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Everything posted by John_Anderson

  1. Liberals and Democrats are the same thing. They fall on the same spot of the political spectrum. I am a passionate Democrat (Thank my Democrat family for that one! :)). I like Wesley Clark. He's my kind of guy.....That and Madonna endorsed him. How can you not vote for him after that! :) :D LOL J/K. Not a huge Dean fan. Seems to me as he's trying a little tooo hard to be Anti-Bush. I'm more of a moderate so that's why I like Clark. He's not as left wing as Dean and he falls close to the middle, which I believe is always good for Gov't. :)
  2. Just like Grom said. 'Your point? :) '. Told ya that your hatred of the Pats was going to come back and bite ya in the rump. I personally enjoyed watching both of the games. I wasn't surprised with the Panthers win over the Eagles. The Panthers team was strong enough to hold Philly back and win. Not to mention that they took out McNabb which was a huge blow to Philly.....Tsk tsk tsk..... ::Grumbles:: Grom was the only one who's predictions were right on....Lucky no good.... :)
  3. Well, it's official. There's no way that Philly can win. The Panthers are off to the Super Bowl. I should have use my logic rather than my pity for the Eagles. I knew the Panthers defense was going to run them down. What a shame to lose two back to back Championship games at home. What a pitty.... Go Panthers! :). Sorry Philly....
  4. Ooooooooooo. I understand now. It's the trophy and/or championship game for the CFL....I persume. :D. Like the Vince Lombardi trophy that the Super Bowl champs get. ::Waves to everyone as the the Panthers Bandwagon heads off to Houston:: :).
  5. Ya know they are actually going to have a special on HBO about the first Super Bowl and how a lot of people didn't like the name Super Bowl. It didn't make much sense to any of them. I'm sure that would interesting to watch. And it doesn't look Philly might pull this out of there hat. The Panthers defense is just punishing them. It's shameful. :). Oh well, gotta represent the NFC South (Which my Bucs represent but got third this season, there is always next season). Go Panthers....:D
  6. Alright if some how noticed I posted my predictions for the NFC and AFC Championship games this Sunday. I can't help it that I have an obession with Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and Football. I'm an oddball. :). Just for those of you who are not very knowlegeable in Football, there are two different leagues in the NFL, the NFC and the AFC. All the teams in each league play over a season and then top teams in each division play in the playoffs where the victors in each league play a championship game. The winners of the Championship games then go on to play one another in the Super Bowl and whoever wins there becomes the World Champions. Hope the explantion helps. :) As you can see in the NFC I predict the Philidelphia Eagles over the Carolina Panthers since this is the Eagles third time going to the championship game, losing in 2001 to the St. Louis Rams (Who lost to New England in the Super Bowl), and then in 2002 lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (Who won the Super Bowl beating the Raiders. Which I did predict since defense always wins and the Bucs Super Bowl defense is one of the best in the history of football.). The Panthers are going to put up a fight, but McNabb is going to carry the Eagles. In the AFC I predict the New England Patriots over the Indianpolis Colts, both teams are red hot. But Coach Bill Belichick's defense, the best in the league this season, is going to shut down the Colts star quarterback, and co-MVP, Payton Manning. Remember defense always prevails over offense in football. :D So for my Super Bowl prediction, should I be wrong with either of my predicitons, I'll make a general prediction. Should either the Colts or the Patriots win, either team will win the Super Bowl. The Colts offense is stupendous, while the Patriots defense is hard to beat. Neither the Panthers or the Eagles stand a chance against either the Colts or the Patriots. They would crush the Eagles or the Panthers in a head to head match up. So there it is, my predictions. Who do you think is going to win the AFC and NFC championship games? Who do you think might win the Super Bowl. Please enlighten me. :)
  7. Gray Cup. What's that? That isn't real is it? I swear all these foreign games are so wierd. Or does it actually take place in the States?? I sooo confused. :)
  8. Oh YEA! Patriots just beat the Colts, no shock there. :). Hope the Eagles pull it out of there hat in the NFC so both of my predictions for today are right. WOO-HOO. Take that Perfect Payton! MWA HA HA :). Sorry....Couldn't contain myself. :D. Nice to see them head off to the Super Bowl again though.
  9. Just like my predictions in the Championship post said, I've got Eagles vs. Patriots. Just hope my predictions hold up. But we'll know in 24 hours. Well we'll know if it's going to be Colts or Patriots, and we might know if it's going to be Panthers or Eagles in that time. Just gotta wait and see. :) P.S. You guys sure do love your polls. :)
  10. ROFL! Okay Dak. Actually I knew they were going to beat Denver but the game that surprised me was the Kansas City game. Both teams had good offenses but the Kansas City defense was always questionable. And they just couldn't hold up against the Colts offense. What a disappointment. But it was a good game. But New England is going to lock down the Colts offense. Even though Manning is going to pull one of his 4th quarter miracle drives. Like I said Defense always prevails over Offense in Football (i.e. Last years Super Bowl had the number 1 Defense(Bucs) against the number 1 Offense (Raiders) in the NFL, and look who won). I always love using that example. :). Not to mention that in the AFC game we have the best defenses going up against one of best offenses in the league. That's why the Pats are odd's on favorites to win. :).
