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Travis Kroells

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Posts posted by Travis Kroells

  1. While I dont let astrological signs rule my life, I am usually curious about how they get it right for me


    Dragon: My element is Earth, my heading is East-South-East, my color is Blue-Green (Which is the color of my eyes, hazel [1]), My favorable month is April (When I was born [2]), and my counterpart is Aries (which I am [4])


    Theres a lot more...but I really cant do it right now, I hope you guys understand, Im really sorry.


    Really sorry, cause I feel bad about this stuff. It means alot to me



  2. “Lay Down Your Burdens” Part II


    “Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.” - Jim Bishop


    The Colonel tried desperately so to keep his jaw from falling open. “What did you just say?”


    “You heard me. It’s the only explanation. Two of us here, living completely different lives. We’re from two different timelines. Your Federation has been at war for over a century with the Klingons and itself, mine hasn’t.”


    As ridiculous as it sounded, he actually made a little bit of sense... “Ok, let’s go with your theory here for a second. Why are we here? What is...here?”


    Travis thought for a moment, but could only come up with one explanation. “It has to have something to do with that explosion you mentioned. What was going on again?”


    River sighed, and crossed his arms. “Duren was building...something. Our best guess is that he was going to use this device to be able to control the timeline. Alter the past to suit himself.”


    “Was this...Duren man in charge of the Federation during the Praxis incident?”


    River shook his head. “No. The President and Chancellor Gorkon were...Killed during a summit after the destruction of Praxis. A Federation fleet admiral took control of fleet operations, following the proper chain of command. Duren would not gain control of the Federation until years later, when that said admiral died in office.”


    Travis furrowed his brow as he scratched his chin. “Well, then that can’t be it...”




    He blinked, and turned his eyes to his counterpart. “I’m just trying to figure out this mans reasoning for something so insane. Time isn’t something that should be tampered with. You and me standing here discussing this is a perfect example.”


    River frowned slightly and nodded. “I suppose your right...But are you sure that’s what we should be focusing on? Shouldn’t we be concentrating on how to fix this?”


    Travis gave the man a slight shrug. “I’m not sure we can. There really isn’t anything here; all we can do is let it run its course.”


    River let a healthy scowl escape him. “And what would that be Mr. Scientist man?”


    “Well, considering that the act that brought us here originated in your time line, and that everyone around you disappeared before you showed up here, my best guess is that your being erased...or something to that extent.”


    The Colonel tried, and again failed miserably to keep his jaw from falling open. “What!?”


    “Well, my best theory would be your timeline is being erased, or changed...or whatever proper word it is, into my time line. You’re being erased, and I’m stepping in.”


    For being such a reserved man, River was truly letting his panic show. “No...no, we have to stop this!”


    Travis blinked, and looked over to him. “Like I said, I’m positive we can’t do anything. Besides, do you think I would help you anyway? I’m not that eager to turn the tables on our predicament.”


    River quickly rushed in, grabbing Travis by the neck throwing him to the ground. “You will! Or God Help me I will-”


    “Will what!? Kill yourself!? Because that’s what you’re about to do!”


    River paused, his hand cocked back, ready to strike at himself as Kroells’s words ran through his head. “Well then...what do we do?”


    “Nothing. There’s nothing we can do. Just sit back and let it happen I guess...”


    Minutes or hours past, neither could really tell the difference, just sitting there waiting for River to ‘Die’ if the word was appropriate. But eventually, Travis got enough courage to speak. “So who is it that you’re afraid to leave behind?”


    River blinked in surprise. “Huh?”


    “Well...If we’re any bit alike, you’re not afraid of death, but how death will separate you from the ones you love. So who was it?”


    The Colonel sighed and looked over to him. “What does it matter to you?”


    “Well, more I think about it, you’ve been given something most men don’t have, the knowledge of when he’s going to ‘Die’. I was just thinking you might want to reminisce, come to terms...all that good jazz.”


    River pondered for a moment, and after a bit of awkward silence, he spoke. “Kestra. Her name was Kestra.”


    Travis looked over to him. “What was she like?”


    “If perfection needed a picture...”


