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Everything posted by John_Anderson

  1. I personally enjoy helping people learn. I remember when I first started how confused I was and did not understand anything and was so scared to ask any of the GM's about anything. I learned almost everything on my own. It was scary. So that's why I am always happy to lend a helping hand. :). I always remember what it was like when I first started.
  2. Actually when you think about it. A lot of actors that have won Oscars and other awards over the past couple of years were for roles that they had in little Indie movies that very few people saw. Most of them didn't make much money at the Box Office, but they still won for them. Some good examples. Halle Berry for Monster's Ball, Adrian Brody for The Pianist, Jim Broadbent for Iris (Who beat out heavy favorite Ian McKellen for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars in 2001). And so on and so forth. I have seen some of the most brilliant movies just tank at the box office, and some of the most horrible movies gain Blockbuster status. So I'd say the box office is not an efficent measure of a film. But then again I've seen every film that has been winning all these awards and gaining to nomations so my barometer for films I like is, normally, pretty acurate. (Look at my top ten list, on it the only films not on it that has been getting a lot of nomations has been Cold Moutain and that was because I thought it was okay. And Mystic River, but I always felt the performances were better than the movie it's self) :P
  3. Gotta love the Oscars. My predictions for the Golden Globes were pretty right on expcept for two and it was for that British show that won, everyone else I predicted won. So onward to the Oscars.... And give that golden man to my Lord of the Rings :P.
  4. Ahhhhhhhhh....Thanks Rtor. I see now, makes more sense. It's just I have an automatic, my coordination is so bad I can't drive a manual. To complicated for my taste. :P.
  5. How can someone in Florida ride a car harder than someone somewhere else? I don't see your logic behind it and the whole riding a car hard. My car drives likes a bat of you know where, it's not like I drive down the street like some of the old people around here. I'm one of the worse drivers around here. :). All my friends never liked driving with me since they always would think I flip the car over or get into a wreck. But once again that's just me and my expriences with my car. It's not like the Ford incidents happened to one or two people. This happened to a dozen or more people that I knew, friends in school and co-workers, that had these problems with their Fords. It's just one person experience against anothers. P.S. Good grief that SUV looks like some gaudy monstrosity. Like the Hummers all over the place weren't enough. :P
  6. I may not have owned a Ford, but a lot of my friends did though and through there experiences they hated them so I swore to never even think of getting one. Guess your Honda's broke down because they didn't like being the company of the Ford's :P . Gotta remember car's got feelings too and they can get very jealous of other cars. And I'm not saying Honda's are perfect, it just my expreiences with them have proven them better than American cards.
  7. Sorry Nem. But I think when your Breaks stop working for no apparent reason that's a big problem and the thing needs to be taken to fix. :) Now I've never had an American car and neither has my family. We're happy with our Japanese and German cars. We won't be sad if Ford ever goes away. :D. And my car rarely gets a check-up since it normally doesn't have a problem. :). Every once in a while, normally when I get the oil changed, is when the car get's it's check up. Besides that it runs just peachy keen, but then again it's only 3 years old now. But I don't see anything happening to it in the near future. :P
  8. It's not fun when you have to shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars of your own money to fix the dang thing. When your student your not exactly the weathliest person in the world. :) . I think taking it to dealer almost every month is enough of a look around for any car, since they'd give it a check-up anyway. :D. My car has only seen the dealer every one in a while. Like when I lost my key and someone stole one of my tail lights. :P . Still don't know how they did that one.... And just like Hans said my Honda is very fuel effiencient. 20 Bucks to fill her up and that's almost every other week. I love my car, it's so awesome. :)
  9. Happy Birthday Huff! DAHLING! :). May the grace of the Valar protect you and your Donuts. :) :P
  10. I myself am a fan of foreign cars, any of them I love them all. Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagon, etc. But I'm a huge fan of Japanese cars. American cars are horrible cars IMO. Any of them are hazards on the road. Everyone one I know that has a Ford, hates it with a passion because something is always wrong with it. :). One of my friends had a brand new Mustang and on her way to school one day last year the breaks on the car just decided to stop for no reason and she almost go into wreck. She was smart enough to use the emergency break though. The car was only 2 years old and almost every month something on it or in it would break. While everyone in my family has been big fans of Honda and BMW's. Awesome cars, I love them to death. My sister's little raggity Honda is 7 years old and the only major problem it's had was that the AC broke and she had to get it fixed. We'll as you know in Florida that's a huge problem! But besides that it still runs like a kitten. :P. So never buy a Ford. Or as I like to call it "Fix Or Repair Daily." :). Evil cars. I don't care much for the image of cars. Just as long as I get my money's worth out of it, then I'm happy. :D.
  11. Actually the contract the Parmount has on Entereprise is a 5 year contract, so even if they wanted to cancel it they couldn't since the contract says they must do atleast 100 episodes. There were rumors floating around because the UPN cut back the epsiodes in this season and changed some numbers in the next season so that in the end they could have 100 epsiodes exactly by the end of the next season. So people were worried that they were going to end it by next season. But it doesn't seem so. They are trying really hard in keeping the show afloat at least for 7 seasons (If you notice that's how many seasons all the series's had excluding TOS). Doing it gives them a chance to make more money when they sell of the show to syndication. :P.
