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Cmdr JFarrington

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Posts posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. Another chapter is written . . .



    Physicists at Penn State have performed the first laboratory experiment with a system of many colliding particles whose motion never becomes chaotic. The achievement provides a deeper understanding of conditions that govern the boundary between order and chaos in physical systems. The research also has the potential to improve the accuracy of modern communication and navigation systems, which rely on high-precision gyroscopes or force sensors. The research will be published in the April 13 issue of the journal Nature. "A fascinating thing about this system is the remarkable stability of its momentum profile, which does not change even after each atom in the system has collided thousands of times," said David Weiss, professor of physics and leader of the research team. Unlike everyday experiences with colliding atoms -- for example, a small heater that eventually warms the air in an entire room -- Weiss's system does not reach the state physicists call thermal equilibrium, even after a long time. "We are not really making time stand still in our system, but it does look that way," Weiss said.


    Read the full story at http://live.psu.edu/index.php?sec=vs&story=17261

  2. Shut up and Listen

    XO Log Stardate 50062.5

    Cmdr JFarrington, MD

    USS Manticore, NCC 5852


    If you really stop and think about it, Shut up and listen isn't exactly the way one would want to address a superior officer, especially if that officer just happened to be the captain of another vessel.


    Perhaps Jami Farrington should have said, Shut up and listen, Sir. Or With all due respect, Sir, would you please shut up and listen? But she didn't. So there she was, a commander, standing on the bridge of the Manticore, facing -- on the viewscreen -- Captain Wolf of the Babylon. And she said exactly that.


    "Shut up and listen!"


    Perhaps she was frustrated because Captain Wolf had not been listening for the past few minutes while his ship had systematically pummeled the Manticore. Or perhaps it was his disdainful sneer that filled the viewscreen before he began said pummeling. Whatever the cause, the words had come out, and they couldn't be put back in.


    You see, Jami knew Adrian Wolf had always been somewhat of a grand-stander -- or so they called him when he was at the Academy. She recalled that, and several other things from those innumerable interminable insufferable days spent sitting next to Adrian in class.


    Though the higher powers had indeed dealt Adrian a most appropriate surname in Wolf, his classmates had other names for him, some less complimentary than others. Oh, he wasn't unfair, and he didn't take advantage of lesser folk, but he loved to taunt his adversaries, and he had a certain hard-headedness, a definite tunnel vision, and such a bullish attitude that some called him el Toro, though not to his face.


    Poor Adrian just didn't understand body language, nuance or suggestion or anything else most people would pick up on. And he had a tendency to be just a teensy bit ambitious. He liked winning, liked coming out on top, getting the highest score, capturing the flag. He was one of those annoying kids who just had to be first in line no matter how short the line was.


    Unfortunately for Jami she was invariably assigned to his reconnaissance team or research group. But doesn't it always work out that way? In any event, Jami had found, through long and sometimes painful trial and error, that it was best to take the direct approach. Like, SHUT UP AND LISTEN!


    And he did. Shut up, that is. The listening part came somewhat later.


    Now, whether it was the phrase or the sight of a disheveled diminutive female, her hair awry and her uniform askew, stomping her foot like a toddler facing off with a playmate that stopped him in his tracks we will never know.


    The light dawned, albeit slowly. You could see it in Captain Wolf's face. First came a flicker, then a blink, then a full-blown rising star in the firmament of Wolf's spacious brain.


    "Farrington?" he said, squinting at the viewscreen. "Farrington??!! Who the hell . . .?"


    "You know who the hell, Adrian!"




    And that's where the Shut up and listen came in.


    He was flabbergasted beyond words, stunned beyond belief, truly an open-mouthed spectral beauty, completely astounded that Jami Farrington could be in command of Manticore. And yet he listened -- but only for a moment. He still could not let go of his posturing. His nostrils flared, his face flushed, and Jami half expected him to begin pawing the deck as she took half a second to check the color of her uniform.


    But he did, at least, shut up. If only for a moment.


    Captain Wolf had disabled most of Manticore's systems, the helm was offline, shields were down to 25%. Captain Sovak had been severely injured leaving Jami in command, her least favorite place to be. Drastic measures were in order. She did the only logical thing that could be done.


    She returned fire.


    It was Federation against Federation. Good against better. And most of all, it was mano a womano.


    And didn't that make Adrian mad.


    Then she appealed to his sense of logic.


    Logic? Adrian Wolf? You must be joking.


    They were running out of options. Babylon was about to destroy them along with the evidence they had just retrieved from Nede Prime, evidence that might put Consul General Jaffe away for the rest of her natural life, and then some.


    But when all hope seems to be lost and the end is near there usually comes an option no one had yet thought of, and this time it was Lt Cmdr Precip who said the magic words.


    "Ram her."


    Ah, now wouldn't that make a spectacular display. Two Federation "tug boats" ramming each other, their armed Black OPS planet killers exacerbating the explosion exponentially, obliterating not only both ships but half the Nede system, and certainly Nede Prime, from whence they had come and over whom they were fighting. A-way far away, somewhere in the center of Sector 001 an amateur astronomer would announce that he had witnessed the tenth nova of the season and it would be duly recorded in the annals of science.


    Goodness, what an event that would be.


    But that drastic a measure was definitely in order, Jami decided. She needed to get in his face, much like she did during the biochemistry team finals those many years ago. She took Lt Cmdr Precip's advice and engaged ramming course and speed, then called a hard a starboard and an all stop.


    And stop they did. Within docking range of Babylon. It was a ploy that Jami liked to call getting close enough to hear them flush.


    Only then did Adrian listen, but not without several We will destroy yous and a final Explain it to me or your ship dies now. The fact that both ships would be destroyed along with the star system still seemed to have escaped Adrian somehow. A minor technicality.


    In a last-ditch effort, the Manticore's teams uploaded all the data they had retrieved from Nede Prime's research and launching facilities. Damning evidence indeed. But would he listen?


    Apparently so. "So Atragon. Jami. What do we do from here?" Wolf asked.


    After a deep breath and a sigh of relief, Jami replied, "We need to talk."


    And she hoped he would listen.

  3. Nede Prime Directive

    Stardate 501803.05

    Cmdr Jami Farrington, MD


    It had been a full 12 years since Nede Prime. Like Watergate, the term needed no descriptor; it had become a descriptor in itself. The mere mention of the planet to anyone within the Federation conjured lurid details of a mission that threatened to topple Consul General Elaine Jaffe and send ripples to the lowest peon, like an earth tremor radiating from its epicenter. There had been an inquiry. Heads that should have rolled didn’t. The name Manticore had not been mentioned; the ship had technically never been there.


    The main target of the inquiry’s wrath was Elaine Jaffe herself. She and her cohorts had weathered storms, but this one exceeded all expectations. She held her own, a tribute to either her tenacity, her political clout, or both. The entire affair left some wondering what file she held over the chief prosecutor’s head and left others drooling to get their hands on it. Things had quieted down in ensuing years, but the phrase looks like another Nede Prime endured as common politispeak.


    Twelve years after Nede Prime found Dr. Jami Farrington in an office at Starfleet Headquarters supervising the construction of a science/medical complex that would serve the Academy as a teaching facility and the Federation as a research center.


    At this particular moment Jami stood staring out the window and across the grassy mall that separated the main headquarters building from the construction site. Had she been a smoker she would have lit her fourth or fifth by now, but she wasn’t, so she folded her arms across her chest and drummed her fingers on her biceps, like a chess player contemplating the next move.


    A middle-aged man by the name of Mitch Campbell sat on the opposite side of her desk. Retired reporter for Millennium, The Weekly News Magazine, his name had become a household word. A blue button-down shirt hid more battle scars than some of Starfleet’s finest. He’d earned his stripes behind enemy lines as an imbedded journalist where he cultivated a quiet but direct manner, a bald spot fringed with a hint of gray hair, and a ruddiness that came from being in the trenches for days without food or water.


    Mitch’s interest du jour was Nede Prime, a diversion from his current assignment as historian and biographer for Starfleet. He seemed to believe that Jami had more to offer than the others on his list since he had been interviewing her almost daily for the past month. Though his easy manner and penchant for confidentiality allowed Jami to trust him implicitly, he was a stickler for detail, and at this particular moment it gave Jami pause.


