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Everything posted by ens_tino

  1. I voted for Porthoes. He's one of the best pets I've seen on ST. It was a hard choice though cause Spot has survied more things then any other pet that has been featured in the other series. Though my grandma had a beagal and they have to be the cutest kind of dogs I've ever seen.
  2. I think people will vote for Arnold because, well he's a person that more then half of Califonia knows and cause I think he would be a good governor.
  3. I've had one dream about the Manticore. And it involved the borg. And the ship was destroyed and all of us were assimilated. The End I wonder if that dream was tellin me I wanted that to happen to the Manticore.
  4. Well it was when I first got a identity for ST.com. I ended up being in the holodeck when I was told about the sims and stuff. And the rest is history.
  5. It depends with me. In the summer I'll wake up at 10:30. Then when school starts it depends if i hear my alarm clock.
  6. Well with N.Y my town got lucky and still had power. But it ended up being that the rest of my family didn't so they all came to my house and played cards.
  7. And who voted for Antartica?!
  8. Rather be in the good ole' U.S.A right now with all the stuff thats going on in the world. Well maybe Europe.
  9. The only thing i've got to say on this list is why dont we just replace the whole warp core and get a new one.
  10. How come out of all the times I join a ship it's the Manticore during a battle. How my luck turned out on my first day on the Manticore. Then we get captured and all sorts of other stuff. Oh well. It was fun being captured by Romulans.