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Travis Kroells

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Posts posted by Travis Kroells

  1. I would have to think my name takes the cake.


    Travis  (yea if you cant say travis you shouldn't have graduated from high school)


    Kroells    Kra-lls.   The A is long and stessed.


    if your having trouble think of crayola   :o    it's sad but my last name sounds alot like it

  2. “Truth” pt. 2...Kroells’s logs

    Mogg finished his stare at him and opened his mouth and drew air signaling that he was about to make a long speech…“Look Kroells, you can’t just run away from this even if you want to.  I’m not going to lie to you; you’re in deep this time.  Not only are you going to have to deal with Kayla’s and Andrew’s families, your going to have to deal with Starfleet, your father, and just about every one since this isn’t one of those ‘Simple’ affairs.”


    Travis looked back at him with a sort of understanding look.  “You think I’m just going to run?  I think you’re the one that thinks to narrow, I know I cant just hope for a slap on the wrist this time, but until my judgment comes I just want some solitude.”


    The Ferengi simply shook his head.  “You can’t simply do that.  This is the time when you need to find something to believe in.  You’ve lost the people most dear to you right now and I don’t even want to think what is swirling in that head of yours.  The thing you need to find now is faith.”


    Travis gave him an odd look.  “Faith in what?  There’s nothing left out in this, this hell hole of a life.”  


    “That’s not my problem.  What you find and believe in is your choice.  But let me tell you this…Look good and hard for that truth because I know human behavior.  You simply find something that gives you so enjoyment, pleasure and self confidence.  You stand by it fight for it, that is until something comes around that shakes that confidence, that belief.  And then you simply discard that “Truth” that you so firmly stood behind in search of something better, more satisfying.”  


    Travis looked firmly at him.  “So you’re saying that I have to stick with what ever I chose through the think and thin?”


    “Exactly.  They say a man is judged by his actions and choices, but he is also judged by his faith.  A man who would readily discard what he believes in for something more promising is no better than a man that doesn’t believe in any thing at all.”  


    Mogg slowly raised his hands and placed them on Travis’s shoulders.  “Travis your wife and best friend are dead; I’m not going to lie to you.  The first thing you need to do is realize that and accept it.”  


    He slowly patted Kroells’s shoulder and then let go.  


    “Now you have to find something else to live for.  If not your self or your family then what your think is “Truth”…wither or not it truly is the “Truth” dose not matter.  What matters is that you believed in it enough to put your faith in it.”  


    Mogg slowly looked down back to his height level.  He slowly walked off leaving Travis standing alone in the gentle rain…


  3. >



    “Truth”…Kroells’s logs


    “I think that about covers everything that needs to be discussed right now. Mr. Garnoopy, if you will please escort Mr. Aerso to his people, I'm sure he'd like to check to make sure they are being taken care of.”  Travis looked up at Commander Ridire’s statement and took it as an opportunity to finally leave.  He rushed out of the room most likely causing a scene for about the fifth time that hour but he did really have the time to go over proper manners at the moment.  He walked briskly down the hall, almost a run but not quite the stride that would be defined as a run.  


    Travis finally reached the empty turbo lift he had been hoping for.  Finally something had gone his way.  Looking inside the empty turbo lift was one of the few things Travis could hope for…No crew members, no conversations, no questions, and most importantly… Time to understand the truth…


    Truth…the word has many meanings.  Travis thought he had figured out them all many years ago.  But like usual he was wrong…


    April 22nd, 2376


    It was raining.  Not a heavy rain but still coming down enough to soak his hair and uniform.  The ground that he knelt on was fairly damp as well.  He had been sitting there for over an hour.  Sitting and staring, staring at the cold hunk of stone that had shattered his life.  Kayla Kroells 2353-2376 He slowly looked down to the freshly dug up ground in front of the marker.  Just a few feet under is where she slept now.  Because of him…  He slowly looked down to his hands, the hands that had caused this.  He wasn’t afraid to admit it.  It was his fault Kayla and O’Connor were dead, it was him that should be sleeping in the ground not the two of them.  The rain died down to a soft drizzle now and now Travis could hear him coming.  Travis had told him not to come, that he needed time to think, but Ferengi’s often have a hard time doing the opposite of what is in their mind.