    The two of them shot wicked grins at each other followed by small sigh by River. If the two weren’t already on their backs looking up at the not so blue sky, he would have had to sit down. He could feel it, creeping up on him ever so slowly. He could feel the icy cold claws on his back as he opened his mouth again. “So...if I’m just going to disappear...are you going to remember any of this?”


    “Probably not. Then again, I’m exactly a scholar of temporal mechanics either so who knows.”


    River let out a slow breath as things started to get colder on him. “Well...that’s disappointing.”


    Travis moved over, and knelt beside him. “Don’t worry about it. I’d like to think that part of you would go on loving her, even if I don’t know about it. That part of you...that part of her can’t be erased.”


    River smiled, as his eyes slowly closed, and let himself succumb. “That's...a little less disappointing.”




    Travis’s eyes shot open, as he flung forward out of his small bed, promptly onto the floor. After several minutes of cursing, and fumbling for the lights, he stood and looked around his small quarters in the back of the small ship he “borrowed” after his stint on the Reaent. An undignified end, yes...but it was also a chance to start over, which was what he needed the most right now.


    He walked past the faulty replicator which he was positive had gave him that disturbing dream, even if he couldn’t remember any of it. He stumbled into the cockpit area, and looked out at the stars flying by at low warp. He looked down to make sure he was still on course, and then settled into his chair. It was 0300, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get to sleep anytime soon.


    He let his mind drift on its own. It settled on some usual memories: Kayla, Kansas, the Cairo... He’d been letting himself brood on these thoughts lately, hoping to come to terms with them. However, different images popped into his head. Fighters...war...Colonel McLean?


    Travis was now positive that these were the result of half rotted food, and chucked a shoe at his replicator in frustration. He passed most of it off as useless and they quickly drifted from his mind. But one thought...one name stuck with him, and would haunt him for the rest his days, never able to find the meaning behind it.




    But I’m on the outside

    And I’m looking in

    I can see through you

    See your true colors

    ‘Cause inside your ugly

    You’re ugly like me

    I can see through you

    See to the real you...


    ~ Staind - “Outside”

  3. “Lay down your burdens” Final log of Lieutenant Colonel Travis Kroells/Travis Kroells




    Lieutenant Colonel Travis Kroells watched his two fighters, Hideki Nakamura, and Archangel prepare themselves for whatever was to come next. He pondered for a second on his life, which due to the whole temporal explosion was a rather drawn out second. His family, Kestra and many others drifted into his mind. He didn’t get much of a chance to think about it however, as Hideki, Angel and the flight deck disappeared.


    The charred walls of his flight deck were quickly replaced by pure white light. He couldn’t discern a horizon, if one even existed. For a moment, he thought he was dead, but quickly realized if this was what he thought it was, he wouldn’t be here. Considering all that had just happened in the last few hours, Travis was hoping for some sort of epic end to everything. But...it didn’t come. In fact, nothing happened. Kroells stood for several minutes, waiting, hoping for anything.


    After what the Colonel had perceived as...a while, his thoughts once again shifted back to thinking he was dead. But again there was no sulfur and hellfire, or no annoying theists and cream cheese. So, after a while he started walking. Most people would criticize for the randomness in his actions, but Travis figured that with no real distinctiveness, and no visible land markers, it was probably going to be the same no matter where he went: White and boring.


    Except, something did change. In a vast distance a new shape formed. If only for the fact that this new development was something other then the vast stark nothingness that surrounded him, Travis ran towards it, faster then he had ever ran for something before. He ran at it like it was a massive door out of this place, or a note on the wall kindly explaining what was going on, but instead of answers he froze in horror as he finally could make out what he was so desperately trying to reach.


    He was looking at himself.


    Both Kroells’s stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Colonel Kroells was quick to size up his counter part, his long brown hair a stark contrast to his military regulation cut. The two also carried very different stances. Colonel Kroells’s hard and stern from his military life. This other Travis...seemed to be aloof to things just from his very demeanor. Other then that fact they looked identical, a fact which bothered the Colonel deeply.


    However, the other man was brave enough to speak first. “Uh...who the Hell are you?”


    The Colonel paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say, if anything would even make sense. In the end he just fell back on what he knew. “Lieutenant Colonel Travis Kroells, NFS Reaent. Who the Hell are you?”


