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T'Aniz Jozef

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Posts posted by T'Aniz Jozef

  1. Interesting Topic
     Was this idea discarded ??  Personally, I went to a week of Academy sims.  Was graduated/promoted to Ensign.  Then had no idea what to do next.  (An additional problem was that my new PC's modem was acting wierdly.  But I got that fixed.)  I have no opinion about mentors on ships, as I'm not on a ship.  But a mentor bridging the gap between Academy graduation and acceptance into an advanced sim/to a ship spot seems like a good idea.  At least I, for one, could sure use one right now !!    :D

  2. My immediate present circumstances are a bit of a blurr.
    Due to an injury, I had to recuperate at home.  Now lots better.  :laugh: So, I'm reconsidering/rebuilding options.  Am currently doing a lot of freelance work, which gives me wierd work hours.  Am returning to freelance writing after a long hiatus, during which I was a teacher:  Teacher in adult education. Especially love remedial and basic English teaching to returning students.  Also English as a Second Language.  Was stunned at how much one could help another, in this field.  (It's not high school teaching of captive audiences.  Every student wants to be there.)  Found I could "make a difference"with the returning student.  Know I can't captain a starship, but I can still make a difference.  Am now looking at how to do these things working for myself!  "Time and patience ..." :wink:

  3. Mama Mia!
     Regarding celebrating Columbus Day:  I wouldn't myself go around Little Italy, Manhattan, or Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, repeating what youze said about Senor Christoforo.  Not good for one's health.  Lots of Italian-Americans consider him their national/ethnic hero.  (Sigh, any place one steps, one can trod on toes!)  And:


    I'm NOT a history teacher, but I do know from faculty room discussions (yes, I am an educator) that there is a technique often used called "Post Holeing":  Subjects are taught by zeroing in on an event and its operative person.  That event and person are covered in depth, then the next subject, in ANOTHER time frame is taught.  The idea is to dig holes for posts.  Put the posts in.  Then let someone else (TV, another class/teacher, a book, etc.)  flush out the in-betweens.  The stuff in-between is considered expendable, in this model of instruction!  I DON'T condone this.  Mention it just FYI.  If you find this happening in your education, this is the model being used on you.


    There's a book out now on how the Chineese discovered the Western Hemisphere.  A few years ago there were books out on the Islamic drive across the Pacific, and what that would have meant for the development of the Western Hemisphere.  ... If Columbus usurped the native Amerindians (the sociological name for Western Hemisphere indiginant inhabitants), then those of us of European ancestry still participate, for we still benefit from what he started.  Even in 2003, we are continuing what he began, just by living on this land.  When we condemn Columbus, we condem ourselves, for we have benefited from his actions!  --  Or so goes one argumentation (line of debate).  Do I agree?  Yes and no.  It's logical.  But I can't help where I was born!


    Finally, Columbus was trying to get a better trading route to Orient because the overland route was all but impassable.  In 1458 (I think that's the year, 1450-something, anyway), Constatinople fell.  That means the Islam world, especially the then powerful Turks, blocked overland trade routes.  War continued in eastern Europe for about another 100 years.  The Turks were not stopped until they made it all the way up to Vienna!  (That was where/when/why croissants were invented:  eating the crescent moon, no kidding.)  Obviously, this made the overland trade routes impossible.  Western Europe NEEDED another route to the Orient.  The ship trade route around the Horn of South Africa was long and dangerous.  Their hopes were unfulfilled, obviously.  But what they wanted was a direct, easy-sailing route to the East (by sailing west).  What they got was a New World.


     :D  ::D

    You can't always get what you want.  But if you try sometime, you might find:  YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED !  --  The  R.Stones

    Good science fiction must have relevance to the current facts of science.  Otherwise it's the fantasy genre.  Agreed.  It's interesting to note that prior to the moon landing, Star Trek, TOS, had just been cancelled.  The show's social and psychological themes probably got it as much time as it got on air.  But the technology was unheard of in 1969.  It's hard to imagine a time when people didn't know what warp drive was.  And knew nothing about beaming up.  But that was then.  So science fiction also evolves, just as actual science evolves.  (Before Kitty Hawk,  many believed man was just not meant to fly.  Not the Creator's will for man!)  Jules Verne forsaw miracles far ahead of his time.  But often, the realization of his vision has become different from his fictional portrayal.  And so it will ever be.  The gap between vision and scientific development is one we never close.  


    I am all for keeping sims in the world of Star Trek technology.  I think one reason the ST producers set the new episode BACK in time is that they could not easily exceed the futuristic vision they had already created.  They couldn't out-future their own future.  I suppose they are awaiting for real time future developments, so they can then create an uber-future.  It might be prudent for us to also stick to the conventions of the already invented future.  Unless we really have a handle on what innovation's around the bend. ** Know this is an August topic.  But it is too interesting to leave unnoticed and unnoted.       :nod:

    If the past is set, we are potentially "past" to our future selves.  So, if we go back and attempt changing the past, aren't we limiting our future selves?  In the Star Trek world, those future "TIME POLICE" guys don't take kindly to interference which could delete their existence.  Best to ask the Guardian of Forever on this one. Youze guyz jus' moidered my brain!   :dead:

  6. [shadow=royal blue]Honorable Sirs and Madams:[/shadow]This Saturday night the World Series kicks off.  I imagine Floridians and New Yorkers, at the very least, might be delayed.  I'll be at friends, watching it on a gigantic screen TV; so if late getting home, don't mistake that as lack of interest.  Was a Yankee fan even before I ever saw Star Trek.  Go pinstripes!  (Oh, wrong website for that!) :laugh:

  7. [glow=YANKEES WIN !!  YANKEES WIN !!][/glow]

    :laugh: Hey, I can walk out my building's front door, look across the East River, and see -- actually see -- Yankee Stadium.  Of course I'm a fan!  My birthright: I bleed pinstripes.  So, Marlins: Congrats, of course.  Now, let the games begin! :wink:

  8. Spoiler (Highlight to Read):



    I'd planned to run an errand downtown on 9/11/01.  Thank God I'd planned to go there in the late afternoon.  I don't have cable, so I watched people jumping, then the towers collapse on a snowy CBS.  There was no way off Manhattan Island, unless one swam.  For days acrid, metallic smoke filled our air.  The charred smoke of immolation on a funeral pyre.  Hospitals awaited wounded who never arrived.  Families awaited loved one who never got home.  And the Ground Zero site:  Upon seeing it, I could only think of photos of WWII.    :D  


    I'm not ready to discuss 9/11's place in history.  NYC was attacked in 1993, again in 2001 along with D.C. and a plane that crashed in PA.  This is not historic, it's on-going.  It would be so easy for a dirty bomb to be smuggled in NY's harbor.  Or another city's.  As Americans, it is our birthright and duty to disagree and discuss.  I'd just like to point out, this is not history! It's not an event in WWII.  It's current events:  The terrorists waited from '93 to '01 to attack.  They will wait again, unless we absolutely detter them.  We need to understand how they think: they want us dead. Period. *** Someday this will be history.  Right now, it's a fact every New Yorker lives with.  I only hope the rest of our country doesn't forget, and keeps seeking the best action-solution.  And guys in Canada: no offense, but this is something only the immediate family can decide how to handle.  The death was in the American family.  We must decide.  (Fast fact: The last time the US soil was so attacked was in the War of 1812. The Brits burned the new White House.  We've come a long way!)