starfleet Medical. He was questioned by both Starfleet Intelligence and Federation Trade Commission about possible family involvement in smuggling and black market activity. He was mainly cooperative, but very short and rude. The real problem did not happen until they informed him that they would also be grilling his sister with questions on the issue. It was an incident that almost earned him a discharge from service. Here is the recorded transcript of that incident: Trade Commission Officer> We will be calling in your sister after this, hopefully she’ll have better answers than you have provided. Eddie>::glowers and lowers his tone of voice:: Don’t you even, you leave her out of this. TCO> Why so against us asking a few questions? Eddie> She loves her dad and brother as much as I do, if you harm her perception of them in any way. . .::trails off:: TCO> Then what? Grow up Ensign. For all you know she’s in on it deeper than you can even fathom. Maybe she’s not as pristine a little girl as you would like to. . . .::stopped in midsentence by a punch across the face from Eddie:: Eddie> Don’t you EVEN talk about my sister like that! You little piece. . . .::cuts off as he’s restrained, taken down, and stunned by the attending Starfleet Intelligence officers:: In the end of all this, Missy was in fact questioned, revealing nothing of consequence to the FTC or Starfleet Intel and no charges were brought up on Eddie’s father, brother, or Eddie himself. Instead, he was just issued a reprimand for conduct unbecoming of an officer and that was the end of it. Career Timeline 9709.01: Accepted an appointment to Starfleet Academy 0106.15: Graduated from Starfleet Academy, promoted to the rank of Ensign 0106.16: Accepted invitation to study as Starfleet Medical 0310.24: Offically reprimanded by Starfleet for conduct unbecoming of an officer 0312.10: Graduated from Starfleet Medical 0312.19: Assigned as Assistant Medical Officer on board the USS Republic under command of Rear Admiral BluRox
  4. Ignore my spelling and grammar issues, I'm typing and talking at the same time. Somansky
  5. As a psycho. . . .errr. . . .psych major myself, I've learned that the one word you decide on that best describes you may depends on different factors that may determine how you think at any given time, such as a given mood. I good give you a good 5 page explanation, but you wouldn't read that much, nor I want to write that much. B) The best one word descriptions come from those that know us best. The thinking is more objective. However, its a good assignment, introspection is how alot of psychology got started. As for one word that describes my character? Get back with me later, I haven't finished the bio. B) Somansky