    The other man spoke almost instantly, obviously much less confused by the situation. “Travis Kroells, of the....wait...uh...Just Travis Kroells.”


    Colonel Kroells blinked, and pondered for a moment. “What is going on, where what is the place?”


    Travis gave a light chuckle at the man as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You expect me to know? All I remember was laying down in the back of my ship for a nap, and then I’m here. I’ve got ten bars of latinum says this is just a weird dream induced by my faulty replicator.”


    The Colonel furrowed his brow at the other man. He was so cocky and arrogant...even more then himself. This was certainly no dream for him. “Well, I can assure you your not sleeping. I certainly wasn’t when the Reaent was caught in that temporal explosion from People’s Head.”


    The other Travis blinked, and refocused his attention on his doppelganger. “Temporal Explosion, People’s Head...what are you talking about?”


    Colonel Kroells sighed, and gently rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, not likely having to drawn upon these horrific memories, while they were still so fresh. “The NFA, Starfleet, The Romulans, and the Breen engaged in a battle over a planet named People’s Head. In the resulting battle, a temporal device that Duren had created was destroyed. I’m foggy on the details...but somehow, I’m here now.”


    Travis raised an eyebrow, rather confused. “Wait, wait, wait. Who’s Duren? And what is the ‘NFA’?”


    The Colonel gave him a perplexed look. “Duren is an El-Aurian. He’s the president of the Federation, and a tyrant at that. The NFA stands for New Federation Alliance. We’re a group of planets that broke away from the Federation years ago. We’ve been fighting a civil war for almost eighty years.”


    Travis was still rather confused. “Wait...none of this makes sense. You’re some sort of rebel fighting against the Federation? How’s the Reaent play into this? And the Romulans and the Breen?”


    River sighed as he continued this his little story. “The NFS Reaent is an Ambassador Class Carrier. I’m the ships CAG, and Bravo Squadron leader. As for the Romulans...The Federation declared war on them sometime back. For us, it’s something along the line of ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’. And the Breen...well, until several days ago, no one had confirmed they even existed.”


    The scientist, long thrown away was brewing in Travis as he listened to this Colonel’s story. Praxis, Duren, it was all wrong. “Wait...all of this, your civil war, everything is all wrong.”


    “What are you talking about?”


    Travis paused for a moment, trying to find words he’d understand. “The Federation never went to war with the Klingons after Praxis exploded...At least...At least in my timeline.”

  4. A board in each sim sounds unwieldy. How about a section in Academy or Q&C with a thread for each ship? Central location, easy to find, easy for everyone to check/respond.


    (note: not promising anything. Not wearing my "Official GM Hat".)

    Yeah, I mean even that would be an improvement. Just some place where people can go to put thoughts, suggestions, ideas, concerns, questions, you name it someplace where live people can respond. I mean, I dont try to bad mouth the GM's when I say this, but asking someone what their ship is like, I dont know if people get the whole picture.

  5. What isn't acceptable is cursing and personal insults or attacks -- but then, those aren't allowed on the boards at any time, so that shouldn't be a surprise. Also, if someone was consistently and constantly saying "I hate this sim," I'd suggest they change sims; that kind of negative attitude makes everyone around them miserable, too.

    Well, that much I agree with. Regardless of how much you may dislike a sim and/or plot, we should at least be mature enough to make it constructive. I mean, since when has yelling "This sucks" gotten anyone anywhere. Not to be repetitive, but I think that the board idea could cover this too. People could easily post what they thought about plots, and how things went.

  6. All right; let's stop dealing in abstractions, and figure out what kind of information we need.


    For current cadets/new graduates without a ship:

    -What one thing would you most like to know about a ship?


    -"If I knew about a ship that was ______ , I would definitely want to join it."


    For people who were happy with the ship they joined:

    -What one thing would have helped you in the beginning?


    -"My life would have been a lot easier if someone had told me _____ ."


    For people who were unhappy/changed ships:

    -What one thing would you have wished to have known before you joined?


    -"I would definitely not have picked that particular sim if I'd only known ______."