  12. Actually come to think of it I was in a play. But it wasn't a school play. It was for my sister's company. (Ya know Company Play :) ) It was called 'Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress." It was a comedy. About a guy who thought his Aunt Iva Fortune left him a saloon, when it really was a salon and that the bad guy wanted to own it to break into the bank that was next door to the salon. All the characters had wierd names. I played Bob Burr the town Barber (Get it. :) ). Some of the more notable names.... Barbara Seville, a saloon girl that wanted to be an opera singer. Carrie O'Key, a saloon girl that couldn't carrie a key. Sadie Blessing, a Preachers wife. Colt Revolver Jr. The saloon owner and a ruthless son of a gun. Lady Claire Rawl, (Which was the lead male character in drag, working in the salon. Hilarious :P). Lady who runs the Lucky Lady Salon. Those were some of the more notable names. They're were a few others but those were my favorites. :D. I enjoyed doing the play it was a blast.
  13. LOL. Funny Huff. Ya know I played Maria in West Side Story.... :) :) I'm just kidding :). I always wanted to act or sing in a play. But all the people in the Drama program at my old school were very rude and snobbish. Like they were special cause they were in a magnet program. :P. Pffftttt....Moron's. None of them could carry a tune anyway. When they did Annie get your gun and West Side Story ::Shiver::. They probably attracted ever cat in town to the school. :D. Even Simon would have been mortified.
  14. LOL Seiben. Nice choice with you candiate. :). GO CLARK GO!! :P.
  15. Sorry, didn't catch it. Last wedneday they were playing a basketball game when Enterprise shoulda been on. And then played it after the game, but it was 11:00 and I never miss my Family guy. :P. Sounded like it was good, nice to see that they are actually trying to save the series and not let it crash and burn. :).
  16. My apologies, guess that was my failed attempt at being facetious. :). No offense meant of course to anyone on the board or anyones personal beliefs, countries or political backing......Won't you be my neighbor? :P ::Mummbling:: Bleeding Speech Professor.....Last time I listen him on PC.... :)
  17. What was your Number 1, LoAmi??? Was it Al Sharpton or someone strange?? :). I'm not gonna post up my Canadian results since I had no idea how to stand on any of the issues, since they were of none of my concern. :). Anyways it's just Canada, it's not like they're important or anything. :P :D
  18. LOL! Well I think they have something to say..... <Supreme Court> Ummmmmm......Just let the loser win and we'll call it even. :P. Sorry just couldn't resist myself :)
  19. When did this become a forum of Canadian politics....I can see the GM's coming to lock the topic......once again because of the Canadians :P. I'm just messing around. Amazing that such a strange country is so politically diverse. :)
  20. I of course must vote for myself. I think I'd be a more than capable Leader of a country. I'd be awesome...:P. My Philosophy; If Bush can do it, I can do it. :).
  21. Well if this was a beauty contest, than why don't the Democrats endorse Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp??? That would be interesting.....Maybe they could beat Bush based on there looks, ya know get all those ladies support....:P
  22. Well Clark is in the lead on mine....Scary.... :P. I did choose the right candiate for me since we agree on so many things. :) Your Results: 1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%) 2. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (82%) 3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (78%) 4. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (75%) 5. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (74%) 6. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (71%) 7. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (66%) 8. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (49%) 9. Libertarian Candidate (35%) 10. Bush, President George W. - Republican (16%) 11. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (6%) GO CLARK GO!! P.S. Nem that of yours sig is hilarious
  23. Well I don't see how well that's gonna do ya with Sharpton dropping out of the race.....Tsk tsk tsk.....Shame on you. It'll probably be Clark, Dean, Edwards, and Kerry in the 7 primaries that are going to happen on Feb. 3. I haven't heard if Kucinich is out yet. But he'll probably wave the white flag by next week in New Hampshire with Lieberman dropping out as well (He's numbers just keep dropping and dropping). :). Like the Convention would pick Sharpton. Pfffftttt.....
  24. ROFL! Wow Hillary.....Ya know something funny I would always see when the candiates would go on Meet the Press or Crossfire or any of those shows. The host would always say "Well your 22% (Or whatever) in the polls, But when we throw Hillary's Name into the poll, the numbers show her with 60% of the support from Democrats, and in an election with Bush shows her with a sevearl point lead over him. What do you think about that? Do you think she should run?". That always cracked me up whenever anyone would do that, it was hilarious. It just surprised me the amount the support she had and she hadn't even campaigned or anything or thrown her support to anyone. And whoever it was on the show just had this look on there face of "Ummmm.....What am I suppose to say?". Just amazing, ya never know, if the Dems lose to Bush she'll probably run in 2008 on the ticket and we might see Bill Clinton as the the First Man (Or whatever they would call him.). Just something to nosh on, :). Nice plug for the Republic though Blu. :)
  25. ::Lets out in insane fit of giggles:: :) You guys and your smoking drinks.... Me, I'm a fan of Whiskey.....Not the synthohol version of it but straight whiskey and sometimes on the rocks, it depends on my mood. :) :D .