    Until a few minutes ago she had been sitting at her desk twirling a stylus in one hand while she chatted amicably with him, engaged in the small talk that was always a precursor to the relevant question. Light from the window behind her danced from the stylus to the highly-polished dark mahogany surface of a desk that had been in her family for generations. Its wood came from a tree that had existed a century before the maker cut it and would have endured another century had he not. It had a history of users and once had a life of its own. The grain marked years of drought and years of plenty and held countless tiny petrified organisms with which the tree had once co-existed. The desk reminded Jami of her mortality, and that the rich heritage they shared was too often shunned or forgotten in the name of progress, tossed aside as so much chaff in a winnowing wind.


    When the question came the stylus had stopped, Jami had leaned back and rubbed her eyes, then swivelled her chair towards the window. Mitch waited with a patience that had become his trademark, a patience that said take all the time you need, a patience that had gotten him in the door of many inaccessible Federation leaders and had earned him a Pulitzer prize.


    Where is he going with this? Why bring up Topan after all these years? What the hell does he have to do with Nede Prime? She had stood and walked to the window to gather her thoughts while looking out at the new science complex that may or may not be finished in time for the next academic year.


    “Yes, I was married to a Vulcan once. His name was Topan, but I suppose you know that already.” The comment was more caustic than Jami intended, but she let it pass and apparently so did Mitch. “We had a child. Janis. Topan died before she was born. He never knew her, never saw her, never had the chance to see how beautiful she was, watch her first steps . . . hear her first word . . . .” Her voice dropped in a sigh, so she paused to regain her composure. “I gave her my surname, but Vulcan genes are dominant, you know, and being more Vulcan than Human she was raised on Vulcan by her grandparents.”


    “So you have no prejudice against Vulcans?”


    It took a few seconds for the question to register, but when it did Jami turned from the window, agitated, her entire body questioning his point.


    If her action had sent up a flag Mitch didn’t show it. He remained relaxed, leaning back in the armchair, one ankle resting on the opposite knee, his fingers casually intertwined. He unlinked them and waved a hand over the padd on his lap. “Just wondering about your relationship with Captain Sovak. I thought it might have some bearing on your decision after the incident at Nede Prime.”


    Jami relaxed and let out a breath. Mitch had inadvertently opened a wound she thought had been healed long ago. “Captain Sovak had no bearing on my decision. He was - and still is - a very dear friend. I know that some say his ‘cold, calculating Vulcan ways’ contributed to the decision, but the fact is that Nede Prime was the proverbial last straw in a long series of missions, Mitch. You know I can’t go into specifics.” He nodded. “Working in Black OPS puts strain on a being like nothing else in the military. But you know that. You’ve seen it in action.”


    She crossed to her desk, ran her finger along a prominent grain, then slipped easily into her chair, leaning back to reach her coffee.


    “Nede Prime,” Jami began again, taking small sips as she spoke. “We had been watching them for several years, didn’t like what we saw -- we being the Federation, of course. Oh, how we can play God.


    “Pre-warp civilization. Our orders were to investigate and report findings with the idea of thwarting their efforts somehow. We went. We saw. We found more than we bargained for. It got nasty. I wish I could tell you more.”


    Mitch’s coffee mug nestled in an indentation he had carefully cultivated in the arm of the easy chair over the past month. His eyes remained firmly fixed on Jami while he ran one finger around the lip of the mug. “And these orders came from . . . ?”


    “Off the record?”


    Mitch sighed. “Off the record.”


    “Jaffe.” Jami placed her cup with the now-cold coffee on a side table and turned her back on the window to avoid the direct rays of a setting sun. A few clicks came from beyond the office door as the night watch slipped their access codes into various terminals up and down the corridor. Jami’s assistant, Saliq, entered briefly to retrieve the coffee tray and ask if they required anything else. As she watched him leave she wondered how Mitch could possibly think she had any prejudice whatsoever against Vulcans. Then she realized the question had been a ploy, a toss of the dice in the game of investigative journalism.


    “So, Sovak had nothing to do with your decision?”


    Damn, he’s persistent. “Mitch, there comes a point in everyone’s life when one questions the validity of their actions, wonders what their true purpose is, wonders if what they are doing is the right thing -- you know the routine.” He nodded. “I’d lost too many patients, too many friends, seen too many civilizations die in the name of what one or two people called justice or peace. Nede Prime was deja vu, and when Dr. Major was captured it was the proverbial blessing and curse. The blessing was that we now had someone on the inside. The curse was that she might lose her life.”


    Jami stood and began to pace. “We were planning our strategy, sitting calmly in the conference room talking as if she were . . . some kind of asset, something to be manipulated. We discussed the people on the planet as though they were no more than obstacles in our path. I finally realized what had been nagging at me since I joined Black OPS, what I had pushed to the back of my mind because I honestly believed we were making a meaningful difference in the galaxy. Hell, Mitch -- we were dealing with living, breathing sentient beings -- not objects, not conglomerates. Planets are populated with beings!” She slammed her fist on the desk.

    “Governments are groups of beings!” Slam!

    “And ships’ crews are beings!” Slam!

    “And Elaine Jaffe had lost track of the fact that Manticore was not an entity, but a ship loaded with sentient beings whose psyche can be -- and was being -- deeply marred by directives such as she had just dealt out, and whose lives can be lost in more ways than one!” Slam.


    She sat down again, took a few deep breaths, and after several minutes she continued in a whisper. “It took me over ten years to figure that out, Mitch. Ten frackin’ years of deception, death, and destruction. I had to leave. I had to leave.”


    Jami sat there for a long time staring out the window, looking past the construction site, beyond the waning sunset, beyond everything. When she turned around Mitch was gone. It had been an arduous journey, and it was finally over.



    The Swift satellite, which has a mission control center near Penn State's University Park campus, has detected a cosmic explosion that has sent scientists around the world scrambling to telescopes to document this startling event. Gamma-ray radiation from the source, detected on Feb. 18 and lasting about half an hour, appears to be a precursor to a supernova, which is the death throes of a star much more massive than the sun. "The observations indicate that this is an

    incredibly rare glimpse of an initial gamma-ray burst at the beginning of a supernova," said Peter Brown, a Penn State graduate student and a member of the Swift science team.

    Read the full story at http://live.psu.edu/story/16350

  5. XO Log Stardate 5006012.9

    Cmdr JEFarrington, MD

    USS Manticore, NCC 5852

    en route to Nede Prime


    A strange sense of calm wrapped itself around Cmdr Farrington as she sank into her chair on the bridge. For several minutes she became lost in the image on the viewscreen. The Bourgeon nebula, several light years from Starbase 9, spewed vibrant color even at that distance, wafting from red to indigo to violet then back again, tendrils reaching into space, like a planetless aurora borealis grasping for something to cling to. Was it dying, or just being born? Hard to tell. Birth and death are so similar.


    In a flash the nebula was gone as Manticore leapt to warp on its way to their next assignment, minus two of her command staff: Admiral Atragon and Commander Roget. Jami had made it abundantly clear that what was heard on the bridge bore a special confidentiality, but - contrary to popular opinion - it wasn't for her sake. If word got out that an Admiral Atragon-9 from Starfleet Black Ops was roaming the galaxy unprotected, no telling what nasties might get wind of it and exact revenge. Let the bridge crew believe what they will, as long as A9 and Margaux were safe.


    Jami paused. Strange thought, that. Atragon and Margaux. Safe. Together. Why didn't it bother her? And what about that strange sense of calm she felt at the moment? It was a sense of relief that wrapped itself around her like a warm blanket. Atragon had finally decided to face his worst enemy: himself.


    Atragon needed space to think, to learn, to find himself. He needed a rite of passage, one that truly tried the soul of the ascendant, a rite most human cultures unfortunately lacked. There was a wisdom in a rite of passage like that of the Vulcan Mok Farr or the Klingon Age of Ascension. It brought the individual to the edge of existence, stripped them of all pretense and taught them who they truly were. For Jami that rite of passage had come inadvertently. It's amazing what one learns about oneself when caught in an avalanche, covered with snow, waiting to die. Atragon had come close to death several times. Why he had not experienced that kind of epiphany was known only to him. And, for whatever reason, Atragon needed that kind of experience now.