    I think we could go so basic as to give each sim a little extra board, where people can straight up ask questions. Then simmers can easily reply. I think this would be the easiest and most feasible way to do it.

  7. Thats what I'm trying to say. I mean, when a sim isn't right for you, it isn't right for you, no way to say it any plainer. People are leaving, because they dont know what their getting into, and we're losing potentially good simmers because of it.


    I think we should be able to have a open area where people can discuss the ships, on what they think and what they've seen/experienced. I mean, how great would it be for a cadet to see it written somewhere by someone saying "Yeah, a while back we had this plot where we did this and this, and it was really great and I got to develop my character alot."


    I'm going to be rather fank and honest in the fact that we have no power here. I believe the GM's dont want us to have something like this, for fear of bad mouthing a sim. I know some people here dont like each other, but for the sake of helping people out lets put that behind us? What kind of a view will a cadet get when all they see and ask is "Yep, we're a good ship, you should join us!"


    I know it may hurt, but people need to have a real view of things. Some times people dont like what happens on their ships. Why cant we have some where to say "Yeah, this happened, but it didn't really make sense, or I just didn't approve." We could even do it without revealing without revealing ourselves to the board. I think one of the major problems with this site is the fact that no one says "Yeah, these guys are sometimes slow to respond to things" or something to that effect.


    Its happened to me before, and I want to keep it from happening to cadets. I mean, these kinds of things deminish our very enjoyment of simming, and this is something intend to fight for.


    (Edit: This was meant in response to Miranda, but Harper snuck in while I was ranting)

  8. Just a few comments...


    Several sims are in different Star Trek timelines.


    Trying to keep in touch with your former academy classmates is not easy.


    Sometimes the advanced sim is fast paced, other times it enjoys slow character development.


    There is no standard interpretation of Star Trek.


    Many advanced players do not have the time for logs every week.


    Some logs are sent out by email but never make it to the message board.


    Nobody actually works at Starfleet Command. :blink: There is no centralized hub for official fleetwide reporting. It would be great but probably impossible to have a standardized form for reports/logs.


    The Redstar Nightclub is a good place for officers from different ships to share their experiences.


    The activities of some ships are necessarily classified. :blink:


    Some players are fighters, some are lovers, still others are natural loners. Some require intense interaction, others enjoy passionate romance, still others are content with an empire of NPC's.

    Just a couple responses.


    In regards to the timeline: Thats not really a factor. I believe that the Agincourt and Hood would have the same "spirit" if they simed in the normal TNG era. Period may affect plot, but I believe that the simmers are the same regardless. If I wanted to make another Jamie like character (God forbid) the time he's set in is regardless.


    In regards to classmates: I find it hard to believe that statement. Most of the cadets in my opinon (Im not going to boast claims of knowledge here) use these boards, espically the latest generation of simmers, who often use this place as an area to get aquainted with STSF, and how we sim. Even if people dont IM each other, its not that hard for someone to contact someone and ask "Hey, hows it going. You know, Im interesting in the ship your simming on, and I was wondering what you think of it." I dont know if thats considered ok around here, but I did it anyways in joining some of the ships I've simmed on.


    Most of the stuff I dont care to cover, but let me say this. I dont think Kestra is looking for a deffinitive guide to each ship. I dont think its too much to ask for a simple "Hey this is this ship, and we do this and that." Maybe give players an option for them to put some of their logs up, if they so please. I believe this is one of the reasons we have recent graduates just leave STSF. Cadets join a ship, knowing little about it, and when they find their not enjoying the experience, the just...disapear. Go compeltely MIA, and we never hear from them again, they take up a spot on a roster until finally droped. I'm not going to name names, but I know of some people who have mentioned problems with this.


    Anyways, thats about all I have at the moment...cause I have a tummy ache :o

  9. “Instinct” A Kroells and Levy Production




    Mona shoved Jamie back into the corner as the guards passed them. She spoke quietly "We need to get you out of here, what do you have in mind?"


    "I saw a directory when we first came in. There are some bays not to far from here. Presumably used to smuggle these weapons out onto the market."


    She nodded. "Alright, well then lets get moving. I am not sure how much time we have."


    "Right." He quickly led her out of the room, and away from all the others into a large hallway where many workers were heading to other random destinations.


