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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    05.05.14 Mission Brief: (August 6, 2261 (Stardate 2261.218) The Comanche Creekcontinues New Vulcan TDY duties at New Vulcan as the investigation into Colonel Tavington moves forward; we wait on further word from volunteer field operatives. The contingent on the USS Caine deals with the discovery of a body.


    = = End Brief = =

  2. 04.28.14

    August 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.214)


    Mission Brief: August 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.214) Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. Unwelcome details on missing Intelligence Officer Colonel Tavington have come to clandestine light. The Captain has gathered the command staff and senior officers for a briefing.


    Mission Summary: Intelligence has been corroborated. Senior crew is informed by Commander Wesley and Captain Calestorm that Colonel Tavington has ties to the Dragoons. The botched attack by the hijacked Olympic Carrier may have been carried out by an over-eager Dragoon second-in-command. Outer Rim operatives Mareena of the Black Kris mercenary organization and mercenary relatives of Lieutenant Honor-Scar have volunteered to uncover more information on the situation.


    Time Between Sims is four days and we remain TDY New Vulcan for now.

  3. Crash Calestorm stared at the information on her desktop flat screen and felt an acute case of ::headsplode!:: coming on. It was definitely time for her to take off on for shenanigans of the patented Calestorm flight run kind…


    She tore her attention away from the triple encrypted file - hell, she was surprised she didn’t have to give blood for a confirmation DNA scan - and opened the bottom drawer of her standard issue Starfleet desk, rummaging about; a bottle three quarters full of Wild Turkey bourbon appeared in hand along with a tumbler glass. Setting both down on the desk, she again dove into the drawer to withdraw a second glass.


    To the young officer that had delivered the message personally and debriefed her on the situation, she asked, “Bourbon, Riley?”


    “Sir, at this point? Don’t mind if I do.”


    Pouring a hefty amount of the liquid into both of the glasses she offered one to Riley and took the second for herself. Raising the tumbler in toast she said, “May the Great Bird of the Galaxy protect us all.”


    The El Tee chuckled and then returned the salute, taking a sip of his drink. “…it is a bit of a mess, right Sir?”


    The older woman looked askance at him, quirking a brow in amusement despite the circumstances. “Riley, I’d rather be dropped naked behind Klingon lines with nothing but a tribble for a weapon than deal with this.” She indicated the screen with a gesture of her tumbler.


    A smile appeared on the Lieutenant’s features, showing the rogue of an Irishman beneath that administrative genius surface. “To tribbles.”


    “Hot damn, to tribbles.”


    After an acceptable silence had passed and Crash gathered her thoughts, she spoke again. “The Admiral is reporting directly to San Fran Command?”


    “Yes Ma’am. Admiral Coyote left ASAP inbound for Earth.”


    “And Commander JoNs is the only other FTR officer made aware of this? For now?”


    “Yes Ma’am; the secondary courier should be reaching the Washingon Crossing*within the next few hours.”


    “How in the hell did Tavington live two lives for so long?”


    Obviously a rhetorical question, but Riley sensed that it was okay for him to answer. “It’s going to be the question on everyone’s mind Sir. Only Tavington knows the answer.”


    Calestorms features and demeanor changed then. It was a subtle change, a wolf-like predator lurking about the edges.


    Her voice came out low and she commented, “And he will answer…”


    (To Be Continued In Sim…)


    * First Threat Response Special Operations vessel, Commander JoNs commanding.

  4. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    04.28.14 Mission Brief: August 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.214) Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. Unwelcome details on missing Intelligence Officer Colonel Tavington have come to clandestine light. The Captain has gathered the command staff and senior officers for a briefing.


    = = End Brief = =

  5. 04.21.14

    August 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.213)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. Our crew continues to support the officers with training of the USS Caine cadet crew, from shipboard training to ship to ship maneuvers to ground training on New Vulcan and everything in between and sideways.


    Mission Summary: As operations for the USS Caine and New Vulcan move forward, a courier shuttle arrives with a request to speak to Calestorm.


    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours

  6. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    04.21.14 Mission Brief: August 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.213) Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. Our crew continues to support the officers with training of the USS Caine cadet crew, from shipboard training to ship to ship maneuvers to ground training on New Vulcan and everything in between and sideways.


    = = End Brief = =

  7. 04.14.14

    July 31, 2261 (Stardate 2261.212)


    Mission Brief: July 31, 2261 (Stardate 2261.212) Time Between Sims has been 72 Hours. Our crew rotates between New Vulcan and cadet training duties on the Caine.


    Mission Summary: Our wayward cadets are in good hands with the USSComanche Creek crew.


    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours



  8. 04.07.14

    July 28, 2261 (Stardate 2261.209)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 72 Hours, we remain TDY at New Vulcan. Additional orders from Admiral Coyote indicate a training vessel has diverted to the colony and we are to take charge of the ship and cadet training at arrival.