    As for Margaux, it was probably better for Atragon that someone be with him, someone who knew him well, and there was probably no one who knew him better than Margaux.


    Jami leaned her head against the backrest, watched the warp distortion of the stars through the dome viewport for a few minutes, then closed her eyes and smiled. A9 and Margaux. Alone. Together.


    And Margaux wouldn't pull any punches.

  6. I joined Reaent on February 2, 2003, which means that our sim in 3 weeks will be exactly my three year anniversary.


    Since joining Reaent, I've been promoted all the way to First Lieutenant, and have gone from being an Assitant Medical Officer to replacing Kroells at Chief of Science.


    STSF has been great and if I ever have to leave one day...It will be SUPER hard.

    Happy Anniversary come February 2! Sounds like you've had a wonderful tour of duty on Reaent, and as for ever having to leave . . . well, you'll probably be one of those 80+ simmers they asked about in Ten Forward!


    Great having you here!

  7. Just thought I would post this article, in case there are other science officers who cringe whenever a sim takes a turn into "extreme unreal" science and positively drool whenever a glorious tidbit of real science can fit into a sim.



    Scientists using the NASA Swift satellite have found evidence of a black hole swallowing a neutron star. The discovery is reported in the Dec. 15 issue of the journal Nature. This rare event, seen on July 24, created a gamma-ray burst that lasted only for a few milliseconds. Observations of the lingering afterglow, however, provided evidence of what could have been the bizarre demise of a neutron star orbiting a black hole. The black hole may have first stretched the dense neutron star into a crescent, breaking off crumbs in the process. The black hole then could have swallowed the star largely in one gulp, feeding on the crumbs in the minutes and hours that followed. Such a black hole would grow more massive, like a python that downs a wild boar. In recent months the Swift team has reported that "short" gamma-ray bursts arise from a merger either between two neutron stars or a neutron star and black hole. The specific scenario was not clear. This latest analysis of a July burst, although not definitive, is the best evidence of a black hole-neutron star merger.

    Read the full story at http://live.psu.edu/story/15131


    After all,



  8. A Cruise For Shore Leave 2006!


    Everyone would like Shore Leave to come to their front door, but no one has really made a case for it! If you really want everyone to be interested enough to spend money to come to see your city, then you need to sell your city!

    ::coughcough::: Sell my city? Uh...well . . .


    We have cows - that are usually in the middle of the road because Frenchie (that's his real name) has decided it's the town's fault that his fence is down. I had to edit this 'cause I left out the really good part: his farm is on a sharp curve and guess where the cows love to be - you got it! One of these days someone's going to be late to work, round that curve at 50 or 60 and wind up with 500 lbs of hamburger meat on his hood. ::sigh::


    We have horses - yeah - those are cool. We have a pharmacy, 3 gas stations, and a Dunkin' Donuts - OH..and a traffic light - just one, but a light is a light - we're big-time, yanno.


    ::thinkthink:: Hm...


    We have two fishin' ponds, a library, a bank, three churches, a deli, a gourmet Italian bakery, two hair salons and a BUNCH o' grain stores.


    And you missed all that 'cause I missed the deadline. Well - maybe next year. :rolleyes:

  9. Second Officer’s Log, Stardate 5005081.4

    Cmdr Jami Farrington, MD

    USS Manticore NCC 5852




    In the space of a heartbeat several thoughts crossed Cdmr Farrington’s mind as she watched the situation unfold from the bridge of the newly-refurbished Manticore.


    Was this another infernal test? A glitch in the sensor system? A miscommunication? Or, gods forbid, sabotage?


    “All hands, security alert. Possible sabotage. Locate Lt Terry Riker and detain.”


    She had made a split-second decision, choosing the worst-case scenario out of respect for what the ship and crew had experienced over the past few months.


    While Manticore underwent repairs, the crew had been assigned to Starbase 9, an assignment which had proven as frustrating as it was rewarding. Advanced in operation and appointment beyond any starbase in existence, Starbase 9 had proven itself beyond expectations by automatically diagnosing problems and fixing them immediately. Its weapons systems had repelled multiple simulated targets of all caliber and configuration and done it without the need for any input from the crew. In essence, the designers and builders of Starbase 9 had created a fully proficient facility capable of accommodating, in every way, the crew of a nebula class starship and several hundred guests.


    To have been chosen to test the prototype starbase was indeed an honor for the Manticore’s crew, and in that regard the assignment was rewarding. However, having seen the future of starbase operations, and having seen that sentient beings may play little, if any part in that future had given some a sense of unease and others a sense of total frustration.


    To add to that frustration, the culmination of this assignment had come in the form of a test of the crew’s loyalty to the Federation.


    With the Federation Council in session on Starbase 9, an unidentified fleet had lured the Council security ships away from the station, made short work of them, then disabled the starbase. When power was restored, the starbase defensive systems had mysteriously failed, leaving the crew of Manticore to fend for themselves and the lives of the Federation Council. After a hard-fought battle which culminated in bloody hand-to-hand combat inside the Council’s place of refuge, Consul General Elaine Jaffe had raised her hand and hostilities had immediately ceased.


    Little wonder, then, that when the intent of the exercise was revealed the announcement came as the proverbial straw, the coup de grace, the piece de resistance, if you will.


    With several crew severely injured in defense of the Federation Council, Admiral Atragon had received the announcement while face-to-face with Consul General Jaffe, a gross error in judgement on her part. Much to her surprise, but not to the surprise of the crew, he had deftly stepped forward and with one swift right hook expertly nailed the Consul General to the deckplates.


    Jami could not have been more proud.


    Atragon’s action had landed him in custody, of course, which left Captain Sovak in command and Commander Farrington second in command when the crew reported back aboard Manticore, which brings us back to the beginning of this story.


    Having just escaped destruction at the hands of a renegade commodore, and having acquired a distinct distrust of the Federation Council, Jami Farrington was not about to risk losing either the ship or any of the crew again. Therefore, her first action after boarding was to proceed immediately to the bridge, pull up full schematics of the ship, and inspect its reconstruction, centimeter by centimeter, to be sure the Federation Council or any other entity had not added any surprises to the inventory.


    It was there that Captain Sovak had found her shortly before Senior Engineering Officer Lt Cmdr Tovan had called the bridge to report that, for some strange reason, engineering officer Lt Terry Riker – or someone posing as Lt Riker – had tossed away his commbadge, masked his biosigns, and disappeared from the grid, leaving command only one clear option: security alert. Seconds later, systems detected unauthorized access to the secondary computer core, and Cmdr Farrington had feared the worst.


    It suddenly occurred to Jami that this time she would be greatly relieved if Elaine Jaffe were testing them again, but she doubted that was the case. Firstly, what Riker or his imposter was doing was too obvious, and secondly, Elaine Jaffe was still recovering from A9's right hook. A glitch in the sensor system would not have resulted in Riker’s commbadge appearing on Lt Cmdr Tovan’s desk, and a competent Starfleet officer would not allow a miscommunication to continue by dodging every effort to contact him or divert him from his purpose. That left only one possible explanation.



  10. Hey.. How about Toronto!


    A ) Served by Pearson International Airport, Toronto is very easy to reach from virtually any city.


    B ) Toronto has many hotels and because of the weaker Canadian Dollar is very affordable for Americans.


    C ) I believe there is an annual Sci-Fi/Star Trek convention every summer.. Here is the URL for the 2005 show.

    Canadian National Expo. 26-28 August, 2005 


    D )Toronto is a world-class city, with world class attractions..  The CN Tower -- the World's tallest Free-Standing Structure (553 metres) , Rogers Centre (a.k.a. the Skydome, home to our Blue Jays baseball team.. Ok ok.. not so much of an attraction, lol), The Harbourfront, and the Toronto Islands.  There's also Paramount Canada's Wonderland, a short drive from Toronto, Ontario Place, and of course 4 hours away, is Niagara Falls.  The pre-requisitive site you visit when Coming to Canada. ^_^


    E ) Toronto summers are very warm, above 27 C ( 80 F ), making for excellent pool weather.


    F ) About"Nerd National 2006"?  ::Shrug::

    Yeah, I read the boards backwards. Doesn't everybody?


    Toronto sounds super! Passport? You don't need a passport for Canada that I know of.


    Folks at ShoreLeave this year were talking about the event's mobility and the comments that some on the Boards were making about their own cities.  So, why not have a little friendly competition?


    Just like the Olympics and the IOC that chooses host cities for the games, STSF will develop an SOC (ShoreLeave Occasion Committee?) of previous attendees of more than one ShoreLeave who plan on attending again in 2006.  This committee will start entertaining proposals for moving ShoreLeave to somewhere besides Las Vegas.


    Not Vegas, you say??  How will the event, in all it's weird splendor, survive??


    That will be up to you, if you would like us to come hang with you (or in a city you like).  So, here is what we're looking for for ShoreLeave 2006:


    A ) The location needs to have easy travel access within the Continental US ("easy" will rule out, for instance, Terre Haute, IN, since the closest big airport is in Indianapolis, 90 miles away - nuh-uh).


    B ) The travel and lodging costs need to be affordable (not the Helmsley Palace in NY, unless Leona is hosting us for free).


    C ) A Trek-related event/locale/party/gathering.  After all, it's why we all know each other.  This may mean scheduling around a convention, for example (or having it near "Kirk's birthplace" or someplace we haven't thought of at all - be creative).


    D ) Some accessable points of interest outside the hotel, including good food.  This implies at least a small city environment.  This point covers both nice/interesting restaurants (we've all been to Olive Garden, we want something good and unique) and other things to keep us busy in the evenings (it doesn't have to be a live show, but something fun).




    F ) **Extra Credit** Anyone want to come up with a name that isn't ShoreLeave?  That name originally came from a Baltimore-area convention where we all first met IRL.  Maybe it's time to call us something else.  The Landing Party?  The Away Mission?  The Collective?  The High Council?  The Holodeck?  Nerds on Holiday??  (okay, I just blew all the easy ones, you can take it from there)


    To submit your ideas, please post them to this thread for all to see and comment on.


    Deadline for submissions: Halloween 2005.


    The STSF SOC will announce their decision (which could be Vegas again, you never know) by the end of the year.  This way, folks can start saving their Latinum to come join us in '06, if they like what we're planning.


    A ) The location needs to have easy travel access within the Continental US ("easy" will rule out, for instance, Terre Haute, IN, since the closest big airport is in Indianapolis, 90 miles away - nuh-uh).


    Since many of us are far-west and many are far-east, may I suggest somewhere in the center of the US -- Chicago or Kansas City for instance. Chicago has multiple hubs for air travel, excellent night spots (in greater variety than Vegas), and wonderful food. Kansas City has easy access and one of our favorite GMs close by (who might be interested in showing us around).


    B ) The travel and lodging costs need to be affordable (not the Helmsley Palace in NY, unless Leona is hosting us for free).

    Not sure about the lodging costs, but I would imagine there would be a variety in such large cities.

    C ) A Trek-related event/locale/party/gathering. After all, it's why we all know each other. This may mean scheduling around a convention, for example (or having it near "Kirk's birthplace" or someplace we haven't thought of at all - be creative).

    Though there are none listed on the web, I have yet to see a city that does not have some kind of Trek convention/gathering. Sheesh, even Midland, TX, has its own complete with top-name stars.

    D ) Some accessable points of interest outside the hotel, including good food. This implies at least a small city environment. This point covers both nice/interesting restaurants.

    Chicago would probably be the best bet as far as this is concerned.

    E ) A nice pool and a date that can provide nice pool weather (we're not looking for a February ShoreLeave).

    What? No February? Where's your sense of adventure?


    Ok, ok... Nice pool weather - how about nice lake weather? Nice ocean weather (minus the red tide, of course).

    F ) **Extra Credit** Anyone want to come up with a name that isn't ShoreLeave? That name originally came from a Baltimore-area convention where we all first met IRL. Maybe it's time to call us something else. The Landing Party? The Away Mission? The Collective? The High Council? The Holodeck? Nerds on Holiday??

    Hm....difficult to say. My personal favorite is Shore Leave. It's a name that says it all, even though Towson seems to have a monopoly on the name for conventions. We could modify it to STSF Shore Leave, or make it "Shore Leave <insert name of location>."


    I'll have to think about that a while.

  12. I'll have to second that one.  Remember, unless you tell the GMs in charge, we have no idea how old you are!  We can't see you (the supersecret chat-room/webcam system isn't up yet.  Was I supposed to reveal that?). 


    We can't even test the hypothesis, because we don't have age statistics (beyond the little box that you sign that you're over 13) on all cadets [The ages listed on the boards are notoriously unreliable, as evidenced by the number of infants, toddlers, and 90+ players we've got].

    Speaking from 10+ years of experience, age does not count, but maturity does. I remember a few simmers back in ::coughthatotherservicecough:: who were asked to apply for host status, and when we found out they were only 12, some of us nearly lost our teeth. (Oops...I must be in the 90+ category).


    So, maturity, the ability to work WITH a team (both as a *subordinate* and a leader. There are plenty who can spit out orders but not many who can follow them.), and the willingness to learn (which, in essence, is attitude). Some people it takes a long time, some people not so long.

  13. Primum non nocere


    Physician’s Log, Stardate 5005061.9

    Cmdr Jami Farrington, MD

    Starfleet Board of Review, Starbase 9


    In retrospect, Jami Farrington attributed her reaction to a plethora of pent-up emotions, including frustration, anger, disbelief, and the overwhelming grief surrounding Manticore’s demise at the hands of Commodore Lenscher and the USS Liberator.


    What had begun as a routine protection patrol had turned into a mission filled with deception piled upon deception, misinformation, and intrigue such as only black operations could offer. It had ended in a nightmare battle between Nebula Class Manticore and the Sovereign Dreadnaught Liberator, loaded for bear. Manticore’s complement had been reduced by one-third through injury and death. The remaining two-thirds had been relegated to duty at Starbase 9, a prototype fully-automated Gatesian starbase that told them what was wrong and why it was wrong, then fixed itself. It seemed, in essence, the ultimate punishment, and the crew had taken it as such, adding to their already overwhelming emotional turmoil.


    On top of all this, Dr. Farrington had been assigned to the Board of Review which had been convened to investigate Liberator’s attack against the Manticore, the Federation Council and Starbase One. She was to review Manticore’s surviving records and report her findings to the General Board of Review, the Consul General, the Federation Consul, Starfleet Headquarters, and every group remotely connected with oversight of Federation and Starfleet policy, including those with blatant political ambitions.


    Jami had been making excellent progress until it came to reviewing the visual record from Manticore’s bridge. As she watched events unfold she found herself wrestling with conflicting emotions. The record showed irrevocable documentation that could destroy, in a heartbeat, a lifetime of service to medicine. If what she saw could be taken at face value, they clearly had a medical officer who could not operate under fire. But did the visual record tell the whole story? After playing it several times, Jami turned off the console and sat in silence as the events of that day came back with excruciating clarity.


    Her helm console had become inoperable, so Jami had answered the call from sick bay for all available medical personnel. By the time she arrived, injured crew had already overwhelmed their staff. She remembered a sudden jolt that sent patients and doctors clawing the air for support as Liberator’s focused phaser beam cut through Manticore’s hull like a hot blade through butter, melting metal, foam, and flesh. She remembered the ship lurching like a retching victim and sick bay’s monitors blinking offline, shorting from intensive bombardment, then coming back only to be phased out again seconds later. Cries of pain. Shrieks of terror. Medical personnel slipping, losing traction as they raced through pools of body fluids that accumulated too quickly for automated cleanup to do its job. Most of all she remembered the acrid smell of fused circuitry, ozone from sparking consoles, repugnant burned flesh, and the surrealistic combination of fresh clean linens, spurting blood, and voided bowels. Over all this, as though orchestrating a bizarre symphony, the ship creaked and groaned like a creature in the throes of death. And still the doctors carried on, oblivious to events, disregarding what appeared to be their imminent demise, concerned only with their patients and the preservation of life at all costs.