  11. Now, now, there Dak. That isn't entirely true. The Titans had a good offense of the same calliber of the Colts. It was just McNair made a few mistakes in the 4th quarter, and that's what cost them the game. Manning is going to pull one of those miracles out of his hat like he always does, but the Patriots learned their lesson when they played the Colts in the 13th week after leading over the Colts 31-10 at the start of the 4th quarter. The miracle boy Manning managed to salvage them, but they still lost to Patriots defense. Belichick is a very clever man and is going to see right through Manning again in the Championship game. :)
  12. Once again Nem I have to bearer of bad news. Canada is not real, it's a make believe land in which fairies and elves walk freely. With chocolate milk rivers and free medicare. :). Not even close to anything real. So that CFL you guys have is just a figment of your imagination. :) Sorry to break the news to ya mate.
  13. Nice predictions ya got there Grom. Most impressive. It's safe to say that the Philly vs. Panthers game is going to be a very interesting one to watch. Actually both championship games are going to fun to watch, but I'm looking most forward to the NFC one, since I'm about 90% sure the Patriots are going to squash the Colts in the AFC. :). In the Panthers game I'm sure Delhomme is going to play marvelously but the Panthers might be missing there awesome RB Stephen Davis. And that might hurt them in the game, and maybe Delhomme will manage. But we'll see. :D. And McNabb might not blow this one. Sure this isn't the great Eagles team that played last year or the year before, but they understand what's on the line. And they are going to play there hearts out and try and win this one. Completely agree with on the Colts vs. Patriots game, ya got some great points. :).
  14. Wouldn't you rather like that the Eagles win it all so that way you can be comforted in knowing that the Packers lost to the guys that won it all. So if they had won they could have won it all. Not to mention that Farve cost the game for the Packers with that horrible throw he made in Overtime. Something to think about. My predictions were made solely on facts. I personally hate the Panthers and the Colts. But that doesn't mean I don't think they are capable winning. I try not to let my feelings get in the way of my better judgement. . But all the teams in the championships can still win it and beat the spread. That's why I never carve my predictions in stone. :)
  15. Well I decided to post this up because for one I was really bored (That's an excuse!) and I keep seeing these critics top ten lists all over the place. So since I consider myself a film geek I decided to make a top 10 list of my favorite films of last year. This year was actually a year of some of the most worst and some of the most amazing films ever to have hit the cinema. I was actually one of those people who had difficulty picking on ten movies. As you many notice a lot of films critics are raving about I've either not seen or left me lukewarm. So here it is my top ten list going down. :) (I'm gonna make you read for my number 1) 10. Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: I loved this movie. I thought it was going to be bomb but I was throughly amazed at how amusing it was. Johnny Depp was just hilarious as Captain Jack Sparrow. Just a great movie. 9. A Mighty Wing: Not as hilarious as Christopher Guest's other 'Mockumentries' (Waiting for Guffman and Best in Show). But still funny and very heartfelt. Not to mention a pretty good musical. 8. School of Rock: Yet another movie that shocked me. Very hearfelt and had me tapping my shoe. Jack Black struck gold in this movie, showing he can still be the crazy Jack Black we known, but can pull anything off. Not to mention that the kids in the movie can rock! :) 7. The Last Samurai: Had this movie come out next year it would have been a serious contender for the Oscars. But Oscar people normally pic only one epic a year for honarable mention and we know who that's going to be this year. A very good epic and Tom Cruise shows that he can still throw it down with the best of them, even though nearing his 40's. An excellent and gripping tale that is worth honarable mention. :lol:. 6. Big Fish: This movie is Tim Burton's masterpiece, a amazing tale that is wonderfully visual. As I recently heard this story is a modern day 'Wizard of Oz'. I'm a huge fan of Albert Finney and Ewan McGregor and it's nice to see that Finney is still around. A wonderful film, kudos to Burton. 5. In America: A astonishing and emotional tale of a immigrant family trying to find it's soul in America. The acting is suberb and the morale is touching. A very inspiriational movie. 4. Finding Nemo: Disney and Pixar hit the jackpot with this movie. Breathtaking animation, talented vocal work, and a well-written screenplay lands Nemo on my list. 3. Spellbound: I loved this docutmentary about 8 children working hard to make it to the 1999 National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. Defying all stereotypes and categorizations, the spellers that Blitz chooses to focus on run the ethnic and socioeconomic gamut. A suspenseful, gripping documentary that was astonishing. 