    The Ferengi stopped several feet away from him.  Travis didn’t need to turn to see who it was.  He was probably the only person he knew that could track him down with out him actually telling him where he was going to be.  Travis sat quietly hoping that he wouldn’t say any thing.  He could hear the alien open his mouth and draw in breath signaling that he was about to give a little speech.  


    “Why’d you come?  I told you not to.”  


    The Ferengi looked prepared for his hostilities and quickly responded.  “It’d be bad for business.”  


    Travis turned to give the alien a disgusted look.  “Good God Mogg that’s all you think about isn’t it?  Business this, money that, scam over there.  You wonder why I avoid you as much as I do.”  


    Mogg slowly knelt down beside him giving him a dead cold look in the eye.  “You think we Ferengi’s have no heart?  You think we simply think about the dollar sign, or our monthly pay check?!…No you think to narrow; I was talking about the business of life.”


    Travis slowly chuckled and stood not bothering to look at him.  He slowly began to walk off causing the Ferengi to chase after him.  He quickly reached him grabbing his shoulder and turning him around.  At that moment the height difference was obvious.  While Travis, some what short on the human scale was a 5’9 Mogg was only 5’4.  Mogg looked up at him with a dead look, Travis didn’t know what he was going to say but he figured it would be something that would only push his broken body even further then he thought it could go…  


    To be continued…

  4. yea...im a country hick (Or so I've been told) so thats how i got the Demo derby


    As to the super nova...on time on a post i went looney and told fred to fly the Reaent into a super nova so...it just gets worse from that  :P  


    Selling the ship...Im a Ferengi on the Aegis so put two and two together and your get 4 plus interest


    and the Garnoopys....well come on you would have thought of it too eventually!  :o

  5. No darkness, no light just a sickening shade of gray…Kroells’s logs


    Travis sat motionless during Lt. Aerso’s account on what had happened, from his point of view on the Cairo.  He had gone over issues on shift changes and a temporary department chief.  He quietly tapped his PADD as Aerso continued his story.  Travis raised his head to see Aerso finish his story.  Travis must have been good on his reflexes or something because he managed to snag the first question.  


    Travis slowly leaned forward as if to allow Aerso to see him better.  He quietly gruffed his voice a little to keep that illusion that he was still angry.  Travis asked that question that had been begging to be asked by the team ever since he said it:  Why was there a temporary department chief in and more importantly why?  Aerso looked at him confused like he didn’t know the meaning of the word.  Travis most likely would have lost it right then and there, well that is if he still had his emotions.  


    Travis shifted his weight a little as he restated the question hoping that it wouldn’t confuse Aerso again.  Aerso contemplated for a moment and then replied.  Their normal chief one Lt. Facon had picked up some virus during an engineering conference.  He for some reason most likely because of the virus had been placed under quarantine until he recovered.  


    Travis nodded and thanked him for answering the question.  He quickly looked back down to his PADD entering things that he would look into the check the story.  First he would tell Sivuk on the situation, after that he would have to check the credibility of conference.  Even if he went…this virus that he caught would most likely had come from an out break on the planet which meant more engineers most likely returned to their ship sick.  If not it looked mighty suspicious that he all of a sudden just got sick for no none reason.  He knew he would also have to discuss with Sivuk the time they would…and should interview this Lt. Facon.  He figured him and Sivuk should start going through the proper lines now so they could get permission as soon as he got back.


    Travis looked down at the PADD which had now become his to-do list.  He looked down at it in an emotionless look.  He brought his finger down to the padd to put in a new reminder.  


    1. Inform Sivuk


    2. Check Facon’s excuse


    3. Interview Facon


    4. Find soul…

  6. Fading out…Kroells’s logs


    The person known as Travis Kroells stood in the turbo lift heading to deck 14 an empty shell.  By now all the rage and anger that had been in his system had disappeared and there was nothing left of any emotions in his body.  He had attempted to conjure up his emotions on quickly drawing up funny, happy, sad, and down right horrible memories in an attempt to feel any thing.  Nothing had worked and if Travis could feel worried he probably would.  Under normal circumstances he would most likely had freaked out and asked for the rest of his shift off.