    She mentally sent a message to Shoeny that they were leaving and to stay in touch. Then she hurried after Kroells not really knowing what she was getting herself into.


    He was frowning as he led her along, knowing that this relative safety of being lost in the large crowd would only last for a short while. Then they would be found...then he would have to make them unfound. "...If anything happens, just get down ok?"


    She rolled her eyes behind him. "Thanks for the concern. I might be a female and a doctor but I can handle myself just as well as you."


    He scowled even though she couldn't see it. "Why is it always a gender issue with you? Your unarmed. When the guards start shooting, you can stand up and proclaim your female doctor-ness if you please. I would prefer you not being shot however unlikely you believe it to be."


    She continued to follow Kroells and started to notice the groups of people start to thin out. With a sarcastic tone she replied. "Oh darn and that was my plan. I guess I will have to rethink that."


    As two guards entered the corridor from another junction, Jamie pulled her into a small corner, out of sight. "Why do you always have to act like this? Is it just your personality, or do you want me to be court martialed for manslaughter?"


    She leaned closer to him and tried not to attract to much attention as she said quietly. "Oh, sometimes you are..." she trailed off as the guards came closer. She suddenly stopped and looked at Jamie. "They know we are here, we are going to have to make a run for it I think."


    "That's what you get for thinking I'm an ass." He quickly swung out, and pulled out the disruptor he had pocketed before, and hit both guards in the chest, neither expecting him to be armed.


    She looked at him and with a slight nod. "Thanks for saving me, my hero. Lets get going." She started walking down the hall at a fast pace.


    He rolled his eyes as he bent over, and picked up their weapons, holsters and other equipment as people were running away screaming with alarm klaxons blaring. "You really don’t know what your doing at all do you?"


    She smiled at him and from the back of her blue scrub looking outfit produced a small phaser and a tricorder. "Oh so you think, now come on lets go." She continued to move and as she rounded a corner she quickly jumped back and looked at Jamie. "There are three of them down the hall."


    He looked around for a second, not really in the mood for a drawn out fire fight, until he saw a air vent running along the ceiling above them, that traveled right past the two of them. "I'll distract them, you climb up and get above them and let them have it. Unless you object with your whole 'Hippopotamus' oath and junk."


    "I don't think they cover that in the' hippopotamus' oath, but I could be wrong." She quickly pulled of the cover to the air vent and quickly climbed inside. There wasn't much room in the small shaft but she moved quickly.


    Jamie scowled again, becoming more and more frustrated with her, and he took it out by hitting one of the three guards in the knee, taking his leg off with it. He quickly ducked behind cover again as the other two began a unrelenting assault against him.


    Mona got halfway down the air shaft and quietly pulled the hatch open. She saw the guards and with a quick movement she threw herself out of the air vent and at the guard. She hit one with the vent hatch and using it as a shield shoved him into the wall. The second guard quickly turned around to see his buddy fall to the ground. Except he didn't get to accomplish much as he was hit in the head with a disruptor blast from Kroells, making quite a mess. With the other guards taken care of, Jamie quickly began to run where Levy and the other guard were currently wrestling.


    With a quick kick Mona hit the guard in a place that didn't allow him to stand and then using the hatch she hit him in the face rendering him unconscious. She quickly stood up she looked at Jamie with a smile. "Ready to keep going?"


    "First things first." He quickly shot the unconscious man in the chest, instantly killing him. "You never leave an enemy with the ability to retaliate."


    She glared at him. "Or the ability to ever see his family again. I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted to stop him from following us."


    He scowled at her. "Yes, and maybe he doesn't follow us. Maybe he just identifies us, and the men in charge of this place realize there are others with us? Maybe then Tethra, Prell, Kairi, and Robair are killed. Would you like that option to play out, no matter how remote it is? Besides, I have little concern for his family if it even exists. It has no use to me."


    Raising her voice slightly she continued. "Who gave you the right to play God? I believe the others can handle themselves. Our mission right now is just to get off this planet not to kill as many people as we can on the way out." She sighed and calmed herself. "Come on lets just get out of here." She made no further comments and continued down the hall.


