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Posts posted by STSF_Scooter

  1. Six o'clock, TV hour,

    Don't get caught in foreign towers.

    Slash and burn, return,

    Listen to yourself churn.

    Locking in, uniforming, book burning, bloodletting,

    Every motive escalate,

    Automotive incinerate.

    Light a votive, light a candle, step down, step down,

    Watch your heel crush crush, uh oh

    This means no fear, cavalier,

    Renegade, steer clear,

    Tournament, tournament, tournament of lies.

    Offer me solutions,

    Offer me alternatives,

    And I DECLINE.


    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.


    The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.

    Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.

    Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,

    slam, but neck, right? Right.


    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...


    (It's time I had some time alone)

  2. Hmm ... I have 10 minutes ...


    "Beginning of the End", pt. 4



    That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -

    Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -

    world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock,

    speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,

    down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for

    hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies

    breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered

    crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,

    common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its

    own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the

    reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright

    light, feeling pretty psyched.


    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.



    (So totally should have had this get piped through the PA on Cold Station 13 Friday night when power came back up)

  3. I can think of occasions where Kirk shouts "Uhura, clear up those channels!" which suggests that the intercom was a kind of shipwide "party line" (if anyone is old enough to remember what those are). I guess bandwidth on the TOS Enterprise was expensive and they hadn't installed wifi.


    I believe that in a battle/damage control situation, that would be where the intercom becomes a single-channel system, especially to get damage/casualty reports up to the bridge

  4. Cargomaster's Office

    Cold Station 13


    Audraya had seen it all in her time, and didn't fear death. Growing up as a slave aboard the Audacious, combat on the Klingon-Federation frontier with the Marines on Sherman's Planet and Tanandra Bay, chasing down pirates in a Goshawk in Gamma Hromi, trapped in the dark, airless, Auxiliary Control on the Entente at the ill-fated Battle of Vulcan against the Romulan renegade Nero; and it was with luck that the battered hulk of the Entente had drifted outside the gravity well of what had been Vulcan and into orbit around T'Khut. No, the Orion didn't fear death...at least in the normal way—engaged in combat, exploration, or even being killed for the sport of an owner—but huddling behind a desk, with the ship's senior communications officer, with zombies moaning and scratching at the door? Oh yeah, she didn't want to that way, in no uncertain terms.


    She glanced at Tifa. The Centauran had huddled closer in to the desk, almost on top of the XO. Audraya could almost see the fear in her eyes...and her own fear reflected back. Making sure her EV suit's mic was off, she looked up at the shadowed ceiling. “Lords,” she began in Kolari, “it's Audraya Westley. I know I haven't been the most...faithful. Or even the most honest. And I know you value one's own cunning and prowess, but we could really use a helping hand here. And to be honest, I'm not asking this for myself, but for my companion...so...any help with the undead outside our door would be appreciated.”


    She could feel the deck thump as a large flash-bang went off below them...but not knowing if it would be enough, Audraya drew her phaser in her right hand, and wrapped her left arm around Tifa. “I promised I'd watch your back, Tifa. I won't let those undead bastards get you...” she uttered quietly.



    Just show up. Academy times are posted on the home page; times given are Eastern, so adjust appropriately.


    Monday/Wednesday: 10pm

    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9pm

    Saturday: Midnight (Sunday Morning)

    Sunday: 3pm


    STSF Kent

    STSF Scooter

    GM Lurker STSF Nickles



    CO: STSF Kent

    XO: STSF Scooter



    CSCI- Cecilmk




    CENG- Jack Mapio

    AENG- CDT Cushman

    AENG- Dash Andrews



    CSEC: STSF Nickles

    ASEC: Shane



    The USS Caliban (Miranda-class) has sent an away team to investigate and bring back samples from a rich dilithium deposit on one of the class-M planetoids in the Margon system. The deposit has been traced to a deep cave on the planetoid's northern continent, at the lip of which the team has just arrived via transporter.


  7. The Zeppelin Tube, the amplifier of unlimited power. A power so great, it can only be used for good... or evil.


    I choose...evil...




    I'm the fear that keeps you awake

    I'm the shadows on the wall

    I'm the monsters they become

    I'm the nightmare in your skull

    I'm a dagger in your back

    An extra turn upon the rack

    I'm the quivering of your heart

    A stabbing pain, a sudden start.


    And it's so easy when you're evil

    This is the life, you see

    The Devil tips his hat to me

    I do it all because I'm evil

    And I do it all for free...

  8. =/\= Command Staff =/\=

    Mission MCO: STSF_Scooter Mission MXO: Princess T'lak

    =/\= Bridge =/\=

    Tactical <TAC> Jarem Seton Helm & Operations <HOPS>Sakura Haruno =/\=Security Department =/\=

    Chief Security Officer: <CSEC> Samantha_Kent Asst. Security Officer: <SEC1> lockdrop565


    =/\= Medical Department =/\=

    Chief Medical Officer:<CMO>Vilanne

    Asst. Medical Officer: <AMO1> TKar


    =/\==/\=MISSION BRIEF=/\==/\=

    USS NICHOLAS (Uprated Excelsior-class [Ent-B variation]) is enroute to New Fairbanks colony to investigate rumors of slavery and child labor law violations. =/\==/\=PLANETARY BRIEF=/\==/\=

    New Farbanks is on a Class P (Glaciated) planet, with a very narrow temperate zone.

  9. Just heard over the radio:


    "... and this month we have a special: buy one breast implant and get the other one free."



    Isn't that the sort of thing one hopefully does in pairs? Getting just one done makes a girl look about as lopsided as a car with one headlamp out.


    :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


    I'm not going to touch that one with a 3m cattle prod.

  10. With a shimmer, the boarding party materialized in the Firebrand's transporter room. Almost immediately, Audraya was assaulted by the smells of the slaver's atmosphere. Exotic spices and perfumes, leather and silk, even the subdued lighting pulled her back into her subconscious...and her past.



    20 years ago

    MS Audacious

    Out on the Rim


    A 16 year old Audraya was lying prone on her cot, her sister placing medicated dressings on her latest wounds. "Audraya, why do you resist? It's not our way, sister."


    "I know Bran, but I don't want to be used that way...I don't want to be passed around from male to male like a bottle of bloodwine or Rihan ale." She flinched as a cold compress was placed against a particularly nasty welt.


    "And they'll continue to whip you, Audraya, Morohtar especially. Please, for my piece of mind sister, do not res..." Branwen paused, as their brother walked past what was their quarters.


    Morohtar and several Fleet officers walked past. One, wearing lieutenant commander stripes gold command shirt paused and looked in, before hurrying along. "I think he liked you, Raya."


    "Not bloody likely," Audraya replied.


    "But they've got a great career, lots of available money, and not always married."


    As Audraya turned around and gave her sister the evil eye, Morohtar and the lieutenant commander walked back into the slave quarters. "Audraya," her brother called, "you're out of my hair. Commander Wesley here just signed your papers. Pack up and get off my ship."



    Squaring her shoulders, Audraya looked at the boarding party. "Phasers on stun. If they surrender, give them quarter. If they resist, you may subdue. I want prisoners."