    Mission Summary: The USS Caine CTV-18 arrives at New Vulcan.


    Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

  9. The following log takes place during the final moments of the 03.31.14 Sim…


    Upon receiving notification that Admiral Coyote was on the line, Captain Calestorm had made a beeline for her day cabin to field the call.


    The incident report appeared on her desktop viewer and Cale tapped the mail icon with her forefinger; the embedded information popped onto the screen in a separate window showing a draft outline of the personnel involved and the changed orders reflecting the incident.


    = = = Priority Draft 1.2 = = =


    Re: USS Caine CTV-18*


    Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Thomas Keefer (Removed from Command)

    Executive Officer: Lieutenant Stephen Maryk (Acting Commanding Officer)

    Chief of the Boat: Chief Petty Officer Lee Marvin ‘Meatball’ Dlugatch (Acting Executive Officer)

    Senior Cadet Officer: Midshipman Willis Keith (Witness)

    Ships Bulldog: Sir Humphrey Queeg (Witness)


    = = = P/D 1.2 = = =


    Commander William H. DeVriess of Starfleet Command, Cadet Training Operations, has requested that the Starfleet Border Patrol and First Threat Response vessel USS Comanche Creek - TDY at New Vulcan Colony - take custody of the USS Caine upon arrival at the colony and proceed forward with the education of the cadets to complete the required training cruise.


    - Rear Admiral Shauna Walking-Coyote, Commanding Officer, SBP FTR


    = = = Priority/Draft 1.2 = = =


    Crash’s comment was a simple “Oh dear.”


    Wile E just snorted at that and replied, “You’ve no idea. The full report will, of course, be more detailed.”


    “What in Hades happened Shauna?”


    The raven-haired admiral blew a tired breath out before responding. “You didn’t hear this from me, but apparently Lieutenant Keefer spent more time working on a novel than seeing to the education of the midshipman and cadets.”


    Cale cocked her head to one side. “A novel? He go space happy or something?”


    “The evaluation is Starfleet Medical’s purview but I’d say that’s a fair guess. If not space happy? Then he just doesn’t care about the state of the ship or crew.”


    “And the dog is in prelim incident report because? As a witness? Really?”

    Coyote paused before replying, choosing her words diplomatically. “Command is going by the book on this one, dog and all. Lieutenant Keefer went, ah, slightly ballistic? It was during mess call, over the use of strawberries on the desserts? The dog clamped down on his leg long enough for several of the cadets and officers to subdue him.”


    “Strawberries? Wow.”


    “That’s what I said when I first heard. I think Lieutenant Keefer is going to get a nice long rest."


    Crash cocked her head to one side and asked a speculative, “Battle fatigue?”


    “It’s possible.” The admiral waggled a finger in the video feed to emphasize her point. “But again, you and I are not the experts and I don’t want the rumors to get out of hand. What we do know is the USS Caine will dock at New Vulcan in a few days; you and your officers are to take over the training cruise, all criteria to be completed within Vulcan space.”


    “Aye Admiral, you can count on us.” The captain offered a jaunty yet respectful salute to her forehead.


    “Thanks Crash. Wile E out.”




    * Film reference The Caine Mutiny (1954); liberties have been taken with actor/character names & ranks (and the bulldog)

    * Cadet Training Vessel

  10. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    04.07.14 Mission Brief: July 28, 2261 (Stardate 2261.209) Time Between Sims has been 72 Hours, we remain TDY at New Vulcan. Additional orders from Admiral Coyote indicate a training vessel has diverted to the colony and we are to take charge of the ship and cadet training at arrival.



    = = End Brief = =

  11. 03.31.14

    July 25, 2261 (Stardate 2261.206)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. We continue our check in mission and rotational shore leaves at New Vulcan.


    Mission Summary: The crew rotates through shore leave and assignments to evaluate colony readiness.


    Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

  12. Following the baby shower for the ‘Creeks CMO, Captain Calestorm had taken her leave to meet with Colony Administrator Telenn. The Administrator had been delayed, sending her executive assistant, a young man by the name of Seldon, ahead with her apologies.


    Calestorm appreciated the effort to work out some of the minor details on the colony status in the interim although the pre-meeting could have gone…better. Young Seldon was efficient, orderly, but snooty as hell.


    Crash placed a steadying hand on the flat surface and launched herself across the table, dress uniform skirt and all. With anarchy on her mind, mischief in her soul and inhibitions on neutral there would be hell to pay. A formal letter of reprimand? Most likely. Board of Inquiry? Possible, depended on the political types in the Starfleet JAG decided to take it that far. Did she give a damn? Nope.


    Seldon’s eyes bugged out of his head and he backpedaled, sending his chair flying out from under him. She grabbed the front of his business suit tunic with her right hand while her left initiated a death lock on a delicately pointed ear to ensure his full attention. “Now you listen to me you little punk--!”


