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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. Oh! I thought of a funny one: Dr. Psyvo Crazypants!
  2. :D :D
  3. ::smirks:: See Vanroy, Images is just as bad.
  4. Im old, yet Im young...Considering that I've been here almost the longest, I can only count a hand full of graduates, and well, all the gm's but still...Im old, and Im young...Infinite limbo...
  5. ::steals vanroys brew:: :D
  6. Ohh my 500th post! Yes! YES YES YES!!!!!
  7. yea, us first's have a total of about 1,300 posts...lol
  8. Dont forget HD, he was right behind. And I'd think that stsf, would have gotten up on its own, but it would be no where near what it is today.
  9. Here here. Makes me wonder where stsf would be if the first few of us hadnt stumbled into the rooms. Some people desearve more credit then they get.
  10. Theres an authority to the subject? If thats me, I desearve some sort of paycheck.
  11. ::Kicks him in the shins:: It should be now.
  12. He wins the right to beta read my newest fanfic.
  13. Yea, that guy ruled. Wonder what happened to him...I had my first sim with him, it was a tuesday night, he was the CSCI, and I was his ASCI. Our shuttle crashed into the water, and I moddified transporter enhancers to act as force fields. Or was that the sim that I graduated from?
  14. True Hd, true. I'd have to say that 90% of the quote un-quote "First" graduates just stumbled across STSF. Before the advertising, we were relivily small, if any one remembers the times we didnt have enough people to fill the department cheif spots you know what Im talking about. I know on first hand, that the day that link went up, STSF exploaded with new cadets.
  15. I'd like my new title to be: Chevron 7 locked!
  16. Well then A9, I'll just be 15 forever, just to contridict you!
  17. ::blinks at Images:: I dont even want to know about the other nutted logs.
  18. Right....Err...I cant even remember my first post, maybe because its lost among the other 488...
  19. Just to add something, while I may not have hit the rank of Lt, I've been using the SN Lt. Travis Kroells since my first holodeck apperance, Maybe I'll change it...maybe not...I dont think Im known as Travis Kroells, but rather that guy that wears too many pips. :D :D
  20. Here here Garnoopy!!! I was wondering around startrek.com, and by chance I found the holodeck. "Startrek roleplay" it said, hmm...interesting. I entered the holodeck, and found the monday acadmey just ending. I asked if I could join the next one, but A9 himself informed me about STSF and pointed me twards the web site. I watched the Manticore sim, while reading about the rules and stuff, and became instantly hooked. I went to the tuesday sim the next day, and on my third sim I graduated and was posted on the USS Reaent. And in less then two months, my one year aniversary coming up, and its been the funnest year of my life. Thank you STSF! :D
  21. "My minds fine"…A joint log by Mogg and Lt. Muon Quark. After taking down the fort in Mogg's quarters, him and Muon got to work on his case. It was going to be tough but Muon felt it was best to show Mogg's history with the occupation in order to prove "extenuating circumstances". Also, it would help to prove how Gabrel provoked him into the arguement. Muon was just going over the recording with Mogg. Mogg's face was angry as he listened to Gabrel. "Mogg, you have to control your anger or we don't have a chance." Muon said sternly. I'll give you 1 gold latinum bar if you behave." She added jokingly.... "Fine, pay up." Mogg gave her a joking look, even at times like these, a good joke could always lighten his spirit. "Where do you want to start… Well I do have one thing I want to tell you. Under no circumstances are you to 'prove' that I was lured into my actions. Images believes that he can mount a statement saying that my subconcious made me do it! So he barges in and starts prying into my past. So I told him to buzz off." Mogg pauses a sec to catch his breath. "Whatever you do, I want what happened to have happened because that filthy Cardassian forced me into it, by insults and harassment!" Muon regarded Mogg silently for a few seconds. "Mogg," she began, "That kind of outburst is what's going to land you in the brig." She paused for effect. "And...... it might also save your career." Mogg regarded her with skepticism. "How so?" "Maybe you were more tramatized by the Cardassian occupation then you realize. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have Images do a psych evaluation on you after all." Muon watch as Mogg processed this. She actually believed he was carrying deeper wounds from that time than he was admitting, even to himself. She waited while he thought about it.... "Fine…I just don’t want this to be some defense saying that I couldn’t help myself. If Images does this psych test, I want it to prove, that I had a basis for my actions, that the Caradassians actions during the war, left me with such a hatred for them, that I would take no other action in the situation. No subconcious mumbo jumbo." "No mumbo jumbo Mogg." Muon replied quietly. "I'll make an appointment for you with Images." Mogg slowly turned away from her, and walked to one of the many windows in his quarters. "I just happen to be confused why Gabrel happens to be able to walk around the station, like he had no part of this. Had this taken place other then right next to Cardassia prime, he'd be in the brig, or at least in his quarters like I am. It truly shows how much a dipolmat our captain is. 'He's a representitive of Cardassia, he deserves better treatment.'" Muon shook her head. "You know as well as I do that the laws governing diplomatic immunity are as long as they are complicated. Rest assured, I made note of that in my report to the Captain and I also will be making note of that in the court martial." "What ever, it doesn’t really matter, make up your defense, but keep in mind what I said, I wont be defended on the accusation that 'my mind made me do it'. Just remember, while we may wear the starfleet uniform, we are just as much representitives of our respective governments as Gabrel and Drankum are. Don’t let yourself get swept under the rug in diplomatic procedures." Muon makes a face at him and grins. "Do I strike you as the diplomatic type? Seriously tho, I think we're ready with our defense. GromVik will have his hands full, that's for sure. If it looks like he's starting to win, I'll bribe him. ::grins:: Anyway, I'll come by again tomorrow." "Alright, I'll see you then, now…If you don’t mind, I have a fortress to rebuild." Muon turned around and slowly walked out the door. Mogg sighed, and slowly began to put the blankets and chairs back together, ready to make another strong hold incase Ethan came for him. The door wooshed shut, signaling Muons departure, Mogg turned around, and looked at his fort, and slowly sighed, "Now all I need is some sort ear plugs to keep Andrews from chooseing Pikachu again, what ever it is…"
  22. ::gives A9 a confused look as to what "old" is::
  23. ::raises a brow:: ::D:
  24. ::gets a massive head ache after reading all of this::
  25. And I wasnt offended, Im just angry that I was so close to reaching obnoxious perfection.