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Posts posted by Sovak

  1. There is no "official" policy on signature lengths, other than the one that cautions that we should be polite to each other on the boards.


    I, personally, think that a huge picture, along with a large quote of dialog, and past or current character simming history, etc. (anything that takes up several lines of text) that prints to the board over and over again, after each two or three line post of a member is not polite, and in some cases, downright annoying. Thus we should, out of courtesy to each other, keep our signatures to a reasonable length.


    In the same vein, I note that some members, who may have large signature sections, only post well thought out, quality messages of respectable size and content, and do not clutter the boards with one ore two line replies to everything they read. In such cases, a large signature does not intrude nearly as much.


    Just remember, your signature repeats after every post you make, and witty banter, clever jokes, memorable quotes, etc., may be interesting and even enlightening the first couple times you read it, but become a nuisance after several tens, or hundreds of times.

  2. Congratulations to Cadet Quv for fulfilling all requirements and thereby graduating the Saturday Midnight Academy. Stardate 0507.24


    Certifying Academy Officers:

    STSF Sovak

    STSF Jorlis

    Cdr Corizon


    Congratulations Ensign!

  3. Am I the only who has no idea who anyone on Davie's list is?

    Hmm... you must not be a Contemporary Christian music fan. :D


    I know a few of them, but my taste tends toward the older groups in that genre.


    Dallas Holmes


    Statler Brothers (Yes, they started out as a Christian group)


    His Messengers (Uh... well, actually that is MY band, but their music is GREAT! :P )

  4. Lol...yea, knowing these folks in person, makes it easier.


    Sovak is Qui Gon  staight up.  He's got the bearing....a few years ago, he had the hair. Granted, last time I saw him he was bald, but I'm sure it's grown back by now!


    Moose is just too easy.....    He's Han Solo.  Playful daring rogue always looking to cut a deal, and coming out smelling like roses. 

    Yes, the hair grew back (I had it shaved off for my role as Daddy Warbucks in Annie) but I doubt I'll go to the long hair thing like I was that year at Shore Leave.


    Everyone was carefully non-commital about it while it was long, but all my friends said they hated it after had I cut it.


    Anyhow, thanks for the vote.



  5. were do I post.

    Academy Cadets are welcome to post logs of their adventures in the STSF Academy folder of Ten-Forward Lounge. If we have enough interest in it, we'll be glad to create a folder for Academy sim logs.


    Most advaced sims encourage log writing, and you can read their adventures in the log folders of each advanced ship. If Cadets would like to try their had at logs (it's not a requirement for graduation, but fun to do!) they are welcome to post them!

  6. I've met really scary biker guys who love Star Trek.

    Don't know about the scary part. (No one had EVER been scared of me, I am sure) But I do have a bike, leather jacket and chaps, the whole nine yards. Even so, I'm not afraid to talk computers, Trek, religion, theater, music, Jeeps, or bikes with my friends.


    I've never really cared what people thought of my hobbies, and now that I'm older, there is less pressure to "comform" to my peer's ideas of what is "in". For those of you who become ancient, like A9 and myself, you'll find the stigma of "nerd", "geek" or any other category in which people like to pigeon-hole us, doesn't really phase us. We just shake our canes at the young whipper-snappers, and tell them to mind their own beezwax! I was "being all I could be" long before it became a catchy Army slogan, and could care less whether anyone approves or disapproves. ;)