2. Lost in Translation: Another film that I loved that was number 1 on my list until very recently. Sofia Coppola shows that she has her father, Francis Ford Coppola, film making gifts. Bill Murray gives one of his best performances of his career in this film. Every element of the movie is pitch-perfect, from the dreamy, atmospheric score to the expertly timed editing to the lingering shots of the characters. This is the film that my number one has to watch out for during the Oscar race. :wub: Can you guess what my Number 1 film is?? Come on I'm sure you can. :). Well here it is my Number 1 film of 2003. Drum roll please............ 1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: I mean come on. Did this come as a shock to any of you? I'm sure you all remember my review of the film and how it blew me away. This is the movie to be beat at Oscar time. Peter Jackson and the cast and crew are going to be garnished in awards. They will be remembered for pulling off one of the greatest gambles in the history of the cinema, as well as creating greatest trilogy ever made. I'm sure I still have the review laying around somewhere incase someone didn't see it. :). And that ladies and others is my top ten films for 2003. And of course we can't forget what I chose as the worst film of 2003. And it actually wound up as a tie!! OMG!! The Worst film of 2003 (TIE) Gigli and Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat: Two absolutely horrible films that took away 3 hours of my life that I may never get back. From Gigli's infamous 'Gobble Gobble' scene, to the potty humor in the Cat in the Hat. Both of these movies fell flat and in both films the characters had no chemistry. These films should never see the light of day ever again. Harsh but very true. And there you are. So what were your favorite films of 2003? You don't have to go as indepth as I did, you can just throw together a list or just say which film was your overall favorite. Which film did you think was the worst of 2003? There were a lot. I'm sure not a lot of you will difficulty with that one. :wub:
  16. Yup you hit the nail on the head. :). Gwahir was the Lord of the Eagles and was the one that rescued Gandalf when he was being held captive by Saruman (The good wizard gone bad). And he was the one that came and started fighting the fell beasts at the Black Gate. He was also the one that picked up Frodo from the rock on Mt. Doom.
  17. LOL Interesting choices there Hans. So as a correction this is all about American Football. Just incase anybody would become confused in the near future :).
  18. Welcome to STSF Mr. Collins. Like everyone said if you got any questions feel free to ask anyone. We're all more than happy to answer any questions that you have. BTW. The Arcadia is the best ship for anyone to join. It's a lot of fun, trust us. :). I'm not being impartial or anything :)
  19. LOL OMG. Nice to see that everyone is getting a kick out of the list. :). I'm sure that Saria won't mind being Shelob. :). Just like Blu said, they can both be neighbors and come over to each anothers house and have tupperware parties. :D. LOL
  20. Celeborn was Galadriels hubby. And Lord of Lothlorien (a.k.a. Lorien, even though there's another Lorien....). I hope this helps.....again.... Mr. Seiben. :)
  21. As you wish, Change done. Means we got Denethor II up for grabs.... ::Chortles:: Dak is going to be with Dac....How ironic.
  22. ROFL!! OMG....... Fred dear, you've got Saruman confused with Sauron. It's okay, it happens. Saruman is the wizard gone bad. Sauron is the big red eye. Don't worry, it happens all the time. We understand. :)
  23. Alright, new list. With a few additions. :) Frodo Baggins- HyperDrive Samwise Gamgee- Jcin Peregrin Took- Dumbass Meriadoc Brandybuck- Garnoopy Gandalf- Sovak Aragorn- John Anderson Legolas- Seiben Gimli- Travis Boromir- Trichon Bilbo Baggins- Lo'Ami Rosie Cotton- KBear Tom Bombadil - Nemesis Bill the Pony- Ziggy (Fans of the books will get it ) Gollum- Images Theoden- Jorlis Eomer- GromVik Eowyn- Kara Faramir- Webbie Saruman- Fred Galadriel- Dacotah Celeborn- Ndak Elrond- Moose Arwen- Huff Witch-King of Angmar- BluRox Shelob- Saria (Blu's comrade in choas.) Treebeard- A9 Gwaihir - Precip (Blu's request. Her explanation fits him well :D) Just a few additons. Now a few open spots that we have, if you want you can claim them. About 95% of these people were not in the films, if you read the books then you'll know who they are: Denethor II Cirdan Radagast the Brown Grima Wormtongue Nob Mr. Butterbur Halbarad Elladan or Elrohir Quickbeam Prince Imrahil Beregond Bergil Fatty Bolger Any of the Sackville-Bagginses Shagrat or Gorbag Sauron and the One Ring. Any characters from the Hobbit or The Silmarillion (i.e. Thori, Fili, Kili, Gloin, Beren, Luthien, Elros, etc.) Just give me a reason as for why you think you resemble that character. And any other person you could possible think of that I forgot. :)
  24. Hmmmmm....I can see where your going with that....Well at this rate were going to need to make up a whole new list! :). I'm sure KBear won't mind being Rosie Cotton.
  25. Excellent point, oh wise Treebeard :), but who'd like to be Radagast? He is one of the more mysterious wizards and all we really know is that he loves the Earth and the creatures that reside within it. (You can thank Yavanna for choosing that one :D). And that Saruman thought he was a weakling and a moron. It would be the same thing if someone wanted to be one of the Blue Wizards that also came to Middle Earth. All we knew about them is that they went into the East and never returned. :). There is still much debate that goes on about them, if they simply chose to reside in the East or met their downfall there. No one knows.... But if anyone wants they can claim Radagast, he can be added on. :). But thanks for bringing that up Admiral.