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Everything posted by John_Anderson

  1. OMG How scary I just got 3629.7. Strange how some of us are getting the same score. :) Just a thought :(
  2. Hey

    Welcome to STSF. Probably see ya around. Hope you don't find us all to be too crazy. :(
  3. Grrrrrr..... Best so far has been 3579.5 I'm getting there. :( <Edit>Correction 3622.3. Not quite there yet....:)
  4. Tee-hee Mr. Seiben I've been playing for 5 mins and the farthest I've gotten yet has been 3507.4. I like the game though, very entertaining. :( And as you said, I hope this helps allevates tentions that have been flaring up ::Gazes at someone, he knows who he is:: from ya'll Canadians and us Americans. Can't we all just get along. :)
  5. Well have to wait and see if that's true or not Mr. Black :( Anyways to remain on topic. I did not catch the miniseries of Galactica. I might tune in for the the new show and see if I like or not. There is still only one show beyond the realm of Star Trek that I've enjoyed watching and that was Babylon 5. I miss it so dearly and hope that we might get an reincarnation of it (Since I keep hearing all these wild rumors.) But like I said, All sci-fi shows deserve a chance and I'll tune in for support. :)
  6. ::Looks at how amazingly the post went off topic.:: Wow....Why's it's always the Canadians that do it?? Hmmmm.... BUT! To remain on topic. I completly see where your going Ultima. China and India have the potential to become a major power in the world over the next centuary. China today is powerful, but the have untapped potential. People still do not like that China is still a communist country (Of course in no way as communist as the former USSR.). But once they get everything together they will be a force to be reckoned with and feared. Same goes with India, they are starting to head down the road in becoming an major power in the world. Both have had very fascinating civilizations and are going to continue to grow and absorb.
  7. I just had to go with the Egyptians. I would have gone for the Romans, but everyone was going with them. So I wanted to be the odd ball. B) The egyptians ancient cities were magnicficant to behold (As they say :)). Not to mention they had one of the marvels of the ancient world, The Lighthouse at Alexandria, and one of the marvels of the modern world, The Pyramids of Giza. Once of the few civilizations to have a spot on both. :blink: The egyptians beliefs of the afterlife were fascinating. Not to mention they had really cool gods :D. Their civilization still amazes me to this very day. So much to discuss but so little time :lol:
  8. Completly agree with ya on Voyager and DS9, Fred. They just dragged out Voyager IMO, it could have ended seasons before. But with DS9 I wished we could have had another season, just to see all the loose ends get tied up. Everything was thrown at us all at once, and it was a little disappointing. It's my second favorite, right under TNG. :) (What can I say? TNG got me into Star Trek. Not TOS; never was a huge Shatner fan. B) ). But I don't hold a grudge against them, DS9 was a good show. :D
  9. I was just thinking this morning that there a lot of a big, popular shows that are going off the air at the end of the T.V. season. The one's we have heard the most about is Friends and Sex and the City. But ya can't forget about poor Fraiser Crane (Which Kelsey Grammer has played since Cheers back in the 80's) going off the air. We also can't forget about those rumors that were floating around (When I last heard :) )that "Everybody loves Raymond" might end this season. But ya never know B) So which one are you going to miss??? I, personally, am going to miss Sex and the City. That was such a great and hilarious show. Sad to see it go, but I've heard that we might see the Fab 4 sometime in the future in somesort of reincarnation :blink:. So we'll see. Could there be another show that you enjoy watching that is going off the air as well or might go off the air?? Excluding the wild rumors about Enterprise :D
  10. Welcome aboard Tiger! Hope you enjoy STSF. Feel free to ask any of us any questions and we'll be more than happy to answer. If you go to tomorrow nights sim you should drop into the Red Star and just kick back and relax and get to meet some of us. :D We won't bite. I promise.....Well maybe Nemesis, but he'd be the only one B)
  11. My favorites have always been Klingons and El-Aurians. I love the whole warrior thing about the Klingons, and the El-Aurians always kinda reminded me of Elves. I was stumped, so I had throw my vote to the El-Aurians. Since no one is giving them any love B)
  12. Well Vex. My understanding was that there was still 8 more episodes until the end. But I dunno, I might have been wrong. The 4 new ones this month are for the February sweeps. Then they'd gradually work towards the finale in May. But that's my understanding. If not, it's sad to see it go so early and not some big blow out in May, like most of the popular shows. But I have no idea what the finale is going to be like. Gonna have to wait and see. B)
  13. ~GASP!~ How rude..... While I chose Sex and the City as the show I'll miss the most. I still think that Friends is a great show and I'm going to miss it as well. Most of the times they claimed it was going to end, it was never fully confirmed; they were just rumors. I think when NBC started to promote "Friends. The Final Season" most people caught the clue B). I've heard that for the finale the commericals are fetching about 2.2 Million, the same as the Super Bowl! Well that wasn't a big shock to me as a lot of people are going to tune in and watch the end. But wow..... Of the topic as well, Joey's show is probably going to popular when it comes out, but it will probably just disappear in a few weeks afterwards. But hey, ya never know. Fraiser worked pretty well after Cheers :D.