    But this was a peculiar state he was in.  With no apparent emotions for him to be concerned with he wasn’t worried about the situation he was in.  Nor was he nervous about interviewing Aerso, dealing with Ridire who would be there, or debriefing his findings to Sivuk who most likely wanted a report on absolutely every thing that happened there, from the finding of the survivors to how bad it stunk over there.


    Still, as Travis pondered through his head he found the name and memories of Travis Jon Kroells to be odd and unfamiliar.  It was sort of like looking in on your memories and not recognizing them.  Travis continued on to think about the situation with Garnoopy, and Ridire and his emotions.  He figured that he would keep the illusion of being angry for two reasons:  One because if he all of a sudden appeared to have spontaneously lost all the anger he was clearly showing before, Ridire or Fred would most likely hand him over to Star base 345 for psyche evaluation, Two He figured if fellow crew members thought he’d slaughter some one who looked at him the wrong way they might keep their distance, giving him time to think this through and figure out if this thing is permanent and if it is then see Debbie and get an evaluation and possible prognosis.  


    The turbo lift ride ended and various members of the debriefing staff entered the conference room.  He sat down in an uncaring and angry fashion as to keep his “Current” state of mind still apparent to the rest of the crew.  Ridire obviously saw this and headed over to Travis.  His conversation with the young Lt. was brief but Travis could still see the frustration and anger in his voice.  It had been the first time Travis had seen Ridire show any real emotions in front of him.  Travis replied with what had appeared to be the same tone but it was in truth the way he apparently sounded in his current state.  


    The look he received from several crew members caused him to drop his case with the commander and he returned to his original seat and prepared for the upcoming debriefing.  Travis grabbed his padd and prepared to record the debriefing and other questions on to the padd.  He watched Aerso open his mouth and take a deep breath.  The events he was about to tell the people in the room would no doubt be horrifying and saddening, but to Travis it would just be more proof he lost his soul back in sickbay.


    The Road to Perdition…Kroells’s Logs


    Travis stood out side of Debbie’s office in a state of mind he had never found himself in before.  Many people had already had there passing glances and to most of them it looked like he was just having a very bad day, but to him this was something more.  He had been frustrated and furious about things before but this feeling deep inside of him was…beyond that.  Beyond fury and rage, beyond pure hate, even beyond his normal range of emotions.  This…this was like a dark vortex inside of him something that had been awaked by the images on the Cairo and his recent actions on the bridge.  This feeling, it was like some one had taken all his dark emotions and amplified them by one hundred.


    But then again maybe this wasn’t something he hadn’t dealt with before.  He hadn’t slept in a good two days and hadn’t eaten in twice that time.  Maybe his body was finally giving out from the stress and neglect and was pushing his emotions to the extreme just to tell him to get some sleep and eat a nice juicy hamburger.  Either way he knew that after this was all over he would have to take some serious R&R.  


    Travis looked back to the door frustrated again.  He had been standing here for almost ten minutes and still the investigating team that comprised of Travis, Garnoopy, Spencer, and McLean still hadn’t gained access to the room.  


    He walked away looking at some of the patients trying to keep his extreme dislike of simple beuacracy to himself at the moment.  He headed over to whom he now had identified as Kansas and Lt. Shamor.  He knelt down and grabbed her and expecting to feel a sorrow that would finally break him.  But like a bad record his emotions just stopped.  He no longer felt anything, no pain, no anger, and no sorrow.  Time passed and nothing happened, he no longer felt any thing.  What was left of his over taxed mind had just been striped of the last shards of humanity left in him, his emotions.  


    Travis didn’t know what to feel, he couldn’t feel!  Garnoopy stood over his shoulder and asked him to go with and return to the investigation party.  Travis pleaded for a minute with Kansas and the gruff Klingon, as if understanding his feelings towards Kansas left him to his devises.  


    Travis looked at Kansas and wondered what story his face told.  The face that had just minutes ago painted a picture of anger and frustration had now lost all life in it.  His eyes, usually a soulful Hazel in color had been turned several shades duller.  His face, which just before showed the furrowed brow of a person that had a bad day had lost all its vigor and strength.  And so he stayed there.  An empty man…an empty shell.


    The team slowly began to leave sickbay.  Travis dropped Kansas’s hand and headed towards the door.  He looked back while walking out burning the memory into his mind.  It was the spot where Travis Kroells lost what life he had left in him, the spot where he lost his soul…