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T'Aniz Jozef

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Posts posted by T'Aniz Jozef

  1. :o Okay, here's the latest scoop! Webby, is this all in order? Is this what you experienced? I got this from www.TrekToday.com: And I look forward to the pix

    :o B) :D ^_^ :ph34r: :wub: :o :D

    By Michelle

    November 17, 2003 - 11:11 PM

    Connor Trinneer visited his alma mater, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, to talk to theatre students and discuss his work with other interested parties.


    Speaking for an hour and a half in the Performing Arts Center last weekend, the actor assured fans that Tucker was not being killed off permanently in this week's episode, "Similitude", which he named as one of his favourites thus far on Star Trek: Enterprise.


    He said that "Twilight" was his most-liked episode to date this season, but named "Shuttlepod One" at his all-time favourite, noting that he "wishes they would go more into the 'Trip and Malcolm' dynamics. That you know there is a friendship, but you only get a passing glimpse of it."


    Filming "Shuttlepod One", he said, the dry ice cracked the metal floor and he "froze the whole time while filming."


    Trinneer said that he believed UPN had considered cancelling Enterprise, but that since there is a third season, he thinks that Viacom will want a fourth season to sweeten syndication deals.


    He noted that he was not concerned about typecasting, mentioning John Billingsley was in the movie Out of Time with Denzel Washington, and said he loved his job and going to work to do it.


    His passion, he added, would always be stage work, though he is attending the director's workshop at Paramount of which Roxann Dawson, LeVar Burton and Robert Duncan McNeill are all alumni.


    Many thanks to S.L. Meyer for sending in this report!


    End of info from www.TrekToday.com

  2. Here to collect that penny for my thoughts (gotta earn extra income somehows):

    YES ! Enterprise scores a homerun, in my book! Now, that doesn't mean they've won the ballgame. ... But hey, a homerun is a homerun. Always a good thing.


    And a western... :ph34r: ...haven't seen one is so long, forgot how much I liked them! All the cliches were at play in this episode...it was tense and tongue in cheek simultaneously!


    That was good Star Trek: an episode with a message, and lots of debatable ideas (i.e., Prime Directive, cultural contamination, captain's romance or lack thereof, alien abductions, absentee alien rulers, human racism, etc.), and a good ole fashioned shoot 'em out! My favorite moment? Reed gets it! He had to save T'Pol, so what does he do, stunn her! Had me ROFL ! :o Classic Trek...I dunno...Darned good Trek? In my book, you betcha! (Hope this helps to promote the series with TV viewers.) I voted your second option. :D

  3. :D Thank Goodness for BluRox !! :P

    I'd never simmed before and hardly had 100 hours on line in my whole life...when I wandered into a holodeck...on a Monday evening at 2200 hours... and BluRox and KBear had me become a Romulan Helmsman! Talk about a shock to the brain! I've never been the same, since! (All glory to the Praetor! B) )

    :) BluRox and the ever helpful KBear helped me learn how to sim...and actually taught me PC operations and information, since I'm such a neophyte to cyberspace. Could not have survived on line without them...really...and certinally learned simming from them. :D

    Then, to my utter astonishment, at another Academy simm, they graduated me, and promoted me to Ensign. :o That was it... ...my brain was undone for ever! :o

    Additionally, to my utter amazement, :o they welcomed me into their ship: The USS REPUBLIC NCC-1371-D, Galaxy Class. Boy, do those guys take chances!! :D And they permitted me to go into their Security Department...very trusting, don't ya thunk? :) (Poor Lt.Cmdr. Robinson..... :( )

    I feel like they are my Godparents...here in STSF...in the land of simming...and on line in general! :wub:

    Blue...in honor of BluRox...oh! you got it!) ^_^


    And have you ever served under a feline-kinda CO, a feline-kinda Admiral??? When they're displeased, boy oh boy do you know it! First, there's the hiss, then...the fur really flies!! But, it's okay, so long as I take my allergy tabs (darn dander). I mean, when they're pleased they can even purr approval !! :D


