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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. ::Unprys the two love birds with a lightsaber and shakes his head:: I like coke because it's more carbonated and less sweet, but for that same reason I like Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke, since Diet Coke is just burny and tasteless to me. And by the way, has anyone noticed the difference in the flavor of Diet Coke at resturants (McDonalds etc.) recently? It tastes like crap now.
  2. I dont know which would kill me first...the guns or the grammar... :D
  3. ::shakes his head and unretires his red blade, and then lights up with it::
  4. I dont have a flip top phone, I am quite happy with the phone I have currently. I have no need to get a trek novelty phone, pay unknown bundles of money for it when I have a perfectly fine phone here. If I was going to show my trek fandom (which I wont, Im bearly a trek fan, execpt for that fan fiction NDak showed me) i'd buy those stupid trek check blanks.
  5. Im with Vanroy. I think it's time us two former Sith Lords razed all these lovey dovies.
  6. ::Considers un-retiring his Red Lightsaber over all this 'happyness'::
  7. Rum (Dont ask...)
  8. Make sure to poke me, I tend to fall behind reading other ships logs.
  9. (Must be the only one on STSF who isn't even interested by this)
  10. ::Hopes Images still has Mogg's bouncy ball::
  11. ::Grabs pennies:: It depends on the product itself. I prefer Coke over Pepsi I prefer Mountain Dew over Mellow Yellow I prefer Sprite over 7 UP Wait...why do I care what you people think? ::leaves::
  12. Suck :D
  13. I'm suprised no bodies discussed this yet, but I think I'll bring up the gas prices. I was wondering how much everyone pays since the most places where I live (West of the Twin Cities) is around $2.70, although the gas station that I work at does sell regular unleaded for $2.49 at the moment. So, whats everyone pay, wheres the cheapest you've found, and how long till you resort to random bank robbery for gas money? ;)
  14. (has about 50 things he dare not say)
  15. A movie staring a certian heiress.
  16. crappy movie
  17. I was always one for random topics that dont really matter. As for myself, I'd first pay for a lifetime supply of Tic-Tacs, orange variety. Then I'd get myself a trophy wife. Then I'd waste it all in some crazy stunt that blew up in my face, caused me to lose all my money, my wife, home and Tic-Tacs, and then get myself a Vh-1 special behind the music show, with a special clip of me drunk of my ::cough:: :lol:
  18. ::Gives Corizon a cookie and a lawsuit from Linkin Park:: Good one man :P
  19. I know remember simming with Images, back on the Aegis when he still lived in Hong Kong. I think it was just around the opposite time there, so he was simming at like 10 in the morning :P I remember when I was fourteen, and started simming here, the only acad I could attend was the early night tuesday one with Jami, which is why it took me 3 weeks to graduate :) I know there are legitmate complaints behind the want for earlier or just different time sims, but Harper raises the tell tale point that the GM's are real people (I know it hard to believe) with lives (sort of :P) and schedules. Of course, if you have hook ups with a bi lingual person on the other side of the globe, Im sure you'd get some kudos from the council. Short Answer: The GM's try, but until we find a noctural man (::points to himself:B) or someone that lives in a proper timezone, theres not much you'll be able to do except take some No Doze and avoid waking up your parents.
  20. ::smirks:: Shot down again.
  21. ::Meant to make if 'hurt so good'::
  22. Heh, I've done my research Dac, my car cant run E-85. A warning to anyone who is thinking of using it. Check your owners manual, or call your dealership to make sure your vehicle can run it. If not, it'll mess up your engine, and ruin your fuel injector. Secondly, you dont get as good milege with E-85. So if you can run it, compare your milage to regular gas. Where I work, the difference in cost, with the difference in mpg, it doesn't really make much difference. I just got some news from my station too. Tomorrow we'll be going up another ten cents, with regular unleaded being $2.79 a gallon. We expect it to keep going up at least until labor day, and that we'll be around $3.10 a gallon by then. ::robs a bank:: :P
  23. ::pretty sure she liked it when he mopped the floor with her::
  24. ::ignores Eagle, since if he can't understand what he's doing, it doesn't really matter:: Child, you'd wish I'd fight over you. :P
  25. My cars got a large gas tank, but she gets fairly decent mpg, something around 25-30. I haven't been able to run the tank empty to check the millege and do the math again since I fear that gas will peak unbelievebly when I do...