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Travis Kroells

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Posts posted by Travis Kroells

  1. Firstly, kudos to LoAmi for bring up the culture war point that I was going to get around to saying ;)


    Secondly, please correct me if I'm wrong Ganval, but do you really mean to say that America should have no contact with contries deemed "Less Advanced" then us, and almost more importantly, how would you define that?


    Sheesh...I ended a lot of words with -ly.

  2. Are we under attack Elgor? The "war" on terrorism is a complicated one at best. Under normal war situations, I would have less of a problem with all of this. But this isn't like anything we've fought before. I see it more as a policing acting then an actual war.


    Anyways, regardless of what I believe the administrations reasoning for these events are, the facts are clear. There are no shells flying at us, missles being launched and heaven forbid again, airplanes crashing into buildings.


    We are not in an active two way war per se. At the very most, the are people plotting against our country, which has been going on since 1776. So in my opinion, using the excuse that we're under attack to justifiy these illegal actions, is rather poor.

  3. A citizen has the right to seek relief from the courts if he thinks that the government has not demonstrated a rational reason for infringing on his privacy.

    Yes, but how does a citizen protest, if he has no idea he's being spied on? That the entire purpose of it, to make sure he/she doesn't know, so they catch him/her doing whatever they think they're doing.


    I think the point is that we could being spied on at any point, for what the government seems to believe just causes (Bush sure does), and unless they mess up, we're none the wiser.

  4. Eh, I'll take you on sometime Mike.


    I cant remember when my first Acad was, although I graduated on Haloween after three sims, which is the same day I joined the boards (Something told me I should probably make an account :lol:)


    Unlike many of the later cadets, i joined in a time when STSF was just getting up on it's feet. I cant remember, but I believe I was either the 6th, or the 8th graduate. Probably 6th. I know theres a thread dedicated to this somewhere.


    The fact that I joined STSF was actually pure chance. I was bouncing around Startrek.com, having just gotten my first computer (yes, my parents sucked) and I happend apon the chat room. I entered the general chat, which happened to be a giant flame war. At this, i found our old simming room which stated "Roleplay Startrek!" or something to that extent.


    Being 14, geeky, fat and well bored out of my mind, I bounced in and ran into the USS Manticore. A9 was kind enough to show me to the site, and give me a schedule (if you could call it that then :lol:) of the acads. Given my age, at the time I could only sim on the tuesday academy, which plays at 8 pm my time. In retrospect, my first sim was probably the next night, which "Admiral" Garnoopy graduated, and began a cloning process that cannot be either explained or stopped :lol:


    While still a cadet, I decided to start viewing ships to join, and decided on the USS Reaent for several reasons. 1: The crew was rather fun, and appeared to have a good time. 2: The time and day. 3: The day I decided watch their sim, Vanroy almost let a Station crash into them :lol:


    I dont remember my exact promotion dates, their listed in Travis's bio on the Reaent.


    I would go on to join the Sky Harbor Aegis, USS Manticore, and Qob Lakota. Although would be forced to leave all of them due to personal and scheduling conflicts.


    I think it's about a year ago now when I resigned from the Reaent with the rank of Lieutenant, having been demoted to Lt. Jg :P At this time in my life, a number of personal things were happening, which forced me to retire from STSF entirely for about 4 months.


    I was doing pretty good, and having a fun time just hanging out on the boards with you guys, and actually hadn't intended to rejoin the simming world until USS Agincourt came around. I ended up with the CSCI spot, playing Jamie Kroells, Travis's son. I toyed for a while with putting in for the Second in Comand/CSEC spot, and had it happened, it would be a very different character, trust me on that. However, after talking with a certain person, Jamie was born, and Travis lives on :P


    Since the launch of the Agincourt, I have stayed steady on the one sim and currently hold the rank of Lieutenant, although I have recently been thinking about joining another sim after the new year rolls in.


    Now that I think about it, having been here for three years...I've never made it past the rank of Lieutenant, while Im sure some people have reached Lt. Commander twice over :P


    Unfortunetly, I figured I should announce this sometime soon. At the writing of this little autobiography, my dad plans to sell the house to go live with his girlfriend down in the cities. Due to the fact that I wont be going with him, once the house sells I'll be, for a lack of a better term, homeless. I'll keep you guys up to date with what goes down, but there is a distinct possiblity in the next few months that I may indefinetly disapear.

  5. ::Is hardly ever phased by sad men from San Jose::


    I have to agree with Andrea on this one. Whilst I have no problem showing you guys the top of my house, you guys sure dont have too. Besides, my dad's selling the place soon, and when he does, it sort of looks like I'll be out on the streets... :lol:


    Anyways, same issue for me as Sam it the fact that I live out in the country. Infact, the picture I have up is the closest I could get. It's also a horibly out dated picture, from now earlier then 1991, with the current level of development shown. The circle and street are compeltely filled out now :lol: