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Travis Kroells

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Posts posted by Travis Kroells

  1. I'm feeling iffy about this movie. I mean, the idea sounds good, and with JJ Abrams directing, I've decided to hope for the best with this one. However, the thing with Chekov does worry me some. ENT did little to try to preserve Trek cannon with...well the very first episode.


    I'm pretty sure this movie is going to make or break it for the Trek franchise, movie, tv or otherwise so even if it does suck, we should all go see it just so they think theres a reason for more Trek :P

  2. Favorite Non-Trek Television Show: Scrubs

    Favorite Non-Trek Movie: Garden State

    Favorite Book: Brave New World, props to Gerran for reminding me

    Favorite Actor: John C McGinley

    Favorite Actress: Christina Ricci

    Favorite Musician: Wayne Static (Of Static-X)

    Favorite Food: Pizza

    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry

    Favorite Hero: Spiderman

    Favorite Politician, Journalist, or Activist: George Bush (I'm not even kidding)

    Favorite Quote: "Nothing is farther away then one minute ago"

    Favorite Occupation: Being lazy

    Favorite Car: Lotus Elise

    Favorite Vacation Spot: Duluth, MN

    Favorite Academic Subject: Social Studies

    Favorite Quirky Interests: Zombies

    Who would you most like to meet: She knows

  3. Eh, if Stargate taught us anything its that the ancients (Our super cooler human ancestors who were alot better at pretty much everything) caused everything wrong in the galaxy! We can attribute just about every bad guy as somehow being related to the ancients in some form.


    The Goa'uld scavanged left behind ancient technology to create their vast galaxy dominating armada. (Albeit not very well, seeing as how we managed to build a better hyperspace generator in six years, where as they were doing it for several thousand.)


    The replicators, both the ones in both the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxy were creations of the ancients.


    The Wraith were ancient/human colonists who were silly enough to allow themselves to be sucked on by the iratus bug, and then somehow mated with...or something weird. And the ancients were stupid enough to allow this to happen. Honestly, if bug people were evolving and sucking out my life force, I'd do something about it.


    The Ori were ancients who didn't get along with our ancients...who now apparently dont care enough to do anything about their invasion of our galaxy.


    The list just goes on. I'd have to say that the defining motto of the SG-1/Atlantis universe would have to be Sins of the father...

  4. For Fed ships I'd probably have to say Soverign and Ambassador, which confuses me as to how I dont even like the Galaxy class...


    As for Alien ships, I'm a big fan of the Species 8472 bioships. They're sleek and sexy and pwn all ships...like ever :)


    Anyone who's had the misfortune to play me in Armada 2 in the past would know this.

  5. However - the films "ruined" the novels for me.


    I know exactly what you mean. While the first couple movies were pretty good, as the books continue to get larger, more and more has to be left out. With Order of the Phoenix it just pissed me off. So much was cut, and the whole begining sequence with Harry's trial and everything before Hogwarts was so scattered I actually doubted that someone who hadn't read the book would get it.


    Sometimes these things have to be expected, like with the Lord of the Rings movies. Tom Bombadil is no where in the movies but I dont really complain. To be able to take everything out of a book and put it into the movie would be pure insanity but I think that since Goblet of Fire the movies are starting to degrade.


    For anyone who decides to be lazy and just see the Harry Potter movies your just punishing yourself.

  6. I got my copy at 1 in the morning on Saturday, as I had to stand behind all those punks that "reserved" their copies. 29 hours later I had finished a seven book epic that had started before highschool, one of the few things in my life that lasted longer then STSF :P


    As for spoilers, being the only one of my friends already done I dont have to worry much, but all in all I've found people are actually being rather decent in regards to those not lucky enough to have yet read it.


    A word of advice to those who haven't read the book yet, take it slow. Although the entire book is a great read, there are several chapters that I wont name that contain the main meat of the story. A lot of things happen, a lot of things are revealed and by the end all the questions are answered. You learn alot of things in those chapters so take your time and digest it all and its meaning. So be patient and have faith fellow witches and wizards.


    Oh, and one last thing, dont skip ahead, AT ALL. I went to the last word in the book because J.K. Rowling had said it would be scar and I felt like looking. I wont say what it is but even that brief look can ruin things.

  7. "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it."


    Yes but at the rate we're being fruitful, and subduing the Earth there soon wont be one left to subdue. I just don't see how anyone can't look at the hard numbers and understand that we are killing our planet. I enjoyed an inconvienient truth the most because it wasn't a "Republican's suck" movie. We're all responsible for this planet, and it's future.


    We're the only species on the planet with the intelect, and ability to radically alter our mother Earth, and hence it is our responsiblity to protect it for future generations. Global warming shouldn't be a political issue, it should be a personal issue. I can't stand how people pass it off as being a "Liberal" thing. I don't believe in global warming because I'm liberal, I hate Bush, or that I think people drilling for oil are "bad men" I believe in global warming because I've seen the numbers, and I live in an area where I could remember blizzards in October, and now we're lucky to get one or two good snowfalls a year.


    We are killing our planet, and for everyone that doesn't believe, or wants to wait to see the outcome know that there will be a point where we can't turn back, and we might live to see the end of our world.

  8. Eh, I'm a decent fan of Nirvana, I can rock out heart shaped box on Guitar Hero 2 like no one else in my town. Although I'm more into death metal and stuff like that, ala Static-X, God Forbid and others. I'm a nearly all music though, if you look on my computer I have everything from Abba to ZZ Top :D


    In other semi related news, what the crap happened to Linkin Park? The whole new age punk thing isn't working for me with Minutes to Midnight.

  9. Since my forced retirement due to lack of reliable internet one of the things I've actually been doing is writing a fan novel based off that fun Reaent alternate universe we played a while back. I plan on posting it somewhere once its finished, since my Agincourt novel fizzled out midway through writing when my net died :)

  10. Hey all, thanks for the happy birthday wishes. I've been down and out for a while, between unreliable internet and tearing two crappy computers apart to try and make one...less crappy computer my life has been all sorts of hectic lately. Hell, I'm sitting in the library right now seeing as how its my only way on the net at the moment.


    For my fellow Agincourters, dont fret, I'm doing everything short of selling a kidney in Nicaragua to get back online. I know its not fair of my to be popping in for two weeks and then being gone for months on end, and I appreciate how understanding you've all been.


    For my random friends here on the boards, the same applies, except I have less obligations to you, you're kinda like a one night stand, I'll call you in a couple days. B)


    Just know that I'm alive and ticking, still fighting for political incorrectness and the right to shoot stupid people. Hopefully I'll be back soon.