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Everything posted by John_Anderson

  1. Thanks! I'm just that devoted to LOTR.:) LOLOL!!! Blu!! You have no idea how many times people have asked me questions about the 'Vulcan looking dudes' in LOTR. OMG. Too funny. I'm still so jealous of you!! :). I know I can't wait either! I hope some people get a kick out of my temporary avatar. I'll put the Gandalf one back up Wednesday night. :)
  2. Well back in 92 I was 7 years old and had just gotten into Star Trek after seeing "Best of Both Worlds" the first episode of Star Trek I ever saw (Well that I remember watching). And because of Star Trek it launced my early fascination with space and I wanted to become an Astronaut and also to go into Astronomy. I was a NASA freak....:) But that was shot down a few years later (I think l was 12), when I decided to study forensics thanks to a little movie, that my parents finally let me watch, called "Silence of the Lambs". Amazing how entertainment can infulence a small childs future :)
  3. Well that was under presure from New Line. Like I said they didn't want the movies to be too long. So PJ was doing a cut of FOTR and noticed that they cut about 45 mins worth of footage so that's how the Extended Edition came about. It the same thing with ROTK, except New Line made him cut over an hours worth of footage. So the Extended Edition of ROTK is probably going to clock in at a solid 4 hrs. and 30 min. Since it's already 3 hrs 20 mins long. So the movies aren't completely judged till the extended editions come out. But that's just what I think. :)
  4. Wow Huff.......you've left me speechless.....It's like you went into my head and pulled every single thing I've thought of the movies out. That was just an awesome post. I don't know what to say. I agree completely and totally with ya. :) Praise it!!! :)
  5. Well a rebuff to all those wonderful comments made by Mr. Nemesis. I agree with you on the first couple of points. Like I said in the beginning I was annoyed by some of Peter Jackson calls in some parts in FOTR and was even more annoyed with a heck of a lot of his calls in TTT. But I understood that they had a lot of constriants and some of the things they just could not accomplish. It was all for the sake of cinema. I would have just loved to see the movies recreated verbatium from the books but I knew that would not happen. I am happy though that PJ has remained somewhat faithful to the books. Meaning his hasn't really done major changes in the movies that weren't in the books (i.e. The Return of King cartoon back in the 70's helps me to prove that point) just small ones to kind of shorten the movie. So I completely understand that there were time constrants in the fimiling of movies and also the editing of them. New Line did not want all the movies to be 4 hours long because people would start to complain that the movies were too long and wordy (As many have said about the books). Critics that have reviewed the film, ROTK, so far they loved it and there only major complaint has been the ending. After all is said and done and Frodo makes it Mt. Doom (I'm not letting any spoilers out). And all is finished, there are about 7 different endings at the end of film over 20 mins, and it was PJ's way of remaining faithful to all Tolkienites and it just annoyed the critics because the action was over and they wanted it to be done and over with. One point supporting PJ in kinding of making the movies his own. I would recommend that you see ROTK in the theaters since I simply believe that if you see it at the cinema it kinda of adds onto the power of the movie that you really wouldn't get at watching at home. I personally did not like the Matrix Revolutions (too boring, loved Reloaded though, made ya think :)) but I would in no way compare the Matrix to the LOTR movies just on the whole CG thing. PJ actually is very fincky when it comes to CG. At a major shot at some of those CGI loving directors (*Cough*Star Wars*Cough*) he has said that if something is too CGI and you can tell it's fake it needs to be done over again until it has that real look. I applauded him on that one and knew that was a shot to several film franchises. Now with Gollum I understand he was tweaked a little in TTT but I think Andy Serkis did a pretty good job. They were just establishing his character. In ROTK we don't need that conflict going on with Gollum about the ring. We now know all he cares about is getting his ring back and killing Frodo and Sam to get it. We finally get the tricky gollum that we have grown to love and hate in ROTK. Who I also heard did a good job. But those are just some of my rebuffs. Anything against me? :)
  6. OMG I just read this off of theonering.net and thought it was so hilarious. I think many of us Ringers and/or movie buffs will get a kick out of. Here it is for your reading pleasure. Trust me it's funny. B) It would have been a towering inferno at the box office if these Tolkienites had gotten the green light By Martin Zimmerman UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER December 11, 2003 Lord J.R.R.'s "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" is set to steamroll through theaters across the land Wednesday. The third part of the trilogy is a nice enough movie, as far as '60s hippie fantasy faves go. But just think what might have been ... "Leonard Maltin's 2004 Movie & Video Guide" "Lord of the Rings: The Titanic Towers" C-186m. PG-13. A Warner Bros. release of a James Cameron film. Directed by Cameron. Magic didn't strike again in this reteaming of the team that powered mega-bucks-er "Titanic." Leonardo DiCaprio as Frodo Baggins is forced to stretch his sensitive artiste chops when confronted by Rupert Murdoch – the media magnate in a surprisingly strong film debut – as the Dark Lord Sauron. Cameron's $672 million set for Middle Earth (now a theme park in Baja California) grabs most of the attention and pushes fine cameos by Chris Rock as Pippin the hobbit and Jenna Elfman as mega-cute elf-babe Arwen into the background. "Deconstructing Frodo" C-86m. R. A Universal Studios release of a Rollins/Joffre production of a Woody Allen film. Directed by Allen. Frodo, played by Allen, looks back on his life as a simple hobbit schlemiel and how he has used his friends and lovers as grist for his spellbinding party patter. Huge cast of supporting players is superlative, with standout work from Keira Knightley as bewitching elfin queen Galadriel and Julie Kavner as the ghost of Frodo's mom, who floats around Orodruin doing ephemeral Borscht Belt shtick. Despite low indie budget, Allen uses P.S. 132 to solid effect as Middle Earth. "Frodo Baggins, GoodFella" C-148m. NC-17. A TriStar release of a Martin Scorsese film. Directed by Scorsese. Robert De Niro as Bilbo Baggins shows Frodo, played by Matt Damon, how to "make his bones" and fulfill his destiny on the mean streets of Mordor. Based on real events, this is a gritty, violent inside look at fantasy's underbelly. Joe Pesci is triumphant as Gimli the Dwarf, a Fellowship of the Ring street soldier who wound up in the Federal Witness Protection Program. "The Wizard King" C-74m. PG. A Disney release of a Disney film. Directed by an animatronic Walt Disney. Young Frodo (an animatronic Jackie Coogan) goes into exile to find his place in the circle of life after the evil Saruman (an animatronic Dean Jones) drives him out of Middle Earth. Formulaic outing but spritely songs (by an animatronic Elton John) and a surprise guest shot by a Mouseketeer (an animatronic Darlene Fraschilla as the fair Eowyn) proved a big draw for the baby boomer crowd. "Frodo Baggins: Fists of Fury" C-103m. R. An Independent Artists release of a John Woo film. Directed by Woo. Frodo's pluck and luck desert him and he has to resort to martial arts to fight his way to the Ring. Frodo, played by Vin Diesel, kicks up a storm in this actioner from a master of mayhem. Woo's trademark over-the-top pyrotechnics are a perfect match for Diesel's over-the-top stunts – particularly the duel between Saruman (Jon Claude Van Damme) and Frodo atop the flying dragon smuggling anthrax-tipped warheads into the dwarf mine during a stormy, foggy night. "Frodo Baggins and the Attack of the 50-Foot Sorority Girl" C-78m. R. A Paramount Classics release of a Roger Corman film. Directed by Corman. When Frodo (Frankie Muniz) spurns the charms of a wealthy but warped Orc, played by Sharon Stone, all heck breaks loose. Cheesy script, cheesy effects make this a fine addition to the Corman oeuvre.
  7. OMG! Canada is real?? I thought it was one of those fairy tale places like Camelot or Middle Earth B). This is just a total shock for me I need to sit back and absorb all this, it's just too much.... B)
  8. Well the reason I say it would be better suited as a miniseries is that the Hobbit has a lot of stories all put into one. So if they sliced them all up and turned them into a miniseries it would be easier for people to follow. That and there are a good amount of parts that they could end some of the episodes that would be thought of as Cliffhangers. And they are really good cliffhangers. B). If it was just turned into one big movie then I wouldn't doubt that a lot of people would wind up a little confused and overpowered by all of different stories that are put into the Hobbit. (I don't know why. But I have a gut feeling they would be B))
  9. You can thank Christopher Tolkien, J.R.R.'s son, for that one. He doesn't want to Hobbit to made into a movie or anything. He is trying to stop them from doing it to, as he was quoted, perseve the image of The Hobbit. I don't know why he has taken this stance but I'm sure he has his reason. PJ and Ian McKellen said that they would be onaboard for The Hobbit. But we'll have to wait and see. I for one and one of those people that believes the Hobbit would best be fit as a T.V. miniseries. I'm sure P.J. and McKellen would still be up to doing it. It was just work perfectly. IMO. B)
  10. LOL!! What did you expect Tino? The books are long so the movies would logically be long as well B). It's a pity to think that there are 4 chapters in total that weren't even put in TTT. But they are going to wind up in the ROTK. Scary eh?? Not really, but like Blu said 631 minutes all together for the two Extended Editions and ROTK. You better make sure you watch them early enough not to fall asleep B)
  11. OOOOOO!!!!!! Blu I am insanely jealous of you!! I wanted Trilogy Tuesday tickets so bad!!! I have to settle on just seeing ROTK Tuesday Night at 12:01(technically Wednesday) or waiting till Wednesday morning.......::Falls over and dies:: That's too long of a wait for me!!! ::Glares at Blu, still insanly jealous. Thinking she just made 'the list':: B) B) BTW Happy Birthday Blu! :)
  12. Good luck with that one Tino B). The only non-LOTR book that I know Tolkien wrote was "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". I thought someone told once he wrote another non-LOTR book but I didn't think it was true and if it was I don't remember what it was called. Those are pretty much your options that are beyond LOTR. I can't comment on Sir Gawain since I never read the book so on that one your up the creek without a paddle B).