  14. Do ya get anything special for being in the limelite, like a cookie or maybe a donut?? :D Just kidding. Really cool idea though. It lets us learn about all the different crews and ships we have running around and maybe encouage some of us to fan out and join other ships. A neat idea. Ya get some snaps for putting the whole thing together Grom. ::Snap snap:: B)
  15. It was a tragic day. A pity it was shadowed by the Super Bowl. The day was still remembered here as the pain was very close to many. As with the September 11th, and even to some the Assasination of President Kennedy, it will be a day never forgotten as our heroes reached for the heavens. "We remember our heroes as we reach for the sky. God bless them, and God bless the United States of America." Godspeed to the crew of Columbia and their families.
  16. The Patriots win it!!! Oh yea!!! ::Runs around screaming:: Woo-hoo!! Gotta love the Super Bowl! That was a intense 4th quarter. B) Go Belichick! :D
  17. Ohhhh Pfffftttt Dak. College players have egos big enough to fill up the void that is space. Espcially after a big win against a big opponent. But this isn't college football now is it. :D. Both of teams are going to play at there max and none is under estimating the other. This is the Super Bowl after all and it's going to be an all out tackle fest. B) Like I said I've liked Carolina even in the playoffs (St. Louis and the Philly games were no shock to me.)Carolina is a very good and verstile team, it's just the Patriots are better IMO. From what I've seen throughout the season the Patriots are gonna go for the non-stop 15 consecutive wins. Kickoff is going to start soon gotta go. :)
  18. Alright alright. Couldn't help myself since I've never done a poll. :P. But what are you going to be doing on Super Bowl Sunday?? I'm going to have a small party here with a few classmates. Are you doing something special? Like I dunno going to the actual game??? :) Go on don't be afraid to speak.
  19. Well Dak. Even I know that Patriots are putting all there hope in Tom Brady. They're going to us the defensive line to shut down Carolina's running game, simply because that's Carolina's ace that they have. Like I said Tom Brady isn't the greatest quarterback I've seen (Go Dan!), but he gets the job done. He can move the ball down the field thanks to his small RB that can go long for a catch. John Fox is going to pound the ball down the Pat's throats, that's what he's done all season long, with Delhomme making the important plays here and there, but it's just as simple as this "You can't run the ball against the Patriots!" B) I would normally go for the underdogs, but the Patriots have just impressed me all season long. (Not to mention that Fox has been to the Super Bowl with the Giants three years ago as Defensive coordinator. And lost to the Ravens....) I can never stress this enough, Defense always wins :D . The Patriots have the better defense. But Carolina is going to put up one heck of a fight. Go Pats!
  20. I'm telling ya Dak, your hatred of the Patriots is going to come back and bite you in the behind. :P. Carolina loves to run the ball, and the Pats have only allowed one team to run the ball more than 100 yards all season, so the Panthers infamous running backs are going to get locked down and they are going to have to depend on Delhomme, who will probably choke. Of course the Pats are going to target Brady, but Brady can take care of them. He's not the best quarterback in the world, but he gets the job done. :). Expect an OT game. New England Patriots 20, Panthers 17.
  21. ::Cough:: Ahem :P Hey what can I say. I like movies. That why I'm the film critic geek on the boards. :) There are only two movies on the whole list that I haven't seen(excluding the Foreign film ones) and that's Dirty Pretty Things and Pieces of April. But like I said I like going to the cinema and I watch as many movies as I can; even the ones that stink. :blink:
  22. In my neck of the woods, the last two weeks of of Enterprise have not been shown and have been replaced with Basketball, with the station bumping Enterprise all over the place here. I'm started to get really annoyed since the team here sucks and who'd want to watch them play? I've been wanting to write a very wordy letter to them to state the obvious, the team sucks, no one watches, and stop playing them on Enterprise night!! We wouldn't want a Revenge of the Nerds riot in town. :P EDIT:I'm a huge fan of The West Wing, but I can always catch the re-runs and catch up with Enterprise. I loved The OC but Fox shows it almost every day so I never worry about missing it on Wednesday either :)
  23. Don't worry Mr. Seiben. Ya got some really good predictions there :). I personally like them. Most of my choices were just based on my conscience and on who was more than likely to win. But like I said. I like yer predictions. Remember there is no wrong or right. Just winners :P
  24. Well obiviously I do. :P Not to mention I have some friendly wagers made with some of my film geek buddies on who's gonna win. :)
  25. That article reminds me of the movie "Paulie". And how the bird could speak and be polite. I thought that movie was so cool when I was a wee lad. :) But that'd be neat to have a conversation with a bird, ya know get into the bird psyche. :P