    The record showed that operations on the bridge had gone comparatively smoothly after Jami had left. Bridge officers, after all, were trained to remain calm in the midst of chaos, monitoring and reporting evenly so no order would be missed, no command mistaken. Then Liberator’s blade sliced through the bridge, destroying the already tenuous barrier between life support and the void of space.


    The visual record continued with bridge personnel in a mad scramble to adjust to the abrupt change in pressure, grabbing anything that would keep them from being sucked into space. Colonel Eason strained to hold her console and activate forcefields. Counselor Roget slid across the floor, sucked towards the opening, then slammed into the forcefields as they engaged, her body contorted grotesquely in obvious injury. Slowly, deliberately, a dark stain soaked the carpet beneath her. Jami’s eyes continued to study the video feed as Lt Law was blown back, Colonel Eason steadied herself at OPS, Lt Avani pressed a hand to his forehead to stem the flow of blood, and Captain Sovak glanced up to a hole in the roof that had been a viewport only seconds before.


    A few minutes after that Jami had run from sick bay to engineering and Dr. Krasner had answered the call from the bridge. What followed left Jami wondering what could make a seasoned medical officer react the way he did, to make calls that appeared to be in the patient’s worst interest. Then she recalled his actions in sick bay afterwards, and words that would condemn him were she called to testify. Trying to fit Margaux Roget’s twisted frame into a brace, administering interprovaline that caused a grande mal seizure, applying a cortical stimulator which resulted in cardiac arrest. By the time Jami had worked her way to them, she found Dr. Krasner standing over Margaux staring at her monitor in disbelief. Later on he had confided, “I can't believe I almost killed her.” And, “My father always told me that I didn't do well under pressure.” All there. All recorded. Condemning evidence. How could she defend him?


    And so, when the young JAG officer entered her office to present formal charges against her fellow crewman, Jami’s demeanor was less than accommodating.


    The officer was young, possibly just out of law school. He wore his black hair as close to regulation as possible without compromising the latest fashion statement: a few shocks askew, especially meant to emphasize his high forehead and give his face a certain dynamic. His clear hazel eyes flashed with purpose and determination. His hand rested on Jami’s desk as he spoke, and twitched with excitement, inches from the file he had just placed before her. He did shift his weight once or twice, showing at least some hesitancy at bringing such serious charges against a Starfleet medical officer.




    She had been staring into space, she realized. Was it in reaction to his question? Was she reluctant to answer a seemingly impertinent question from this sharp, overenthusiastic JAG officer who had probably never seen someone die, much less die torn and bloodied at the hands of such a monster as combat? But could she disregard the message because of the youth and inexperience of the messenger?


    Jami turned to face the JAG officer. “Leave your file, Lieutenant. I will review it and bring it to the attention of the proper authorities.”


    But the young man would not be deterred. “He clearly violated the most sacred oath of medicine, Doctor. Primum non nocere. First, do no harm.”


    What happened next surprised Jami as much as it did the JAG officer. She slammed her hands on the desk and stood, sending her chair skittering across the floor and into the opposite wall. The JAG officer backed away and plastered himself against the office door. Then Jami clenched her teeth and quietly, with measured cadence said, “Don’t quote Hippocrates to me, Mister. You have no idea. No idea what it’s like to be a physician, much less a physician in deep space under fire. And you better be damn glad there is a desk between us, Lieutenant, or I might give you first hand experience with the care of deep space physicians . . . right here . . . right now! Now get the hell out of my office while you still can.”


    Jami’s pulse throbbed in her ears long after the young man had left. She paced the floor to calm herself, ordered an ice water from the replicator, and stared out the viewport for several minutes until she was calm enough to give her full attention to the situation at hand – the charges against Lt Elliot Bell-Krasner for preliminary hearing pending court martial.


    Without bothering to sit, Jami flipped open the file and paged down to the list of charges, all beginning with “gross negligence,” “failure to follow accepted medical procedure,” and “malpractice.” The list seemed endless. Conviction on only one charge could result in loss of license to practice medicine. The fear she had voiced a few days ago to Captain Sovak had materialized. Apparently the Combat Review Board had passed information to Starfleet Board of Medical Review, and they saw fit to pursue the matter. Stunned beyond words, Jami retrieved her chair, pulled it to her desk and sat there mulling over the possibilities. Her first step, of course, was to inform Dr. Mele.

  14. Congratulations to Cdt Montague who, due to two broken hands/arms, simmed successfully using a voice dictation program tonight! Talk about dedication!


    Montague, may you heal quickly!



    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jorlis

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand/ Gofer / Fill-in - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Vatric

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer/Tactical Officer (CSEC/TAC) - Cdt Nathan Dow

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Tinner

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Ron Lunn

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ens Pinner Chase

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Montague

    [sTSF_Jorlis] Stand by for the briefing...

    [sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- STSF ACADEMY: MISSION BRIEFING FOR 4-26-05 -=/\=-

    [sTSF_Jorlis] The Academy Finals are close, and the security staff will have a chance to get in shape this week. In the wake of new Cardassian threats, Starfleet wants to heighten security at the mining colony on Margus V. The USS Janus (Akira class) has been sent to set up a reliable security network at the colony.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- BEGIN SIM -=/\=-

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: tapping display console , getting status on warp core::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::In ME at his Chief's Corner viewing the ships engine readouts from the impulse drive::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Sitting in the center chair::

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Casually patrolling decks to check for trouble::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: conference try quarter reading::

    [Vatric] <OPS>::preparing an automated diagnostic sequence of the primary EPS conduits::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Mr. Vatric, what is our ETA to the Margus system?

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> ::In his office, reclining in the chair, reading latest security reports::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: leisurely scrolls to replicater::

    [Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain we will arrive at the Margus System in 1 hour 23 minutes.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: 1 hour passes

    [Vatric] <OPS><CO> We are approaching the edge of the system Captain.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +AENG+ Mr. Motague, please meet me in Main Engineering.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> yes sir.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> ::Blinks, looks at his chronometer:: ... let's have all departments report in.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: walks to engineering::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Aye sir.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> +ASECs+ All security officers report to my office, on the double.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: doors to engineering open, sees chief::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+ALL DEPARTMENTS+ Please report your status.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> While you wait, proceed into the system at impulse speed

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ Standing by Mr. Vatric...

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> yes sir?

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Heads for CSEC office::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Engaging impulse engines dropping out of warp.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC::RUNS TO CSEC's office::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Mr. Montague I was going over the last series of simulations we ran on the impulse engines and I see that the additions you made have helped quite a bit...I'm Pleased.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Enters TL:: +TL+ Security office

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> why thank you sir, I anticipated as much.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC/TAC+ Your status please Mr. Dow.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Looks over the briefing on a padd::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Stands and moves toward a impulse drive diagnostic panel::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+HOPS+ We're just about ready down here, Ops. ::waiting for ASECs::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::having finally straightened out her notes (roster), she arrives on the bridge:::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Security and Engineering report ready sir.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: glances at warp core as its pull stations slow to its usual r

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> In fact Mr. Montague I'd like you to begin preparations for fully adding those enhancements "for real" this time.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CSEC+ Mr. Dow, we've brought along some security perimeter equipment for this mission. The engineers can help you set it up

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::TL doors slide open, reports in at security office:: <CSEC> Reporting in, sir

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC::arives at CSEC's office::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::runs level 3 diagnostic on the power relays and plasma junctions::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CSEC+ It's in Cargo Bay 1

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG>:: enthusiastically:: yes sir!

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> +CO+ Understood, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER CLARIFICATION - Cdt Nathan Dow is CSEC and TAC

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<CSEC>orders sir

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: runs to the nearest console, begins tapping in sequences for implementation of new changes::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Just remember we're not here to completely undermine what starfleet has deemed "proper" components...we are here to add adjustments where needed...so don't go stripping the drive down like a bad phase drill on the fritz. Understood?

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain sir, pardon my previous miscalculation. We will be approaching the outer planets of the Margus system in 20 minutes at full impulse.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC><ASECs> Alright, gentlemen. As you know, we are to set of the security on this colony, so if you will all follow me, we will proceed to Cargo Bay 1.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> of course , Sir, we wouldn't like to make the equipment incompatible with Starfleet replacements.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> ::Heads to TL, ASECs in tow::

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> <CSEC> Aye sir ::Follows Dow::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::recalibrates the navigational sensors using a timebase beacon as reference::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Contact the colony, let them know we're on our way

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> I'm glad you see my point...I have faith in your abilities though. After all it's only fitting you get to make the changes.

    [cdt_Montague] <<yay, it wrote starfleet LOL >>

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <<hehe>>

    [sTSF_Jorlis] << as one word, no less >>

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<CSEC>yes sir ::follows Dow

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> thank you, sir.

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Aye sir, opening hailing frequencies. ::accessing a short range subspace radio relay::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> +TL+ Cargo Bay 1

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+Margus Colony, this is the USS Janus please respond.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: continues in putting equations for enhancements::

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Itching to get his fingers on a phaser::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <Margus>+HOPS+ Margus colony, we read you.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> ::TL descends to CB1, and we all march into the cargo bay::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain we are transmitting on all radio frequencies and the Colony is responding.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Good to know. Let them know we're on our way.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::With a proud nod to his Assistant he heads back to his "Chief's Corner" and watches the orbiting and position thrusters kick in.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::sitting next to Jorlis, taking notes on the cadets:::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: loads simulated intermix formulas::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+Margus+ Acknowledged, we will arrive in 17 minutes. Janus out.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: runs computer checks before implementation::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Let's move in at 3x impulse, Mr. Vatric. No reason to drag ourselves through the system ::Grins::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::picks up submicron particle field dead ahead:: +CENG+ Could you boost power to the navigational deflector?

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC><CSEC> Sir, how serious do you think this Cardassian threat is?

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> I'll see if I can get clearance from "upstairs" on running the full simulation.

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Increasing to Flank Speed sir.::the ship lunges forward::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> stopping simulation now sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::lurches:::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::cough::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::shunts auxiliary power to the structural integrity field and intertial dampeners::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Looks over the manifest of security equipment:: <XO> Hope someone knows how to read a manual. Lot of complicated stuff

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <Self> Need to check those inertial dampeners...

    [ Vatric] <HOPS>::feels the deck plates rattling under his feet:: Wow

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> limiting too internal simulation only.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<ASEC> why worry about the carrdies?

    [Vatric] +CENG+ Increase power to the Deflector or we'll not clear that particle field ahead.

    [Vatric] *<HOPS>

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Heads for a panel containing the diagnostic readouts for the dampeners and begins running a level 5 check::

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] ASEC<ASEC> ::Grins:: Not worried, just wanna know if we're actually gonna get to fire on something this time around

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ Thanks for the warning Vatric...I'm on it.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <Equipment> ::Sits in large crates in the Cargo bay::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Switches gears and moves to the deflector grid controls...increases power::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG><AENG> May need to shut you down for a moment Montague...

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<ASEC>shooting is good, but I don't think the carrdies will pop up

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Prompts the power distribution panel to redirect testing power from simulation to Deflector::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: prepares station for emergency shut down, transfers data computer core::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::orders his operations staff to set out the necessary equipment for easy access and inventory:: +Cargo Bay+ Please lay out the necessary materiel, I'm sending you the mission briefing now. ::transmits the mission ops details::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG>:: grins:: I'm ready for anything, sir.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ That should do it MR. Vatric...Warn me a little sooner and it'll make for a less bumpy ride. Engineering out.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::makes one last minor course correction to avoid a passing comet::<CO> Sir we've reached the system.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Establish orbit over the mining colony

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Begins unloading necessary cargo::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Sorry to put you on the spot, thanks Chief.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: continues in putting impulse engine equations::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> I think it couldn't hurt to pull the power back from one of the holodecks so we don't have to sit on our hands and wait for the first internal simulation.

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Dropping to 1/16th impulse. Aye sir, standard orbit.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC::helps Ron::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: runs initial simulations , storing the equations for later , analysis::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> yes, sir.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::the ship grinds to a sudden slow, skimming the planet's atmosphere::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +XO+ Sir, I'd like clearance to run a full simulation down here. Since we're going to be in orbit for the duration I'll need the clearance to drop warp power and run some tests.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: shuts down power to holodeck to::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CSEC+ Chief, I want you to get that equipment moved to the cargo transporters

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - ASEC = recycle

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] ASEC<ASEC> Those miners should be comfortable once we get these defenses up

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+HOPS+ OPS, are we going to have transporters, or should we get all this stuff on a shuttle?

    [recycle] <Asec><Xo>new mans reporting in sir..

    [sTSF_Jami] <<recycle, report to Cdt Nathan Dow, your CSEC>>

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC/TAC+ The Cargo Transporters will be brought online when the load has been verified and secured. Coordinate with the Ops staff if you need anything. They're all yours. <_<

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ Simulation of what, Mr. Chase?

    [recycle] <Asec>okty

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC><ASEC4> Mr. recycle, we require your assistance in Cargo Bay 1.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG> :: prepares to drop warp power for intermix test at CENG's signal::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::orders the Cargo Bay officers to follow the CSEC's lead::

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<ASEC>hope so, but knowing my luck I'll get stuck out here

    [recycle] <Asec>+Csec+going cargo bay 1

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +CO+ We'll be running a few tests of the impule engines, nothing that will shut them down. And a secondary performance test of the Warp Engines...We've made a few test adjustments I'd like to try out.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CBOPS+ Please hand over the manifest to the CSEC

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ Nothing to drastic, I take it? The major stuff we should leave the engineering corps

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> ::Double checks crates of phasers and commpression rifles, as well as forcefield generator::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC+ The only thing I ask is that you catalogue everything taken. Thanks Chief.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +CO+ Wouldn't dream of depriving them sir.

    [recycle] <Asec4>+Csec+what we doing in cargo bay 1

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC><ASEC> ::Laughs:: Man, they love to give us security guys as much heavy lifting as they can. I should joined the science department

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> ready when you are , sir

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+HOPS+ No problem, ops.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ Can you run the impulse tests without taking the drive off line?

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::orders the Quartermaster to keep and eye on things::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ I'd rather be running at full power given the security threats.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: nods to CENG::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +CO+ The impulse test yes...But the Warp Engines I will need to take offline. I can get it back online at the blink of an eye though.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+ASEC4+ We're getting our gear together to set up a security division at the local colony.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::begins a long range sensor sweep of the system::

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC::looks over to see what CSEC is doing aND SEES PHASERS<CSEC> do we get any of those

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ Run the impulse tests, but we'll save the warp tests for a more secure opportunity

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +CO+ Understood sir. Engineering out.

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain sir, if the Cardassians are threatening I think it unwise to take any system offline, In fact we should be at yellow alert.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> <ASEC> You get ONE, Tinner. Don't get too excited. ::Hands him a phaser.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Proceed Mr. Montague.

    [recycle] <Asec4>+Csec+understood in cargobay 1 geting gear..

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: begins running fusion reactor optimization test::<CENG> yes, sir.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC><CSEC> Bet the Cardassians arn't expecting a bunch of miners to be Federation supplied with weapon, hey sir

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Moves back to his corner in his comfy chair and monitors the simulation run by his assistant::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Hmm... I'd prefer to wait until we have more tangible concerns.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> As far as I'm concerned, we're just updating a colony's outdated security matrix

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC><ASEC> ::Inspecting rifle:: Oh, yes, Mr. Lunn. They'd be in for QUITE a suprise.

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> ::nods to the CO and returns to a scan of the system::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Shall I have Science run planetary scans?

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: console reads 22% increase in fusion re actor outputs, still well , within safety limits::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CSEC+ Let me know when your people are ready to transport with the equipment

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<CSEC> so do we get any of those!

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Doing fine MR. Montague proceed with Phase Two.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+HOPS+ Everything looks good down here, OPS. Inform the Captain, if you please?