    B) Now this ensign wonders how she'll ever be able to face her CO at the Republic sim, tonight! EEK! :ph34r:

  4. One thing I will say about GM styles, imho, I've noticed that when it comes to distinctiveness: :ph34r: I absolutely know when Admiral Atragon walks the planks of the decks of the ship !! :o No one is quite like he ! :D


    As to styles of simms: yeah, I like battles the best, too. Despite the fact that I'm female...it's the most fun! B)

  5. QUOTE (Images @ Nov 13 2003, 08:22 AM)

    oh and by the way, by bloodlines i'm actually a member of a Scottish clan. the Matland Clan, got my own Kilt and all

    QUOTE (Images @ Nov 14 2003, 10:05 PM)

    Got a kilt?



    :ph34r: ::whistles:: them's cute legs!! ::whistles:: :D

  6. Being native to the town of the great white way (the Broadway), I can tell you there was such an idea afloat a number of years ago: 'Star Trek: The Musical!' Fortunately, it sank, soon there after. ....Did I hear someone mention "Star Trek: The Opera" ??... :D


    (One problem pointed out back then was: how do you show space and fx of space on a stage, even a Broadway stage? The other was the idea of a singing Vulcan .......... SPOCK SINGING ???) :ph34r:

  7. ==//\\==STARFLEET==//\\==

    Regular Chanel Communication


    MailGenre:.......... Holopostcard

    Recipient:........... Lt. Comm. Jonathan Booth; Instructor, Vulcan Philosophy

    ........................... STARFLEET Academy, North America, WestHEMP., EARTH -001

    From: ................. Ensign T'Aniz Jozef; Assistant Security Officer

    ........................... USS REPUBLIC NCC-1371-D




    I got this holopostcard at DS-9. Knew you'd appreciate the opening wormhole's beauty. Haven't seen it yet. But maybe I will since we're here. Might not be wise for me to contact you later. As they said in the 20th century, in WWII, "loose lips sink ships." So other than what's already on subspace chatter, that the REPUBLIC is at DS-9, I'll say no more about where we're going. I'm sure you understand.


    Guess you know how my orders were changed at the last second. So I ended up on a vessel of exploration, meaning defense, meaning warfare. You were correct, Sir. I should've stayed at the Academy. Been an adjunct professor for my first year after graduation. Then I could've studied with you at the SURAK SOCIETY, learning Vulcan Philosophy. Too bad my interest in my heritage didn't emerge until my last semester in the Academy.


    If my orders to the USS CARLSBERG had gone through, I could've studied with that Science vessel's captain. He's halfVulcan/halfHuman and would've been a great mentor. On the REPUBLIC, there's no Vulcan senior officers. Not even halfVulcan. We have many Humans, a Trill/unjoined, and a Caitian. The CO is Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox, the Caitian. Yeah, her!! Commander, I like cats, and I'm used to human emotions, but Caitian emotionalism? I am unused to hissing, and to fur actually bristling. You were so right. I'm quite alone as a Vulcan. Even an ignorant halfVulcan.


    My boss, the Security Chief, purchased a Husky, a Terran breed of canine, at DS-9. I do not see the logic of having a large canine with a feline CO ! Me, I wish I had bought a turtle. It could've taught me a thing or two. (Perhaps I can still get one.)


    With all the humans aboard, and the equally emotional other humanoids, I see it will be very difficult to grow in logic and other nonemotional disciplines. In fact, my reactions are even more human now! Still. I must try. Something in my blood calls for more order, less chaos. I promise I'll keep at my meditations and exercises and studies wherever my ship goes. Your isochips for my PADDs will help.


    I suppose this is as good a place as any to focus on The Philosophy of Nome...Meaning ALL. I must find delight in all the different humanoids and their different ways: "It is the combination of a number of things that makes existence worthwhile." I know !! I'll study your chip about The Philosophy.


    Please give my regards to The Surak Society. I'm glad my aspirant status is in good standing.


    I stand at the Atrium and salute Thee !!