    “Are those conditions agreeable to you Captain Calestorm?...Captain?”


    The question brought Crash out of her waking daydream and she snapped her attention back on the present. “Ah, yes, the conditions are acceptable. Pardon my delay there.” She made a note on her data slate with a thumbprint scan as she spoke.


    Seldon sniffed. “I am quite used to dealing with the appalling attention spans of others. Well, then, I suggest we move onto the next item of business…”


    Cale kept repeating a mental mantra to herself: Endangered species. Must not maim a member. This would be bad. Admiral Coyote will send to farthest reaches of known galaxy commanding a garbage scow.


    “Regarding the proposed time for your senior Communications officer to inspect our main relay station? That is acceptable.”


    “I’ll inform my second in command as to the arrangements and Sparky.”


    The young Vulcan looked at her askance, for a Vulcan. “Sparky? I beg your pardon?”


    Oh for the love of….”It’s a nickname for the Comanche Creek’s communications officer, Mr. Seldon. I meant that I’ll inform my Lieutenant as well.”


    “You Starfleet Humans are quite invigorating at times, I must say Captain.”


    Calestorm leapt across the table…


    The EA checked off another item on his digital device with a light pen. “And as for the request from your Aero Group commander to employ the skies of New Vulcan for a three hour training tour?...yes, well, we must further discuss these details…”


    And she outright swore he had the Vulcan version of a Mr. Howell accent, a high society stereotyped character from the old two dee reruns of “Gilligans Island”….

  13. 03.17.14

    July 21, 2261 (Stardate 2261.202)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 10 days. Docked at New Vulcan, we launch standard operations to check on colony status.


    Mission Summary: The crew readies for a stay at the colony as they check with their administrative, security, engineering/HVAC, medical, flight operations, science and communications counterparts regarding the status of New Vulcan. Our very special cargo is safely delivered to the planet. Shore leave rotations will also be granted.


    Time Between Sims: 72 Hours


    Chat Notes: STSF_Scooter -> And the Cartel enjoyed its sudden population. Until we put infantry on the ground and defense platforms in the local system


    Email Notes:




    In case anyone would have questions, here is a basic rundown of what the New Vulcan colony may have in terms of defense/day to day space operation:


    - Docking ring/station for ships

    - Administrative pod attached to the docking area

    - Starfleet troops (SEC or Marines, why not both) stationed at a ground base

    - Capability to launch starfighters "just in case"


    As there isn't any published information, we are again on our own with imagination and our own special brand of New TOS insanity. ;-)




    - Crash

  14. 03.10.14

    July 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.192)


    Mission Brief: With repairs complete, the USS Comanche Creek leaves the docks of Harrington Base and resumes a patrol route. There are questions that remain however.


    Mission Summary: COL Tavington remains MIA and is under suspicion for the interior blast that rocked the Comanche Creeks hanger bay. Our crew takes in their newly repaired vessel, complete with updates. Our destination is New Vulcan Colony.


    Time Between Sims is 10 Days.

  15. 03.03.14

    May 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.136)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Thanks to Commander Wesley, repairs commence on the USSComanche Creek. T’chana has been released to the custody of Captain Calestorm (Oh, Joy). Lieutenant Kvar, Doctor TAral, Lieutenant Shalin and Mission Specialist Byblos remain on board Harrington Station as does the command staff.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: In a disturbing turn of events, it is confirmed that an explosion in the Comanche Creek Hanger Bay was caused from the inside and not from the events of battle. Eyewitness accounts and surviving security footage show MIA officer Colonel Tavington acquiring a Hornet starfighter and launching from the hanger without authorizing a flight plan.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 3 Months.

  16. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    02.24.14 Mission Brief: May 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.135) Our intrepid crew resides at Starbase Harrington as damage assessments and injuries are seen to. Security is tight. Search and Rescue continually patrols the sector for MIA personnel as well as CAP patrols for protection from secondary attacks.


    = = End Brief = =


  17. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    03.03.14 Mission Brief: May 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.136) Thanks to Commander Wesley, repairs commence on the USS Comanche Creek. T’chana has been released to the custody of Captain Calestorm (Oh, Joy). Lieutenant Kvar, Doctor TAral, Lieutenant Shalin and Mission Specialist Byblos remain on board Harrington Station as does the command staff.


    = = End Brief = =

  18. 02.24.14

    May 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.135)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Our intrepid crew resides at Starbase Harrington as damage assessments and injuries are seen to. Security is tight. Search and Rescue continually patrols the sector for MIA personnel as well as CAP patrols for protection from secondary attacks.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Commander Wesley handles various administrative duties as repairs of the Comanche Creek start moving forward. Mister Byblos questions a captured Dragoon in the usual Nausicaan manner. Lieutenant Kvar dicusses the concept of a baby shower with Doctor TAral. Lieutenant Shalin divulges his history with T’chana, also being held at Base Security, with Captain Calestorm.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours