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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. Hey!!! I have a fan!! I hope your talking about the video game Resident Evil, Blu...Or else I will be seriously offended.
  2. ::Falls to the floor laughing at the thought of Fred in leather chaps::
  3. I swear to god, I am the glue that holds STSF together. I leave for 5 days and then Vanroy loses his mind! I like the fact that he emailed me the photo first, before I left. If I had a couple more minutes it'd had been up here a long time ago. Secondly...Fred you always make the power moves when Im away! What is it....4! 4 promotions in one night! Third...or umm....Thirdly...Atlanta sucked, I could have learned about god and spent three hundred dollars back here in good old Minnesota. All that youth gather did was give me an intense hatred of Texas (Make me go work in the woods will ya!) Just about the only good thing, or funny thing that happened was the fact that for about ten hours the goverement thought I was a terrorist. See I brought my beloved Xbox with me and well....let's just say it doesnt look like and Xbox on the xray machine. So...Kroells is back...all those who made fun of me while I was gone, shall now die! ::has a line form behind Fred::
  4. Stron! How many times must I tell you that PS2 is the devil! Your just lucky this court martial will probally bust Mogg down to midshipman, or else he'd have you replace all of the isolinear chips in the CT...
  5. Well, I honestly think you should have at least put in the classes of the ships in STSF....
  6. What is wrong with you! Wheres the ambasador class! Huh! WHERE IS IT!!?!?!??!
  7. Dont be suprised, ST.com has never made, the chatrooms a #1 priority before.
  8. Sobs Weep with me fellow fans to Resident Evil.
  9. ::can't hold back the immature laughter:: Hey! Im just suprised Vanroy didn't say something first!
  10. ::Relizes that neither of these captains are popular and hence forth there are no votes, makes a reservation for Moose's academy:: I'd like to be put in charge of the suicide away mission please.
  11. This head ache is killing me and looking at these posts will cause me to hock a couple of Tylenol 3's god those things will take you out...I hate migranes.....
  12. Hey, I've seen A9 with a beard, now thats scary.
  13. Oh my god! I missed my 400th post! Where is it where is it!
  14. Do you have any idea how long it took to find a new TV and entertainment center for a gamer such as my self? I got the new RCA 27 inch TV with the Vport, a special cable that works just like component cables, except its only one thick cable, for video and audio fun. The entertaiment center was what sucked, I needed to find one that could hold my VCR, Xbox, Gamecube, N64, Dreamcast, and Genisis, but I think I did a good job finding one.
  15. Meh, this time next year will mark the one year aniversary of the first court martial in STSF.
  16. Hey Zigg your still my budd, I just wouldnt like you if you complained to the group heads and got us draged out into that poison ivy froest again.
  17. NO! Anything from Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega etc.=gift from god. Sony=Burn! I love my Xbox, Gamecube, N64, Dreamcast, and Genisis.
  18. God! This is what happens when you try to change something good!
  19. Hey! Thats my font color! Give it back!
  20. Meh, I my picture looks better, well that is my simming persona, and only Vanroy knows where it is!
  21. ::Looks and Vanroys pic and inserts himself doing drunken cart wheels on the bridge, and crashes into Garn:: I present you the three amigos!
  22. You were gone?
  23. ::Wishes he could up load the pic of Fred in the coconut bra and grass skirt with out geting kicked out of STSF::
  24. ::wonders where Jenna ran off too::
  25. ::Still rumaging through his ST: the magizine for the offical answer::