    LIVE LONG AND PROSPER !! Ensign T'Aniz Jozef, Assistant Security Officer, USS REPUBLIC 1371-D



    FOR THE LOG: Following quotes are from TOS, "The Savage Curtain," Stardate 5906.4 :

    "The Philosophy of Nome...meaning ALL. ... The combination of a number of things make existence worthwhile. ... We've each learned to be delighted with who we are." :)

  8. :) You get to meet Connor Trinner! How cool is that!! Not only is he a really good actor... imo the best on ENT... he is so good looking...so handsome...so cute...so s****...so...ah...sorry! Guess I'd better look for his website...ah...it's a fan thing, you know! :)


    Anyway, I sincerely hope you have a most enjoyable and eventful encounter with Mr. Trinner::using her most serious voice possible::

  9. Summer Camp for High School Astronomers !

    Makes me wish I were back in high school... ...ah...maybe not...but if I were... :)


    This is from: www.astronomy.com and they have the info on where to apply...

    =================== from www.astronomy.com ==========

    Astronomy Summer School

    Summer Science Program hosts advanced high school students interested in astronomy.


    While most high school students try to avoid summer school, others will be vying for limited positions at one particular program. Operating since 1959, the Summer Science Program (SSP) is designed for academically gifted students interested in astronomy. Originally housed in Ojai, California, the SSP opens a new phase this year with expansion to a second campus at New Mexico Tech at Socorro, New Mexico.


    "The big news this year for the Summer Science program is the second site at New Mexico Tech," says Richard Bowdon, executive director of the SSP. "This will make it possible for more students to attend since it will be easier for some parents to send their children to a program closer to home."


    The six-week residential program will host up to 36 students at each campus. The curriculum is developed around a standard astronomy project — observation and orbital calculations of an asteroid. With in-class lectures and assignments accompanied with outdoor observations, the SSP will develop students' knowledge not only in astronomy, but physics, mathematics, and computer programming as well. The program also promotes cooperation and teamwork, with students working together during observing sessions. Students will not receive formal credit or grades for participation, but final results from each team will be archived at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

    --------------------------------------------------------- end quotation -------------

  10. I wish Will Wheaton all kinds of luck in his career. :) He's not Wesley. :)

    Heard Wesley was supposed to be representing a young Eugene Wesley Roddenberry ??? :)

    Anyways, C-3PO wins my vote. He'd ever so politely knock Wesley on his fanny! :)

    The Wesley character is one the writers or someone in he concept dept messed up... :) ...could've been interesting...

  11. Thought the Angels, Saxons, and Jutes chased the Brittons--inheritors of Rome into Wales and Brittany/France. Thought Wales and Scottland and Ireland had their original kings killed by English forces. That's what my history books say. (And my forebears, being part Scottish myself. Not Brit, Scott.) But then, that's why I love Star Trek...all this becomes the "old way." In the Federation, one celebrates what the Vulcans call IDIC, infinite diversity in infinite combinations. So, sorry if I trespassed where I oughtn't! :)

  12. ::Meanwhile across the world, Brits laugh at Yanks wishing to be as suave as we:: 


    And the first Bond was actually Scottish, while the last one is Irish. Don't they take exception at being called British? (Celtic stock and all that, you know, ole' chum?) :)


    (My vote: Bond, Nem Bond. :) )

  13. Character and plot, I can get that on loads of TV shows. Continuing story arcs...nothing new. Even special effects...kinda same old same old, after awhile. But a story with an idea...a truth...saying something about who WE are. That's still so rare on the tube.


    That's why I still love TOS. At it's best, the stories are about something. Not just a plot. And not just characters. (Lord knows I get enough characters every day on the subways here in New York City!) But an idea to make me think again about what it means to be human. Or how we're not really being human...in the best tradition of humanity.


    Just watched again "The Apple," and for all it's old-fashioned look, the questions it raises are just as important today. As we import our way of life...now in the middle east...is this indeed what we should be doing? The story does not answer questions, it raises them. The debate between Spock and McCoy in that episode is timeless. TOS dealt with the toughest of questions. It didn't flinch. For guts, alone, it is my personal favorite. :)