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::runs a level 3 diagnostic on the Cargo transporters::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+HOPS+ This is our planet, so we already know it well. But find a suitable location to send the team down.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC><ASEC> Hey Tinner, don't drool too much on the phaser rifles, it makes them hard to fire

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC+ Please prepare all the equipment, I'm bringing 2 cargo transporters online, you should see them light up. Inform the Captain when everything is ready.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Inputs a small corrections to the number and data chain that is feeding in to the changing simulation...nothing major easily missed::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: reads 40%::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::scans the planet with the lateral sensor array:: <CO> Aye sir, scanning now.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC><ASECs> Okay, boys, grap a crate and put it on the transporter.

    [recycle] <Asec4>got rifle ,phaser,garnade,locator etc +csec+just about ready all should be in order..

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Not bad for a trial run...::Glances at the performance readouts from the preliminaries::

    ladymatrix has left the chat.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> Engineers running tests... I wonder if these security folks can figure out this equipment.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Loads a crate onto the transporter::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> ::Picks up a crate of weaponry and places it on the transporter pad::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> phase two seems to provide enough power for weapons , without compromising speed

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CO> :turns from her notes:: Would you like someone to accompany them, sir? ::grin::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ Vatric if you notice any slight fluxuations in power don't worry too much.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::brings the planetary colony database online and runs surface, environmental, and atmospheric scans::

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<ASEC>I'm not drooling I'm admiring::grabs a crate and pulls it toward the transporter::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> Let's see if they can handle it on their own...

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <<impulse power that is>>

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Please be advised that with the Cardassian threats Yellow Alert is emminent.

    [recycle] <Asec4>::helps other Asec::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> But if they break any of this stuff, I send the engineers to rescue them

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+CO+ Cargo is ready for transport, Captain.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ Understood Vatric...We'll be ready.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO><CO> ::nods:: Agreed, Captain. However, the thought of engineering running tests in this sector doesn't set well, sir.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> GO ahead and transport the team

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Please also prepare to join the Security Team, we are having to repair Margus V's Security System on the planet below.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO><CO> Hm...maybe we should send the engineers down with them?

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Yes sir, I think I've found a nice cozy spot to set them down.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> computer is showing a slight decrease in plasma density . over time, this could result in lower reactors efficiencies. My readings show that without replacement primary pimples reactors can run at this level for five hours, sir.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC+ Prepared for Transport?

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> It does make this seem like more of an innocent routine mission...

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> As long as they don't go taking the warp drive offline, there shouldn't be a problem.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC>+HOPS+ All set here Ops. Energize.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO><CO> You're sending the engineers down, Captain?

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Your right your predictions were an understatement of how well this is working. to Compensate Increase power to .379 at the beginning of phase 3.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ;::indicates Vatric's com to engineering:::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> ::Shakes head:: I'm going to let them continue their tests for now

    [recycle] <Asec4>+Csec+is there anything else..

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::recalibrates the pattern buffers for maximum personnel and cargo transport, saturating the phase transition coils at full power, Initiates the Transport:: <CO> Captain, Teams and Equipment are Away

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO><HOPS> Mr. Vatric, let's keep the engineers aboard for now.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <<sorry>>

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <CSEC> *shimmer*

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ On my way.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: adjust intermix values , reduces plasma stream , density to .379::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> +CENG+ Belay that. You're staying aboard.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +XO+ Understood...Let me know if ya' need me sir.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] @<ASEC> ::Rematerialises and grabs a crate to move on the transporter pad::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> computer accepts parameters inputs, beginning stage three . now.:: initializes stage three tests::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> +CENG+ Oh..you bet I will, Chief.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC*shimmer*

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC> ::Now planetside, spots the installation where they are to set up the security office::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Lookin' good...lookin' good...Slight fluxuation...still within parameters...Make note of it though.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC::grabs crate and hulls it off the pad::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] <<NOTE TO ALL ASECS: Use a @ at the beginning of each line to indicate that you are planetside. Sorry, forgot to mention that earlier>>

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+Computer+ Please display the daily luncheon special in Ten Forward.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <<lol>>

    [recycle] @<asec4><Asec>is there anything thing do we need check all crates before we transport them..

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Looks at HOPS::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::turns to HOPS::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: reads power output act 57% higher than stage two tests::<CENG> you know , if it had a subspace driver coil . it might be able to propel us at warp speed and stage three optimization. Of course that would be act very little , warp.

    [cdt_Montague] <<act is at>

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::makes a note in Vatric's file:::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><CO><XO> Oh sorry, you weren't supposed to see that.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::skeptical look:::

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <<Do we have any miners at the landing pad, somebody to greet us?>>

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::monitors the Away Team, bringing life sign bio reading pallets online from the lateral array::

    [Cdt_Tinner] @ASEC<ASEC4> ::shurg::don't ask me ask CSEC

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> As you know...FULL impulse is 75% of warp 1 so there really isn't a use in that...save for tricking a closing attacker.

    [sTSF_Jorlis] << Well, if you need it... :D >>

    [sTSF_Jorlis] @<Governor> ::Approaches the arriving team::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><ASECs> Let's get this stuff unloaded and set up. C'mon, we don't have all day.

    [Cdt_Tinner] @ASEC<CSEC>where?

    [recycle] <Asec4><Asec>i did i ask again thanks

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> but of course, foolling an attacker is what I had in mind. Computer is the checking power fluctuations.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><Governor> Thanks for having us. We're glad to be here. This shouldn't take long.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <<If you have attended at least 3 STSF academies and are still waiting to graduate, please send me ONE PM now. Thanks :-)>>

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] @<ASEC> ::Moving a crate

    [sTSF_Jorlis] @<Governor> ::Looks over the crates:: <CSEC> Oh, no urgency. We just want to be safe. The old systems have acted up a lot the past year

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG> :: checks console::<CENG> computer is giving the green lights for stage four. Ready to initiate on your signal, sir.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> ::Takes note that he continuously misspells fluctuations...then monitors his assistants Simulation::

    [recycle] @<Asec4><Csec>do we need check these boxes and anything else..

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC> <Governor> Yeah, I hear ya. ::slides crate across the floor.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC><Governer> While we have some good weapons for you here, should have no worries with these

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Let's move to stage 4...now...increase power by .543.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] If you've got something...sure, why not?

    [sTSF_Jorlis] @<Governor><ASEC> Outstanding. ::Hands a communicator to CSEC:: Use this to contact me if you need anything.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><ASEC4> Sorry, recycle, I kind of ignored you there. We checked em before you showed up. Don't worry.

    [Cdt_Tinner] @ASEC<Governer> yah real good weapons

    [recycle] @<Asec4>+Csec+reason i ask is i notice one crate loose like might been opened sir..

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - AENG = Ltjg Wimbley X Murray

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: increases power by .543, reads console for power fluctuations::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Stands to stretch and moves toward his assitant who's working effortlessly behind him at the "Pool Table"::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><Governor> :: holds up communicator:: Thanks.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] @<ASEC> <Governer> I think Tinner would have took them all back to his quarters if he had a choice :grins:

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] ::magically appears in engineering::

    [recycle] <Asec4>::understood::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><ASEC4> What? Show me, Recycle.

    [Cdt_Tinner] <ASEC><ASEC>not all of them just some of them ::grins::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG2> Mr. Murray, Please assist MR. Montague with the final stage of the impulse enhancement simulation.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> now ask 160% normal impulse power, sir.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG><CENG> Hey, Chief, I was awake so I figured I'd come give a hand. What're you up to.

    [cdt_Montague] <<ask is at>>

    [sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The engineering tests start draining the ship's power

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG><CENG> Aye, Chief.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG1> Splendid...this is going well...::lights flicker::

    [Vatric] <HOPS>::takes note of the power drain::<CO> Captain, this power loss is not recommended.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><ENGs> power levels are dropping.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG><AENG> ::walks over to Montague:: So, what do you need me to do?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::looks up as an alarm light blinks on her display::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG1> Report? Localize the problem.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO>::glance at Jorlis:::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> ::Glances up at the fading lights:: Power loss? What's the source?

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Please report.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG2> ::don't forget the two i'm easily confused:: Help him localize the power fluctuations.

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> shall I transfer excess p defeatto shimpulseft systems, sir?

    [recycle] @<Asec4>+csec+that crate felt bit like over in corner..