    They continued walking for a short while, until he could no longer hold it back. "I play God because it‘s necessary, necessary because you refuse to do what needs to be done."


    She stopped and turned to face him. "Alright. But I didn't so please refrain from 'playing God' in my presence."


    He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "I will play God whenever it damn well suits me. I'm not about to let myself get killed over your indecisiveness in a situation like this. I am my first concern. This is me, pure and raw and I don't much care if you like it or not. I will do what ever is necessary to survive incase you haven't noticed. And if you don't like that, you can file a complain with Captain Davies IF we make it back to the ship.”


    She came to a small door and opened it. Looking inside she noticed a handful of small cargo ships. "Being the only person you care about can become really lonely Mr. Kroells. I don't pretend to be better than I am but I don't think I have the right to choose others paths. Shall we? I believe we might just get out of here yet."


    He quickly opened the hatch to the tiny ship and led her in. "I'm not the only person I care about, but life has taught me enough that I know when to kill or be killed."


    She followed him into the ship staying quiet. He chuckled to himself slightly, as he fired the engines up. "You think I’m a bad person, just from back there, and what I did with Taellel?"


    She shook her head. "I don't think you are a bad person. I just feel like at times you don't look at the bigger picture. You do what you think is right, but you never fully think things through and act rashly."


    He let a smile out, even though she couldn’t see it. "I think you'll find one day doctor, that survival, and rationality are two very foreign things." The ship quickly flew out of the bay, and into the harsh black of space.

  10. Well, I thought I might as well get around to this...


    I really only pirate MP3's, or videos...which I wont get into for decency's sake.


    I find more often then not, the songs I pirate (which Im not afraid to say is illegal) are from bands, where I only really like a couple songs. Im not about to go to a store and pay 16-20 bucks for a CD where I'll only listen to 2-3 songs, it's a waste of good money.


    Another thing that I have found, is that pirating actually has prompted me to buy a CD, or invest later on. Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands, and I became hooked on them by pirating half of Hybrid Theory, which I later went on to buy. I also ended up buying: Reanimation, Meteora, and the Crash Course collaboration with Jay-Z.


    Also, I pirate stuff I already have. Im downloading half of Reanimation this very moment, because a friend of mine has never heard it and Im mixing all the tracks from Hybrid and Reanimation to show her the remixes, that and the fact that my disc was badly damaged a few months back, and Im not buying it again. You dont like it? You think Im a man stealing pocket change from multimillion dollar artists?


    I dont care. Make an audio speech about how I'm wrong and I'll pirate that too.

  11. Well, after having just checked my sources, I must say, that SG-1's greatest Episode this second half may be "Ripple Effect", at least from a fandom sense :lol: (I aint giving away anymore B))


    Other then that, I'm looknig forward to "Ethon" which will be a follow up to Season 8's "Icon". In Greek Mythology, Ethon was the eagle that gnawed the liver of Prometheus, so heres to hoping for some massive space fight or something B)


    As for Atlantis, I'm setting my hopes for "Grace Under Pressure" Which will be another good Fandom eppisode. "The Long Goodbye" also looks like it could be a good eppisode, if the idea behind it plays well.

  12. I thought all three premires were kind of weak.


    The Fourth Horseman, part I does everything possible to set up a giant climactic event, and then in part II, it just sort of fizzles out into a "Eh, we got'em that time." SG-1's premires have been rather lackluster, considering they haven't have a two part season finale/premiere since the end of Season 4 with Exodus/Enemies. I still firmly believe however, that SG-1's best two parter remains Summit/Last Stand.


    I also thought Evolution parts I and II, and Endgame/Gemini were two rather weak midway finales and premieres also..but thats just me.


    Same problems for Atlantis's second half premiere. However, Im really looking forward to the rest of Season Two, and considering that I know the rest of the plot line, it should be interesting to say the least, when the Wraith Civil war heats up.


    BSG faces the same issues as the other two, however, they do a good job covering it up. With the multiple story lines of Glactica/Pegasus, Tyrol/Heilo, Baltar/like the 3rd number six, and numerous others your kept on the edge of your seat. Switching between all these events keeps all the other stories fresh and interesting, which is why BSG gets my nod for the night.