  13. Praise it Grom! Praise it! B) Tolkien is truly an amazing author. It's a shame not many of his sort of breed are still around. You can only wish B). But I would go with what Grom said. Sure the books are all long and you'll more than likely will get lost reading them. But they are just so amazing the second or third time you read them. But I know that a lot of us won't read either because we don't have the time or it's just not our cup of tea. :) But if you ever get the opportunity just read the books (either after or before the movies, even though I don't know if someone could read them all in less than a week) I would say go for it. You'd be amazed at what you can imagine and equally amazed at how much work Tolkien but into these books. :)
  14. I'm sorry to hear that. I would have to recommend that you see all the movies. But I wouldn't recommend going and seeing Return of the King since you'd be pretty lost. But don't pass up on these great movies. Just watch them at home when you get the chance B) B)
  15. Very true. But wait until you witness the Battle of Pelennor Fields. One of the greatest battles ever fought in Middle Earth. It is going to truly dwarf Helm's Deep. Just wait and see B). I'm not allowed to say anything else about the battle( I took an oath not to give away too many spoilers). But like I said most of us will soon see. B)
  16. OMG!! Hello Ultima!! :) It's Veggie! I don't you if you remember me. But I do remember you. But Welcome welcome. The more the merrier that's what I say. This is really nostalgic, I feel so old........ B) :). But anyways it just wonderful to see ya again. It's nice to see the old SFOL'ers around. I'm still hoping for some to come. And maybe for some to that are still around to come out from hiding. B) But anyways welcome! :) ::Is starting to remember his favorite Klingon hostess:: Sigh..... Lursa::Shakes head still feeling old::
  17. For me I'd have to say: Brilliant For my character I'd have to go with: Ambitous Those words fit me and him perfectly. If you want a phrase I'd go with: Gandalf in the flesh :) He's just so wise and powerful and that fits us both perfectly :) Sorry just had to sneak something in. Now that I got my new avatar which took me forever to find. But I love it. :) Less then two weeks until The King Returns!!! Whoo-Hoo!!! ::Does a dance::
  18. I just had to pick Dionysus. How can you not like drinking and womanizing. :). That is exactly why we are on this earth. :) . Anyways it's always nice to go to a friends wedding reception, with free booze, get drunk, hit on all the bridesmaids, and wind up dancing on a table. :) :) Not like I would know :)
  19. There's nothing wrong with neither shows. Sure the characters and people on both shows have mouths like a sailor's. But they have defined and changed our generation. :) Scary huh? But you know it's true. :)
  20. Well I'm a huge West Wing fan. But I'm also an OC fanatic. I was very mad when they pitted two of my favorite shows against each other. But I try to alternate between them both. Those two and also CSI the original one. I'm not a big fan of the Miami one. Too dramatic for me. I just love CSI so much, I decided to study Forensics :D How fanatic is that!! I'm kidding. I was interested in forensics even before CSI. But I still love the show, even when they do something incorrectly. It's the the only time I cringe. That is how big of a freak I am! :D And as a curve ball for everyone "Sex and the City" is the last. Hmmm? Didn't see that one coming ehh? :) I just think the show is hilarious and very naughty. Two things that just work well together. Anyways those are my personal favorite shows for the time. You never when another show comes around. :)
  21. I might be a little late. But Happy Late Birthday Captain!! May your Antlers forever remain firm and pointy. :). And now as a gift.....the gift of song...in spanish! Feliz Cumpleanos a ti. Feliz Cumpleanos a ti. Feliz Cumpleanos Captain Moose. Feliz Cumpleanos a ti. Que los cumpla feliz. Que los cumpla feliz. Que los siga culpleno. Hasta al ano tres mil. Yehhhh!!!! That was so hard. My spanish is so bad it's not even funny. B). I'm sure I might have misspelled a word or two. But it's the thought that counts :) Once again, happy birthday Captain.
  22. Oh my god I remember those 'twister' pictures! I wonder where they are floating about :ph34r: And Nem. Oh please. You show her a good high heel and she just goes bonkers! :D
  23. Well with Dac, I think money wouldn't do much. Now thousands upon thousands of shoe's should do the trick :ph34r:
  24. Well I dunno what to say about Dac. Well she is obviously the greatest Xo on the planet. And she's got the shoes to boot! :D. She's very nice and warming to take to in or out of character. And she's an all around great person. I could go on, but I wouldn't want to be here too long. :o That should get me promoted....:ph34r:
  25. Ya know Webmaster's I'd like to change mine to: "Ride now! Ride for ruin! And the worlds ENDING!!!" Just like before. With the quotation marks and all. :ph34r: Thanks!