    [sTSF_Jami] <<fantastic technobabble, Montague>>

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ We're working on it now MR. Vatric. Seems we bit off more power than we needed...Stand by.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG2> ::pulls up readouts::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <<lol>>

    [Vatric] <<LOL>>

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> transfers impulse power, I mean.

    [LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<I found it to be rather psychodelic =0] >>

    [Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Commander Engineering is tinkering with the power systems.

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><ASEC4> Hmm. Mildly suspicious. I'll check it out, you can help the other ASECs finish unloading supplies.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG> Yes, shut down the test, and begin reestablishing the power flow to main couplings.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG2><AENG/CENG> Sir, the simulation seems to have tapped into the real life impulse engines.

    [cdt_Montague] << broke hands, and am dictating>>

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><HOPS> Do they have any idea what's responsible for this?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO><HOPS> I believe they call them tests.

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ What is causing the fluctuations?

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> recommend emergency shutdown of impulse engines . test.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG2> Let's begin shutting it down...We'll have to scrap this for another time...the last thing we need is to lose the impulse engines.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENG1> Yes, Get on with it.

    [Cdt_Tinner] ASEC<CSEC> unloading? of corse unloading::starts unloading::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::looks up as the lights fade briefly:::

    [recycle] @<Asec4><Asec>didn't you think that 5 crate we took off felt lite look like loose thats one i telling Csec..

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: initiates emergency shutdown protocols for it pulls reactor testing::

    [Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Our flank speed approach may have strained the situation.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] <ASEC> ::Getting tired of unloading::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Tinner, don't forget your @ before comments to remind us that you are on the surface.>>

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ The simulation seems to have tapped in to the impulse drive and taken a bit more juice than we thought...we're working on it.

    [Cdt_Tinner] <<sorry>>

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC> ::Glares at Tinner for being lazy, then inspects the crate, giving it a cursoury brush with the fingers, trying to see if Recycle is just being paranoid.::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG>:: reads console, notices drastic drop in fusion reactions output::

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG2><CENG> Aye, sir. Shutting down...

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENGs> Status?

    [Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Do you want to end up in a Cardassian Labor Camp? ::joking::

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG2><CENG> Sir! The program is still in the fusion reactors. They are now also shutting down!

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> Sir, impulse engines tests are shutting down.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> +HOPS+ Well we all will if you keep talking and don't let me do my job ::Sarcasticly chuckles::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Raises eyebrow:: Whatever they do, they better not end up rupturing power conduits

    [recycle] @<Asec4>:;grabes another crate it fall off ..

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] @<ASEC><ASEC4> Better to report anything you notice even if it is nothing. Besides, these chiefs have to do something around here right sir ::Grins at Dow::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> <AENGs> Good, let's reestablish the main impulse drive ASAP.

    [Lt._(j.g.)_Wimbley_X._Murray] <AENG2><CENG> Impulse engines are completely shut down. It'll take hours to get them all running again!

    [sTSF_Jami] <xo><co> Recommend curtailing the tests, Captain.

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] <CENG> ::Moves to the power control station and begins rerouting the tapped power in to Impulse Engines and main systems::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> Sounds like they're already beyond that and looking into the problem. I would hope so, at least.

    [Cdt_Tinner] @ASEC<CSEC> yes sir you shouldn't be so lazy ::sarcastic::

    [cdt_Montague] <AENG><CENG> computer is showing an inordinate amount of power coming from the other pimples engines.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::chews the inside of her cheek::

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] @<CSEC><ASEC> Ha Ha. Mr. Lunn, while I appreciate your sense of humor, I'd like to see more WORK done! <<Man, I'm a jerk!>>

    [sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- PAUSE SIM -=/\=-

    [sTSF_Jorlis] ::Blinks:: Is it just me, or did a little bit of an attitude bug spread around toward the end there? :ph34r:

    [sTSF_Jami] ::polite cough:::

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] yea if it wasn't for our constant bickering we wouldn't sound like a real crew

    [sTSF_Jorlis] Always tough to tell in an academy, recycle...

    [sTSF_Jami] Probably best not to do it during an academy Vatric.

    [recycle] even though we found one crate been tamped wit it cool sims

    [Cdt_Tinner] Chase has a point

    [Vatric] I shall curtail my academy attendance.

    [sTSF_Jami] Montague, I commend you for trying with a voice program.

    [recycle] i know sir

    [sTSF_Jami] How long until you are healed?

    [Ens_Pinner_Chase] he did well ::claps::

    [sTSF_Jorlis] A real crew usually has better cohesion than that

    [Cdt_Nathan_Dow] Yeah. We could have all been more professional, myself included.

    [cdt_Montague] It always wrote, Dimple's . instead of impulse

    [cdt_Montague] Approximately four weeks

    [sTSF_Jami] Agreed, Captain.

    [cdt_Montague] I broke a lot of poems

    [Vatric] I would have liked to focus on what Security was trying to do.

    [recycle] itwas all cool

    [sTSF_Jami] So you'll be simming with this program for 4 weeks? I'll make a note.

    [Cdt_Ron_Lunn] I was trying to be professional, but the "::Unloading crates::" action was getting a tad repetitive

    [sTSF_Jami] A lot of bones?

    [cdt_Montague] bones, yes

    [cdt_Montague] cannot stop laughing.

    [cdt_Montague] Computer is not picking up my commands I am sad.

  15. Second Officer's Log, Stardate 500503.27

    Cmdr Jami Farrington, MD

    USS Manticore, NCC 5852


    "This Individual"


    Two images filled Manticore's viewscreen. The first, an unimaginably large, complex, heavily armed Sovereign class dreadnought, the USS Liberator, commanded by Commodore Xavier Lenscher, a man of dubious reputation and loyalties and responsible for the destruction of Federation Starship USS Hawk. The second, a Federation freighter with which Liberator rendezvoused, supposedly its partner in crime. Both ships posed an immediate threat to the secret meeting of the Federation Council on Starbase One, within easy reach of their rendezvous point.


    Manticore sat cloaked, silent, and within striking distance, waiting for the order to fire on the freighter. Tactical officer McFly had acquired firing solution, his finger poised above the console. A blood-red aura stained the air, a harbinger of events about to unfold.


    "Would you describe this individual on the Liberator as tactically sound, or just a man with a big ship?" Lt. Commander Precip's question came like a shot across the bridge, startling Jami Farrington. She and Colonel Eason, Manticore's OPS and Intel liaison officer, had identified the person behind the voice heard from Liberator just before the USS Hawk had been vaporized.


    Jami glanced at Col. Eason, knowing Claire could answer that question better than she. Lenscher was always on Intel's radar scope. How many times had he been accused of duplicity, of conflict of interest, of treason? And every time he had been mysteriously cleared of all charges.


    "Both, and more," came Jami's answer to Precip's query. "Our greatest danger from Lenscher is to underestimate him." She wanted to elaborate, to say that of a handful of Black OPS higher command, Lenscher was perhaps the most conniving, cunning, and devious, with former Consul General Melville as his closest rival. Not long ago Melville had staged his own suicide to appear as though Admiral Atragon had murdered him. Only by the intervention of Consul General Jaffe had Atragon escaped conviction.


    Atragon stood suddenly and swung his gaze around the bridge, as if in challenge. "Alright crew, vital question time," he said. "Once before I stood on the brink and was called crazy and removed from command. I'm about to order us to destroy a Federation freighter right where it sits. Is someone about to start screaming at me again?"


    Was this the wrong decision? USS Manticore taking out a Federation ship firing on the pretext that it might threaten the Federation Council? Had Lenscher destroyed the Hawk with the blessing of the Federation Council, under the direct orders of Consul General Jaffe, as Avani and McFly had suggested? Or, was something else at work here?


    Moments before, Counselor Roget had said, "That ship made itself quite obvious to us, and I can't believe that our scans went unnoticed. They stomped around, making it very obvious and the just turned and went away. After what we witnessed? Oh, they know we're going to follow." Many had expressed reservations about our present course of action, including Jami. And what gnawed at her conscience the most was a comment from science officer Avani Jorel. "They must have a good reason why we weren't destroyed. Perhaps they'll need us in the future. Perhaps we will soon find out we play a role in this plan."


    What possible role could we be slated to play?